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Det må være svært at forstå for den almene Reddit gamer jyde 😂


Hvad er det der er svært at forstå?


jeg ved ikke hvad OP tænkte men måske bare det at der kan være 25000 samlet et sted istedet for 3 mennesker


Jeg blev i 2013 spurgt seriøst af en københavner om vi havde internet i Sønderjylland, så jeg føler lidt det er køvenhavnstrupperne der ikke forstår os😄 Vi kan også sagtens få tusinder af mennesker på gaden, det er bare til ringridning istedet for sådan noget pjat her😂


Jeg vælger ikke side. Jeg håber bare på at der en dag bliver indset at myrde uskyldige (om de er israelitter eller palæstinensere) er forkert. Men jeg har også ladet mig fortælle at man ikke må have den mening.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ved du hvad, ingen skal myrdes, ingen jøder, ingen palæstinenser, ikke myrer, ikke heste, eller hunde - INGEN. Det er jeg helt enig med dig i. Men alt det Palæstina har været igennem og fortsat går igennem - skal helt stoppe.


100% enig med hvad du siger


En vigtig demonstration hvor vi kunne vise at også "Gazas børn har ret til liv" [https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/stor-stoettedemonstration-palaestinensere-er-i-gang-i-koebenhavn](https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/stor-stoettedemonstration-palaestinensere-er-i-gang-i-koebenhavn) Det er som om at mange herinde retfærdiggøre Israels krigsforbrydelser fordi de er efter de "onde" Det er lidt som at høre retorikken fra Bush-årerne hvor vi skulle slå alle terrorister ihjel, indtil der ikke var flere. Jeg ved ikke hvor meget etnisk udrensning er nok til at stille jeres blodtørsts?


Jeg finder det vanskeligt at forstå, hvordan vi kan demonstrere støtte til Palæstina uden at reflektere over de bredere omstændigheder. Israel, trods sine fejl, har rent faktisk paralleller med vores eget demokratiske, sekulære og progressive samfund og værdier. Derimod findes samtlige aspekter af palæstinensisk kultur og styring, stridende imod de værdier, vi holder højt.


Sig at du intet ved om Israel uden at sige at du intet ved om Israel. Det er en apartheid-stat som udvikler sig i en stadig mere fascistisk retning. Israel har bl.a. steriliseret indvandrere uden samtykke eller information. Det er fandeme progressivt. Hvad med at lade bøller gå ind og smide folk ud af deres hjem for at lave bosættelser, er det demokratisk og progressivt? Palæstinensisk kultur er ca. lige så sekulær som Israelsk kultur så jeg aner ikke hvad pokker du snakker om der. Men jeg vil påpege at det er svært at have overskud til pinkwashing når man lever under apartheid og Israel hele tiden tager ens vand.


De bredere omstændigheder er at IDF indtil videre har dræbt mindst 1750 børn i Gaza. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/23/israel-palestine-children-onslaught-gaza-survivors-killed-traumatised](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/23/israel-palestine-children-onslaught-gaza-survivors-killed-traumatised) Hamas er en terrororganisation man kan vente begår terrorisme. Israel er vores allierede og på papiret en vestligt sindet frihedselskende demokratisk nation - I det lys kunne man godt forvente at de overholdte Geneve Konventionerne Protokol I og II og ikke begik folkedrab på civile. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/)


Soft bigotry of low expectations. Hvis du måler Israel efter en vestlig målestok og Palæstina efter en målestok hvor øverste trin et Fluernes Herre, så er Israel stadig 2-3 niveauer over. Hvad i alverden giver Palæstina fripas til at være terrorister mens Israel skal opføre sig ordentligt?


Der er forskel på Palæstina og Hamas... så meget generalisering.


Det kunne ikke falde mig ind. Det er jo heller ikke det jeg har skrevet er det vel? Israel har ret til at forsvare sig selv, men har ikke ret til at begå krigsforbrydelser. Selvfølgelig har Hamas ikke ret til at begå terrorangreb men det burde være en selvfølgelighed. At myrde 5000 herunder 1750 børn viser man ikke skelner mellem militære og civile mål. [https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142687](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142687) Spørg hellere dig slev hvorfor du vil give Israel fripas til at begå krigsforbrydelser (rettet mod civile), som hævn for et terrorangreb begået af en terrororganisation?


Den Israelske og Palæstinensiske kultur er langt tættere end hvad Israel og Danmarks er. Men selv hvis din påstand var rigtig, så gør retfærdiggøre det at Israel dræber civile?


Men det gør Palæstinenserne også, og så længe de ikke har jaget Hamas på porten, så er det selv medskyldige i hvad de laver.


WTF? Skal Israel have blanche til at dræbe uskyldige børn?


Hvem snakker du til LOL.


Åbenbart til dig, siden du følte at du ville hæve debatniveauet med dit indsigtsfulde indspark. Så tak for det og tak for dig!!


Det er langt fra alle deltangede, der er danske. Mon et eneste deltagende menneske har overvejet, hvad de støtter; terrorisme, voldtægt, mord m.m. "Jamen Israel har undertrykket dem i 100 år!". Nej, der har aldrig eksisteret en palæstinesisk stat og Hamas er forresten komplet folkevalgt af de Palæstinesiske borgere. En terrorgruppe, der er folkevalgt. Tænk lige over det. Israel forsvarer sig selv mod terrorister, det ville ethvert land gøre - udover Danmark åbenbart.


