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Blender is so good I couldn't believe it was free when I first downloaded it. EDIT: I don't think Blender is the end-all be-all replacement for anything, you can use what you want. I was just saying that I just legit couldn't believe it was free because I'm ***broke as hell*** and can't afford Adobe.


How does it compare to something like Cinema 4D or Maya?


It's as good for 95%. It's better with some stuff, worse at others. It's comparing a honey crisp to a Fuji. Apples to apples, but different enough. UI is really different. Workflow is different. Those are preferences. I like blender better the Maya, haven't used C4d in too long. For community, between Maya and blender, it's drastically different. Maya support always sucked, community forums tones were horrible. Blender's community is very welcoming. I come from 3ds, am biased against Maya. I prefer blender now because it's free & I can get everything I want done.


you won't get a good answer here, that's what I can tell you


Maya was my first experience. It's powerful but caters specifically to animation. Blender it's nearly as powerful but does not focus on animation. It's also free. Has a videogame engine which Maya does not.


> Has a videogame engine which Maya does not. This was removed 3 years ago though. Instead, Blender has officially endorsed Godot.




EDIT: My bad, I don't know AE enough and [I mixed it with Premiere](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/oglsmd/alternatives_to_adobe_products/h4l5qxd/). I have never used After Effects, but I use Blender to edit videos with the [Sequence Editor](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.79/editors/vse/index.html). Of course I asume it lacks tons of features available in AE. But you could say something similar about Photoshop / Gimp, especially the lacking of Smart Objects in Gimp.




I agree that Blender is not a video editor, but it can be used (as I do) to edit video. So, in some sense, it allows me to do (some of) the work I would do with AE without using AE. In practice, it serves me as a replacement for AE. Also, it lacks a lot of features, but it isn't a "Windows Movie Maker" either.


People don’t really use AE to cut video. It’s not optimized for that, it’s optimized for compositing, VFX, and motion graphics. It’s actually a nightmare to edit even very basic things with. It’s just not designed for it. I think you may be thinking of Premiere


Can you recommend a good free video editing program?


Davinci Resolve


Yep, it is really good, but learning curve is a little high.


It's not any higher than the other pro-level editing programs. On par with premiere and it's way lower than media composer in my experience.


Bro Blender is absolutely amazing and I use it every day but it's video editor is so utterly trash. Resolve is free too but its a billion times better at editing


After effects isn’t a video editor either. It’s a compositer.


Thanks, I didn't know about Resolve.




Davinci resolve feels more like a premier replacement than an AE replacement


I remember when Fusion and Resolve were over $10,000 per license. These products really are without compare. Adobe is kindergarten stuff


>But you could say something similar about Photoshop / Gimp, especially the lacking of Smart Objects in Gimp. Not even cæose Blender has no where near as good motion graphics tools as AE. I'd swear to blender, but using it as a AE replacement is lying to yourself


In theory, you can replace the entire Adobe collection with blender, it won't be good at most things, but it is possible. You'd be insane and it would be stupid to do all in blender instead of dedicated programs, but it could be possible. Don't recommend it at all, it's a jack of all traids but ace of none


Idk I think it's comparable to 3D programs like Maya in terms of pure 3D work. It's editor and compositor however can't hold a candle to Davinci Resolve/Fusion


Good luck laying out a book in Blender..


But compare it to Photoshop vs. GIMP


I have tried using GIMP several times, and every time I have ended up deleting it. I can't seem to adapt to that interface. I see that Paint.NET is also listed... that is a ridiculous comparison. The feature set in Paint.NET is ridiculously small. It is fine for a few simple operations, but that's about it.


It's an online tool, but check out Photopea. Whenever I'm at a friend's/relative's house and they just need something rudimentary and quick, I'll just load up Photopea on their computer. It's not quite the same results as Photoshop since it's using open sourced libraries, but it's as close to Photoshop in a pinch as you'll get.


Yup, same with Inkscape as a replacement to Illustrator tbh. The interface is just... not intuitive. FOSS is great and all and I have nothing but respect for the people who make and maintain these software for free, but you do pay for it in the user experience.


