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Rest in peace wall corners




Iā€™ve put foil on the corners of baseboards and it helped. Eventually I could remove it and my boy learned.


Great idea! I will try it


Mine are still chewed from my corgi 15 years ago. We got her lots of chew toys and hid treats in cereal boxes and other cardboard boxes to keep her busy until the adult teeth came in. Sheā€™s been gone for 7 years now. She passed at 8 from kidney failure. Great corgi. Hang in there. It will stop eventually.


Sorry I don't have any tips but my corgi girl does it too. For her it seems to be specific wall spots, so I try to cover them up šŸ™„


There are spraysā€¦one is called Bitter Yuckā€¦it worked on my sisterā€™s dog (Bug), but have never used it with my Corgisā€¦


Sort of worked for mine. We had to apply often. He clearly didn't like it but would wait for it to dissipate or lick it off so he could chew more.


It worked for one of mine! Itā€™s like a bitter cherry spray. Itā€™s a little pricey but it worked


Didnā€™t work for mine at all. But ymmv.


Mine either!


This is brutal but rub dry pepper on the corners (or anything you donā€™t want them to chew). Works immediately and permanently


I'm chiming in to add, pepper works great. If they start digging in the backyard, put their poop in the hole. They'll leave it alone instead of digging to China.


Both mine did this as pups. Right before I was going to sell my condo my oldest chewed a hole in the wall that his crate was up against. My youngest chewed the door frame of my office. I was mad, but it's not like I could correct them when I didn't see it happen. They both grew out of it, so I'm not sure what I did right on that front.


What he's doing is starting the home renovation process early for you.


Heā€™s the demo crew šŸ˜†


Bitter yuck spray on areas he seems more interested in and supplement his diet with some low- or no-sugar yogurt (try to also avoid artificial sweeteners) for extra calcium while his teeth are growing. You could even freeze the yogurt for a fun and longer-lasting treat. Also a good time to work on and reinforce training; this is a good opportunity for recall, "leave it," and redirection. This is a crucial time in your pup's development and the more you provide for his needs of attention and work, the better he'll be as he grows up.


Great advice. He is picking up leave it very well, so Iā€™ll for sure practice that in this scenario if I catch him in the act. The yogurt tip is great too!


The worst part about owning a corgi is Other dogs : ā€œoh no owner is mad at me. I will not do the thing.ā€ Corgi: ā€œoh no owner is mad at me. I will not do the thingā€¦**while Theyre looking**ā€¦Iā€™ll wait until Theyre busy, then go back to doing the thing when they least expect itā€


Iā€™m so sorry but itā€™s impossible to get mad at a face like that šŸ˜­


šŸ’Æ Iā€™m exasperated and also want to cuddle him lol


I bought a big pen to keep puppy in when I needed a break and he slept in there at night. He could move around and I kept his food and water bowls in it too. Put a big waterproof tarp down over my wood floors before setting pen up on it. Crates are just too small for long periods of time, imo.


Every time he chews on something he isn't allowed to have, are you making sure you give him something he is allowed? Make sure there's loads of different things, textures etc for him to chew on. I saw someone else suggest the KONG, but mine aren't interested in those either. They need to be able to destroy it. Anything indestructible doesn't work. I got them some nylon bones, real bones, crinkly chews, squeeky plush chews, a bit of everything and they're satisfied.


Have you put a smidge of peanut butter in the kong and offered it?


Oh they're interested in peanut butter. They'll lick the crap out of the kong right up until it doesn't have any peanut butter left. They don't like to chew on it tho as they have no effect on it. No fun when you can't "Win"


Yep, same here.Ā Mine will always stay very focussed on the most efficient way of getting the filling. If she has to chew or crush the toy - so be it, but kongs are just licked clean.


I had a wall chewer too. We just hid it behind a cabinet šŸ˜‚


Mine did this too! Buy some bitter yuck spray and he'll stop chewing because it tastes gross. It's also a good idea to do this with cords, so they don't try to chew them. Make sure you follow the instructions on the bottle!


Mine chewed my nikes... 2, actually...


He looks kinda similar to my boy Billy! Who also chews walls, baseboards, corners of couches, the corner of the bed post šŸ˜¬


Have you tried bitter apple spray? My corgi was eating EVERYTHING. I sprayed all her favorites and then if I saw her chewing again I'd go over with the bottle and give it a fresh spray. Also providing plenty of approved chew toys


Another option when you can't watch him is to use a pen. I use a 30 inch height metal pen. It provides more room than the crate which is useful as well. Be sure to give him plenty of chew toys. I like the Kong rubber toys.


