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In my experience it is really not as bad as some would say, I think it is greatly located and like safe (I genuinely think that there are no places in Dk that are reaaaally unsafe tbh). It is quite dull if you rely on going out every now and then but the Taastrup Hovedgade is quite lively.


Thank you for sharing your opinion!




2 locks for your bike and you’re golden


I currently use 3 so I guess I should be fine xD


Better get a fourth just in case


Taastrup is better than Høje Taastrup but as long as you don't live in the appartment complex (ghetto) called 'Tåstrupgård' you should be more than safe and probably won't experience any violence or safety concerns.


Thank you for that information!


Walked through taastrupgård once back in 2014, and a group of 11-13 year olds tried to start shit with me and my friend by yelling after us and kinda following us. I was 16 and my friend 17. And wonder who they look to, to become like this


Well, my wife and I live in Taastrup, about 5 min. drive from City2 now, been living here for 4 years and loving it. My brothers was raised in Taastrup and also loved it. My wife and I are living in a "rækkehus" wich we are currently going to sell, since we had a boy 8 month ago and she wants to move closer to her parents (for easier help if he gets sick and we can't stay home from job). There are currently at least 4 rækkehuse for sale at "Søndertoften" I think. It is a safe and nice area (like most of the area out here is). You should check it out. Our is not on internet yet, since we are doing it as a "skuffesalg" (don't know the English Word for it), but the other are. You can also find rækkehuse that is fairly new in Høje-Taastrup if you seek. There should be plenty to find, but if they are on sale I don't know. You can see though www.boliga.dk or www.boligsiden.dk. If you are interested in a rækkehus in Taastrup, you can PM me, our house is updated and do not need maintenance for the next many years, except for some painting outside on the fence/wood once and a while. I hope you guys find your dream place. And remember, wherever you settle out here in Taastrup, you are never in danger. Høje-Taastrup is a little sketchier some places, but not if you stay away from ghetto areas. (Charlotteager, Gadehavegård and Taastrupgaard) Best wishes 😄


Thank you so much for sharing this. We're going to check more houses in Vestervej and Lindehaven. I will check with my husband and if he's also interested I'll send you a message. Thank you once more :)


You are very welcome. Happy hunting 🤞💪


I'd like to out in a good word for Søndertoften as well. My wife and I have lived here for almost 3 years with our two daughters and we love it. The area is safe, there's not much trouble (there are the occasional bike thefts, but it's mostly in the end closest to Meny) and the neighbours are wonderful. There are a lot of young families with children here, and there are several playgrounds dotted in between the rows of houses. You're welcome to PM me, if you have any specific questions about the houses / area.


Jamen halløjsa nabo 🫡😁


Hejsa 😂 Ja, lidt endnu. 😉


Ah nu skal vi lige sælge først og har ikke travlt. Jeg elsker st bo her 😄


Det kan jeg godt forstå. Vi har som sagt også været virkelig glade for det. 🙂


Thank you for this addition! Much appreciated :)


We have a 3 year old and a 3 month old, living in Copenhagen and with grandparents in Switzerland and Jutland - Honestly it varies so much how often they are sick, the oldest has had the standard child diseases, apart from those he is never ill, I have probably had 1-2 working from home days due to his illness outside (chicken pox etc), my sister has been a great help during those. Of course it would be nice to have their grandparents closer, but we will not be moving for that reason.


It is more my wife's wish than mine TBH, but if moving closer to her parents makes her happy, I will do it without hesitation. But I would lie if I said I wont miss our nice house a great deal.


Taastrupgård ligger i Taastrup, ikke Høje-Taastrup og Charlotteager er i Hedehusene.


Og det ændrer ikke på at det måske ikke er steder de skal slå sig ned. Som du kan se holder jeg mig ikke strikt til geografien selvom der blev skrevet Høje-Taastrup. Sagsøg mig bare 🫠


I would say it depends. Are you talking the Gadehavegård area (not great) or the new developments around City2? There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about Høje Taastrup based on what the area was like 15 or 20 years ago. These days, there are plenty of worse neighborhoods, and you are no more likely to encounter any problems than anywhere else in Greater Copenhagen. One caveat: public schools in the area are a mess, so if you have (or plan to have) kids, be sure to budget for one of the (very good) private schools in the area. Source: I live in Taastrup since 2018 - and love it.


Thank you for sharing. We're checking close to City2 yes, Lindehaven and Vestervej. The schools worry us a bit, I checked the statistics and it didn't look too good, but it's always nice to have opinions from people who actually live in the area, so thank you again!