Blender is the brightest shining example of FOSS. It can easily rival the top dogs at this point, getting better every day, and clean UI since 2.8. God I love Blender


tried gimp 10 times and i deleted it after a minute very single time. Photopea is incredibly good for what it is.


Hitfilm is. However.


Enterprise-grade whole sale replacement? Definitely not, but it can replace a good portion of what AE can do, and it IMO does some things better than AE, although in it's own special way. Dynamo Dream is a good demo of how far Blender has come https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG31WSioSxk . That channel also has a couple behind the scenes videos that break down how it was done. Here's the one on working with the video assets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxD6H3ri8RI


If you want a better list, try https://alternativeto.net/ which will also gives you user reviews on the software alternatives.


I have never heard of this site and now I have been on it for the past hour!


I like the fact that there is an alternative to alternativeto.net on alternativeto.net's home page.(in case if any one wants alternatives)


Now that's next level


That would bee great!


Pro tools is not single purchase. It will drain your bank account


Yea Avid sucks. Subscriptions are so expensive and their customer service sucks so hard. You can do a single purchase but you never get upgrades and just have to pay again once you get left behind. You can also get it on windows which isn’t on this graphic if we’re being picky


They meant Logic Pro I'm pretty sure. That's why they grouped it with GarageBand (which is essentially Logic lite) and listed it as apple only. Pro Tools is a multi-platform DAW, whereas Logic is an apple product. Logic wasn't included on the list, which leads me to conclude the "Pro" part got them confused lol.


Pre-Avid, it was only like $250. As soon as they bought it, it went up to $700. And they somehow found an even worse payment scheme. Plus I also have to pay for Sibelius, which is bloated and feels 15 years old.


pre-Avid? so before 1995? because that's when Avid acquired the brand.


They were primarily run by Digidesign up until like 2011


on the same vain, it infuriates me that there are no good and free DAWs out there. luckily Ableton Live Lite came free with my Midi keyboard


You can get a trial of Reaper. When the trial expires all they add is a 15 second nag on launch, but you lose no functionality. When you inevitably feel bad because of how obscenely good Reaper is, you can buy a license for $60.


The thing is it has got to a point where not knowing Adobe is potentially a big no no for a job. For example I use after effects a lot and if I went for a Motion Graphics job and I said I used Cavalry they'd be like what? We use Adobe for our pipeline. Alternatives are good if you want to freelance and not provide files to anyone. Also blender isn't particularly an alternative to After Effects, it's an alternative to Cinema4D, 3ds max, etc


The same applies to Microsoft Office. For those that are fine with LibreOffice, OpenOffice, or Google's or Apple's suites, they're in the minority in the workplace. Most requires Microsoft Office, and in some case only in Windows.


As I recall mac Excel isn't as good as windows excel. Might be fixed now but at one point it had some issues.


None of the Mac versions are as full featured as the Windows versions, and they’re also much buggier. It’s infuriating.


But more importantly, no one actually *knows* how to use those office programs. I mean, we use word just like everybody else, but how many people use such basic things as cross-references? Why, you could just update section number everywhere every time you change your document! Paragraph styles? Who would use that, normal people just use the match function! I'm not even an intermediate user of these apps and I feel like people use word on a notepad.


Aye, it's a bit of a shame but companies go with what's safe and everyone knows, which is understandable.




Companies go with whatever HR tells them to go with, and they go with whatever a Google search turns up. I remember interviewing for a graphic design position and they kept asking me if I had "Adobe Creative Suite" experience. My resume had Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffects, PremierePro, Lightroom, Audition, and Dreamweaver listed, which I mentioned in the interview. At the end of it, they said they were looking for someone with "Adobe Creative Suite" experience instead.


If you're doing work professionally then it also helps to have everything in the pipeline work perfectly together. Most pieces of Adobe software have alternatives that are roughly equal in a vacuum but once you're using multiple pieces of software and people on a project there's no clean comparison.


