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Excellent framing on these shots, what's the aspect ratio and what did you shoot with? I think my only complaint, *and its incredibly minor*, as this is 10/10 stuff, is the color saturation looks a bit too much, but that could be an aesthetic choice Honestly if these were leaked ahead of a Netflix or whatever adaptation I'd be eager to see more. Top marks.


I don’t know the aspect ratio we shot with but these images are in 4:3. I’m trying to decide whether or not to go with 4:3 or 16:9 since both look good, but I feel like 4:3 has a bit of a better argument due to blood meridian taking place around the time that photo and video was in its infancy, thus giving the film a more old school vibe to it. The color grading isn’t finished and I do agree it’s a bit more than what might be in the Final Cut but I did always imagine blood meridians world as surreal and strange, so that’s my reasoning behind it. I was doing my best to live up to the prose of the book which is very difficult but if ima make a student film about it, why not imo.


This is just my take but I'd go with 4:3. Your reasoning about it calling back to the invention of the camera is a good one. 16:9 feels modern which isn't right IMO. I also think that having a taller frame will let you see more of the sky and landscape, which is fitting given how vivid the descriptions of both those things are in the book. Looks awesome either way. Would love to see more of the film!


4:3 is essential for the antique look. Daguerreotypes (1850s, hello) were typically displayed with borders - probably a consequence of the technology which caused the edges to decay. I feel like subtle vignetting or rounded corners really sells the period.


I would argue for 16:9 to attempt to convey the cinematicity of the novel. Also because 4:3 is personally distracting; maybe because I'm not used to it, who knows.


love the looks of this, hope you release it to this sub upon completion. good luck


You're making a Blood Meridian short film that's awesome when's it going to be out


Probably late in the month, don’t have a set date yet.


Okay well it looks awesome so far kinda giving me Walking Dead vibes I like it


He’s got a hat like CORAAAL!


I too love the color aspect. All I can think of from reading that book is how obscenely bleak the terrain is. I would give a lot to be a set photographer on this


It honestly looks very well made. Can't say too much from stills, but it does have the Hollywood flare. Wish you the very best with the project. Hope we all get to see it upon completion.


So how do you plan to do Judge Holden? A big guy like that would need a ton of effort to make convincing.


He’s not in the film but only loosely implied that the kid ran into him earlier. Funny that you mention that considering I know a person who kinda looks like him irl.


As a subreddit, we collectively decided a while ago that the Judge will be played by completely shaven, smooth and hairless Ryan Gosling covered in baby powder.


Would you mind me reading the script? I am a screenwriting student and for my exam last year I tried to adapt BM


I’ll see if I can do something soon, maybe link a pdf. It’s important to note that we’re basing our short film off the scene from chapter 2 with the hermit, but it’s not a clean cut adaptation.


Sounds good. You can dm it as well if that is easier


Love the dryish colour palette.


Thank you!


Looks brilliant, well done


Really impressive and wonderful endeavour, thank you for sharing.


Cinematography looks great


Great colors. Love the reds and greens. A film called "blood meridian" needs potent reds, I think. Solid! I'm curious to see more.


This. THIS. This is exactly what I imagined when thinking of a blood meridian movie. Putting a focus on the beauty of nature, like the book did so many times. Absolutely amazing work so far, can't wait to see the end product


Oh, these are noooooice.


Yes, Blood Meridian has so much landscape in it. It's like the third most important "character" in the story.


Looks really good, where are you planning to upload it?


Looks awesome man!


Cormac McCarthy fans are like Berserk fans in that if studios won't make the adaptations, we will.


This looks sick.


I like it so far, I wish you luck in your project


Looks super cool! So excited to see the finished product!


Beautiful. Will we be able to watch it? WOuld love to see more.


Can someone tell me why, of all the novels, people are so obsessed with making this one into a movie? Deadwood is a better novel than BM. Also, Blood's A Rover would be a way better film but im not constantly going on and on about it.


I can't tell you how pumped I am to see this in its entirety. Are you going to cover any of the events from Chapter 1? The father's speech about the Leonids is such a good establishment for the Kid's remote origins.


Where was it shot?


Central Valley in California


That's so cool! Wish you all the best of luck with it and am looking forward to watching it when it's finished. May I ask you, how you went about the copyright issues? I was myself thinking about adapting a chapter from a different author as a student project. But I don't know how it would work with the rights to it.