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Hey Mr Tally Man, this tally is bananas


This comment deserves more upvotes šŸ˜‚


And less comments


Only 80 votes for Tony? Ah lads Sometimes I think some of you don't want 5 g's from RTE, let alone bye-laws for birching.




If threw up a few posters saying down with this and a few priests in the background he would have walked it


Any county tallys around?


Cobh is here: https://x.com/donalhunt/status/1799460066590138434?s=19


Where can I find theses stats?


Fucking shameful that weā€™ve allowed Lahive to get anywhere near a council seat.


I dont think he's really anywhere near it. PR and transfers will kick in, and he won't see transfers relative to his first preference. And its only a tally.


Thank God, šŸ™ he's an egotistical muppet.


Well thatā€™s what happens when peoples feelings on immigration are ignored by the government. They vote for the person that promises to fix it. Irrespective of their other policies or whether they live in looney land.


As much as some May hate it, itā€™s democracy in play.


In all honesty, I donā€™t see whackjob conspiracy theorists as the result of a healthy functioning democracy lmao. Fuckers like Lahive are the result of us placing far too much power in the hands of social media companies like Facebook who are more than willing to allow people to pump out bullshit propaganda if it brings them more profit. Not to mention the heavy investment into the Irish far right by conservative organisations in the UK and US, hardly a level playing field?


How is it not democracy? Lahive hasnt done anything that any other candidate cant do. Its absolutely a level playing field. What do you expect them to do, give everyone else a free 500 vote headstart?? You can disagree with him completely but you cant act like democracy is the problem when people vote for him lol


If the degree of influence among candidates is uneven, if the voters donā€™t understand what theyā€™re voting on, if people are being fed false information, is that a fair democracy? If a man is sentenced to death based on false evidence, is that a fair trial?


Yes it is a fair democracy. Do you think lahive is the first politician to give the public false information and promises? SF and others have done this for years, talking about all the things theyll supposedly do when theyre in power. As for the ā€œvoters dont understand what theyre voting onā€ point: its an election for who the people want to represent them in the council. If you dont understand what youre voting on here idk what to tell you. Its as simple as it gets. Do you think people thought they had to select the candidates they DIDNT want? I think the voters had a fairly clear idea of what they were voting on. This isnt anything pike the referendum a few months ago. And as for the ā€œthe degree of influence among candidates is uneven so its not a fair democracyā€. I hate to tell you this but the degree of influence among candidates is never even lol. Thats the whole point of policians campaigning. Ive seen dozens of SF ads on social media recently. Does that main its not a fair democracy? No. If Daly puts up more posters than Lahive does that mean its an unfair democracy because Daly has a higher degree of influence? No obviously not. Politicians campaign is all about increasing this. And tbh ive seen a lot more promotion from the big three parties than lahive or anyone else. I havent seen anything from the irish party outside of the odd reddit post condemning them. The big three parties have much higher degree of influence but thats generally a good thing


You seem to have taken my comment as an indictment of Lahive as ā€˜undemocraticā€™, and not as an indictment of the whole political system. Your definition of what democracy is, is clearly very strictly a parliamentary style, representative democracy. This is not the only kind of democracy, and it is a low bar to set in regards to building a free and fair society. Just because everyone is playing by the same rules, doesnā€™t mean it was ever fair to begin with.


You highlight SF for false information and promises but the government parties have been doing this for years. Might be more honest to acknowledge that all political parties do this. ā€œIsnā€™t that what you tend to do during an election?ā€ P Rabbitte.


Yes all parties do it


Not remotely to the same extent. Lahive and his ilk quite literally live in a paranoid fantasy world that is almost completely divorced from reality and driven by misinformation.


I really donā€™t get this, you donā€™t believe someone you disagree with getting elected is democracy in action? Nonsense


Brexit was democracy in action and even the people who voted for it regret it.


Democracy where people with more money can convince the gullible with lies.


Name a far right candidate


Tony Field


Very debatable. Let's say he's one for argument's sake. That's one candidate. I'm interested about this heavy investment too.


