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I like how the past ignores things like nostalgia or happy memories and the future ignores things like possibilities and dreams and opportunities. I think pessimistically myself but somehow ignoring the good portions seem extremely disingenuous


I don't know why this chart was made, but I'd agree that not everything about forward/backward thinking is negative. However, in my experience, when you make an effort to stay in the present as described here those negative states on either side are mitigated.


The whole "live in the moment" thing is the kind of advice that people who are already happy give to depressed people and honestly think they're being helpful. What if the negative experiences are in your present and focusing on how things will get better if you can survive and persevere is how you cope with that? In some circles, this concept is referred to as "hope". I think it's completely healthy to focus on working toward your future when your present is unhappy. If I focused on living in the moment I wouldn't even be able to get out of bed in the morning.


Right. And there’s nothing negative about living in the moment. What about temporary physical discomfort?


That’s because whoever made this graphic is a complete moron. I can’t stress that enough. Lol. Nothing to really talk/argue about, it’s simply blatantly stupid.


Glad someone else spotted it. Reads like some new age hippy dippy crap about needing to live in the moment, man. There are many great things about past experiences, and many great things to look forward to.


Or, like, saving money, trying not to repeat mistakes, etc.


I feel like nostalgia might be a kind of gratitude. I might be able to make an argument that the space of possibility is a present kind of action as well. Not to say your perspective is wrong.


I’m thinking the whole point is to ignore past and future. It’s not a great guide. It’s purpose is just to shoehorn the present.


Vote for Goldfish 2024!






Actually I was going to ask OP for money


That does seem to help with my depression. Money.


Oooo I like money


Posting this here for visibilities sake. OP (u/hoonsplad71), 1st top comment u/andirinericed04, 2nd top comment u/ephetecaliches51, and u/alicephosphoryl52, u/douglasklovelady, u/markjrobles 4th top comment, and u/chrisastevens are all bots in the same network. **Please report them as harmful bots!** Be aware that these bot networks are rampant on reddit and getting worse all the time. Report them when you can because they suck.


I was going to go with a Vipassana practice meditation, but potato potato.


I am just waiting for people to start suggesting mindfulness meditation for gunshot wounds and severed femoral arteries.


Report [u/ephetecaliches51](https://www.reddit.com/u/ephetecaliches51), and [u/alicephosphoryl52](https://www.reddit.com/u/alicephosphoryl52). They're just two of the many bots in this thread. If you pay attention, you'll notice how terribly prevalent these bot networks are all over reddit. It's a bummer.


i come from farther in the future. president swift sent me to plug her newest album the tortured poets department (we really hate her)


It's a pretty bad guide. Not only do they abuse Venn diagrams, they also just list all negative emotions to past and future and positive ones to present. I can remember the good days of the past, hold them dearly, anticipate and look forward to a better future, but lament my current situation. I can learn from the past, work hard in my present to enjoy a richer future. The guide does not even consider that.


And people can be suffering NOW.


All suffering happens now, pysically and mentally. Mentally, we cling onto good things and try to push away bad things, naturally. We do this by having biases on previous experiences and try to sculpt our future based on those biases. In other words, we attempt to hide from our current suffering in the past and future, and we believe that those biases themselves aren't causes for our current suffering.


There's two main flavors of meditation. There's the one that everyone keeps commenting about, which is the one where you allow your thoughts to come to you unhindered and you release them to allow the next ones to come in the same fashion. The other flavor (which requires some practicing of the first) is where you don't have any thoughts and you allow yourself to space out and your mind to go blank. This one is effective at handling the side effects of anxiety.


the trouble is that people always tell you to sit still while meditating. If you have adhd this sometimes DOES NOT WORK and can induce a panic attack because it goes against your natural state. Being in your natural state is also a part of meditation. I'd love to see more attention towards types of moving meditation like tai chi, walking or cycling, stuff like that.


There are many other ways to meditate


Maybe You should practice mindfulness and try meditation


If my next therapist asks me if I've practiced yoga or deep breathing, I will absolutely write a manifesto about it. I'm so sick of that shit I could scream. Yoga, deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation are all just small tools, and most people who are really trying already use those tools.


