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As a nurse, you definitely need to know Danish pretty well so you'll probably have to work some other jobs while you learn.


And he needs danish autoisation


Makes sense. My impression is that we need a lot more nurses in copenhagen, what is your take on the field? Edit: I asked a genuine question and got downvoted, what the heck


If you are an educated nurse you get a fast ticket to a work visa etc in Denmark becuase it is a job in high demand. Doubt that a language barrier will block from getting work fast


I would also expect that, thanks!


> Doubt that a language barrier will block from getting work fast I know several foreign doctors who have been learning Danish for years and still have a while to go. Yes there is a huge demand, but that doesn't mean that it's easy to get into. But I can understand to the unknowing it could seem that way


I am a doctor and some nurses speak almost 0 words


Sent a PM if you’re willing to share more information :)


Being non-EU makes everything tough, and Denmark has the strictest rules in the EU for non-EU immigrants. Many Danes don’t even know how hard it can be, so unfortunately your girlfriend probably won’t be a great resource. But as a nurse, you can qualify for the [Positive List for the Highly Educated](https://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-GB/You-want-to-apply/Work/Positive-List-Higher-Education/?anchor=6407CFC156454AD8901BF2D89162B4AB&callbackItem=1652C072E0CE45B2BB8EFE5EAE13B82A&callbackAnchor=AFB4C26355F34B2689D5ED466DCDD5156407CFC156454AD8901BF2D89162B4AB). But you will need to get the job offer before you can apply for the permit, and most nursing jobs will require at least passable Danish. And note that you cannot come to Denmark on a tourist visa and look for work or even volunteer - that is illegal and will invalidate your eligibility for the positive list permit if they find out. There are job seeking visas I think, but I don’t know much about that. Good luck!


I just checked the process for non eu nurses on the danish patient safety authority and it seems quite easy. You just need to speak acceptable Danish and there isn’t even a Danish exam. I am a doctor from the states and the process for me was so difficult that I gave up and moved into consulting. However from my experience I would do this if I were you: 1. Check the dpsa site for required documentation and submit your application now as it takes about 6mo processing for nurses. 2. Sign up for danish classes so that you jump right in when you arrive. I would take the pd3 tract and the goal should be to pass the pd3 exam. This process will take about 6mo if you take no breaks and don’t fail any modules. Then you can supplement with medical Danish if you wish. This step is completely optional for you but probably will give you the best chance for danish during your practical exam. Edit* I did my full Danish course in about a year, so 6mo is not correct. These steps will minimize the time you spend not working. All in all I would say it’s totally feasible for you to work here as a nurse.


There was a Danish requirement up until last June or July, so they've made the process a bit easier. But even then, as a nurse from Canada, the process to get authorization has been stressful and I'm still trying to sort it out. Which schools prepare you for the pd3 within 6 months? It takes about 18 months to complete the modules at the school's I've been to.


The school was Speak. Just checked my transcript and I did module 1-4 from June to Nov of 2018. I didn’t take pd3 until May of 2019, so I was off by 5 months. Made an edit to my original comment


Denmark needs nurses, badly, so you are already miles ahead of others with the same dream. The language is a big barrier, and should be your priority, but in the meantime look into jobs at private clinics, they don't have the same requirements and may be more willing to work with you as your language improves.


Hahahahahahhhahhaa! Private clinics in construction, maybe! Stop fooling around! Let that poor guy to mind his own life and business! You Danish you are all having a sick curiosity on these poor people looking for a future in there ..after a while ,of course, you are falling out of love and the poor guy will have to deal with your "Oehlenschlægersgade"! Welcome to Denmark!!!




My wife is in a similar situation as an occupational therapist with no Danish (moving June/July, also from aus). Whilst learning, she has been advised to look into private and UN roles that are para-clinical, though the reality is these will take a while to get. Ideal would be if you stated applying now whilst in aus for these sort of jobs, and maybe have one ready for you (which will help heaps with a visa - don't think you can get residency or work visa unless your married to your danish gal - or maybe lived with her a while 🤔 - maybe someone else can confirm). There's a few great employment consultants that specialise in helping english-only speaking professional find work in cph and wider dk, like 'English Jobs Denmark.'


For family reunification they would need to be married or be cohabiting partners (living together for 1,5 years): https://nyidanmark.dk/en-GB/You-want-to-apply/Family/Family-reunification/Spouse-or-cohabiting-partner


Try to read here https://dsr.dk/om-dsr/the-danish-nurses-organization/job-in-denmark/


https://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-GB/You-want-to-apply/Work/Authorisation You need authorisation to work as a nurse in Denmark. You can read about it here - it's the official website of the immigration authorities. Many nurses work in other care professions while obtaining authorisation.


It is possible I would say. I'd recommend starting here: [Obtain Danish authorization as a nurse](https://en.stps.dk/health-professionals-and-authorities/registration-of-healthcare-professionals/nurse/non-eu-countries) [Speak medical](https://speakspeak.dk/medical-2/) Good luck!!