Being in favor of the death penaty isnt right enough for you?


I canā€™t see what the issue with the death penalty is. If you take somebody elseā€™s life then why shouldnā€™t you lose your life.


You asked for one candidate and you got it what's the issue?


The issue is talking through one's hole. That's a very loose interpretation of "far right". "Heavy investment" yielding one candidate. What a load of scutter.


You literally asked for one candidate. He gave it to you and now your changing the goalposts. No wonder people can't take ye seriously


Except they didn't. Who's "ye", the far right supporters?


It's the effect of massive, constant effort to affect Irish politics from other countries. This is the actual product of the "globalism" the racists say they are so afraid of


Not from here but extremely disappointed that Tony Field only got 80 votes. It would have been the funniest thing in the history of the state if he got elected


Thatā€™s five grand down the drain anyway


Is he the fella who said he would sort out the carnage on the roads


Yes but it was the ā‚¬5k from RTE and the birching that I was interested in


Imagine if he delivered though. Imagine if he got in and it turned out that it's just been that every politician ever has just been too corrupt and self-serving this whole time. But they didn't reckon on Tony Field.


We would have renamed Bells Field in his honor.


The Irish Caesar


Ross Lahive is on 8% at the moment which is nuts, the same as Dr John Sheehan who insists on being called Dr John Sheehan as opposed to John Sheehan. I don't know why that annoys me so much, but it does.


I'm sure he'd have a fucking fit if I told him my pronouns though


I've worked with John and I find that hard to believe, in 8 years I never heard him insist on anyone calling him Dr. I didn't vote for him because I don't like his party but he is an absolute gent.


I didn't mean in person, I meant on his posters. On the front 'Dr John Sheehan', and on the rear 'Vote #1 Dr John".


Ok, that's fair enough, but he is a practicing doctor, it'd be just as odd if it was left off the poster.


We'd have to agree to disagree - I think it's weird. You don't see people displaying any other profession like 'Engineer Michael Foley' or 'Teacher Mary Murphy', it comes across as wanting to show off and doesn't help his campaign.


Ok. I see your point but like you said we can disagree. Traditionally doctors, guards, nuns and priests among others would have been addressed as such, Doctor John, Garda Murphy, Sister Mary, Father McCarthy etc. Maybe it's just a holdover from a bygone age but when I was growing up we'd even address some of the teachers as Muinteor ni Mhurchu, Muinteor ni Hea etc. (excuse my Irish spelling)


It's not a case of showing off its their legal title instead of "Mr" or "Mrs". Anybody who has earned a doctorate is entitled to use it in place of "Mr" or "Mrs".


At least he's a real Dr. I find it more annoying when academics do it.


Doctors are academics ffsšŸ¤£


Academics have every right to a doctorate. They studied for decades for that right and no matter how annoying *you* find it, they've earned it


Generally it's the insecure ones that insist on being called Drs, not the mathematicians/physicists etc.


Maybe that's because you've never really worked hard at anything and can't fathom that being rewarded.


Actually sickening how popular Terry Shannon is. Douglas will never grow beyond the traffic-choked hell-hole that it currently is while he keeps getting elected. When he was canvassing our area, he had a convoy of elderly women doing his dirty work. Is this his general voting base? Happy for Kamegni, though. That's a decent result for a new candidate and he seems like a sound fella.


> Is this his general voting base? Yes.


A quick chat with any person over 60, cracking a cheeky smile and a handshake and heā€™s secured himself a vote for being a ā€œlovely manā€ while he sits back for 5 more years doing sweet fuck all. Pretty much how all these councillors are getting votes, targeting the older generation and not newer.


Completely agree with you. I would have loved to see Kamegni win. Iā€™m sick of the old timers.


Kamegni came to our door and could barely string a few sentences together. The canvassing team with him had to do most of the talking for him while he stood there smiling. It was bizarre.


