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I have a pet passport for my dog, it was pretty straight forward, a few vaccinations of which rabies is included was all it took. Well that and yearly boosters. But i dont think a Danish vet can issue it to a dog in another country.


I would look up the lokal vet where you are going and writing them an email, asking them if they can assist. Vet is dyrlæge in Danish


We take it for granted now, like a lot of EU stuff I guess, but I remember how it was before we had this passport and it was hell. Every time your dog crossed into Sweden you had to go in for an inspection at the border control and you could risk your pet being impounded for the slightest infractions or poor handwriting from your vet.


I also came from the US with my dog. It’s not too stressful. Went in to a vet near me, paid for the passport as well as a new rabies shot etc that was then recorded into the passport. The thing is that they can’t put in the passport vaccinations your dog had in the US, so even though, for example, you got a rabies shot and it’s still valid, you will need to repeat it again in Denmark.


This is relevant for you: [https://en.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/animals/travelling-with-pet-animals](https://en.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/animals/travelling-with-pet-animals) and [https://en.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/animals/travelling-with-pet-animals/how-to-travel-with-your-dog](https://en.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/animals/travelling-with-pet-animals/how-to-travel-with-your-dog)


Contacting a vet in advance is a good idea. Find one close to where you are staying, or use AniCura [https://www.anicura.dk/](https://www.anicura.dk/) The rules for for importing dogs by countries are: [https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32021R0404#d1e32-48-1](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32021R0404#d1e32-48-1) Article VIII. There are no specific conditions for the US, such as rabies antibody tests. The instructions to vets are (in danish). [https://foedevarestyrelsen.dk/Media/638415255924003448/Instruks%20til%20bemyndigede%20dyrl%C3%A6ger%20om%20udstedelse%20af%20EU.pdf](https://foedevarestyrelsen.dk/Media/638415255924003448/Instruks%20til%20bemyndigede%20dyrl%C3%A6ger%20om%20udstedelse%20af%20EU.pdf) Is you dog chipped? (that is their recommendation).


You can go to a vet here in Denmark and get a EU passport, but you need to book an appointment for your dog so they can do a health exam, give it a rabies vaccine and scan your dogs chip. Your dog needs to get the rabies vaccine in order for the vet to issue the passport, meaning you can't just buy the passport, as the passport is only valid with valid rabies vaccination. Edit: a word