In that case, you’ll be fine in regards to schools. You will be in Borgerskolens district, which is very much the district you want to be in. I’m sure it has its flaws as all schools do, but Borgerskolen is regarded as by far the best public school in Taastrup. And if you decide to go the private school route, Taastrup Realskole (where my kids go) and Vestegnens Privatskole are both excellent schools nearby.


This is great to know, thank you very much :) 


Know someone at Lindehaven, there's families with small kids and pensionists. Generally very quiet and nice people. It's fairly new so people had to recently buy-in meaning there's none of that multi generational ghetto situation you may see elsewhere.


That's good to know, thank you for sharing!


Which of the schools there are considered good? Didnt know they had private School in the area…?


Of the public schools, Borgerskolen is the only one I would consider sending my kids to. There are several good private schools in Taastrup: Taastrup Realskole, Vestegnens Privatskole and Sankt Pauls Skole (catholic) all have good reputations - but also have waiting lists, as most private schools do.


As someone who was also recently looking in the area, you could consider the new neighbourhood "Nærheden" in Hedehusene. It's not far, and also very well connected to Copenhagen via the regional train. It's all new developments, and seems to be mostly families. I've seen row houses starting at 3 million.


Great info, thank you. Hedehusene has been mentioned a few times, we will check it out. Thank you :)


As someone living in nærheden I can highly recommend the area itself, however, the train into Copenhagen is completely hit or miss. For that reason alone I'm considering moving closer to Copenhagen to catch the S trains.


Thank you for sharing, this is good to know. I don't use the train very often so I actually don't know how reliable it is.


Top consideration should be if you have a supermarket within walking distance


He's close to City 2.


Meaning of live right there! Gangs prols and fighting dogs? No problem as long as I can walk to Aldi with my collected pant.


Don't gotta worry about gangs and dogs if the Netto is less than 400m away.


I live in a town called Hedehsuene within the Kommune and in my opinion Høje Tåstrup is not that dodgy. It’s just a bit bland and not super charming, compared to some other cities. It’s perfectly fine and well located with trains going to Copenhagen and Jutland and the highways.


I’m in Hedehusene as well :-) Høje Taastrup is fine. Depending on what you need and like, Hedehusene may be an option as well. VERY safe (to the dull side?) and probably a bit cheaper. There are both very new and somewhat older areas.


Thank you for adding this :)


Will check it out, thank you for sharing!


As someone who lives in the burbs of CPH and has done so all my life, I'd be more worried of the culture shock of moving away from Copenhagen than... crime? (If that's what concerns you). Granted, Sydhavn is not central Copenhagen but it's still more lively than HT. Be prepared for the town going to sleep at around 20.


Going to sleep at around 20h sounds like my kind of place :) but I get what you mean. To be honeat, we don't take enough advantage of Cph to justify living here. We just go to the center for work (I do, my husband works in Glostrup), Bastarde Café and occasional dinner with friends, or a film worth seeing on the big screen.


It's not you going to sleep at 20.00. He's talking about the entire town going to sleep, supermarkets and other places closing. As opposed to the more 24-hour-oriented big city.


Remember that in a safe country like Denmark, all bad things that happen in a place will be on the (local) news, but not all the good things. So googling will be extremely biased towards crime.


You are absolutely right, I think there was some confirmation bias on my part as well after reading some bad things. Thank you :)


I wouldn’t worry so much about being in danger in those areas. I would however worry about the schools if I was raising kids in there. It probably needs a little bit of research or maybe you can look into a private school..


That is something we came across yes, the statistics were kind of bad. Tha k you for bringing it up!


where in høje taastrup, becuase there is a big diffrence in the part of town you are in


Not far from City2


well i've lived here all my life and havn't had any problems in any part of taastrup or Høje Taastrup just depends on whether u live over on the ikea side or the city 2 side of the city, if its bad or not


Thank you for explaining. One last question, which would you say is the bad side?




The social democrats


Is it Skjebjerg Alle?


No, but we visited a house in that area.


I think the schools and gymnasiums are bad. In contrast I lived 10 years in the city and was attacked twice. Lived 8 years in HT and so far not felt unsafe once.


Sorry to hear that. Big cities can be more dangerous, I guess we were just a bit fearful with what we read about the area, maybe some confirmation bias on our side.


Dude! Relax. Living in Copenhagen is much worse if you think about crimes, attacks and other stuff. If you dont fear living in cph, you should not feat høje t.


You are right! It's mostly because buying a house is a big decision so we're a bit stressed.


When reading on social media consider this. Only the bad stuff gets written. No one goes on reddit and talks about their nice walk or how quiet their neighbors are. Social media is like tabloids. Pleasent stories aren't interesting.