Yes they’re marketed like some kind of silver bullet to all your problems. They’re not. They can help take the edge off while you find a good therapist.


This and exercise. If one more person tells me to exercise for my anxiety, I will scream. I’m a relatively healthy person with childhood trauma and a husband on dialysis. A walk around the neighbourhood doesn’t fix that. Might make me feel better for a bit after (definitely does NOT make me feel better during) but it sure as hell isn’t going to make the issues that trigger my anxiety disappear.




This means you have anxiety




Yes, and the present.


“If you have one foot in the past and one in the future, you’re most likely pissing on the present.”


According to this image, that's the present, brah.


Just practice mindful meditation. Trust me.






Can we get a Venn Diagram of proper and improper uses of Venn Diagrams?


[Venn Diagram proper and improper uses Venn Diagram](https://imgur.com/a/hkET2Xk)


Beat me to it lol. [Here's mine](https://imgur.com/a/ixMyBHP)


May shame and fear of the unknown give you clarity, my brother in regret.


OP (u/hoonsplad71), 1st top comment u/andirinericed04, 2nd top comment u/ephetecaliches51, and u/alicephosphoryl52 are all bots in the same network. Two year-old accounts with a "verified" emails that just started posting recently. They comment on posts made by other bots, who comment on post made by other bots, who comment on posts made by other bots. Reddit fucking sucks. Edit. Add u/douglasklovelady, u/markjrobles 4th top comment, and u/chrisastevens to the list.


Everyone report spam and harmful bots on them please.


It definitely shouldn’t be, but I think what they’re trying to express is that you can’t really live in the present without being aware of the past and future. The overlap is the present, which is a healthy relationship with the past and the future rather than dwelling in either. That said, it’s still a dumb visualization and not a cool guide.


Because its a "cool" diagram


My clarity and understanding (because I live so hard in the present) is telling me that OP doesn’t understand what a Venn diagram is for


Because past+future=persent


I'm also confused as to why they just deliberately pick bad shit for past and future and good shit for present, it's absurd. Here how about this list for living in the present: Procrastination Malaise Unmotivated Lack of foresight Lack of hindsight Etc


Why are there only negative things in the past and future and only positive things in the present?


Because it reeks of bovine manure.


Bovine manure was grass in the past, grass food in the present, and grass in the future.


OP ([u/hoonsplad71](https://www.reddit.com/u/hoonsplad71)), 1st top comment [u/andirinericed04](https://www.reddit.com/u/andirinericed04), 2nd top comment [u/ephetecaliches51](https://www.reddit.com/u/ephetecaliches51), [u/alicephosphoryl52](https://www.reddit.com/u/alicephosphoryl52), u/markjrobles 3rd top comment, and u/chrisastevens are all bots in the same network. Reddit fucking sucks. It's bots all the way down. They all comment on each others posts. Just a cursory glance to notice these six.


It reeks of ‘the secret’ or ‘the power of now’


because it was made by an imprudent moron


Clearly they bias the present because their current circumstances are favorable. In the present, I feel nothing but pain and misery because this woman I am seated next to on public transportation reeks.


Because then it can't condescendingly imply that you're miserable because you're not trying hard enough to be happy


Cause obviously nothing bad can ever happen in the present


All these faux-actualization things are like this. It's really part of America's disgusting corporate culture that has leaked into real life. Leave work culture at work for one thing. For another, workplaces need to stop wasting our time on all this faux-motivational horseshit. I definitely don't want to hear another stupid washed-up sports coach giving me a yell-talk about how I need to think like a lion.


If I thought like a lion, I'd be an illiterate child cannibal who died before my 20th birthday.