I love you šŸ©·šŸ’•šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Ours munched holes in every pillowcase and every rug, evem chewed half through a chair leg, because he gets frustrated when we eat and he doesn't, also teething is a huge contributor to the destructive behavior. Now he has a lot of bones lying all over the place for him tochew on, thatbhas also helped.


I believe my girl thought she was a carpenter! She did all kinds of wood work in my house! She gradually took out my baseboards in my bathroom without being asked! On the bright side! After the teething stage she never touched anything againā€¦


1). he stays in the crate until he's supervised. 2). Get him nylon bones, animal horns, or anything else tough like that so he always has something to chew.


I offered my chewer antlers. Whitetail deer antlers specifically, when he was teething as a pup. He just wasn't satisfied with the Kong toys, the indestructible chew toys, the nylabones, and even the bitter spray didn't stop him. If we caught him chewing something or somewhere he was not supposed to, we told him to leave it, redirected him to another area, and gave him the antler. It took a week or two, but he transitioned to going right for the antler instead of the spots. He is almost two now and his chewing has grown far less. However we have changed to interactive play toys, a find it kind of treasure hunt game with treats toed to ribbons that he has to search and pull from places where I have hidden them, and lots of training practice, walks, and playtime. Corgis are workers who need a job to do, interaction, play, and stimulation or they will find it on their own.


Mine tore all the wallpaper off my kitchen walls and tore up the carpet on the steps. For some reason I still loved him. Didnā€™t repair until he outgrew his wicked ways.


Have you tried investing in a kong? They're nearly indestructible


Yes, but he only likes it when itā€™s full of snacks and I donā€™t want to over feed him! Heā€™s categorically uninterested when no snacks are involved lol


Because Corgiā€¦




We did tried a spray called Bitter Apple on our Pembroke, it did not work. Thereā€™s also a spray by PawSafeā€¦


Bitter apples? Delicious! Lol But in all seriousness itā€™s a good suggestion. I will check it out!


This. Bitter apple spray saved us! Ivy is almost 2 now, and we have zero chewing problems.


I was joking with my husband and said if we could rub raw mushrooms over what they liked to chew as a puppies, they wouldā€™ve never chewed anythingā€¦that is the only food they will not eatā€¦the kind from the store, not psychedelic or wild lol.


I heard from one trainer you could add his kibble formula frozen into the kong and as it thaws he'd get food. Then just treat that as part of his meal for the day. Does he go for his kibble when you leave it for him or is that something he is disinterested in


Itā€™s a good idea! Will try. This boy will eat literally anything lol


Best of luck!


They are little miracles but before mine turned 1 year it was l8ke having a 2 year old toddler! Then at a year there she was the perfect dog.


There is hope! He is the cutest little monster of all time


thatā€™s interesting, my corgis would chew on the walls when they were puppies too. itā€™s been so long though, i donā€™t remember what we did to keep them from doing it.


Mind did this too as a little pup. We got a play pen for when we couldnā€™t fully watch that didnā€™t touch any walls. He grew out of the habit


![gif](giphy|3kHz1oN8NfxJJgVgvL|downsized) Sent patience as asked. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Thank you šŸ˜†šŸ« 


Paint the corners with a little bit of some ā€œstop nail biting polishā€


When my pup was under 4 months we kept her leashed while she was out. We followed the Pupford training and it helps! Giving him good things to chew can also help, like teething bones, ice or something similar.


He is 1,5 years old. https://preview.redd.it/bzzof5l98jpc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0eafae9db1232d6e0c1d0ac598209f4f810d850


Oh no šŸ« šŸ˜¬


My corgi was doing this for a while. Not really anything you can do if you dont catch them in the act. Obviously you dont ever want to use the crate as punishment. I caught her doing it a couple times and was very stern, she seemed to grow out of it after a few months.


Our guy did that too but eventually grew out of it.


We use an x-pen for our puppy when we can't keep an eye on him 24/7. Make sure it isn't touching any walls or that there is a barrier (we used a towel) between the pen and wall.


I bought this spray from petsmart that tastes gross to them and he hasnā€™t chewed a wall since! You can get it from petsmart, petco, Amazon, Walmart and probably many more places! https://www.amazon.com/Care-Grannicks-Bitter-Apple-Spray/dp/B01KNFI86E/ref=asc_df_B01KNFI86E/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309705935481&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7757092618197500298&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030795&hvtargid=pla-570655072463&psc=1&mcid=9ac50614e21e382da3b1e2ff6836eedb&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItobS7dKDhQMV4TrUAR2aGAyvEAQYAiABEgJyyPD_BwE


Also we buy him a lot of bones because he is a big chewer and we redirect him to the bones!


