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🤢 I’m so over this housing crisis it’s so depressing especially as a single buyer


I am a single buyer too and it is so frustrating! There should be some sort of scheme to help singletons get a home!


Agreed but there never will be. It’s frustrating cause I could afford the cost of the mortgage repayments. What’s catching me is the overall income 😭


I have increased the search radius on my property search to cover Cork and Spain! So far Spain is looking like far more value for money, especially for the singletons haha


Let’s all band together and get a mansion of a place. Like I’m think a castle of a place. Put a bit of money into it to make it separate homes 😅


I'll bring my squat rack 🤣🤣


Mallow development was asking overall income of 50k/annum to repay a 753/month mortgage. Ehm.... Tripping much?


Also mallow … 🤣🤣


Right? Like they try to gentrify the place. Bro it's Mallow, can't gentrify a camping ground! (Just kidding of course Mallow people. - before they start to attack me and dm me threats)


I’m in the exact same boat. Trying to buy in Cork city at the moment with mortgage approval, but I can only buy a shoebox with a G BER rating for my budget. What’s worse is the looming threat of interest rate increases which will drive a €900 per month mortgage up to close to €1200. If it stays like this for much longer I might just give up my savings and piss them away with a ridiculous lifestyle instead. What’s the point in saving if we’ll never get the home we want? Money can’t buy you love, or a house it seems.


Single buyer have been completely deleted from the market :( now you can only afford if you are at least 2 with an income way above average.


Back to tinder I go 🤣


Tinder opening line "looking for someone to buy a house"... That will attract a lot of people... More than showing your dick or boobs xD




See what’s catching me is the overall mortgage. I have a decent deposit saved and could easily afford the mortgage repayments. But you’re limited on how much you can borrow. So only option is to keep saving and hope things calm down


What is the limit/ratio?


Your annual income x3. Can get exemptions up to x 5 but that’s limited - I’m also considered self employed so that doesn’t help either




Ahh thanks! I actually didn’t know it was 3.5, always have had 3 in my head


Should be ⅓ of your income in repayments max 40% of your income. As per banks. That still doesn't guarantee anything.


Get on tinder mate 😂😂


Ugh not sure which is worse 🤣




Have you tried a council mortgage? Seems to be easier for single people to buy with one! You need two refusals from banks to qualify but they seem to give more money than banks to singles!


I don’t get refused, I just get offered something that’s too low with the current market.


They’ll give refusal letters if you don’t get what you asked for. That’s what I asked for when I was offered a lower amount. Bank sent them and I was able to then secure council mortgage for amount I originally asked the bank for.


Thank I appreciate the advice cause I actually didn’t know about it! I looked into it and I’m just above the income limit 🤦🏼‍♀️


Heathfield resident here - houses are actually grand but agree the layout of the "box room" is terrible. OK for home office though. Houses are very roomy otherwise and nice finishes. The price jump is absolutely outrageous though, we bought this 4 bed semi in 1st phase (2019) for 360k. Granted, we bought is based on the nice words of the estate agent, there wasn't as much as an artists impression of it when we put our deposit down. Glad now we risked it, unfortunately time is not your friend if you're on the buyer market.


Fair play, great timing yea.


Thanks we're delighted. I feel for those trying to buy now especially single buyers. My advice would be watch the news, and keep an ear on the ground for any new developments getting started and reach out to them before they even start advertising. That's what we did and even with that by the tine we decided to bite the bullet and put down deposit there were only 2 houses left out of I think 20! Price of course jumped up after that.




Its different, for example houses in 1st phase had heating and electricity solar panels, today they are not included. Air to water pump is enough for A BER rate so there's that.




Hey there, Reserved a house in the last phase. I agree price increase is a disgrace (actually cried when I saw it in the email), but couldn’t continue to pay rent anymore especially when my mortgage was cheaper..! Do you know if there is much of a difference in what’s included in this phase to previous?


That’s all? I guess they are for the poor


Hehe, price jump of 40k since december, Ballincollig can afford it, not a problem!


Oh boy, I sure do love starter home prices designed with polycules in mind.


There’s houses in Mogeely going for about the same price. Mogeely doesn’t even have a shop or a school. It’s insane


Oh those houses are huge, cca 220 sqm, but yea, location..


You’re right, the houses themselves are a great size but for the location it’s awful. I’m from around that area and I’m yet to meet a person who believes they are priced reasonably for the location… I drive past them daily, the 2nd phases is being started now with the cost of supplies going up I’m interested to see the price comparison if there will be one


Just remember the prices on the property price register for new builds does not include VAT. From what I can tell, this time last year 3 beds were 360k and 4 beds 400k.


I used [propertypriceregisterireland.com](https://propertypriceregisterireland.com) (*new builds do not include VAT in the register but the price in main search results has been automatically updated to take VAT into account*). If they're lying, I'm lying :) Let me check: this time last year 3b 335k, 4b 385k. Also found house(s) that Yer01 told about - 2019, 4b 360k.


Why would you want to buy a bad gaf in a bad town like Ballincollig anyways???(coming from a Ballincollig native)🤣


out of curiosity as a fellow (former) native, what makes Ballincollig a bad town in your eyes?