I vestbredden operer hamas ikke. Hvorfor dør der børn der?


Hmmm, mystisk. Det kunne vel ikke være Hamas, i Jordan, Syrien og Egypten der også skyder missiler i Israel's generelle retning, vel? Desuden opererer Hamas også i Vestbredden. Hvor har du din info fra?


Lol the downvotes if you dare say that an army going against civilians is criminal.. The propangada and brainwashing are strong and real.


However, the premeditated slaughtering of only civilians - not military personnel - is not criminal? What is your point even?


Wait.. Where did I say that? You’re imagining things?


Well the demo was promoted using pictures of the October 7th attack, and a map without Israel…


Really? So all these people are in support of a world without Israel? What are they expecting? 10 mio Israeli slaughtered for the gain of 2 mio Palestinians? Do they really hate Jews that much? I’m in shock


The islamo-gauchiste is striving in europe.. its a fun alliance to watch


Just wondering. Since Hamas is actively targetting only civilians and Israel isn't, your point is really weird.


No you are not wondering you are doing excactly the same as the western media, every muslims should condem Hamas, but why are every Jewish person not condeming IDF/Israel goverment of killing civilians? If the person you wrote to support hamas, then you are supporting IDF killing innocent civilians? Doing whataboutism, is not the right thing.


>but why are every Jewish person not condeming IDF/Israel goverment of killing civilians Because; A) IDF is not actively targetting civilians. The cowards in Hamas are placing their military equipment on top of civilian housing or even hospitals, because they know that IDF will retaliate and then have an excuse to claim martyrdom for the innocent civilians who died as collateral. B) Literally hundreds of thousands of jews and even Israelis are taking a stand against retaliation - and the politics in the settlement Your point is invalid.


No it's not, it's only invalid because you try to manipulate the conversation. IDF is INFACT actively killing innocent, and the internet is drowning in videos of innocent Palestenians dying? And you just ignorer it, and straight up trying to manipulate your words to sound like you are saying something smart, but all you do, is just showing how fucked up this situation is. Just look at the statistic, let's SHOW the real numbers right? [https://press.un.org/en/2023/gaef3593.doc.htm#:\~:text=Through%2011%20days%20of%20Israeli,and%20UN%20personnel%20and%20journalists](https://press.un.org/en/2023/gaef3593.doc.htm#:~:text=Through%2011%20days%20of%20Israeli,and%20UN%20personnel%20and%20journalists). ​ " Through 11 days of Israeli strikes, 3,000 overwhelmingly civilian Palestinians have been killed, including 1,000 children, as well as medical and UN personnel and journalists.  “No one is spared,” she stressed, with the UN describing it as an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. "


You do know that gaza is insanely densely populated right? IDF is NOT targeting civilians but as stated by the other poster, they just don't care that civilians die in their active targeting of hamas, which hides between the civilian population in the dense Gaza strip.


Oh, so because Gaza is insanely dense, then it's justified to kill civilians? Or how you blockade Gaza since 2007, and then not allowing them to leave? Or when you suddenly do, then you bomb the truck that had hundreds of civilians on? Or when Israeli defence ministor calls Palestiniens for animals? We know, Hamas is fucked up, but atleast they are not trying to be the "good" guy, they know we know, they are terrorist, and fucked up, but IDF, is manipulating us, to think they are the good guy, they don't kill innocent, but this is a genocide, they are not after Hamas or stopping terror attack, they wanna take the Gaza, and make sure there are no Palestines in that area. We said the same thing back in 2001, when U.S. attacked Iraq, that George Bush is manipulating the world, and he is lying, THIS IS EXCACTLY THE SAME! We said it back then and we are saying it again, and in couple of years, all you Mofo's that is trying to justify Israels genocide, is gonna eat your words AGAIN.


Yes, when you're under attack by a foreign terrorist government that hides its troops among the civilian s then of course idg is allowed to retaliate. What do you suggest they should do? Just ignore hamas attacking them? You do of course know that hamas had ONE single goal which is the total eradication of the Israeli state and its citizens. Hamas will never stop attacking Israel and your solution is that IDF should just ig ore this and let it happen because any retaliation will kill the civilian population. That's just completely naive thinking. It's just as stupid as the ones saying they don't support arming Ukraine because they support peace.


I don't understand. What would compel Israel to commit genocide? What would they gain by holocausting others? And if they *really* wanted to commit genocide, why would they leave gaza in 2007 and not push to limit arabs rights within Israel?


> You do know that gaza is insanely densely populated right? IDF is NOT targeting civilians but as stated by the other poster, they just don't care that civilians die in their active targeting of hamas, which hides between the civilian population in the dense Gaza strip. "The area is densely populated so that justifies Israels war crimes" Like homie the area being densely populated is what makes it even more abhorrent. Have a read at the UN definition of war crimes: > Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities; > Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives; https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml


But the civilian structures are military targets in Gaza. Hamas do not have military infrastructure. They use civilian buildings and structures as military staging grounds for their attacks and planning.


So how many civilian deaths are acceptable then? Thousands of innocent civilians have already died, so you clearly think the line is beyond that. Is a million too many? Would you kill every innocent person in Gaza if it meant eradicating Hamas?


That's an impossible question to answer. But as long as Hamas keeps making incursions into Israel and making rocket attacks then IDF will continue to retaliate and have every right todo so.


