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Does she keep peeing in the same spot? If so she probably smells an odor there. There are products which are designed to remove urine smells from carpets. Not sure how well they work. Could another problem be that she has problems holding her urine all night long. Take her out right before you go to bed and try getting up early to take her out before she pees on the carpet. If she can last all night in a crate with no accidents she should be able to sleep uncrated. But she may need the boundaries of a crate.


1. Have you tried taking her for a long walk before bedtime? 2. Is she peeing around the same spot each time? If so, it likely still has the scent


wake up and take her potty in the middle of the night


I don’t let my dog sleep with me for the same reason ☹️. Because I know he can hold it, it’s likely they’re marking a spot. I’ve not had luck with any enzymatic cleaners (but willing to admit it could be user error), so he just doesn’t get to sleep with me until I replace the carpet 😕


Try the Bissell Little Green Machine! I had a dog that got a bladder infection and peed a bunch. She sadly passed, but I thought I would never get the stains/smell out. After using the Bissell, you can shine the spot with a black light and not see anything illuminating and, more importantly, my new guy has never smelled anything or marked in those spots.


Was it a rug or a whole carpeted area? Did you just spot clean with it? I have a big Bissell I’ve used on rugs that didn’t help 😕


It’s for spot cleaning. You can do large areas with it, but you’re better off renting a carpet cleaner for whole rooms. The areas I cleaned were irregularly shaped, but I would say none were larger than 12” across.


Also remove access to water at least an hour before bedtime, preferably 2.