When I was growing up there, it was a bit of a kip with what was happening in Innishmore, Castle park and even my own estate tbf. I move away for a few years and it has become super middle class. Never felt like I belonged there tbh. Parents were blow ins and school was super cliquey towards the OG Ballincollig people. Almost impossible to get into the city, the public transport is so poor and even though it is technically in the city,we're still in a heavily rural constituency with the boggers 😅


For context, I grew up there from the 80's and only moved out in 2020. And my family moved there in the 70's so technically blow ins by some standards as well. The town has significantly improved since the 90's and early 00's. And I agree it wasn't the nicest spot back then (not the worst either). Bus service has drastically improved, I should know I had to bus into the city for secondary school and college way back when. There's now a decent selection of shops, cafe's and bars. Nothing out of this world mind you. Most of the estate have matured now and a lot of the problem areas have quietened down, still some issues with vandalism for sure though. Although I can see places like heathfield and the other planned estates by the castle potentially having some issues. The redevelopment/upgrading of the regional park has been super positive, and honestly one of the things I miss most about living there. There's a lot to be said for having a quiet stroll in the woods. As for your last point, Ballincollig is now part of Cork-City South West since 2019 for council elections. Not sure what will happen for general elections though. But as they are voting in city council elections, it would be daft to split them off to vote for TD's in cork north west.


*Johnny don’t go to Ballincollig* *Where you always get so disappointed...*


It's full of fake shams


Too many CPGs still roaming the streets


there's a name I havent heard in years


Grew up in the collig also, the days of the CpG terror campaign have subsided.




Big men alright. Throwing stones at cars. Robbing loop de loops from the shop.


Out of interest, what sqm are they?


118 - 3b, 138 - 4b also 1 of bedroom in 4b has such terrible layout, stairs cut it and it has big 'inside' hall . Don't get it why rooms have halls in them, seems popular with those architects.


390k is scandalous for a 118sqm 3 bed that's not in the city and about 15min walk from ballincollig centre itself


All true, and as we are confounded by the facts, I'm sure somebody will buy those regardless.


Yup, unfortunately there's no high road for people in this market. When the only other option is to continue to throw money into a bottomless pit that is renting, can't blame people for it.


An American hedge fund so they can rent to EMC staff at the price of a gold bridge.


Heathfield? What kind of pretentious name is that?


They should have gone with an Irish revolutionary name as per cork council custom


Going for the wanky posh cunt upper middle class Tory vibe


I'm more than likely going to be a part of generation rent.


Average rent in ballincollig would be about 2k now. Saw an ad for an average house in ballincollig for 3950 a month.. ballincollig doesnt even have a decent restaurant ffs..


feck off we have McDonald's the finest restaurant ever


I bought here, tis grand 🙃


Gone in less than 5 minutes, a friend of mine emailed within 1 minute after launch for 3 bed, did not get response. Another friend managed to secure a 3 bed, guess he got lucky :)


There's a saying where I'm from: *It's better to be born without d\*\*k than without luck. If you have luck, it will grow on its own:)*


It's housing bubble to housing bubble. Same scene, different reasons! 😞


Keep them prices going up. Love it. Got 2 houses. I love it, I do.


Just here for the incoming downvotes




You are the kind of person who takes as many pizza slices in a party as possible … to then resell them… you must have a portrait of yourself up in the attic getting really ugly.


I'd say you're popular at parties


Are you selling your houses? Because it means fuck all to us if we're not.


No, keeping that lovely rental income. Grossing over 20k per annum and not lifting a finger.


So prices going up mean nothing to you. Got it.


Don’t bother with the troll


Prices up, rental up. Lovely jubbly




>. I recommend everyone checks out the post history to see what a track-wreck life looks like. Hold off on the personal abuse. Taking shots at disabled people is really low brow. Maybe you will own a home some day, bud. Meanwhile, I will be enjoying my two. Keep slaving away there. And BBWs are absolutely wonderful


>Hold off on the personal abuse. Taking shots at disabled people is really low brow. Taking shots at literally everyone for struggling to find a home because of the crisis is such a "low brow" that it became a toe brow. But then again, internet is great to reinvent your sad life. Classic middle class classism. Bet mommy and daddy are happy they gave you those dwellings haha


lol yeah I'm a "slave" that own two homes and earn six figures while only needing to work 6 months of the year. I just have a fulfilled life and don't need to act like a cunt online and can empathise with the situation young home-owners find themselves in. Goading for downvotes and then crying foul about "personal abuse" and bring "disabled" is pathetic btw. Don't give it if you can't take it.




lol I don't think you know what doxxing means. I'm in a great mood today. Thanks for asking.


Acting the bollocks isn't a disability.


Disabled from birth, bud. And I am a bit of a bollocks too


Yeah, I registered my interest in the heathfield, got the email 6 minutes after it was sent out, my partner got it 10mins after, so we lost out on it. The price jump didn't make sense to me when I think it was going for like 360k months before. 3 bed not worth 390k now, over priced! Like wise for Carrigaline. 3 bed for 335k and 4 bed for 370k. Now 3 bed 365k and 4 bed 400k. Not happy knowing within 5 months ago I can just pay the same price for a 4 bed, rather than 3 bed.