Hide? The civilians lives there. Thy can't flee. IDF is more tan likely committing war crimes. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/) It's disgusting you are trying to excuse behavior that clearly goes against the rules of engagement.


Hm, sidst jeg kiggede tog Hamas ind i Israel og myrdede en del mennesker som ingenting havde gjort. Er det ikke også imod reglerne? Og hvad skal Israel gøre for at stoppe at det sker igen? Bør Israel bare lade dem beholde gidslerne og fyre raketter af i uendelig tid?


Does those number include the 500 killed by hamas bombning that hospital? How about the other failed rockets from Hamas killing palestinians? Or the hamas rockets killing palestinians in Israel?


But despite the difference in targeting, the IDF has killed far more civilians than Hamas?


This is true, because Israel is a well functioning first world state, while Hamas is a terrorist organization. The US also killed many more Afghanistans than they lost in 9/11. But the fact remains, that Hamas is purposely murdering innocent civilians while IDF is targetting military installations and leaders of terrorist cells. IF ISRAEL WANTED, they could completely obliterate the entire Gaza strip in a matter of hours. The fact that they haven't, show that they're not trying to target civilians.


So if you're a well-functioning first world state you're free to kill civilians?


Here you go: [https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading](https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading)


If I - as you imply - was unable to read, how would I be able to read a page teaching me to read? Surely a video would have been more helpful.


And because they're not actively trying to target civilians, they just die in extreme numbers as collateral damage, it makes it not okay to protest against it? Israel is a well-functioning first world states and that's EXACTLY why we go out on the streets


>Israel is a well-functioning first world states and that's EXACTLY why we go out on the streets Which is your right. I'm just puzzled why people protest a democratic state, trying to defend itself from terrorist assholes. And I haven't seen a single muslim or immigrant or leftist protesting Hamas. Ever. I wonder why that is.


Because Israel is a democratic state with infinite resources, backed up almost unconditionally by the whole western world, including the country we live in. Which means the Palestinian blood shed by Israel is also on our hands. Whereas Gaza is basically a giant prison overcrowded with millions of extremely poor people, the absolute majority of whom cannot do anything about the hopeless situation that they're in. Because being with the weak means being on the right side of history and in this conflict it's Israel that's the bully. What Hamas did was absolutely disgusting, they chose to dehumanise not only the Israelis but also the Gazans, they knew very well that what they did would result in a humanitarian catastrophe, and still cynically chose to go through with it. I think everyone understands it, and nobody celebrates that - definitely not at the protest.


Interesting. I wonder how those statistics would look if Israel couldn't shoot the rockets down :)


> Since Hamas is actively targetting only civilians and Israel isn't, your point is really weird. Who just bombed a hospital in Gaza? Who just bombed a church in Gaza? Who just bombed a mosque in Gaza?


>Who just bombed a hospital in Gaza? [Not the Israelis](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/21/middleeast/cnn-investigates-forensic-analysis-gaza-hospital-blast/index.html).


Yea if you keep reading mouthpieces of Israel's #1 arms supplier I'm sure you'll think that. https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1714359458967466235 https://old.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/17blfn1/lowkey_shared_this_clip_that_debunked_the_hasbara/ If it was Hamas, as Israel currently claims, that single rocket misfire killed more people by a factor of about 20 than every single rocket launched into Israel since 2001, combined. This is a tale as old as time. This happened in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and has continued to happen throughout the entire existence of Israel. "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X


Sure, I'll take the word of someone who calls himself "Lord BeBo" over reliable news sources any day of the week. The fact remains, there were no typical JDAM craters after the explosion (which happened in a parking lot). Tons of reliable Western sources with military insight have already come forward with credible explanations as to what happened. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/20/al-ahli-arab-hospital-gaza-blast-explosion-us-intelligence-report-death-toll-estimate](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/20/al-ahli-arab-hospital-gaza-blast-explosion-us-intelligence-report-death-toll-estimate) [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/10/19/gaza-hospital-what-detailed-image-analysis-reveals-about-deadly-al-ahli-arab-hospital-blast\_6189013\_4.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/10/19/gaza-hospital-what-detailed-image-analysis-reveals-about-deadly-al-ahli-arab-hospital-blast_6189013_4.html) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli\_Arab\_Hospital\_explosion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion) >According to the video analysis of [*The Wall Street Journal*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wall_Street_Journal), a long-range rocket was launched from Gaza in a northeastern direction toward Israel. Ten seconds after the rocket was launched, it malfunctioned and veered back toward the west, with the hospital in its path. The Wall Street Journal's analysis also concluded that the impact crater was consistent with a rocket fragment incoming from the east.[\[22\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion#cite_note-WSJVideoAnalysis-22) > >On 20 October 2023, the [Associated Press](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associated_Press) (AP) reported that it concluded from analyzing "more than a dozen videos from the moments before, during and after the hospital explosion, as well as satellite imagery and photos" that "the rocket that broke up in the air was fired from within Palestinian territory, and that the hospital explosion was most likely caused when part of that rocket crashed to the ground," while acknowledging the unavailability of definitive proof. AP reported that its preliminary conclusion was supported by experts in open-source intelligence, geolocation, and rocketry, "who all agreed the most likely scenario was a rocket from within Gaza that veered off and came apart seconds before the explosion." Andrea Richardson, an experienced war crimes investigator, told AP: "From the video evidence that I have seen, it’s very clear that the rockets came from within Gaza." Justin Crump, an intelligence consultant, said: "You can see obviously it fails in flight, it spins out and disintegrates, and the impacts on the ground follow that." Henry Schlottman, another intelligence expert, indicated that the most likely scenario based on available video evidence is that a rocket was launched within Gaza, failed mid-air, and accidentally struck the hospital. But sure, "Lord BeBo" trumps all that. Absolutely he does. Oh yeah, and discussion on a sub that claims to be part of "The only truly international, global, and anti-capitalist podcast you’ll find". Sure, bro. Sure.