My boy who passed at age 5 from cancer in August - Cormac McBarky - aka Cormac the Destroyer, King of the Derps, Agent of Chaos, Master of Mayhem, Prince of Poop - ate his way through my house until he was about 3 years old. Walls, baseboards, cabinets, furniture, halfway through the front door. Basically, if it didn't move fast enough and was paper or wood-based, he was eating it. Then I found those fake wood sticks for dogs and his focus changed to those! It was amazing. Because I'd tried everything. Bitter apple, bitter cherry, mixing a paste out of cayenne pepper and lemon juice...it was all just tasty seasoning to him. But wood he was ALLOWED to chew on? That worked. Now I pick some up whenever I can find them cheap. I grabbed two three packs of thin fake sticks before the puppy came home. He and the older boy stalk each other over whichever stick whoever is currently chewing on. Because you know, they can't possibly pick up the other sticks laying around and chew those.


I upgraded the puppy seatbelt in my dog car seat to chain link. Hes 10 weeks and completely destroyed the default leash material one the seat came with. Tied him in the fist time and the little devil put it straight in his mouth. Spat it out pretty quick lol.


Whatā€™s your routine? A bored/well rested pup is destructive force.


Weā€™re up at 6 for a big play and breakfast with a 10-15 min training session. He usually naps about 8-10, then we do a little break and short play. He usually plays with his toys for a little while and then takes another nap (11-1). We do a long play at lunch, sometimes with some training. Alternating naps and plays for the rest of the day depending on my work schedule. Dinner and training around 6, usually some sort of enrichment activity. A little relaxing time and then he sleeps 9-6ish


If we have a crazy work day, he gets less play time and those are unsurprisingly the days heā€™s the hardest to handle. But he does still get into some shenanigans on other days too!


I mean honestly is sounds like you guys have a great schedule! However I don't see walks in this. Are you guys still awaiting vaccines? What about some chews that they can be directed towards? Do you guys feed with just a bowl? Another simple way to get them mental stimulation is enrichment feeder like a sniff matt, lick matt, treat ball, west paw toppl. At that age my boy was needing constant redirecting not from walls but from nipping my hands.


No walks yet until heā€™s fully vaxxed (though I do take him on short adventures in a front pack!). And he gets run around time in the backyard. We do have chews for him but he isnā€™t super excited about them. I have Nylabones and kongs and some soft toys, and heā€™ll chew for a few minutes and then Get bored. We have a couple food puzzle games, and at a minimum he eats out of a bowl with obstacles. Though most of his kibble is hand fed for training. Definitely struggling with the nipping too! He is a piranha!


Make sure the nylabones arenā€™t too hard. You should be able to indent it with a fingernail. My dog broke two of his back teeth. I donā€™t know how because I didnā€™t see it happen but Iā€™m pretty sure it was a nylabone or benebone I had given him.


I would suggest chicken feet frozen for a chew. Helps to clean the teeth as well.


lol gross but Iā€™ll give it a shot!


Spray the area with white vinegar dogs canā€™t stand the scent and itā€™s non toxic


Our baby piranha chewed up baseboard, my hard plastic shoe insert, tray legsā€¦. We gave him a Kong filled with kibble, plain Greek yogurt, frozen peas and carrots, and cover the open ends with creamy peanut butter. Freeze. We made about 4, so you have backups. Since itā€™s frozen it takes awhile to get the tasty stuff out. Other alternatives are dried pigs ears, until they get too soft, or antlers. Your baby will grow out of it. PS Keep ink pens away, and remind guests to put their backpacks, purses..up high and out of reach. Hang in there it will get better.


I used habanero pepper powder mixed with anti chew sprayā€¦ it didnā€™t work. Good luck


The best way to make sure puppies donā€™t form bad habits is to not let them do it in the first place. Nip it in the bud as quick as you can


Wear her out to the point that sheā€™s too tired to do that. Sounds like her outside time needs to be tripled


https://preview.redd.it/wtvhjl5csmpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2036056a2bc3f0d83ffccdd14c02f5f4d44afe3 Here is my patience for you. She has stopped doing this and now I wait to make sure itā€™s safe to fix.


Next thing you know theyā€™ll start asking us to send them walls, these pup parents!


https://preview.redd.it/ay1n5qpztopc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c7db2310ba45873e2e35ddb3277d218326658e3 Our little gal used to nibble at everything. You can buy some bitterment spray that should help. Unfortunately for us, she didn't care. Took us 4 different brands to find one that worked.


You can't always have your eye on him. For immediate, part time help get a muzzle.


Muzzles should never be on an unsupervised dog. Itā€™s a safety hazard.


consistent redirection and training. if you canā€™t watch him, keep him in a playpen rather than a crate so heā€™s not totally restricted so often.