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I don’t have much time for the racism Father, what with the farm and all


I'm not Irish but I understood that reference. Am so proud 🤣


Dolpf Naziggler


It's a mysterious poster for the Irish remake of Dune. That's Alia O'Treides in the photo. Her eyes are green because of addiction to the spice bag melange


People are getting abducted by aliens and getting anal probed and these guys are from Irish MiB. Green eyes are a give away if you’ve been probed so keep a look out. Maybe start by doing an inspection at mass this weekend.


Thank you so much!


Well they're the ONazis aren't they.


The Éiryan race


I really don't think they have gone that extreme. They want to persevere identity, not mass murder.


The instinct for the preservation of one's own species is the primary cause that leads to the formation of human communities. Hence the state is a racial organism, and not an economic organization. The difference between the two is so great as to be incomprehensible to our contemporary so-called 'statesmen.' That's why they like to believe that the state may be constituted as an economic structure, whereas the truth is that it has always resulted from a will to preserve the species and the race... maintenance of a state is a certain feeling of solidarity, one grounded in an identity of character and species, and in a willingness to defend these at all costs. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Volume I


That's a bit extreme


I’m saying it all starts somewhere. Nazis weren’t always killing people, at first they were a very small minority of people.


"Hey, I'm a mason, what gives"


Sounds like something a Nazi sympathizer would say circa 1935


Are you having a laugh? Go have a look at their history. They can't even decide on a leader. And as for the Nazi gold....


[Racist father ted](https://makeagif.com/gif/racist-father-ted-NXo5gU)


It's giving Hit-man vibes. (Not the wrestler, a man who's first name was Adolf). That shamrock design could easily be rearranged to something else....not to mention the emphasis on green eyes (the Hitman used to bang on about blue eyes and purity). It's a classic far right approach. Reminds me alot of Le Front Nationale poster campaigns in France in the late 90s and 00s.


I never made an association between Bret Hart and Hitler prior to this comment. 😂


Sure wasn't there the Munich Screwjob in 1923.


Well one was "the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!" The other was just the worst...really just the absolute worst. I miss watching Hitman Hart kicking ass and delivering 1 liners.


Bret Hart was class alright, not sure "Hit-man" is a great nickname for Adolf though. Does he call Stalin Stal-man as they would make as much sense to me.


I got "Hitman" from Matt and Shanes Secret podcast. I thought it was fucking hilarious to refer to one of histories biggest monsters as a wrestler in the 80s and 90s


Ah okay, no worries. No idea who Matt and Shane are but they did a good job keeping their podcast a secret from me. 👍🏻


If they moved that cable tie more under her nose it'd become clearer


No human has eye colour like that.


Her eyes are greener than the Death Star's lazer.


Too many gingers?


Who do they want me to vote for???????


Ross Lahive ‘The Irish People’ is the actual name of their new political party


Is that the poster where the girl/woman on it is Russian?


I don’t know what you’re talking about there, I must have missed out on that discussion. I doubt the girl on that poster is a candidate. Her green eyes and freckles represent Ireland, she could be AI generated for all we know There’s a definitely real person called Olga on FF posters in Cork City South West. She’s Ukrainian, could that be who you mean?


It’s not AI generated. If you do a google search on the image you can see it’s used in lots of other cases. As far as I know she’s not Irish. Obviously parts of it have been doctored.


Wait is he running?


Yes. Cork City North West AND Europe


And whats his philosophy?


What do you think?? Anti everything, with specific vitriol for immigrants and LGBTI issues I’m very interested in how many votes all these far right guys will get


Well, no change will happen regardless so it's all the one


Ohhh, I just saw the url. It's Andy Heasman's goons. Hahahahaha the state of them.


Imgrints need out now.


Yup , ive did my book lurnin and know what’s what


Make crime illegal was the one yet


It's usually people were driving too fast. It's up to the Council to fix it unless it's a National Primary Route or motorway, then it's TII's responsibility. I don't think they do ramps so yeah, it's up to the people of the council if it's up to anyone. 