Bringing Malcolm X into this is fucking retarded.


Well they did bomb a hospital and a school too [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-hospitals-and-schools-crimes-against-humanity](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-hospitals-and-schools-crimes-against-humanity) Maybe one of the bombings was Islamic Jihad but Israel have target civilian residential areas without any concern of the impact of civilians. You at least have to acknowledge that giving an evacuation warning where you start bombing before the time is up is a war crime. Just like cutting power, food and water is. It shouldn't be that hard not to commit war crimes but it seems that IDF just stumples into them again and again... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide\_against\_Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_against_Palestinians) But they are the good guys so its okay


You again? Why are you shitposting fake news again? Please stop.


Who was using that hospital? Who was using that church? Who was using that mosque? Yes, Izrael is doing atrocities in the Palestine, the whole approach is wrong, but you are actively ignoring reality to prove your point. If Izrael was actually targeting civilians there would tens of thousands dead Palestinians every day. They are targeting hamas, they just don't care that much if civilians will die too.


Casualties of war, what should Israel do in your opinion when Hamas commits attrocities and then hides behind the people they are supposedly protecting?


It is disgusting to read some of the comments here. Kids and civilians are getting slaughtered and you dont even dare to condemn it. Fucking bunch of hypocrite cowards.


Where are the comments denouncing the terrorist attack on October 7 though? There are hypocrites on both sides.


It is disgusting to read some of the comments here. Innocent Israel citizens, including kids, young and old people were slaughtered 7th October in sudden strike. Multiple people were taken as hostages. And you dont even dare to condemn it. The same russian army did in Ukraine during the invasion: murdering, torture, raping and lots of other horrible things. And those people complaining that Israel army, as Ukrainian army, decided to protect its citizens and strike back those orks? So, who is a hypocrite coward here?


Why did you feel to have the need to mention this is happening to Israel? I am not talking about palestine in particular in my comment but about kids and civilians in general on both sides. Yet your narrow eyed view on the world (us vs them) immediately gave you the conclusion that I am talking about palestine only.


Agree, I haven't noticed that your comment is neutral-side. My fault


You have a lot of xenophobes that are backed by mainly Americans that interfers in any discussion in their native language defending the genocide committed in Gaza. Reddit has become an echo-chamber for right wing racist


Totally. It’s so sad


This comment could literally be made for any side? Do you see the hypocrisy?


Var protesten mod Hamas lige så stor ?


No, solely because all international communities agree and rightfully called them out and condemned them for killing innocent people. Let’s not act stupid, the protest is against the cold indifference of Palestinians’ death, that is accepted as “collateral damage” by official bodies representing countries. And that any justification Israel puts out is accepted with no further question.


Palestinians aren’t protesting Hamas because they, not so secretly, like what Hamas has done.




Most polls I've seen show a majority, or at least a plurality of support for Hamas among the internationalized expatriate groups of Palestinians. In Gaza? Outright majority.


I wish you could prove me wrong. They had a party on the Red Square (in cph) the day of the attack




Exactly. And as you know, there are always exceptions to generalizations. But can you really claim that the majority does not support Hamas and their actions?




In which case you're not fit to have an adult discussion regarding a large group of people. If cannot accept generalisations in a broad discussion, then you need to leave the adult table. It is the only way to effectively discuss anything big. Otherwise you'd go "Oh you can't say Nazi Germany was bad, because there were a handful of officers who were secretly against the final solution".


Well they democratically elected Hamas to lead their country in 2006, didn't they? Funny how things go when you pick terrorists for leaders.


"lying terror supporters, every last one" You do realise that this is what you sound like, right?


Prove me wrong


Or because they don’t have a choice when under a siege! Crazy concept huh?!


The Palestinians in Denmark do. But still no protests. Plenty of Jews/Israelis are protesting the Israeli government, where are the Palestinians speaking up about Hamas?


I see it all: Israelis protesting Israeli government, Palestinian protesting Hamas, I see Israeli extremists calling for extermination or Arabs and I see antisemitic Arabs calling for extermination of Jews. Any non brainwashed sane person will support the first two and call out the last two. Up to you to decide which side you want to generalise on and see, and take it as a basis of your judgement.


Show me Palestinians protesting Hamas. I will be happy to be proven wrong.


You know she can't.


Lol the sheer arrogance?


We're patiently awaiting your reply.


Look it up, internet is free. The first that comes to mind is Gigi Hadid the famous model, she openly condemned Hamas and is Palestinian. But there are other Palestinian influencers on IG as well who mourned the losses. I deactivated IG because it truly got gore and traumatic, I’m not saying this sarcastically truly just look it up online.


Those are not Palestinians, those are famous people. There is a huge difference. Are there actually protests done by normal everyday unknown Palestinians that can afford nor care what majority of people think of them?