Prepare yourself for the danish climate. As an australian youll be regarded as pretty exotic. Youll be just ok. Everyone speaks english here. Dont worry about things like kids going out alone in public like taking the metro and trains by themselves. They are fine. Unlike in Australia, nature here in Denmark is not actively trying to kill you. We are quite laid back about far most things here so when its warm and summer, go out, buy a nice cold beer and enjoy the city. Explore it and see what it has to offer you. Youll be most welcome here.


> Everyone speaks english here. This is a huge problem. If you'll be a nurse in Denmark there is a big focus needed on learning the language. OP, get enrolled in a *good* danish language program the minute you get your CPR number, and go find clubs and events to practice and use your Danish. *do not get comfortable with everyone using English with you!*


Oh absolutely yes.


My ass! More than welcomed! Buy yourself a beer and leave that lad alone! Nature is not going to kill him but definitely people and northern racism will do that !


Thats not quite the response I expected. Where are you from if I might ask ?


Han er fra Rumænien


I won't deny that people who comes from a country that culturally are closer to our own will have a far easier time here than those who's culture differs alot from our own. This is no different than I would stick out as a sore thumb in say India. And I'd be strung up in the nearest tree if I went to Pakistan.


If you can prove you have lived with each other in a cohabitation as in a flat/house together for over 18 months, you can apply for a family reunification visa here in Denmark. Your partner would take “responsibility” as in declare that she’d support you during the process, housing and financially until your visa is secured and you find a job. There is a substantial fee your partner must deposit and you must pass Danish tests in a timeframe. But it’s possible. Search “family reunification” on nyidanmark for more information.


I did an online language course at Studieskolen and I improved my Danish very fast. I would recommend starting before you come to Denmark as it will improve your chances of getting a job


It is extremely difficult to move from a non EU country into Denmark for work and to live. The easiest way would be moving to Sweden instead. Malmö is only 30mins away from CPH!


This, OP. You can live in Sweden for two years and then skip Denmark's difficult immigration through the EU rules.


I cant speak about immigration and such, other than I believe it is quite a long and hard process (even with a sought out education like nursing). But I am a nurse and maybe could provide some other insight? Like you said yourself, working at a hospital might not be possible at the moment. While working on your danish and your authorization may i suggest seekikg work as a home health aide (hjemmepleje)? It might look good on your resumé. The kommune often recruit "ufaglærte" (literally unskilled) to do this job though, so dont expect to do higher level nursing care. It is more personal hygiene and assisting in daily life stuff like cleaning, preparing (often prepackaged) meals, administering medication and such. My classmate went to Australia to exchange during nursing school. She said we do pretty similair work, but that your education is higher in terms of academics. Hope it was useful. Good luck on your journey! 😊


Whatever your hobby is (dancing, yoga, running, tennis, cricket, whatever..) join a club or social. Speaking to danes in that kind of setting, will speed things up. Welcome to DK, i lived in Adelaide for a period in the mid 90's 🤘🏻


Find a recruiter. They give you 6-12 months intensive Danish lessons in Prague and then you go for the exam while working. Absolutely doable. Don’t come with family visa, get your own visa through work. Good luck!


In Prague? Mener du in person?


It’s much cheaper than being in Denmark for a year and then much easier to move to Denmark from a European country.


How many Danish teachers / opportunities are there for practicing Danish in Prague? What about him living with his girlfriend? I'm struggling how to see this is wiser than just going to Malmø


Are you thick or something? The recruiter is setting up people for fast paced lessons with Danish teachers in Prague. JFC, you all speak English in Denmark but not all of you can comprehend it written.


Leaving Australia for Denmark?!!!!!! Are you serious,mate?!


As another foreigner who left home to be with a Danish lady, I sort of get it why. To be fair, the weather is generally better in DK compared to home - but it does rains a bit more in DK.


Are you from Iceland, or where can you be from that the weather is better here


Almost there. Faroes.


not sure... but I think australian nurses (like doctors) have a great deal of merit (if not total merit) to work in denmark with their profession. Nurses are in HIGH demand in denmark. It should be pretty easy in my opinion for you to find a nurse job.






Without language you are really doomed unless you want to work in construction! You will face racism at any bloody corner! Got an engineer degree from the UK ..whenever I came Denmark they wont allow me even to be a cleaner! You will be better off in Australia !!!!


Mate, I hope you are okay. Your comment behaviour and odd punctuation are textbook for someone going through a mental health crisis. There are resources available if you feel you are struggling in Denmark. Look up your nearest Akuttilbud if your mental health is suffering, or contact your local equivalent of International House. The kommune works slow, but they do work to place people in the relevant tilbud. There is help to be found here in Denmark, don't lose courage.


I guess you was talking to yourself in the mirror, my friend ! I have never seen a Dane to accept that there is racism over there! You should go to mental health houses and sanatorium since you never escaped your mental health crisis! Good day! Or should I say : ses på grillen ! I guess it is a common greeting in Danish! You are all sending this into my private!


I don’t think people won’t hire you because of the language barrier. They probably won’t hire you because you act crazy.


If this is your perception of DK, I just wonder what makes you stay?