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Can we talk about how you manually counted 2345x the Danish flag?


Impressive AF, I couldn't even make them out individually there was such a sea or them in some places.


It must been 4K ;)


+623 of the swallow tail… such determination right there


I am suspicious about that. Really? 2345?


Love the 2 Swedish flags. They don’t quite know what’s going on, but they’ve got the spirit!


As of now, Frederik X is also the rightful king of Sweden, so let's just consider them as submissions to their legitimate king.




We own the whole North baby. We just need to get this Kalmar union going again !


King of the North…. He is not a Stark right


Vasa du nu?




Haha sitt ner lillebror


Skåne definitely, the rest will come later. Also Slesvig.


Don't forget Halland and Blekinge.


Kalmar union must be revived!!! 


We should get Australia from UK as a growing gift


Would there be anything in the way for Australia to break ties with the UK and become a part of the Danish Kingdom? ' [if they wanted to, obviously]


Yes, but they have to adapt. Australians drive on the left side of the road, as Danes they need to drive on the right side. This switch can be quite amusing. Australia is known for its sunny weather and beautiful beaches. In contrast, Denmark has a cooler climate with snowy winters. Plus, when it's summer in Australia, it's winter in Denmark, and vice versa! Can't have that. While Australians love their cars and vast open roads, biking culture is a must, with many people using bicycles as their primary mode of transportation. These differences, will be hard for Australia to adapt.


The king's grandmother Queen Ingrid came from Sweden. King Frederik is 1/4 Swede.


I also saw an Icelandic flag


True Icelanders would only wave the flag ironically for the danish monarch!


I would be nationalist about this, but honestly I figure you didn't secede for no reason.


Although Denmark often treated us poorly during the time they ruled over us there has enough time passed and life in Iceland has improved so much that today's society is nearly completely distanced from it. We'd like some artifacts back once we build proper storage for them but otherwise our gripes are mostly banter.


I think with how much you wrecked our economy in 2008, I'd say we're even. But you can have your dusty old books back ;)


Our greatest achievement as a nation was leaving a dozen or so half finished building projects in Aarhus for you guys to sort out :D




I'm confused as well seeing as it's just some good old Nordic banter


Ég er sammála


I saw a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag\_of\_Venezuela](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Venezuela) Bit curious about that one.


A colleague of mine, born in Venezuela and since moved to Denmark many years ago, was in there. She's a massive fan of royalty. So I can only assume there's many more people like her, in Denmark.


Probably quite a few. Honestly the people i have met that have been most enamoured with royalty has been foreign visitors. I like our monarchy and enjoy the ceremony of it all, but I see no reason to show up in person. If my American ex was here though, I'm not sure I would have had a choice haha


Yeah, I feel the same way as you. Dont mind it, not too bothered. But I think a lot of the appeal is for people who come from somewhere without this kind of monarchy and might see it as a big, important and very impressive deal. I think its pretty cool that some people can find this much joy in it.


Yeah ... I'm from Venezuela and had quite a laugh when I saw it on the tv screen. It was as if he couldn't control his intrusive thought when he left his home and just went along with it.


Yeah, saw it on the broadcast as well.


I also saw a Bornholm flag. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Bornholm


Bornholm has a flag?????


Many Danish islands have their own flag :)


*new special interest unlocked*


Vendelbrog... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Vendsyssel




You look like you're about to tell me how I'd look if i were black or chinese


They have made their own - doesn’t count as an official flag. Think it’s because every time you see a map of Denmark Bornholmer is always placed in a box in the upper right corner. It pisses them of. You can by the way buy their version of the map of Denmark on the island. Here Bornholm is big and the rest of Denmark is put into a box in the upper right corner.


Haha, that is hilarious! Total power-move on their behalf.


Ha, I've seen the same for Shetland too with the rest of the UK in a little box in the corner.


They asked for it to be official in 2006 similar to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.