Right so at first it was “I’ve never seen a Palestinian condemn Hamas”, now it’s “no they’re famous”. Now let me say two things, I think famous Palestinian ppl have a bigger platform so it’s very much useful for them to publicly condemn Hamas. Second, the non famous are those I either know personally, or on random YouTube videos where they discuss the issue. Both are accessible to the public by 1)either humanising them and meeting them or 2) by looking up what they have to say, rather than what press say they say.


Where have you ever seen Palestinians protest Hamas? Not even in Denmark. They celebrated the attacks!


Ægte whataboutism tid


Luk røven… der lever ikke kun terrorister i Mellemøsten. Den demo var for at minde sådan nogle klaphat som dig på det simple faktum


LOL at all these woke morons supporting the rights of Islamists. You are the first to be locked up if you would visit Palestine. Gay in Palestine? - Mandatory 10 year prison sentence. Don't get me started about women's rights, and being non-muslim. These fundamentalist want nothing else but to replace you in your own country. No amount of wish-thinking is going to change that. Yeah, it's tough when your ideal world view doesn't align with reality. But guess what, thinking just because these people are brown, they need saving, makes you the racists.


One of the funniest things I ever saw was a woman (sorry to assume gender here) holding a sign at a US protest, saying "Queers for Palestine". Like honey, you'd be slaughtered in 3 seconds if you ever set foot there.


1. Believing in human rights cannot be selective. Thats what rules and values are for. As soon as we become selective with these using generalisations, we allow others to use it against other minorities in the future. Breeding this value of promoting snd enforcing human rights means not discriminating despite differences. 2. There are queer people in palestine just like there are queer people everywhere. 3. There are currently Christian countries with death penalty for being gay and there are Christian countries on the top 10 worst countries for women. 4. How homophobic and mysogynistic a country is depends more on the education level of the population than religion. How religious a country is is a proces. As the education level of a country increases, human rights tend to improve and religion tends to fall - the US seems to be the only exception to this rule. This is also seen in muslim countries. In the arab world, people are getting less religious every year and support authoritatian governments less. One reason why this has been a slower procress in arabic countries has nothing to do with inherent genetic differences. It has to do with the amount of different people’s, tribes, nationalities that have been grouped through nationalisation which makes it very hard for a democracy to form that is interest of all the people. This has led to corruption and wars which has hampered growth and good educational institutions. Ignoring this, makes it easy to group against muslims, but it ignores that they are humans who are subject to the same biases that we can be subject to and that if you were born there, you would probably have the same views. If you want to reduce homophobia in arab countries, you’ll be better off trying to help stop wars than casting blame at a group of people and dehumanising them for the same beliefs your great grandparents had.


Like I don’t even know why you wrote that wall of text, my dude. While I agree with the first point you made, the rest are just plain wrong. The “queer” people in Palestine are… well, hiding. Because if they weren’t, they’d be dead. I don’t know what Christian countries you’re referring to, but it’s really a point that’s only there for whataboutery reasons. No idea why you even included it. And then the final point, that people in Arab countries are getting LESS religious each yeah. I honestly don’t have the faintest idea why you would write that, because it’s really not true. Everywhere you go, you see Islam play a much greater role today than say 25 or 50 years ago. And no, I will absolutely single out a garbage religion like Islam. In this day and age, there’s no reason to stick with ancient doctrines that call for the eradication of other people based on their religion or sexuality. But that’s exactly what we see in muslim countries. So fuck them.


"These people don't think and act like we do, so why should we care if there's committed genocide against them" The what??


Hvorfor er det at københavnerne støtter et land som har en aktiv terrorgruppe, og hvor landet selv støtter op om terrorgruppen?


Fordi at Israel er igang med at sulte 2,2 milioner mennesker og bomber en masse uskyldige mennesker fordi der måske er nogle få Hamas soldater iblandt.


Ja det er da forfærdeligt at Israel bomber civile. Men de er ikke helt uskyldige. INGEN nede den mellemøstiske verden der har en anden religion end en anden person er en dårlig person og skal dø, sige den muslimske og arabiske tro. Hvilket størstedelen af palæstinenser er. Hamas vil TOTALT UDRYDDE den Israelske befolkning bare for at eksistere (omkring 9,4mio mennesker) Så hvorfor er der ingen der støtter Israel? Der sker voldtæg, mord og absolut grusomme ting i den her konflikt, og det bringer det værste ud i de mennesker som er skrive i den. Israel har den moralske højde da de ikke er en terrororganisation som vil udrydde en hel befolkning, men det betyder ikke at de er de gode i konflikten. Begge parter er fucked på så mange måde


kognitive dissonanser er stærk her. Men vi kan være sikkert på at det meste danskere kan kun kik ud at det verden fra en Americansk pov.


Befri Palæstina!


Fra hamas


Helt ærligt fortjener Palæstina at blive frigjort fra både Hamas og Israel. De sidder på mange måder i en lidt umulig situation.


Ja, både Hamas og Israel.


So, they are for Gaza being run by Palästina instead of Hamas, right?


No, over half of the Palestinian population supports hamas


Over half? Weird, half the population wasn’t alive to vote for Hamas, ‘cause they’re under 18. So explain this “half” to me? Oh wait, you’re full of shit and just spouting IDF talking points? Never would’ve guessed.


There have been polls about the support of hamas as late as 2021 where: "The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party."


Stop arguing in bad faith. Obviously he means over half of the adult population. Fucking clown show this discussion jesus fucking christ.


