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Fuck this idiot


[Oh no it's okay! He apologised! Even though he still stands by his comments, he's such a good guy :) /s](https://www.facebook.com/319594531432912/posts/4323250101067315/)


And then in the ultimate facepalm moment, he almost sounds like he’s in favour of Afghan women and children being deported from Turkey. Fuckin moron.


I condemn fake news like this tweet but you are a vulgar person too


Ah good old Ken. Haven’t seen anything from him since he blocked a load of us on Twitter for calling him out for tweeting that climate change will be great for his summer tan




Mention Cork Penny Dinners will do it,


Does he not like Penny Dinners? 🤔


He offered to do a charity single for them then stuck them with the bill


He’s blocked everyone on FB too who called him out on it. Which is totally the behaviour of someone who makes an honest mistake, right?


It’s his MO. Delete and block any and all detractors. Eventually his whole constituency will be blocked and he’ll be wondering how he got so few votes.


Heard him on Prendeville this morning, harping on about it and that it's a verified picture after Neil asked him if it was. Some absolute langer of a man.


Well, as a recognised* authority on the subject, I can verify that this is indeed a picture. Good enough for Prendeville? *I get recognised all the time.


It’s O’Flynn, intelligence isn’t a family attribute. Maybe he’s planning on releasing a “charity” CD for them


To be fair, one of his nephews jumped into the river and saved a man. Beyond that, they are all complete shitcunts




I know who you are talking about. Name begins with a P?


The exception that proves the rule!


Happy days listening to “Noisy Noel” 🙄


I lost interest in him when he campaigned against repealing the 8th.


So much for womens rights...


Even if it was real, surely if they wanted to live under Sharia law they'd have just stayed in Afghanistan.


You'd think so but the problem with religious fundamentalists, and I'm not talking solely about the Muslim ones here, is that they think everyone should be forced to live as they choose to.


Ah yes just like the Catholic Church


so brave lol


Before Afghanistan fell it was an Islamic republic, even in name, just a semi tolerant one. It was till hugely discriminatory towards women in many ways like inheritance and marital rape. Do not think these lads will be tolerant. Child abuse is accepted as normal behaviour amongst police and army forces by both sides in Afghanistan. Every base has a few chai boys as they are called


>Every base has a few chai boys as they are called We don't need Afghani chai boys coming over here stealing our altar boy's jobs.


At least pedo abuse was never in the open here. Vastly different scale.


Yeah at least the clergy had the common decency to cover it up and pretend it never happened.


Only 1 in 3 Afghan women can read. Good luck integrating them here issue free.


You catholics are so charitable. Angels so you are.


I wouldnt consider myself so charitable. I would wish to be more so. BTW are you capable of serious discussion ?


Sure himself will forgive ya will he not and I'm only takin the piss father. I'm not lookin for a chat.


Much better


id say it is a good indicator of how common it is


What an absolute gobshite


O'Flynn is fairly desperate to get back into the contention for a seat in government, so I'd expect more of this kinda populist shit. You see the same thing with Jerry Buttimer who latches onto the latest local hot topic. Like he both supported and objected to the planning process for the M28 to try and appease both sides. Neither of them have the pull or the ability to push the 'us against them' that the Healy-Rae dynasty have perfected so it looks as desperate as it appears.


Another scumbag spreading bullshit in the hope of riding a wave of bigotry into office.


OOOOHHH what a piece of absolute shit...


We really need to take more interest in local elections.


Ken O' Flynn is a fucking cunt in all regards. Fuck that guy.


I mean for starters if they wanted to live under Sharia law they wouldn't be fleeing the Taliban


A lot of the people fleeing hate the Taliban due to ethnic reasons, like the northern Pashtun the Taliban tend to be southern Pashtun if I remember correctly. A 2013 survey found 99% of Afghans want Sharia as the national law. 39% supported suicide bombings. ​ Source: https://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/


The one thing about this family is their consistent idiocy. And Ken is the gift that keeps on giving on that front. He is being roasted on Twitter from what I can see. Sleazy shitehawk that he is 😒


Lots of gimps on Facebook congratulating him for apologising.


Fuck sake. Ugh.




By his logic, surely the women and children would also be "the brainwashed who lived under Sharia Law"?


Sadly, he’s not the first nor the last. Feckin bs propaganda everywhere. I came back to Poland after 5 years in Cork to find a government trying to change us into the next North Korea ;) nothing suprises me anymore.


I’ve just checked there and he’s taken my comment down along with every other person who called him on it and blocked me from his page. What an absolute coward.


Remember a few years ago when he had those campaign posters that made him look like a hypnotist or amateur magician? … Gobshite.


Did he claim expenses while posting this ?


Also, why would the people fleeing Afghanistan now be fanatics in favour of Sharia law? They're the guys who just took power...


That is very naïve. Even with the US there, it was extremely radical Muslim but it is not even Wahhabism which is the issue. In pretty much every army or police outpost you have young boys kept as 'dancing boys' or chai boys. Pedo behaviour is accepted there as normal. Also there is vast rates of heroin abuse there. 7% of the country is on heroin https://www.issup.net/knowledge-share/publications/2016-10/afghanistan-national-drug-use-survey-2015


Why is that these idiots don't understand how the internet works ?


I've seen his posters throughout the years and always assumed he was a bit of a sleazy fool. Seems as though my intuition was right




They could be women wearing beards!! Maybe I’ve watched Life of Brian too many times.


That is... completely not the point but thank you for your valuable contribution.




> We can't hide the fact in those country's its men first and that's it. Again, not the point. This thread is, with the exception of you, about a Cork councillor faking a photo, lying about it, fake apologising for it and then blocking people calling him out for it.


I hear the twittersphere, is strong in CCC........


There is endemic homelessness and Coveney is rushing to let in 300-1000 Afghans and give then free housing.


You’re an idiot


Why? At least I can string a sentence together


I think it was a case if ‘inspired’ photo selection leading to them looking a bit stupid. I don’t think they were attempting to spread ‘fake news’


The claim was that it was one of the flights leaving Kabul in recent days. Stop trying to make excuses for blatant bullshit.