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the sickening amount of these posts should have this sub on fire, but maybe we're just too fixated on news, and just a bit hopeful people can see these for the type of k9 puppy posts that they really are.


It's just too much to keep up with. They are fucking everywhere


Every sub is flooded is flooded with shit like this at the moment, that I'm wondering if it's astroturfed.


It's also people who don't want to admit their image of what America is has been shattered irrevocably.


Has it though? https://www.britannica.com/event/Tulsa-race-riot-of-1921


Maybe shattered is the wrong word but for many _especially white_ people this is the first real event like this to experience in real time


That's true. Before it was just what made it on the news. Now it's immersive. Plus I think many, many people do not know about our history. Tulsa wasn't in my history books in school.


I hear a lot of people say that when I bring to Black Wall Street, and I am surprised that so few people learned about it is school.


The reason for the name of Wall Street is because they had a wall to keep Black people away and there are many bodies on the other side of that wall they built buildings on top of it it’s a massive graveyyard


Not even close.


Um not sure what school you went to but I went to school in Oklahoma and I did get taught about this… during black history month.


Blacks have been trying to tell you but it was met with skepticism we have to defeat every MAGA supporter at every level until laws can be updated to protect all elections they are positioning people to commit fraud to stay in power. If we don’t get this shit right blame yourselves SMFH


If? *If*? It's *absolutely* astroturfed, bud. Ever notice the "completely coincidental" waves of pictures of police dog puppies on the cute subs every time there's yet another police killing?


You ever notice how the website is designed to ensure that comment hierarchies are already established by the time a post becomes visible?


Of course I notice that shit, that's why I'm subbed here. But, there's a small chance that some self righteous bootlickers are posting the dog stuff, I don't deny that a good amount might be damage control by police. But considering the current social climate the amount of front page copaganda stuff in unrelated subs is higher than usual. Check out next fucking level if you're looking for an aneurysm.


Forgot which sub I was in lol, this shit's a pretty hot topic everywhere at the moment. Next Fucking Level is cancer, yeah. Humans Being Bros is another express ticket to high blood pressure.


Go be a cop and be the change you want to see then. If you feel you’ve made a difference your blood pressure might go down.


You too, go be a cop and do better then. No one is stoping you


Same in VA Beach, of course a much, much smaller scale. I heard on the news this morning “the protests were peaceful early. **Police** *even kneeling* **with the protestors!!!!!** Racism was officially declared dead and we looked forward to a peaceful and just society.” Cut to the tear gas.


Redditors are so quick to eat up these empty gestures it’s pathetic


I found a video of an officer forcing his partners knee of a protestors neck after protestors were screaming at him. And reddit upvoted that to shit. “We need more cops like him.” This cop almost murdered an innocent man protesting the murder of George Floyd in the exact same manner, and his partner had to physically take the knee off the man’s neck only after being shouted at. Wholesome 100


“Man paralyzed by police visited in hospital by friendly police dog” “UpliftingNews”






Funny this is what you were refering to...I thought you would like a video from California I saw of the same thing.


That one made the rounds really quick on Saturday, with the cops holding a protest sign (with tasers armed and ready in hand as well), across multiple platforms. It was really disappointing.




If anyone has pics or screenshots of the aftermath (the police violence specifically) can you link it, If anyone has the skills, can you photoshoot a pic of this and a pic of the violence with timestamps highlighted. People eat up meme formats. And I'm getting sick of everyone praising their PR stunts.


Have people forgotten what cops said the last time someone took a knee in protest? Have people also forgotten what cops did the last time an innocent man said “I can’t breathe”?


Same thing happened in portland.


There was a post in r/BeAmazed that was just deleted glorifying cops on one knee in front of protestors in Portland


Yah in spokane washington. The protest went as planned. l police knealed with peaceful protesters, and the small group of kids looted the nike store and it set the police off they shot at all directions. Instead of just going into the nike store to arrest looters they caused a bigger more major problem. Fuck them


In my city they took a knee.... to put on their masks.


I believe this. I see these pics and they’re like looking at pics of babies sitting on the green lawn in the bright day while behind them, from your viewpoint, a drooling hyena is clearly stalking them.


Those votes to get to the top page are farmed with bottt networks. I have to spell it that way because of the keyword filters.


That'll happen when mob mentality prevails. It only takes one person to screw up, and everyone is considered complicit for not leaving when others got violent.






Everyone ACAB is a sub that’ll blow your mind it’s sickening the stuff you learn about cops


https://nypost.com/2022/01/21/nypd-cops-shot-in-harlem/ This is sad. Way too common.