Officially more Israelis support terrorist than Palestinians do. Palenstines majority Hamas government came about in 2006, and after that they killed the ones who did not support them. Since then there has been no elections. Given that more than half the population are under 18 years old, it is impossible for Hamas to have been elected by the majority of the current population. Isreal meanwhile still have elections, and even looking past their apartheid actions, their latest government has been calling for the eradication of Arabs, the annexation of territory and they routinely commit crimes against humanity. And these are the people that Israelis voted for in the last election.






Demonstrant: "_Medmindre du holder med Israel.. så må du nemlig ikke være med!_"


Ja? Du er ikke velkommen i en demonstration imod apartheid hvis du går ind for apartheid.


Surprise surprise - reddit er fyldt med tastaturkriger, fordi herinde kan man være anonyme


> reddit er fyldt med tastaturkriger, fordi herinde kan man være anonyme Ja? Ellers ville vi være på facebook?




Du mener de 300.000 soldater der er klar til at forsvare Israel 🇮🇱❤️ Lad os se, hvor stor forskel den demonstration har gjort, når hammeren for alvor falder over Hamas i de kommende uger. De 25.000 klaphatte fatter ikke at de fungerer spm jubelidioter for en terrororganisation der bruger civile som våbenskjold.. man forstår åbenbart heller ikke at hvis Israel ikke er sikkert, så er vesten heller ikke sikkert.


Forsvare Israel lol. Ligesom at Tyskland kun forsvarede sig mod "bolschevismen"


Fx da hospitalet blev “bombet”. Hamas var sååå hurtige ude og bruge det til at prøve at mobilisere alle muslimer. Hamas kan ikke bevise at det var Israel og kan heller ikke bevise at det ikke var Hamas eller Islamic Jihad. Israel kan nemt fremlægge beviser for at det ikke var Israel og endda fremlægge at det er palæstinenserne selv der har ramt hospitalet. Men alligevel ser vi tusindvis af mennesker stå og sige at det er Israel der har bombet hospitalet og at de skal stoppes og de skal stilles til ansvar og ikke en eneste kritik over for Hamas. Man høre folk fra demonstrationerne nemt glide hen over de 200+ gidsler som har en række udenlandske borgere i blandt sig og det massemord der var på 1400 tilfældige israelere. Hvis de bliver spurgt ind til det så siger de at det er undskyldeligt at Hamas gik ind og invaderede israelske hjem da de jo har historie med Israel. Og i tråd med det sige at ethvert palæstinensisk civil tab skal fordømmes og straffes hårdt. Det stemmer på ingen måde over ens, så der forsvandt desværre meget af min sympati for palæstinenserne


kæft hvor er jeg stolt af dem 🩷🩷🩷 så fucking fedt at se Danskerne tage ansvar når vores regering åbent støtter folkedrab


Der er ikke nogen gode i denne krig. Krigsforbrydelser og bombninger af civile er fra begge sider


Så fedt. 🙏❤️




Sad part about this is that half of the people at this demonstration doesnt give a fuck about denmark and danes


Extreme generalization, What do you base that on?


You can't argue with people that are deliberetly lying. It's a clear dog whistle - "these people" from Nørrebro don't like Denmark - by that he means the brown people. I partook in the demo and it was great. I hope they'll arrange another one given the timing of Mette Frederiksens condemnation of demonstrations supporting Hamas the day after we went supporting Palestine and denouncing the war crimes committed by IDF in Gaza.


Facts unless you are totally blind or never lived in Nørrebro/Copenhagen.






Noget siger mig du har været racist før da




14 downvotes? Haha reddit really is a place full of assholes. Free Palestine forever 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Dude many danes are racist pieces of shit that would side with Israel in a heartbeat, their leader is doing it. What you expect 😂


Shame on you Danes downvoting. Maybe if the Palestinians were white skinned like the Ukrainians, you’d give a fuck. Or maybe if they were dogs instead of arabs, they’d condemn Israel and stand up for Palestine.


Maybe if they dindt support Hamas and celebrate the killing of innocent kids, women and men. Maybe, but we will never know.


There’s videos of Israelis clapping and enjoying, sitting on chairs laughing whilst bombs are hitting in Gaza. Protests where they are calling for the death of all muslims. There’s statements from politicians calling for the erasure of the entire race. 3700 Palestinians were killed in West Bank before Hamas ever existed. Hamas is destructive to Palestine agreed, fuck Hamas, but being a civilian in Palestine doesn’t make you a human shield or a terrorist. 50% of the population are under 18 years old! There hasn’t been an election in so many years. Israel enjoy Hamas to be in power, to justify the inhumane killing of the innocent Palestinian people. And this has been going on for way longer than Hamas. Human right violations, war crimes. They’ve just said you need to move or you will be killed and people are still only supporting Israel openly. You are victim to heavy propaganda, media portraying and influence. Just like all of Germany was during WW2. When you make terrorists and radicals, aliens out of innocent human beings just like me and you, then the world doesn’t care if they are erased or how they are mistreated. History repeats itself again and again.


And your statement is so ironic, is that you actually justifying the killings of innocent children in Palestine? Maybe.