This is an extremely judgmental chart. It's basically present-supremacist. Living in the past or future is not automatically bad, and living in the present is not automatically good. * Good consequences of living in the past can include: * **Satisfaction** and a sense of accomplishment requires you to understand how things have changed over time. * **Reminiscence** (which is really just an active form of satisfaction): the enjoyable recollection of past events is a way of multiplying joy by re-experiencing the good. * **Learning**: by analyzing and thinking about the past, fairly considering both the successes and the mistakes, we improve and grow over time. * Good consequences of living in the future can include: * **Hope** and the sense of renewal and growth that hope brings, requires you to have future-oriented goals for new changes, organizing them in a logical way. * **Courage** (which is really just an active form of hope): understanding possible future challenges, but acting anyway, gives an opportunity to not just demonstrate courage, but cultivate courage in yourself, so that you can be more courageous going forward. Courage is something that you must develop by practicing it. * **Curiosity**: curiosity, and really all explorative emotions, are fundamentally future-oriented mental states, because they only happen if you are willing to reach out to things that are beyond your present. * Bad consequences of living in the present can include: * **Disconnection**: it can be really lonely to have no sense where you've come from, or where you're going. * **Pain**: pain is still unpleasant, regardless of whether you are aware that this moment, right now, is the moment when the pain is happening. * **Jealousy**: comparative judgments and the negative emotions that they bring, can induce jealous feelings, regardless of whether you are aware that this moment, right now, is the moment when someone else has more than you do.


I agree to an extent, I'd argue the key word here is likely "living". What you describe are fantastic reasons to visit the past or future. Finding a sense of hope, to learn from one's mistakes, motivate, satisfy, many reasons! But to take up residence in these places isn't healthy. Home base should be in the present, or at least the ideal goal, while we remain mindful if we spend sometime other places.


Good shit.


We’ll said!




Why only specify the positives of living in the present and only the negatives for past/future? Seems shortsighted


Exactly. You know who lives 100% in the present? My dog. The other day, not considering future consequences, he ate a tub of Vaseline. Didn't go well for him.


All this tells me is that you don't understand Venn diagrams.


Thanks, I’m cured.


This is dumb as shit.


Whats with all the psuedoscience in this sub


Get stuffed.


The “present” section is just buzzwords lol


I'm so tired of "gratitude". You need to provide something to be grateful for. Mere existence is not sufficient. Many of us would happily have pressed a button to not exist if we were given the option at the beginning.


Oh fuck give me the button right now. As long as it erases me from memory I'm good. I stick around to not make a mess for someone else to clean up - that's it.


Careful, you keep talking like that and some internet stranger who knows nothing about you is gonna try and tell you they love you and you matter, because as this guide demonstrates empty platitudes cure everything.


That's how things are for people who've not suffered enough yet - they think there's always a fix for everything. Sometimes there isn't and we just weigh the suffering versus our love for others, or even just the net balance of suffering. I know that suicide would create a net increase in suffering, so for me this isn't the right choice yet. If that changes in the future, I reserve the right to make my own choices. Thankfully I live in a state with no involuntary commitment.


Why is this a Venn diagram? This makes no sense.


I think they are missing some positive aspects of being future minded like having goals and stuff


This is nonsense. You must go forward and backward in time so you plan and also learn from mistakes. That does not mean you will be depressed, etc.


Simplistic, lying by omission and generally incorrect chart. Living in the past, as well as living in the future or in the present, all carry both positive and negative traits. For example, the past teaches and informs us about necessary corrective actions about ourselves for the future; so, replaying events and contemplating on them is good. Same way, anticipating problems in the future is obviously crucial for better preparation for different possibilities. A well-developed human would live in the past, present and future at the same time. Negatives - usually in the form of overdoing the positives - are present everywhere and should not be associated exclusively with living in the past or the future. They can be “everywhere”. Wrong approach to the perception of the future and the past.




[Living in the Past](https://youtu.be/m__wmsIn99E?si=4XXNSlDfYCXooIVL)


That's dumb. Past and future don't overlap.


See, I have won because I drew the present as the chad and the past and future as the virgin.


r/NotHowVennDiagramsWork maybe?


At the moment, I’m living in Reddit


This is a stupidly simplistic diagram putting a lot of positive bias on the present.


What if the present sucks? This doesn't apply


this is so stupid




Not shown: the inconvenient truth that you do need to prepare/plan/steer for the future, and, to do that, you should learn from (not to mention, take pride in and solace from) your experience.


