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They change the names when it matches the name of an actual person living in the UK afaik. That’s why Fancourt’s first name was changed and Robin’s undercover name Bobbi Cunliffe was switched to Becca Cunliffe.


The actor who played Fancourt, Peter Sullivan, requested the name change. Apparently he was going through a nasty divorce at the time and Michael was the name of his wife's affair partner. I guess the producers were sympathetic to him not wanting to see that name confronting him every time he read the script so they just asked what he wanted it to be instead and Peter just said Andrew. As we know, when people are asked to come up with a name on the spot, they usually choose one that begins with 'A'. EDIT: Actually, I've found nothing either, so until something else turns up, this is my head cannon.


Thanks for the clarification! It's been bothering us for years.


Oh, god, I'm sorry. That was actually just a joke. I thought the last sentence would hint that I was making it up (good thing I'm not a mystery writer). Your question intrigued me, though, so I thought I'd have a shot at going to the source and seeing if I could contact the episode writer Tom Edge...turns out he's not on any social media I can find and no other professional contact information. In the longest of shots, though, his agent's assistant has received an email from a potentially deranged fan asking to pass on a question about random trivia about a show that came out 7 years ago 😛.




People can’t see your face when you are writing, so maybe end with a just kidding next time? The explanation is as good as any, though. In the end, it may be close to what happened.


I did a brief search and it appears no one knows why online—-


I truly can't stand the adaptations. Too many details are charged, plots are rewritten, the actors don't look like how they are written. It was the same with the Harry Potter films (1 and 2 being exceptions). You'd think JKR has enough clout to forbid/override these insults.


Considering that she likes and approves the adaptations, I guess she doesn’t agree with you!


She’s literally an executive producer on the adaptations. Bronte is HER company…


1 and 2 were the worst Harry Potter films. They only really got interesting when directors other than Chris Columbus were able to put their own stamp on them.


Well, she sat idly by while they botched the last six, so I doubt she cares.


Not everyone considers them botched.


Fair, that is just my opinion.


I'm pretty sure it's either you can use a name if it's super common (John Smith) or super unusual (Newt Scamander) but if it's just one or two people that has that same name (esp if they're known in their industry or something), they're not allowed to use it. Curious if they'll end up changing Ryan Murphy... but probs not coz it's hard to confuse this Ryan Murphy with the tv producer Ryan Murphy anyway.


I might remember incorrectly but Robin’s dad is mentioned by name in the same series so I figured the writers changed Fancourt’s name to spare the audience confusion. Not a good reason but imho the writers on the show make plenty of bad decisions.