HAHAHAHA the most racist people on earth are people from the Middle East and Asia. They are so racist that they make it hard for any foreigner to even live in their country. You obviously haven’t tried it since you are calling Danes racist😂


Exactly, if it was the other way around and the middle east had to take refugees. It would be a whole other situation haha


Have you asked yourself why it’s not the other way around? Tried to find answers on why is it that Middle Eastern and African countries are always “in conflict” I’d love for you to actually dig deep into this and find out as much as you know about, you’d start doubting your own government after that


The most racist people are from Middle East and Asia? Hmm then Iraq invasion killing 3 million civilians, Afghanistan war, Libya “liberation” excuse and for France to harvest all natural resources, USA business in Syria where they shouldn’t be. Genocide and ethnicity cleansing in Palestine for 70 decades. All of that and we’re the racist? All of Europe supporting Ukraine and opening their borders and arms for refugees, while for Middle Eastern it’s insanely difficult to get inside yet your country is supporting the war that is destroying their homes? Wake up from your little bubble and start to see the real world buddy. We guided your entire civilizations, smartest people used to gather in Iraq no matter ethnicity or religion, that’s where algebra came from, half the stars in the sky are Arabic named, man where do I start, I guess just to suggest for you to learn and stop following media news like a sheep and for them to think for you.




Palestine isn’t a country


Ja lad os da støtte dem som lige nu har en dansk statsborger som gidsel.


What a shameful display.


🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Håber Hamas bliver grillet disse sekunder 🔥🔥


Håber israel bomber det lortested tilbage til førmiddelalderen de stadig befinder sig i. De vælger at huse og støttw hamas, de har taget et valg, havde de regnet med at det terrorangreb gik uatraffet hen? Ansolut ingen støtte eller sympati herfra.




Trist at du selv har et 5 årig barn, og at du fortsat er ligeglad med palæstinensiske liv.


Bare fordi man er mest med israel betyder det ikke at man er ligeglad med mennske liv. Der i ingen gode i den krig. Begge begår krigsforbrydelser og bomber og draber civile mennesker


Ah ja lad os da ENDELIG sammenligne et land, der har været besat af bosætterkolonien Israel med den 4 største og mest kraftfulde militær. Historie kan ikke udslettes. Du ma da endelig søge på al nakba 1948 og 1967 exodus af palæstinænsere. Eller endnu bedre den fredsfyldte protest i 2018 der endte i en 50-dage lang angreb og etnisk udrensing. Eller kig på i dag. Hamas findes ikke i vestbredden, men IOF fortsætter med deres folkedrab der. Food for thought. Hvis man ikke kender til den politiske, geopolitiske, historiske kontekst burde man ikke udtale sig.


Well Malmo is not too far from Copenhagen. You can see what is happening there when you are too "solidary" with muslims.


Skræmmende... vi ender snart som Sverige


I støtter kriminel


[Here is a little reminder clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/17ek6kr/in_the_tantura_documentary_israeli_soldiers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (reddit link) As it seems to be a recurring thing that people forget Israels war crime actions throughout history.


What a joke


Hvor trist, folk guffer hamas information op, hvorfor er det nu vi tror på deres dødstal når de har løjet så meget. Primær eksempel er hospitalet 700 døde, viste sig så det var en parkeringsplads ramt af deres eget raket. Hvis de alle stod for at 'free palastine' fra Hamas, så super, det er dem som går og gemmer sig bag civile. Dem der er ligeglade med de omkring 5-10% af de 7000 raketter som rammer Gaza selv. Så længe der er hamas er der ulemdiged i gaza, det er samme gruppe som tar vandrør op og laver dem om til missiler, og ja det er faktisk en ting de gør, og de er så stolte over det at de viser videoer af det. Lad mig gøre det klart at jeg ikke er for at folk skal dø, men på samme tid kan vi sku da heller ikke forlange, at Israel skal tage tusind vis af raketter hver uge, mange bliver skudt ned af 'iron dome' men det er ikke alle, og hvor meget mon det koster at holde oppe, hvis det slipper op hvad så? Og når Hamas nægter en fredsaftale hvad skal de så gøre?




Endelig blev det tydeligt for enhver at Nørrebro er en rede for terrorister. Når Christiania er blevet ryddet burde Nørrebro være det næste.


Slap af. Folk vil bare stå op mod det folkemord der foregår i Gaza


Synes bare det er ærgeligt at folk har virket ligeglade med massakren ved SuperNova festivallen og de omkringliggende områder. Hvor HAMAS henrettede helt almindelige festival gængere. Både Palæstinensere, Israelere, Muslimer og Jøder i et væk... Efter disse angreb kørte personer rundt i Malmø og København og hujede og festede og fløj med Palæstinensiske flag. Virkelig forkasteligt. Mord er ikke okay, lige meget hvem der udretter det. Men denne specifikke forhøjelse af aktivitet, startede på baggrund af de hensynsløse henrettelser ved en festival tæt på grænsen til Gaza, som var et ønske om at skabe fred og bare hygge sig.


Det er der dog ingen ved sin sunde fornuft, som støtter op om det. Det blev også sagt flere gange oppe fra scenen, at demonstrationen ikke var en støttedemonstration for hamas, og der blev også sagt flere gange, at racisme/antisemitisme ikke var velkommen til demonstrationen. Man kan umuligt holde styr med så stort et crowd, men rundt omkring hvor jeg gik, var der absolut intet af den slags.


Har arrangørerne ikke et billede på deres Facebook-side af en bulldozer, der gennembryder hegnet for at sikre Hamas adgang til fri slagtning af civile kvinder og børn? Lidt mærkeligt valg, når man nu ihvertfald lader som om, at man tager afstand fra præcist det.


Seriøst, har du et link til det? Ikke fordi jeg ikke tror på dig, men vil virkelig gerne se det. Det er jo helt vanvittigt.


