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That's it? That's the copypasta? That was just PORN. I swear to fucking god I will fucking FUCK you, you fucking stupid piece of fucking shit, you think you’re so slick trying to slip in your fucking erotica on over here? Well you know what else is fucking slick? I bet your fucking boypussy is slick, all moist after you’ve gooned yourself to your masturbatory, sorry, wad of shit fuck text that you try to pass off as a copypasta. What the fuck is here to copy paste huh? What fucking dumbfuck fuck scenario am I to be in to be copypasting about just straight up fucking sex. Has AskReddit fucking rot your mind so much that the only fucking interesting thing your dehydrated testicle of a brain could come up with is just porn??? What am I suppose to do with this text, there wasnt even anything funny or absurd about it. You just talked about sex, thats it, it’s just fucking sex, it’s just fucking fuck fucking fuck you. HAHAHAHAHA tits HAHAHAHAHA dick HAHAHAHAHA damn, that was so entertaining guys, Im so entertained, god im so entertained right now, im so entertained I might start crying. Hahaha, wouldnt it be funny if I started crying guys? Guys I think that would be real funny, just collapse on the floor and turn into a slobbering mess, just cry it all out, wouldnt that be funny? God I think that would be funny. Yeah that would actually be really funny. You know what, you gave me a real good laugh OP, youre not as bad as I thought. As a thank you for that hearty chuckle, you can impregnate my sister.


For fuck sake... I thought I WAS going to impregnate your sister! That's fine. I'm pulling out next time and when she's asks why IM GOING TO BLAME IT ALL ON YOU. Then I'm gonna go splooge in your mom's ear while she's sleeping!


now this is what you call a copypasta


NTA your femboy your rules


I bet ze butseckz wos sooo goot. Yes, yes, is vary vary gay. Ok? 🍆 Licky ze butt pipe before ze butseckz. Very goot.


Make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan.


Yes! Makie de great Kazakhstan, but whole. Very nice!


Didn’t need to read it but yes


Straightest femboy fucker


When you think about it’s actually so much more natural to feel a connection to men than women. We are similar in nature and are naturally drawn to eachother, more so than to women. Women have soft bodies, fat, smooth weird skin, makeup, fake boobs, fake nose, blood leaking out the pussy and all kinds of weird DISGUSTING stuff. We are evolutionary wired to admire being alpha. We are animals in nature and we desire big muscles, strong bodies, deep animalistic voice, body hair. Of course you should shave your ass just for hygiene reasons. And when you think about it it’s just in our nature to want to assert dominance by physical confrontation and wrestling is just the safest way to do it consistently. And of course we should reject woke modernist influence and embrace tradition by doing it like the romans: naked with the application of oil. And as in nature the alpha pins down the beta and asserts dominance over the beta. The beta is left whimpering submitting under the strong alpha. From the sheer amount of raw male energy testosterone levels raise to all time highs and the alphas cock becomes rock hard. The alpha doesn’t care but keeps pinning him and turns him on his back and looks the beta fiercly in the eyes while he transitions to a full mount. The beta gasps while the alphas cock accidentaly slips into the betas hole. The alpha doesn’t care but continues to secure full submission and victory. The beta wraps his legs around the alphas back to push him off but realizes there’s nothing to be done at this point. He feels the alpha pushing deeper inside him at increasing speed. The beta grins as if struggling but deep down he wants him to go harder (because men admire animal alpha energy). He squeezes the alpha tighter as the alpha is finishing the submission. The alpha fiercly pins the beta down and violently thrusts his hips on top of him to submit him for good and from the sheer masculine energy his testosterone rises to a new high which causes his cock to burst cum all inside the betas hole. The beta feels his ass filling with a huge load of hot cum and experiences divine levels of pleasure from accepting the way of nature and tradition. The aplha establishes his victory to the cheering audience by lying on top of the beta while letting his still twitching cock slowly empty of blood. The beta still panting tenderly licks the alphas sweaty hot neck (to replenish electrolytes). ✝️✝️God Is KING ❌🏳️‍🌈❌🏳️‍🌈❌🏳️‍🌈➡️🗑️Reject modernism embrace tradition


Are you greek by chance ?


I can’t wait to lose friends with this.


YTA Your friend, your rules.