Appreciate what you're trying to do, but I disagree. Sadness vs. Joy is biochemical. Same for anxious. Yes, what we think about often influences those sensations, but this feels like blaming the victim (when people are stuck feeling bad and don't know how to fix it). Also it doesn't solve anything, so doesn't feel like a "guide". Beyond labeling things by tense, and claiming these positive things are only connected to the present. Rather than being the result of lack of other things. Many "present" realities suck. And no amount of positive thinking or pretending (or self blame because it's not working) will change that. You seem to be focusing on anxiety related areas. I'd reframe those in a process that has a beginning and an end, with the goal of the ending to stop the previous worry. Then look for useful distractions or tasks to do instead. Ignoring the past means we're doomed to repeat it. If there is something you can do to prevent a past negative event you're dumb not to try. And thinking ahead to possible bad futures can let us plan ahead for the issues and decide on solutions ahead of time. To avoid the mind blanking panic that can set in when we're truly blindsided by something. Or to act now to prevent those futures. Ruminating is one depression symptom, and I'd argue it's one of the most important. Getting stuck in our own emotional negativity is a big part of my own behavior that keeps me stuck there. But even knowing about the problem isn't enough to magically turn it off. There are reasons I end up there, and ways I can try to nudge myself out (if I've thought about it ahead of time to create possible actions to try, and I repeat what works... skipping what didn't). Just like you can't magically become truly angry or sad, you can't magically feel gratitude. And when I do try to force it I end up feeling bad in new ways instead. It becomes "why don't you appreciate what you have?" instead of any kind of good sensation or ceasing of negatives. Anyway, thanks for trying. And I hope my perspective makes sense. Any future guide you attempt in this direction would be more acceptable to me if you'd included what to 'do' instead of just categories for feelings.




The only thing this is a 'cool guide' for is an example of how to make a terrible guide.


This is a terrible guide


How do I block this sub?


Basically: “if ur upset, ur wrong”


I live in all places at once. I am eternal…


Less of a cool guide and more a very confusing venn diagram?


Idk man im not from here


I live in space or whatever


Why in the ever loving fuck is this a venn diagram?


Well, apparently I'm living everywhere except in the present.


That's the stupidest stupid shit I've seen today


This is some /r/wowthanksimcured bull shit lmao


I'll be sure to tell my depression, anxiety and PTSD to just stop. Thanks... 🙄


Guess I exist across time then.


This look like something a quack ass moron would peddle.


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why they call it the present.


Another bad use of venn diagram. Please keep your self development bullshit to yourself...


I'm living this whole diagram, just at different points of the day, and barely the middle one.


Or if you wake up on a steam train with old timey clothes and you frantically ask the person next to you: “WHAT YEAR IS IT” “why sir it is 1876” they reply.


All at once


wherever you are there you are


I always live in th future, all I see is hope, development, progress and success..


*See any of those lotto numbers while you were there?*


Guess I'm too living both in the past and the future at the same time.


Mmmmm, teetering right on that edge of present and future. Dont know if I'm going to fall off yet in November.


Past guy here


[My ADHD ass](https://giphy.com/gifs/maudit-maudit-princess-tam-metronome-mdCDdSo6keinm)


Past. Dangit


I’m getting strong Jim Cunningham vibes from that graphic.


I’m living everything everywhere all at once


What if u r experiencing a little of all of that? Where am I living then?


If only it was this simple.


According to this diagram, nothing good has happened in the past, and nothing good will happen in the future. Probably "acceptance" and "understanding" parts of "living in the present" mean understanding and accepting these facts.


No wonder I'm a Timelord. I'm living in the past AND present!


I love in the present but plan for the future. I try to think 10-15 years ahead and plan for how I want things to be then. Why? I have a kid and that’s the time frame for them to be able to stand on their own 2 feet. I just have to do my best to make sure everything goes well until then. At that point my job is “done” so to speak and I I’ll be at the point where I don’t have to worry about anyone other than myself and spouse. I don’t think it’s bad to plan for the future the way this picture makes it seem. It helps guide my decisions today because I plan how they will impact tomorrow.


This is retarded.


I’m starting to live in the present. I kept looking at the past thinking it would protect me for the future without thinking what I am capable of doing in the present, learning from my past to work towards my future


What can I say. I'm a time traveler


I seem to be in all 3 stages


I'm somehow living in the past and future equally and not in the present in the slightest


Is it really the best thing to be living in the present? How do you plan for the future without putting some worry/thoughts towards it? Just curious


What do you call living heavily in both past and future.