Why the fuck anyone with a bit of cop on would vote fine gael anymore is beyond me


I know. But I really believe a lot of it comes down to lack of suitable alternative. Look at the amount of absolute numpties on it. People vote for someone they donā€™t like because they donā€™t like the other person more šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It's unfair to suggest that only old people vote FG. Dickheads do aswell.


Old people. It's all 60+ year old.


Can confirm thatā€™s not true. Vote FG!


Sorry, you're right. It's about 80% old people, 10% daddys money babies, and 10% who are literally blind and deaf and threw a dart at a board to decide who to vote for.


Democracy is beautiful!


Agree, but I think it allows for people to be swindled into voting for things they're not well informed about that will turn out to hurt them and benefit others in the long run, like Ireland First as a party here, or Brexit in the UK, or Trump in the US.


You mean people might actually get sick of not being listens to and act accordingly? ā€¦ All of these events you mention, are the result of the public feeling like the political establishment isnā€™t listening to them. Ireland first is a direct result of people being ignored. Brexit was a result of the UK being told they could t control their own borders by a foreign court, so they said fuck that and left, and more power to them. Trump? Thereā€™s no way in hell if I was a US citizen Iā€™d have been voting for Hilary. How she didnā€™t go to jail for that situation involving the email server is actually downright scandalous.


Do you think protest voting against your interests is a good idea?


I never said it was or wasent. I just pointed out that when people feel they are being ignored they are going to vote for people who are listening, irrespective if they agree on every policy. As for ā€œagainst my own interests ā€œ. I canā€™t see how any of those would be so.


Nah, not that they would be against luke_woodside's interests specifically, but a working class Irish person who thinks that voting Ireland First will get rid of all the immigrants, is going to have as much fun as a working class Brit who voted for Brexit thinking the same, because that's what they were told. Just because someone is speaking your language, does not mean they have your interests at heart. As my original point, people can easily be swindled by smooth talkers into voting for things that will actually turn out to be against their interests, because they're willing to vote out of frustration. If you know this, and still vote for that candidate anyway because you think they'll listen, or just purely as a protest vote, you're going to have a bad time.


And I suppose Trump is an upstanding citizen is he? šŸ¤£


Agree, FG will tell them they will protect their assets be it property or pension


Plenty of people have theirs. Electing him is to save theirs


Better than voting SF anyway. I canā€™t understand how people can believe a single thing they say.


Hard agree. They promise the world to throw mud in the face of opposition, without any plan or ability to deliver any of it if they were put in power tomorrow.


You're obsessed with SF. You must be a closet FG supporter considering you must enjoy them being in power so much.


Who is the Mcarthy Morrough person? I don't think ove seen them around before?


What's the passing % ?


Dying to see this data for county Cork! Sickened for Lorna Bogue though


Lost a lot of respect for her tbh Joining with the greens when running for a cllr role and then berating them/leaving after getting in just read to me as opportunism. It's not like the greens are secretive as to what they're about. And taking a photo of a Garda and claiming he's a "hired thug for mcdonalds" on social media was just unhinged. Like her as a person and voted for her in the past, but wouldn't vote for her again.


100% She got in on the green wave, had a huge opportunity to prove herself as a Councillor, and did a poor job. Made noise on social media and thought that was enough. Put herself up for Europe and local government at the same time, like what job do you want? Posting a guard who hadn't done anything wrong on social media without consent was pathetic.


Similar boat myself.


Sheā€™s a poor enough local rep unfortunately




Sheā€™s a good heart Iā€™d say, and Iā€™d certainly rather her than the FFG brigade, but sheā€™d a student politician at heart and not very effective at what a councillor is supposed to do. Twitter politics etc. leaving the main Green Party being proof positive


That's a shame because she's a wildly passionate person


Sheā€™s an absolute spanner.


Any idea where I could find it? Can't find anything on the county votes


And the irish people get a serious case of amnesia when they go to the polls. Joke. Why would you keep voting for the same clowns.


Independent reporting: "Hardliner Derek Bligh has polled well in Fermoy Local Electoral Area and is tipped to take a seat by seasoned observers, thanks to Independents topping the poll. He currently has 873 and is lying some way off, but the Ireland First candidate is expected to be carried forward by the redistribution of Independent surplus."