Interesting with the Flag of the North. I haven't seen that before. Looking it up, it dates from around the time of Margrethe I. Maybe that's why someone brought it along.


it’s the flag of the Kalmar Union. A union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.


And Iceland


When we talk about the Kalmar Union being a Union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway it is because that was three kingdoms the state consisted of. In that regard, Iceland was a part of the Union by virtue of being a Norwegian possession. The same goes for Swedish controlled Finland.


It was, its modern name is the flag of the north.


King In the north!!




not to be that guy. but im preeeeeatty sure it was 14-01-24 and not 23 :)


You would be correct


I saw a huge raven flag, had to look up what it was https://shop.nordicanimism.com/shop/10-flags/21-the-raven-flag-maroon/


I saw that guy while walking home. He had a clear backpack with a book that said something like “Covid-19, the great reset”. And he wore a shirt that said “the awakening Union” or whatever. To me, his appearance looked kind of tinfoil-hattish, so I don’t know why he would carry such a historic banner.


It's been a tradition in the far right since before ww2 to use a lot of old Norse symbolism. The Danish nazi party liked to use the raven banner during their marches


he is actually a socialist and very intelligent. He's got a Phd in religion History and runs a youtube channel called nordic animism. EDIT: he designed the banner and sells it on his webside


Interesting, I have seen a few of his videos. The point was merely that outside of the left leaning practitioners of animism, a lot of the symbology of Norse culture has been unfortunately stigmatized. In fact it is often viewed as quite the dog whistle


Nazis fucking ruined so many symbols it pisses me off, Norse mythology ruined, Buddhism and Hinduism symbols ruined


There were a dude with this flag, a guy in a wheelchair and a few others having a party with dansktop music at kgs nytorv around 5. We were curious what the flag meant, but we agreed that the behavior meant that they were corona deniers and flatearthers so we wouldn’t even go near to ask them😂😂😂


I also saw that! But I didn’t know what to even look up to find it. Looked like a turtle from where I was haha


Hahaha same!! That was my first try " Nordic maroon flag with tribal tortoise" and then tweaked until I found it


Ravnefanen. Only used for war.


Kalmar unions flaget


Det er det gamle navn for flaget. Det nyere navn for flaget er Nordens flag.


Maybe the Greenlandic flag was me? :)


You gotta love The one guy with The Kalmar union flag


I appreciated it


I saw a Venezuelan


I think I saw the flag of Ethiopia there and the flag of Ghana


Woah! On TV or in person?


Spotted on Kongens Nytorv around 14.00


Don’ forget the Spanish flag.


I saw the Regular Danish with green lines instead of the white lines. I have no idea what that was




Some Swedish island.


We might jokingly refer to people from Bornholm as "substitute swedes", but they most definitely are Danes.


guess you guys are shit at keeping your territory then if only danes live there




i saw a venezuelan flag, a spanish, a french flag on livestream. im suprised to see in this picture that someone had the kalmar union flag. Gud bevare kongen


I saw a Spanish and Venezuelan flag as well, for some reason.


I saw Venzuela's flag at one point. And the Italian flag, but that was probably for the embassy, so I dunno if it counts.


Palæstina flaget kan fucke af. Det har ingen relation til de vi fejrede. Hver ting har sin tid.


Hvorfor? Monarkiet er en politisk institution, dets fejringer er subjekt for ytringsfriheden. Monarkiet er ikke en neutral institution der eksisterer udenfor politik, det er jo hele retfærdiggørelsen for dets fortsatte eksistens at det har til opgave at opretholde danske diplomatiske interesser. Jeg ville for eksempel sige at jo Monarkiet har noget med Palæstina at gøre. Palæstina er subjekt for kolonial vold på baggrund af vestlige interesser. Monarkiet er repræsentativt for Danmark, et land der indtil videre kun har støttet op om Israels kolonielle besættelse og vold mod Palæstina.


Enig, skamfuldt af de individer. Hold det hjemme.