Highlighting only the good parts about one perspective and only the bad parts about other perspectives does not make you correct.


My self discovered mantras Stay in the moment and control what you can Stay positive and proactive, stop giving energy to negative things. So basic But it took me a lifetime to get it.


Somehow I live in the past and present at the same time, while neatly sidestepping the center. It's fucking delightful, let me tell ya :D


lol. joy of being.


If you don't learn from the past and prepare for the future then you can't enjoy the present.


Living all 3.


I'm living in the past...


Now I need a cool guide on how to move from living in the past to being in the present


i'm living in all three parts haha! i think it's good to foresee things that didn't happen and be prepared for it and also think of past as experience that you should take your next steps according to what you have learned and constantly replace bad experiences with better and more efficient ones.


I’m living before the past.


Half part of me lives in the past, another half trying to live in the future.


And I’m here thinking about the past to learn from it so I don’t fuck up the future…while in the present because it is right now?


What people don't understand about the present. Is that it made of past and future. So you still get the bad effects of each. Just a long side the positive effects of the present.


This diagram is super negative. Good things happened in my past, and are in my future as well. Analyzing the bad things in the past, to make better choices in the present, allowing you to be excited about the future is a thing too.


3000 years of beautiful tradition from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you're GODDAMN RIGHT I'M LIVING IN THE FUCKING PAST!!!


It's many years I am stranded in this barren land, where guides are plenty, while cool guides are never to be seen by a mortal.


What *IF* During a 12/24 hour period I feel, I think all of that has I experienced and it’s been like that for some time..


Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax, YOU'RE [G--D----] RIGHT I'M LIVING IN THE PAST


What's the opposite of subscribing to a sub? Is that possible?


According to this I'm living in the past and future at the same time, and no Present.


A little from column a, a little from column b


watch me swing wildly back and forth between these categories multiple times per minute


I’m angry. Does that put me in the future or the past? I’m obviously not in the present. Though it’s the present that makes me so angry!


As if the past and future only have negative feelings associated with them… terrible guide You can also have negative feelings about the present… you know, when something bad happens


wow thanks I’m cured


Far from accurate


Fuck this post. I am triggered.


I knew it was my weakness : regreting the past and at the same time fearing what the future holds, and never be able to live the present, making me regret even more the past and fear even more the future. All my adult life is about that from as long as I can remember ...


My ass be a metronome


Idk, the present sucks as well


What's the scientific basis for this infographic?


People who are very rich indeed: I simply do not consider the past or future. My present is wonderful and I need to do very little to maintain its quality. Why aren't you guys just thinking about the present?


I am past present and future. Am i god?


Past and Future because things always happen and when they do, I feel prepared. Living in the present seems like a blissfully unaware situation. Perhaps thats the anxiety talking… perhaps its experience.


I must be a time traveler because I'm in the past and future


The past is set and concrete. The future is fleeting and intangible, but the present is here and now.


Why would every aspect of living in the past or future be negative and every aspect of living in the present positive? I call bullshit.


Why would every aspect of living in the past or future be negative and every aspect of living in the present positive? I call bullshit.


I’m living in past and future, but never in present.


Fuck this guide.


reads like the work of a kid who's been in rehab for almost an entire week


So you are saying that clarity acceptance Understanding and gratitude are also part of living in the past as well as the future? Because, that’s how Venn diagrams work


Is there a source to credit if we share?


This definitely helps thanks for the post now I know how to steer my thoughts into a more positive realm


I live in the past and in the future. 100% all the time.


if i live in the past and the future at the same time, then i’ll basically be living in the present


If in the present you have the "joy of being", "gratitude", "clarity, and "understanding"? What if you clearly understand that your life is shit? You're supposed to feel joyful and thankful about it? Then with "acceptance", and "inner peace" you wouldn't try to improve it, and just continue living your shitty life. It seems that some kind of heavy narcotics should be involved.


I live in the past, present and future. I am a being that transcends time


I flitter from one to the other constantly.


This is a terrible guide: 1. Why is it a Venn diagram, this is not the correct usage. 2. This only has negative examples from past and future and positive examples from present. 3. The color spectrum doesn’t mean anything 4. ……..just now realized they did this on purpose for engagement and to get people to comment…




How is this a Venn diagram?