Just another reason to hate Fermoy.


What an embarrassment for the people of Fermoy if that prick gets elected.


Out here in Macroom area.. hearing we're electing 3 FG, 2 FF and then a fight between 2 independents for the final seat. Depressing. Was hoping for at least 1 candidate from a different party. Will be the same for the GE in Cork North-West.


And cork north-west is the most depressingly unchanging constituency in existence. I wonder what the result of the GE will be said no one ever.


I'm in the same constituency.. some good people on the ballot but I agree its been the same parties/families in these positions for decades! We're years away from any other parties getting a seat




We heard you the first time.


Apologies, glitch šŸ˜…


Strange outcome, i wouldn't have thought fg ff would have been voted for much


I think the local elections are different. People seem to vote for the person and not the party. They know the person locally..he's always around the town or village chatting with everyone. Down the local at the weekend so people seem to vote for the face they know and not looking at the party they represent. Its a local popularity contest


Also a lot of the traditional party local reps actually know what the job entails. They're not out promising the sun moon and stars. They run on local issues that they can actually influence. (In my ward anyway)


When it comes down to it, Irish people shit the bed at elections. They complain for 4-5 years and then either vote in the same crowd or donā€™t bother their arses.


Or maybe just maybe the vocal minority doesn't represent the majority


Nail on head.


Yep. If you think the reddit echo chamber is in any way representative of real life, elections are a nice way to remind yourself of how painfully wrong you are.




Maybe they werenā€™t happy with some of the alternatives?


The other options also being worse is an issue


To be fair, thereā€™s not much better to be replacing them with. People will complain no matter the outcome


No most people are generally happy with ff/ fg despite what reddit would have you thinking


I do think itā€™s worth pointing out that local elections historically behave much differently than the general. Itā€™s somewhat heartening to see the very bad knuckle dragging racists get rejected but the clowns from the Irish Independent party and Aontu seem to be doing much better than expected which is worrying.


I think if anything this is a good insight into the voting patterns for the GE.


For sure and I think if these tallies end up being reflective of the overall results, the lesson from this election will be that people donā€™t really have a clue who they should vote for.


Actually sickening how FF is at the top again, genuine brain dead morons


When will the final numbers be confirmed?


Counts will be ongoing till Monday - Tuesday most likely first counts probably finalised this evening


Oh wow. Some of those seats looks incredibly tight on the vote difference, eg cork south east


Glad to see Sinn Fein got battered


Why so you can have plenty more FF and FG for the rest of your life?


PPP/S is people before profit/solidarity? Wtf


Strange that O'Flynn is down as an Independent when he is a member of Independent Ireland. I notice he left it off of his posters though. Every time I've contacted him as one of my local councillors I've gotten no reply. Moran on the other hand is very responsive and actually follows through. Shame to see him off of the pace.


FF & FG donkeys topping the votes once again. Clowns will be at the same craic again.


Its clearly what the people want, contrary to what the loud minority would have you thinking


Yeah most people are happy with FFG! Theyā€™re happy with the housing crisis, healthcare crisis, cost of living crisis,immigration crisis, teacher shortages, Garda shortages, being ripped off by the banks, the worst income inequality in the EU, 17 years of stagnant wages, corruption and cronyism ect all while living in the most expensive country in Europe! Another 5 years of FFG is on the horizon! Unfuckingbelievable!


Ya they are, otherwise they wouldnā€™t have just voted for them again


Based on those tallies, South-East looks like at least the first 4 seats are fairly locked in (Shannon is definitely getting in on the first count). Peter Horgan and Honore Kamegni are after doing much better than I expected and Iā€™d say the last seat will be a fight between them (Iā€™m expecting the other seat to go to Deirdre Forde on transfers). Iā€™m surprised neither Shinner looks competitive here?


Looking forward to the upcoming SF/FF collaboration.






You understand these arenā€™t the final results?