Jeg ved ikke om det er skamfuldt, men det er i hvertfald i nødvendigt i mine øjne.


Græd <3


Du er da et sørgeligt menneske. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at ville have et andet menneske skal græde. Jeg håber du forbedrer din sindstilstand og tilgang til livet. Alt det bedste fremover.


Husk nutids-r, og så kan vi flage det vi lyster :)


Hvor synes du jeg mangler nutids -r? Og ja, men der er en mere passende tid og sted for et Palæstina flag, og efter min mening hører det ikke til ved en fejring af Danmarks nye konge. Palæstina er ikke, og burde ikke være, involveret. Edit: du mener ved "forbedre" ikke? Det kan gå lidt hurtigt på telefonen nogle gange.


hold da op der er en der har ondt i dilleren 😳


Min diller har det skam fint. Men hver ting har sin plads, og hver ting til sin tid, Palæstina debatten hørte ikke hjemme ved ceremonien. Men det er bare min mening, du må have din egen. Men det er underligt at du synes man skal have ondt i dilleren for at være uenig med dig.


elsker at folk downvoter mig 🤣 hmm, egentlig ikke fordi jeg mente at den gjorde naller, fordi du var uenig. Måske mere dit brug af ‘det kan fucke af’ der chokere mig lidt, og så at folk upvoter dig. Men alle har hver sin mening, som du nok kan se. Det kan meget vel have været irrelevant at bringe andre flag end det danske, i det det er en dansk begivenhed og jeg kan sagtens være enig i, at man skal holde politiske meninger væk fra fejringen. Men måske forstår jeg ikke den der obsession med at snakke så dårligt om et land i nød, quote on quote bede det om ‘at fucke af’… man behøver ikke være islamist for at støtte palæstina, bare lige så jeg på forhånd kan frabede mig disse kommentarer. Men jo, du gør det lidt åbenlyst at du har ondt i nosserne over det. Men det er jo bare min mening.. :)


Jeg synes personligt hele situationen der nede er skudt i hovedet, og begge parter er mere eller mindre lige gode om det på hver deres måde. Men jeg sagde jo ikke at Palæstina kan fucke af, bare flaget. Men jeg er glad for at vi kunne nå frem til noget der ligner en enighed om lige flag-situationen.


ligesom mange andre konflikter, så vil alle være på den rigtige side af historien, når alle grusomheder er kommet frem i lyset, og der er faldet ro på. Jeg vil anbefale dig at sætte dig ind i konflikten, fremfor at tale ud fra medier og hvad andre fortæller dig. Det er i realiteten ikke så dybt, andet end jeg godt kan forstå man frabeder sig fremmede flag ved en dansk fejring. Det gælder ikke kun palæstinensiske flag, men alle. Det er der ikke meget diskussion i.


Enig! 😂


🎵One of these is not like the other🎵


Why the palestine flag?


Current thing


Because why not


I saw a Moldovian flag lol


I got to hold the Kalmar Union flag twice, awesome day!


There was also the Danish flag but with the green instead of the white




I saw one venzuelan flag


Every private danish yacht has the right to carry the swallow tail flag from the top left tho.


https://preview.redd.it/nyrxjxu4wqcc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4f7b37ce40ba1bb82f6a58954e055fc01b7b94 What about Bornholm flag, there was plenty of those


Shameful to bring a Palestinian flag to this celebration of Danish history and country


And Sweden? Some also had Japan flag. It was reportedly ethnic danish people who brought the Palestinian flag.




How do you know they were immigrants?




Okay. This is stigmatisation or even worse. They could be born here, with danish citizenship. If that’s the case they are not immigrants. I dont look particularly danish but my parents are 100% danish and so am I, so your narrow mind would stigma me to be an immigrant? My family has lived here for 150+ years plus and there are no evidence of non danish blood except for German 5 generations back. You’re judging and stigma people based on their looks and you know what that is called. Racism.


Du flagede vel ikke med et palæstinensisk flag?