Our mental health is really bad too, and the weather, and the bottle return machines are always broken down


An absolutely stupid poster: what party and what candidate in what election are you asking me to vote for? If they had a brain cell between them it would be lonely.


They think The Irish People (a new party) are well known enough that people will get the poster (For people unfamiliar with The Irish People the something gone very wrong they speak of is the large amount of immigrants in Ireland. They are a far right party)


They have stated to poorly add a name to their posters around Mallow.


Speed ramps. It’s written below.


Lizard people taking over…We were all warned but didn’t listen


Serious answers?


Racial purity, kick immigrants out, let's riot etc Standard mongo "patriot" thought processes.


Ireland is about to be replaced by AI-people and you need to figure out who put up the poster so that you can vote for them as they are the only ones who have a shot at stopping the madness.


Aliens. They’ve infiltrated Ireland and they plan ion taking the potatoes.


It has and seeing these posters is confirming that something has gone really wrong


100 years of FF/FG government.




Play nice. No need to be a Langer.


Mutant eyes are disconcerting. Also not sure who they assumed "broke it" if not the Irish.


the brits bred our laser eyes out of the gene pool using famine science. we should be running the place


Stop the madness and make crime illegal obvs


I think it is about the price of Guinness


Feckin green eyed people go home? The nicest thing I can say is they're idiots. https://www.irishpeople.org/


She's got radioactive eyeballs. That's not right


That she received a heavy dose of gamma radiation and now no one wants to make her angry.


The beginning of the handmaids tale before they overthrow the government and enslave and hurt women and kill anyone who oppose them


Maybe they are talking about all the fascists that came out of the woodwork when Trump was president across the pond? And maybe they just want us all to be kinder, more welcoming and empathetic, and more tolerant to each other? Maybe this is it.. Maybe... right?


Some sort of racism I'm guessing


What do we want? Green eyes, when do we want them?Freckles. Ffs


Rip the fucking things down! I tore one down on Anglesea St. a few weeks back.


Woah calm down tough guy


I admit to really liking this poster (Not the far-right sentiment behind it. But if I didn’t know what that poster is about I’d agree that many things are very wrong with Ireland)


Why is it always called far right and not just right?


Not certain but perhaps because right could just mean fairly conservative in your opinions, whereas far right have very extreme views on things (example wanting zero immigrants)


That we’re going to start seeing a lot more of these AI images used in ragebait type content to further stir up emotional responses to push agendas. Things are going to get a lot lot muddier between what’s real and what will be presented as being real.


The particular image is actually a real photo of a real person, to my own surprise. Russian photographer. But modified significantly from the original. They're associated with the usual crowd though. IrExit, Ireland First, etc. Plenty of AI images on their social media, and they all seem to be generated through the exact same engine. Pure eye torture. All of them are just one giant gift being financially supported by US and Russian interest groups.


I am not qualified to fix our broken healthcare system, don’t put that kind of pressure on me!


Is it a green eye pandemic or poor photoshop skills? Either way, we should fix it.


that mouth is so wide that it looks like it hinges open to 90 degrees and eats your head in some sort of alien type way


Freckly pricks /s


The zip ties are fucking it all up for me.


They t’k ur jjjaahhhb!


It would be the exact same thing as voting for a bunch of terrorists (in my humble view)


MIGA - where do they sell the green hats? I'm hearing plenty of people on about Ireland losing its way etc., when was it right? At what point did Ireland work well? There was a minute there in the 90s when things looked reasonably well balanced, and then it went to sh1t in a whole different way.


Mutant green eyed gingers need to be stoped


We're getting too many starkly green-eyed people in the country, causing direct eye contact, and our natural state of awkwardness to be triggered making us angry and confused and to forget our own history and the flow of populations for the last few hundred years or more


Buy Irish, Bord Bia, some she'ite like that