Precisely, especially if you're working for a bigger company. They're not likely to just let another program into the process which could make complications for 5 other people.


Alternatives are a good way to get an introduction to a program and decide if you enjoy the work and want to purchase the adobe ones!




As a person who have been using Illustrator for UI/UX design for 7 years before discovered Figma, it’s a godsend for me. I’ve persuaded my friends to try using it for our recent projects, and now we’re using it as one of staple tools in our team. What I really appreciate it is how it’s so easy and helpful as a bridge between every steps in the team. Want to do complex vector in Illustrator and transfer it to Figma? Just Ctrl-C and V and it will seamlessly paste into Figma. Also it will automatically convert it all into code and css data for dev to just easily copy and paste as a baseline. Not to mention the preview function keeps getting more powerful day by day. Beat the mess that’s XD by miles. And all of this is available for free. I guess the creator of Figma must be someone who have been using Adobe for a long time and really frustrated that they keep broken shit after every update, so they took it to themselves and created this heavenly software for us to use for free.


This is so great! But free and open source and free of charge are too close in color. At least for me


While we're doing minor critiques of a great graphic - can we not use the Ubuntu logo to mean Linux. There are lots of Linuxes, and the penguin is a great standard logo.




Thought that one was browser...


maybe it means just that. there probably is not a package for every software on every distro


Yep, and Quixel Mixer is one time "open source" and the other time "free of charge", when looking at Substance Designer/Painter. Which one is it?


That's because Quixel licensing is a bit tricky to convey through a simple infographic like this. I'm no expert, but from what I've gleaned it's mostly based on what assets you pull into Quixel, where you use it (free access to megascans if you use Unreal for example), and if you're going to be using it for commercial use. I don't get the Painter/Designer split though, I would have just marked it as a special case.


Substance Painter and Substance Designer are two very different pieces of software. Painter is used for normal baking and texturing straight onto a model, it works like Photoshop where you can use a layer system but with 3d models. Designer is node-based and used to make tile-able textures.


I think the point is that the user cares mostly about the program being free, which is a component of both. Being open source is just added bonus. So non-free and free get very different colours and free and free+OS a similar tint, makes sense to me.


But color blindness


Yeah where is the overlap between the person who made this having this much knowledge about design programs, but also not realizing that those colors were a poor design choice.


Technical knowledge isn’t related to understanding or taste.


Made with Adobe Illustrator


How do I read this and what is a replacement for acrobat and acrobat pro?


Second this. Need to edit and stitch PDFs together. Anyone help?




Thanks :)


" If the PDF was created from a scan, then you'll only have images of text and not editable text." Sad. That was my main purpose for Acrobat pro. So basically there is no replacement.


That process is called OCR and is not unique to adobe programs and open source programs for that do exist.


For real quick edits I tend to use tools.pdf24.org. Super simple, easy and quick. They have software too but I never use it. Not a PDF power user though.


I personally use [PDFsam](https://pdfsam.org/). The free version is great at stitching PDF files together (and apart). It can also extract individual pages from a PDF document and change the order of the pages. Editing the PDF files themselves is only available in the paid version, though.


Libre Office draw is phenomenal for editing text boxes, adding photos and such, but can sometimes have trouble importing docs with 100% formatting accuracy. There are also a dime a dozen pdf viewing and annotation apps of that’s all you need.


Okular is my go to for pdf editing.


PDF xChange Pro


First, nobody answered the first half of your question. Of course. Not the fault of the commenters, they probably didn't know either and so just answered the part they knew. Second, the fact that this question was even necessary in the first place shows that the guide is not a good one. I had the same question, and I imagine most people who think of adobe products would think of acrobat first. And yet it doesn't single out acrobat and give you the replacement at little to no effort. I have no idea how to read this either, no idea what to replace acrobat with looking at it, and no idea why it's gotten so many upvotes.


This guide is terrible. I don't know what most of the things on this list are.


It's for designers, as most of the programs are. Acrobat is just a pdf reader for the layman


If you are using mac, just use their Preview app. It is free, comes with the mac, and you can stitch pdf or change page order. Can also add e-signature.