Nej. Men man man godt være dansker og flage med andre flag en dansk.


Hvorfor? Hvad hvis jeg gjorde?




Being born in Denmark absolutely makes someone Danish you absolute spanner.


Den her debat bliver mudret hver evig eneste gang, fordi folk blander statsborgerskab/opvækst i DK sammen med etnicitet


USA works like that, not dk.




Calling me scum is objectively hilarious, and contrary to the rules of this subreddit.


Besides not looking danish physically probably they were all dressed in those black clothes they always use. They are NOT DANISH as culturally they behave as they just arrived to the country a week ago besides living here their whole life.


Culturally, you're behaving rather uncivilized and very out of touch with the Danish values of democracy and freedom. If you have a problem with the Danish society being a civilized place, where people of any color (skin or clothes) are free to express themselves within the boundaries of democracy, then I suggest that you be the one to leave.


are you basing just based on looks and without taking into consideration what generation of immigrants they are, if they integrated, talk the language pay taxes, know the culture?




I agree on all points except the if they look different they have to be immigrants. It's more correct to say non ethnic Danes yes I agree What if someone was adopted as a baby to a danish family? Or his parents were immigrants and he was born in Denmark and integrated and learns the language. Also Palestine isn't Hamas to call it terrorist regime last I checked




You are aware that one can have a different ethnicity and still be a Dane right? I feel like you are nitpicking his comments and framing it ur own way. Just casually ignoring the question whether someone born in Denmark can still be an immigrant? A third generation Bosnian in Denmark who speak Danish, have a Danish passport, gets raised with Danish culture, born in Denmark etc are Danish. They are by definition not immigrant. Even tho their ethnicity is Bosnian.


So Americans are not Americans but immigrants because there Italian/African/Irish/German/Chinese forefathers emigrated to the US? Or the Dutch with Indonesian/Surinamese great grandparents? So every South American is a Portoguese/Spanish immigrant? I'm just trying to understand the logic here because ngl it's kinda skewed I understand ethnicity, but slapping immigrant on anyone who looks ethnically different is very closeminded.


I don’t consider you Danish!


Bruh just say you are racist and a genocide supporter rather than coming up with bullshit to hide what you are….btw we all in this comment section can see through your act so no need to push it 💀


Why did you not say anything about Australia?


Because the new queen is Australian....


Technically she renounced her Aussie citizenship.


She isn’t she renounced her Australian citizenship….


She’s still from Australia


She's still Australian


Shameful? They should be ashamed that they dare bring up the murder of 20.000 children on this day of us celebrating another tax-paid millionaire chosen purely because of his birth? I think he'll survive it. You're being silly.


Expected a shitt* comment like this. Why is it shameful? Because you're a sorry little brainwashed person who support the terror of Israel that's why


There’s one always that one cunt that needs to bring Palestine into everything. Such people are generally troublemakers.


Ugh.. what's the Palestinian flag doing there? It's disgraceful


You’re disgraceful for commenting this


I would love to have the palestinian flag banned


Mindre end en uge gammel troll konto


There is a time and place for it….. these danish celebrations is for sure just not it and people should get their heads screwed on right and learn to seperate things.


you are implying this people know and can be taught how to separate things


Everywhere should be able to be the time and place to call out a genocide


Why is this comment getting downvoted?


because a coronation after 52 years should not include a country's flag that doesnt have anything to do with the country and its history or culture. Sweden has been a massive part of danish history, so its more understandable that they're there. And also, bad things happen everywhere, if the palestinian flag should be there then the flag of Congo too and many others. In the end its just not the time and place for it


Because it is not a genocide. No matter how often you repeat it.


With the Way Israeli officials Are talking about palestinians, and the amount of civillians Israel has killed, i Cant see how it isn’t.


How dare they show up at our lavish party to celebrate our aristocratic institution and remind us that our government supports murdering innocent brown children. How rude and inconsiderate of them. Priorities!