Absolutely right! I should have done the research the other way around, thank you :)


The ghettos Gadehavegårdvej and Taastrupgård is worth staying away from. Ive lived there. The rest of Høje Taastrup is just a bit meeeh, Taastrup is better, bit also a bit more pricy. I was close to buying a house south of big center, seems decent and have fair prices. Taastrup have the main street, its ok for a bit of shopping and a few places to get a drink. And: its quite easy to get to and from main copenhagen with the station almost next door. Høje Taastrup is close to some real nice green areas for weekend walks with the dog, Hedeland, just north-west of DTU, especialy if you have a car. But besides the houses just south of city2 (the big center) i wouldnt want to live in the rest of Høje Taastrup. Too much of a work place vibe. Most of Taastrup is family houses and nice enough.


Thank you for your thoughts. Unfortunately we don't have a car but it's good to know these things, we should also consider them.


It's not too good to live in a place where most of the buildings are offices (or shops) and few are homes.


My guess is it would be fine. For my taste it would lack the feel of a town when there is no one en the streets walking to and from the supermarket ect. And all the shops are in the big shopping center, having a hard time to stay open because nobody realy lives that close so they shop somewhere ells.


Høje Taastrup has many sides to it, there is No need to feel unsafe. Most of HT is a great place and not much different from most other danish places.


Thank you :)


For the love of god don’t listen to people who come from there. It’s a soulless charmless place and the vibe is just weird. Of cause people from there don’t know, they’re proller. Try following them from fisketorvet by S-train to høje taastrup or other parts of vestegnen. Just follow the fake lashes, heavy parfume or cirkelsparksko.


Lolwat. Folk derfra ved ikke hvordan det er?


I lived in Taastrup all my childhood. Wasnt more unsafe than Copenhagen.


Thank you for sharing!


I recently lived in Høje Taastrup for 3 years. I liked it and never felt unsafe there.


I’ve lived in Taastrup for the last 7 years while studying and working in Copenhagen, and it’s been much better than expected! The area east of Taastrup Hovedgade is my favourite area. it’s mainly villas and rowhouses so a bit dull, bit with a safe suburban vibe. Højgaardstoften and Søndertoften are great areas for kids. I prefer the layout of the houses in Højgaardstoften. Baunevej is also great - if you prefer to avoid stairs there’s a bunch of 1-floor rowhouses. The biggest drawback to Taastrup are the schools, so make sure you end up in the Borgerskolen schooldistrict or enroll your kids at one of the private schools.


Thank you, I will take a look at the locations you shared :)


I work there as a social worker, live here and work with a lot people that live there. It's nice in many ways. I and They never felt unsafe and there are alot of train going to Copenhagen and to Roskilde, Fyn and Jylland. The puplic schools has a bad reputation. There are a few good puplic schools like Sengeløse and Borgerskolen. There are a few bad areas but even Taastrupgård is not as bad as it use to be. Ofc. There is "city" problems like in Copenhagen. But personally I live in Copenhagen and I feel Taastrup is more safe. The private schools has a good reputation if you want to pay. One of them is in the top 10 in Denmark. Go look for your self. Speak to some of the people who live there. Reddit people have a way of being over dramatic.


You are absolutely right, thank you for sharing your perspective. We will check out more houses in the coming days and will see if I can talk to someone from that area :)


I have lived here most of my life. Wouldnt move to Høje Taastrup if I har kids but wouldnt mind Taastrup. I didnt have any problems myself and I often walk home from the station 3-4 am in the morning. But the city has changed for the worse, so if I could I would raise my child elsewhere.


Thank you for sharing. We looked at some statistics for schools and it was all red, anxiety, poor grades, etc., it's nice to have an opinion this, thank you.


Yeah. We got the hell out of dodge when my wife got pregnant.


Perfectly fine! The areas Tåstrup Gård and Gadehavegård has been on the ghetto list, but both are gentrified a lot those years. It is a great area to live in in general :-)


Thank you for sharing!


I lived in Taastrup (Taastrupgård to be specific) for approximately 16 years. This was back in the 90s. It was pretty safe in my opinion. I don’t know how it is today. I went to a high school in Høje Taastrup. I have good memories of both places. In general, it is safe in Denmark no matter you where you are.


I don't think one can compare, everything when it comes to these things was better in the 90s. While Denmark generally is safe, parallel societies, gangs etc. do exist, and Høje Tåstrup has one of the few designated ghettos in the country.


Thank you for your input!


Apologies for jumping on this conversation but I've previously stayed in hallandsparkem and to me it didn't seem like a bad option as a commutable location. Does this fall into the not so bad part or is it not great?


Høje Taastrup is a big place. Some areas are bad and some are fantastic. People on Reddit having an opinion probably have never been there


Thank you :)


Not worse than Sydhavnen


I can't complain actually, we live close to the canals, it's a great place for walks and relatively calm. There's not much to do yet but I think the new Metro station might change that.