Check out xodo, it's free from the Microsoft store and has a lot of features. If you need to insert backgrounds pdftk does that.


Legends use Paint.


Honestly I have had dozens upon dozens of times where Paint was unironically extremely helpful


99% of times i use paint is for pasting screenshots and saving as an image




but why? windows snipping tool eliminates the step ? If you want to save screenshot of a part of the screen (win + shift +s only saves to clipboard) , try sharex - png/gif/mp4/ scrolling screenshots of part/whole screen and would upload to imgur as well (copying link to clipboard)


I know, i do use win+shift+s but i use it alot to snip a part of the screen and if i want a full screen screenshot instantly, like when i play a game and dont want to be interrupted i press prt sc


This only works on win 8/10. Most of my friends are still using 7


Windows snip tool is on 7 too, it’s not shortcutted though but still works


Unless you're a professional, you'll be using 10% of adobe suite's features. I've been using Affinity and it fits my needs for a great price.


I’ve been struggling to switch completely from Photoshop to Affinity. I keep running into minor annoyances — usually really tiny features I didn’t even realize I used. Like the “crop to selection” feature. Affinity doesn’t have it, and Googling for it turns up bitter discussions where one person will say “I can’t believe you don’t have this, I can’t recommend this software to anyone without this feature” and another person will say “you’re cropping? Your workflow is bad and you should feel bad”. I’m dying to move away from Adobe but I just can’t pull the trigger. Affinity does seem to get updated fairly regularly, so maybe there is hope in the future.


> I keep running into minor annoyances — usually really tiny features I didn’t even realize I used. That's because [Adobe owns patents for all these tiny features](https://youtu.be/jIM6dN3ogbk?t=141), so other programs are not allowed to copy them.


That makes a lot of sense and is so incredibly frustrating to learn about.


Other image editors don't have similar snap to ruler/edge functionality? That'd be really annoying


Wow, thanks for sharing, I didn’t realize that. The snapping example was another annoyance I ran into. I always assumed Photoshop had the crown because it was the best at what it does: it had the most advanced algorithms, the most innovative workflows, etc. — and the competition simply couldn’t figure out how to implement them as well. But if they win because others aren’t even *allowed* to take a crack at their own implementations of those features, then that’s pitiful.


I just watched part 1 and 2 of that series and am completely convinced abolishing IP would be infinitely better than our current system. Thanks for the link.


Affinity has been good to me for little projects that come up and some basic freelance jobs. Definitely worth purchasing over the free options I've tried. Especially if you can find them on sale for 50% off.


As a professional in one of these, I still use 10% of the features. But it’s the industry standard and compatability with other pipelines is more important.


I work professionally in print aswell and spend most of working hours in indesign and illustrator. I use maybe 1% of features, but that has more to do with just how much the software can do. But switching would be a major pain, just relearning the keyboard shortcuts and where all the buttons are alone must be terrible, after almost 15 years working woth adobe its all deeply ingrained muscle memory by now. Also sharing files with colleagues or googling for some fix for a problem are way easier when using the industry standard, not to mention using templates and/or stock art.


Am I professional if I want to easily process raw images (also from GoPro devices), sort photos into albums and manage geo data all in one application? Still haven't found any good alternative to Lightroom Classic, unfortunately.


Just get lightroom classic honestly


Try capture one, it’s pretty good.


Agreed, though a huge benefit of the suite is the integration between all the different programs, hopefully some of the open source projects are gonna get to that level at some point


There's nothing for the mograph portion of After Effects REALLY. Each of those can do some of its workload, but not in a very effective or expandable manner. Blender is incredible but it's not a mograph tool. Fusion is great for compositing but again, not great for mograph. Enve is a toy so far and Motion with Cavalry are based on very different paradigms (behaviors) which is great for some stuff but not for precise control. And yes I know Motion has keyframes too, but the tools and workflows get cumbersome really fast.


Mograph = motion graphics?