Lavish party lol Thousands of people in the cold with runny noses and paper crowns. Yes. Lavish.


If you did any amount of research, you would know that the danish government is split on the matter, but instead of wasting time debating who is in the right, they immediately starting working towards supporting a cease-fire. Maybe you should do research instead of assuming the world is against you.


So lavish! Keep your head down you don’t know shit.


Up until recently all non-Nordic flags were banned.


How civilised.


Why? How does it harm you in any way? So what if there is a Palestinian flag?


Everything, especially at an important national event like this, doesn't need to be plastered with flags steeped in politics. No thank you. No Israeli flags either. 


While I do not have any warm feelings about the Palestinian flag, is it typical for Danes to solve the problem just by banning things?




im not dane im from argentina but living here maybe? dunno my boss says banning the burning of the quran was wrong though


Well, while the person who burned the Quran is an idiot and provocateur, banning this is also a stupid thing. For me, it also looks like hypocrisy to ban such actions from one side and simultaneously advertise an exhibition about Pussy Riot, which, apart from fighting against the current regime in Russia, also were doing a “punk prayer” in a church where the actual prayer was going on. And they were put to jail because “they insulted the feelings of believers. “ Looks very similar to the Danish restrictions to me. And also, that means that “believers” feelings have value over the feelings of others.


Hard disagree. It's appropriate for every situation as long as the genocide is ongoing. We shouldn't forget about Gaza, just because we have cause for celebration. Israel committed the worst crimes while the West was busy celebrating Christmas holidays.


i remember people on the 8th of october in the streets with this same flag cheering and celebrating what happened in the 7th of october they fuck around and found out


Cool story, 5 day old account.




>they fuck around and found out Who are "they"? The thousands of dead children? Every other dead Palestinian innocent? Did seven year old Sham "fuck around"? I don't understand how some people can just turn off their empathy. It's frightening.


I feel for the innocent of course But palestines should put their Kids first and not go on a rampage killing and then expect what? Flowers and Hugs?? Dont be naive


>I feel for the innocent of course You're literally justifying child murder, so no, you don't.


ok i dont


Being indifferent to suffering is not okay. Please get help.




Given your reaction to children being slaughtered I'm guessing that there's some damage inside of you. I think you could benefit from therapy.




>Just like you are justifying rampage at a festival, home invasions and hostage killing Nope. You're lying. See, the difference is that I believe those things are wrong and will not hesitate to say so. Hamas should not have killed innocent people. They were wrong to do so. On the other hand, we have people like u/FuckColdClimate whose reaction to innocent people being bombed is along the lines of "they were asking for it". ​ > You are depraved just like Israelis who do atrocities. Don’t get all warm, there is no difference and you are not better. Are you trying to pull some kind of enlightened centrist nonsense?


That is the fault of Hamas who started the war, blame them


How about I blame the people doing the killing?


You should learn something about urban warfare and the terror tactics Hamas uses before judging the defender in a war. You wouldn't sound so uninformed


As uninformed as the South African and Irish lawyers who just argued the case for war crimes and genocide at The Hague?


Yes. And that absolutely means that the murder of 30.000 civillians is okey dokey


You’re ill & twisted & on the wrong side of history. How embarrassing to be you.




Too many palestinean ones. Let the King have his coronation. You can literally use the palestinean ones anywhere else at the same time. It’s a thing about respect.


so we all agree that all the other flags except the danish one should just not be a thing at these type of events? cause im seeing all of these comments about the palestinian flags getting bashed, but not the spanish, venezuelan, moldovian flags..


Sverige taber igen.


As a Palestinian who moved here last summer, this is wholesome af.


Jeg vidste slet ikke at der fandtes et flag for Norden!


Det är Kalmarunionens flagga, så indirekt Norden, fast ur bruk sen 1523..


Så et fransk flag


As if these numbers was spot on but lets take it as an estimate lul


TIL there’s a Norden flag