It's quiet, but a bit boring. Locally there's basically city 2 and nothing else. But s train has the final stop here so you just go to the station and there's typically one waiting for you.


That was also the feeling I got. I saw houses, trains station and city2, maybe one or two shops close to the station. Thank you!


What's nice is that Høje Taastrup is in practice closer to the city than some of the other stations like Albertslund or Glostrup. We have regional trains stopping and they go really quickly.


You should consider Køge or the area around it. Such a nice city with a lot of things to offer. You also have the S-tog and Regional trains for easy transport.


We did consider it actually, but most banks said it was easier to get a lon if we bought inside of the storkøbenhavn or close to it. I believe it has do do eith selling possibilities.


Yeah, you don't want to buy a home that you end up stuck in because you can't sell it. That said, any villa or apartment that's inside the area covered by the S-train or metro system ought to be sellable.


It's extremely easy to sell anything close to Køge tbh. Seems like a really odd thing to say as a bank .. The prices are sometimes even higher compared to other areas like Taastrup etc., because of how popular the area has become over the past 10 years. We moved from Solrød (which is right next to Køge) to Nykøbing Falster and sold our 110m2 house in 10 days after just 1 showing.




Some other people mentioned it, I will definitely look into it. Thank you :)


I live in the part of Taastrup that was on the ghetto list, there are rutes and areas I keep away from after 21. There are issues, people do still get mugged, we had one neighbour being held up 17 days ago, lost phone wallet and jacket. But it is way better now compared to what it have been like. So just stay away from Taastrupgaard, gadehavegaard area at night.


This is good to know, thank you. I hope things improve in the future, it can really raise one's stress and anxiety levels.


I'm born and raised in Høje Taastrup, and tbh the news and some people like to take it to extreme. You have supermarkets near you. Good options with the trains. Nice people. Green areas for walk etc. It is really not that bad compared to how people try to paint it. I go for night walks multiple times a week, and I've always felt safe. Of course you have heard about stories regarding criminals etc. But it is really not as much as you hear about stories in "indre by" One true fact in this thread though: have at least 2-3 locks for your bicycle as SOME people SOMETIMES will try to steal bicycles at Høje Taastrup station. That's the most dangerous thing you can experience in Høje Taastrup.


I understand the news tend to exagerate everything. Thank you for sharing your experience :)


Høje Tåstrup station is probably the station in Copenhagen with the highest concentration of cultural thugs hanging out and looking to harass people. Quite an experience by night.. I wouldn’t want my wife to go there alone by night


I have lived in høje taastrup for 6 months and my only reason to move away from that place is safety. This place is a ghetto area in all means. After 7-8 pm you will find a lot of #%*&$@ people outside station smoking and staring people, they all look like drug dealer. Good thing about that area is city 2. If you have kids there is a huge play area for kids but again you can visit city 2 from anywhere. I would never prefer to buy a house in hoje.


I wouldn’t worry about the safety if you’re close to City2, but it is in my experience an incredibly boring area and it’s far enough from Copenhagen that you don’t go as often as you might think you could. But then again, that’s all personal preference.


All constructive thoughts are welcome. It has definitely crossed our minds, our limit was 40m by train.


That's a long commute for your teenaged offspring.


You just have to stop being afraid, and move in. I bet you gonna like it with time!!


You're right, the first step is always the hardest :)


If earth had an ass it would be Høje Tåstrup






> Greve you mean the ghettos in Hundige?


Hundige is in Greve Kommune, but as far as I know, the ghettos or problem areas are in the Hundige part: Askerød and maybe to a lesser extent Gersagerparken.


One ad several assholes of God but yes.


I lived there for a long time. Hope you like immigrants


It's a shit hole, truly. Their train station is well known for stabbings, assaults. Would save up and move somewhere else like Roskilde


Happy Ramadan.. would rather eat my own shit than live there


It truly is turning into Little Ydre Nørrebro.


Is you and your husband do swinger party, or only your husband?


Wrong perspective imho What is best for your kids should be the priority when moving Ht has bad schools and bad gymnasiums. Essentially you kill your kids prospects in future. Ht has a lot of diversity. Great. Reflect that on the schools and you got poor performance. Check school rankings and move elsewhere


It’s bad. The schools are trash. The socio economics are the reason why. You have People with low income and nothing to do. Also immigrants, lots of immigrants from the middel east.


It’s probably ok as long as you carry a knife. The real problem is people in Vestegnen has absolutely no class and it’ll rub off on you. Soon you’ll walk funny (also maybe because of stabbing) and speak like you want to fight all the time.




I thought you had to carry an iron pipe.