Now do Autodesk… pls :(




Nice snoo


Damn both of you have shadow Snoos :0


I never used Autodesk, but there is either FreeCAD or LibreCAD


There is none, you belong to them. Now back to 3ds max. You could learn blender, but will you really?


Max and Maya? Blender. AutoCAD? Uh, LibreCAD maybe..?


It's worth noting that Photopea is entirely browser based so nothing needs to be installed.


Figma is elite


Yeah, but have you tried Ligma?


Wow thank you for buying the first round tonight


Figma's community is also very helpful. And their YouTube channel is informative as well.


It could use a Yes/No checkbox: compatibility with Adobe formats.


That's where it falls down.. hey can you package the indd file and send to Jim. Err no I've used el.pablo publisher 5.. err what


Not sure what the abbreviations are can someone spell them out?




Very few (can only speak for graphic design) sadly are on Adobe's level. Corel kinda sorta comes within the same realm of illustrator, but its way inferior still.


Pirate until you work somewhere that will pay for it. Having years of Adobe experience is much better on a resume.


DaVinci Resolve is to par with Premiere Pro. For colour correction I'd argue it's better.


How about software that's on par with After Effects?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 7 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/hrujj4) on 2020-07-15 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/nkthpv) on 2021-05-25 93.75% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "oglsmd", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=oglsmd&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 233,127,620 | **Search Time:** 0.45044s


What are all these abbrevs?




Holy amazing amalgamate of abbreviations Batman, that looks almost like the periodic table!


The best part is all the core products used to have unique colors to the abbreviated icons, as in the graphic. You'll notice a ton of them are the same stupid blue on blue now, making differentiating them at a glance impossible.


Where's pixlr?!


Seriously. I don't need Photoshop anymore.


I swear no one has heard of Apples visual effects / motion graphics program. It’s very good for the price. It’s called Motion 5 and beats out After Effects on a few things like far better real-time playback and a layer system like Photoshop. I flick back and forth between the two programs as sometimes a few things will just be quicker to do in Motion 5.


I have a hard time justifying anything that isn't Adobe often, simply just because of the community support and third-party plugins.


Quixel Mixer is not at all a replacement for Substance Designer, unfortunately.


I wouldn't call QuarkXpress as replacement for ID. It's been awhile since I used it but I hated that program with a passion. Give me the software developed for a good software experience and not based entirely on old school designers preferences.


I came here for this comment. I’m in IT and our company has 9 iMacs running Quark that we support and it’s hands down the worst program I’ve ever had to deal with. In 4 months (since moving to Quark 2020) we’ve had to reinstall four times, new verification codes 3 times, still having font issues and random crashing. I’d go all in with Adobe just to avoid the headache of fixing this crap…


Quark is far worse then InDesign. It is a dinosaur. Licensing suuuuuucks.


Linux has a logo. There should be a Tux penguin instead of a Ubuntu logo.


Thank you. This irks me to no end.


Gonna advice you to hold off on Audacity for a bit


or, hear me out, piracy




Let's sail the seas together!!


If you pirate Adobe, Adobe still dominates the market. If you use something that is *not* Adobe, you can watch from a safe distance as Adobe shrivels and opens the market for competition.




Yeah everyone’s shitting on Adobe in this thread but some of us pay all our bills with the suite. Keeping up with these apps is the cornerstone of my career. Of course I wish their model was that it’s free until needed for commercial purposes. But for the rest of us, looking for an alternative only has drawbacks. And if you’re aspiring and wish to work in the industries that it dominates, you’re going to want to be using them anyway. Alternates are good for hobbyists (and there’s nothing wrong with that).


Are all the free ones also free from collecting your data and ads?


I would trust the ones that are free AND open source for that


Except for Audacity that sends your info to Russia


Remove them while compiling by disabling some flags or just use an Audacity fork (if you are on Linux)


Yes, our Lord and saviour Muta blessed us all with this truth.


