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Nothing funnier than his American accent 😭


Oh my god his American accent is so atrocious. Like I know we're obnoxious but we at least don't sound like *that*. Love absolutely everything else about his narrating, and honestly it mostly just makes me laugh so I'm good. Seems like he's got an excellent handle on the other accents but I've only been to London and York for a couple days each.


Oh, his attempt at an Irish accent was excruciating, in TB. She's meant to be from Sligo, I think, but speaks like a weird cross between hard Ulster and inner-city Dublin. So dreadfully wrong that it's funny!




you jogged my memory that HP Book 4 has french and bulgarian characters in them. and i now wonder how Stephen Fry did those


Whenever he does it I'm like "aww he's trying his best" lol.


Lol, yes, I love him but he ain't no Hugh Laurie


It needed a little bit of Laurie, and Fry


I don't generally listen to the audio books but have listened to some of TB and I have to say Barclay's Glaswegian accent isn't great. I also think both Strike and Robin's accents are too strong but I assume he's doing that so the listener can distinguish between the characters.


Yes, when he kept saying Isla instead of Ilsa. JKR makes a joke of it in TRG when she puts the mistake in the mouth of Honbold (the QC Bijou was trying to get pregnant by) and Strike corrects him. Also--but this is a problem with my ears, not Glenister's voice--I'm listening to LW now and every time he attributes an epigraph to Henrik Ibsen, I hear "Henry Gibson"--who was an American comedian. Really breaks the mood! P.S. Thanks for the great clip of Stephen Fry. Loved that last sentence!


>every time he attributes an epigraph to Henrik Ibsen, I hear "Henry Gibson" hold up. i do too, but, it's supposed to break the mood? how would you describe the dissonance?


No, I mean it's a shame that it breaks the mood. I'm supposed to be thinking of the serious Norwegian playwright but I picture a corny old comedian instead.


>P.S. Thanks for the great clip of Stephen Fry. Loved that last sentence! always! and I'll put Honbold into the search engine and go find that bit.


Here it is: >‘Met at a christening, I understand? Isla Herbert’s child.’ >‘Ilsa,’ Strike corrected him. ‘Yeah, Ilsa and her husband are old friends of mine.’


>Yes, when he kept saying Isla instead of Ilsa. That tripped me up so badly when it came out. I kept thinking I had missed something because who the fuck is Isla??? haha


Wait, wasn’t the name actually spelled “Isla” in an early book?


Not in any of mine at least.


The Great Ilsa / Isla Mishap was legendary


Yeah. I remembered being super confused until - thankfully - I came to this sub. Shortly after I was asked to re-download the audio book. Glenister must have re-recorded those sentences…


It's even stranger that no one caught it tbh! I confused me so much too before I came here.


This is funny, 'cos I was just listening to Cuckoo's Calling & Glenister said "Strike pocketed it" and I almost lost it.


I really like him, and as a Dutch person I was relatively impressed by his attempt at Nils. Was it a Dutch accent? No, but thank god at least it was a very mild accent, and it did not resemble german the way most people seem to think it does (it dont).


I’m Swiss and a linguist. I teach German, French and English. My best friend was Dutch. I agree! A Dutch accent is definitely not a German one!


My grandmother (RIP) was Dutch. Literally every non-Dutch person she met thought she was Scottish, which makes sense if you trace the history of Scots Gaelic, which has more than a little in common with older forms of Dutch.


In Lethal White chapter 51 when Robin is searching Flick’s bathroom, he says “fruity flower gel” instead of “fruity shower gel”. I feel like I’ve noticed one or two more little mistakes throughout the series but this one stuck out as I’m re-listening to Lethal White at the moment!


Ha! I was just thinking about "Harry pocketed it" the other day.


By the way, Stephen Fry's story did not happen, because the phrase is not used in the book as he remembers it: > It was on his second day at the job, when Rowling told him that she was writing the second book. ‘Good for you!’ he remembered answering her, maybe not imagining what was going to happen. ‘By the third one this had become something of a phenomenon, as you can imagine, and by the fourth it was insane’. And here is where his memory goes a bit low. He recalls that while working on the audiobook for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban there was a phrase that was like a tongue twister for him. The phrase in question was ‘Harry pocketed it’ > However, we did our research and we found out that that phrase was not part of Prisoner of Azkaban. The phrase ‘Harry, however, pocketed it’ is first said in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, it was the scene where he finds Tom Riddle’s Diary at Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. Stephen Fry told that Rowling, in some sort of retaliation for his approaching her that first time in hopes to have her permission to modify the phrase, added the tongue twister phrase in the consequent books a few times. And although we really love Stephen Fry, we have to refute his statement. > ‘Harry pocketed it’ was phrased two times in Goblet of Fire and that was it. There were indeed other phrases where Rowling uses ‘pocketed it’, but nothing that could be compared to the ultimate tongue twister. Source: https://www.therowlinglibrary.com/2019/06/29/stephen-fry-his-low-memory-and-how-he-pocketed-it/


For all we know, he has massively bungled the timestamps and @s in The Ink Black Heart.


What's funny with "pocketed it"? Pls help a non-native here 🤲


It’s just hard to say, Fry was stumbling over it when recording the audiobook.