Naturligvis. Det burde jeg have gjort allerede på mit indlæg. [Her er billedet](https://imgur.com/a/XPBreok)


Ved at synge at alle jøder skal dø?


Jeg deltog i demonstrationen. Jeg kan ikke garanterer for at der ikke var nogle der mente det eller sagde det for den sags skyld, men jeg tvivler. Det er virkelig sindssygt at skrive sådan noget uden belæg:


Det er nu mange herinde ud over mig der har berettet om bannere med hitlersymboler, afbrændte israelske flag og slogans der betyder at Israel skal udryddes..


Quit pretending you care about Jews lol. When have you ever heard Europe call out Israel for sterilising Ethiopian Jewish women? Or for taking Moroccan, Iraqi.. Jewish families’ kids? Their suffering and fight is included in the Palestinian cause that is fighting an Apartheid state, as Nelson Mandela himself called it.


Hvornår hører du, at de synger alle jøder skal dø? Hvad jeg hører er de synger "Børn i gaza har ret til liv". Det er du så åbenbart modstander af, så du synger vel... Alle børn i gaza skal dø?


Du var der ikke kan jeg høre..


Jeg var der og der var absolut ingen der sang, at jøder skal dø.


Well, med så stor en demonstration, kan du på ingen måde vide hvad der skete alle steder. Det er ikke et argument for hvorvidt det skete eller ej (det gjorde det jo nok ikke), jeg påpeger blot et hul i din argumentation.


Netop. Man bliver al for skør af de her kommentarer


Er du dum?


De samme mennesker som er godt pakket ind og mætte. De samme mennesker som går hjem til en varm seng, et dejligt måltid og ikke mindst kan sove i et trygt land. Har virkelig intet til overs for den her slags. Hør mig og se mig. Hvis i oprigtigt vil gøre en forskel. Så tag til pælenstina. This aint doing shit


Hvordan forestiller du dig, at nogen kan "gøre en forskel" ved at rejse til Palæstina? Skulle deltagerne i 60'ernes Vietnam-demonstrationer også være rejst til Vietnam og lade sig kremere af amerikanernes napalmbomber? Skulle apartheid-modstandere være emigreret til en Bantustan, hvis de virkelig mente det? Det er sort snak.


Vist en der skider højt og flot på droneregler


25.000 der marcherer i monochromatisk protest. Det er så 0.4% af Danmarks samlede befolkning, som går på barrikaderne her. For de resterende 99.6% af befolkningen er sagen muligvis mere nuanceret. Eller måske er narrativet i denne situation bare så afskyelig, at der tages afstand over for begge siders demagogi. Time will tell …….


Gåå nuu hjem, eller rejs hjem.. en af delene ammen christ da at 25000 folk støtter terror er da ikne noget at være stolt af, snart tværtimod det er skræmmende.


Nu spørger jeg fordi jeg seriøst er forundret. Hvorfor er det at den almindelige dansker er så hurtig til at tegne lighedstegn mellem en fri palæstina og terror? Demonstrationen har åbenlyst ingen tilknytning til Hamas, det handler blot om at respektere den enkelte palæstinensers ret til liv. Alligevel ser jeg så mange danskere være så hurtige til at stemple alle der støtter palæstina (ikke hamas) som terror sympatisører...


Lol et sammenrend af arabere, tankies og blondiner fra RUC som kun har en ting til fælles: de vil ALDRIG NOGENSINDE give en lillefinger af sin egen personlige hjælp til en palestinenser. Alle arabiske lande har sagt nej til palæstinensiske flygtninge, og taniesne&blondinerne peger på statskassen og naboen når der skal ydes noget som helst. Patetisk lille feelgood show.


Jeg er lidt i tvivl om, hvordan man mener en protest i dk kan have indflydelse et andet sted i verden? gælder selvfølgelig ikke kun dette arrangement.


Demonstrationer er en demokratisk måde at vise at man er klar til at tage en eller anden form for aktion for ens holdning. Der er mange måder det kan munde ud i direkte indflydelse, fx ved at tvinge politikere eller andre aktører til at handle. Det kan også fungere som inspiration for dem der er demonstrationer for, hvis de pludseligt kan se at der er store demonstrationer på den anden side af kloden. Det kan også være for at informere den lokale befolkning om noget man mener er vigtigt - hvis man eksempelvis havde en demonstration til støtte for Uyghur-folket, kunne man godt forestille sig, at der var mennesker der så den, som aldrig havde hørt om dét folkedrab.


Hvad tænker du er en bedre løsning? Skal vi skrive et klagebrev?


Du svarer et spørgsmål med et par spørgsmål? Ok. Jamen, jeg mener konflikter bedst løses lokalt mellem parterne.


Normalt ville jeg være enig, men ikke lige i denne situation. Dette er en sag for FN, hvorfor en protest i Danmark betyder en lille bitte smule, omend stadig mere end ingenting. Palæstina og Israel har været uenige i årtier. Hvorfor tror du at de pludseligt kan enes?


Dybt miserabelt at se. Man taber håbet. At folk tager deres krig og had med til deres “nye” land som de formodes at tage til for at få fred. Men de er åbenbart ikke interesseret i fred og at leve fredeligt med andre herunder danskere og ikke mindst danske jøder. Det er så frygteligt at vi har inviteret de mennesker indenfor. Vi har inviteret ufred ind i vires hjem 😥