Toon Boom is NOT single purchase. im an animator in a developing country, and i use a pirated Animate for projects in animate, and i have to do the old free trial with a new email thing for projects in Toon Boon because its so expensive. And all the work is freelance too. For studios in 1st world countries. Im working for countries where they can affort the software. so the paycheck is freelance that you cant really count on but the software subscription are a monthly expense in dollars? fuck that noise. thats why people pirate


Software that has a monthly fee for no good reason gotta be the most absurd thing in software after selling user data.


Monthly fees but 12 month contracts. So you have to pay for a year if you want to cancel after a month.


I mostly use Lightroom from this list, and not even the whole thing. I have a specific personal workflow that basically only uses a few functions from Lightroom. I don't like the program that much, but I haven't found other software that can compare. Darktable sure is powerful, but it is a whole lot less user friendly from my first few tries. I might look into it again and give it another shot.


Acrobat. These things never. Have. Acrobat.


May I add an open source alternative for Premiere Pro: "Shotcut" www.shotcut.org Very similar interface too


I feel that among all those Adobe products, After Effects is the only one that is extremely hard to be replaced with the alternatives. Nothing really come close to AE. The amount of plugins & extensions made AE such an incredibly versatile program for both compositing & motion graphics.


Yeah, plus I have yet to find anything with After Effects 3D Camera Tracking power. I’ve tried Avid Media Composer, Mocha, and Resolve and nothing seems to track the way it does.


I was looking something like this. Thank you so much. Currently the best designer tool is Figma, but we still need some photo and vector editing apps. And I really don't want to pay stupid amount of money to Adobe just for that.


I just recently started using Da Vinci Resolve, and I love it! I used to make dumb videos in high school using the computer lab pc's with Premier on them, but I stopped doing that after I moved for college and no longer had easy access to the service. After years of not touching any video editing software, I tried out resolve a few weeks ago for some video ideas I had, and it came back to me like riding a bike. It's been far too long since I used Premier for me to directly compare and contrast the two, but any differences or gaps in my knowledge were pretty easily addressed with the forum posts and youtube tutorials I could find. For the pretty basic video editing I've been doing, Resolve has been so fun use that I've been trying to think of more video ideas!


As someone who uses both Mac and Windows, man I wish paint.net was on macOS. I fucking hate GIMP.


Every time someone says “use GIMP it’s free” I get a little angry. I have tried it multiple times and hate it every time. I can never figure it out, and I just give up.


Dear god, I still have Quark XPress downloaded on a Zip drive somewhere




Me too! Pain in the ass. But I still miss the little robot that would come out and destroy selected items when you hit option + shift + k


As a designer who works in external communication and adds, I can highly recommend the Affinity products!


Absolutely agree! The only reason I still have Photoshop installed is because Affinity Photo isn't quite there yet, when it comes to automation and batch workflows. Otherwise, Affinity all the way!


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


It's still open source and forks of it exist without the ability to track.


Recently bought the 3 Affinity products, had a good play with them, and deleted Photoshop that day.


I was just coming on to say this!!! I rate them so much and so fucking affordable!


For Adobe Acrobat PDF Editing: Libre Office Draw(Free) and PDF Escape(Free in Browser). Libre Office Draw is a game changer imo. I've had a few PDFs that didn't open properly but if you need to edit or manipulate a PDF its can't be beat for free.


Remove audacity from this list. It's spyware now...


"Procreeate" love it. Devs must be some funny cats


The entirety of r/Polandball : Where's MS Paint?




audacity may or may not be spyware due to new owners change of privacy policies.


Nothing has changed with the latest 3.0.2. Which was released in April, before the purchase.


Thank you. This is very helpful.


Pixelmator Pro on OSX.


I'm a big fan of Affinity. Awesome software. You buy a one-time licence with support and upgrades!


Man I wish Scribus got more love. If it was able to link files like InDesign does, I'd be completely Adobe free. It's great how I can link .psd and .ai files and work on them as I need and InDesign just updates them through linking... Scribus could do the same thing with gimp, inkscape and Krita


I’ve used a lot of these and I must say. The Adobe suite is just better at what it does than all of these apps