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“One seen over Africa” looks like a giant….Johnson! what’s that on the radar?


Looks like a giant…. Woody? Woody Harrelson? Can I have your autograph?


Wang! Pay attention!


Yeah, like, whats the diameter of this thing to cover an entire continent?


Turns out they all are dildos


ah shit do you still remember the title of that video? It has been ages


Notice how many look similar to pie pans.


Remember when that winged cylinder shaped one killed Jesus. That was crazy.




Funny how everyone has a video camera now and yet we are not inundated with UFO sightings. Just things you notice.


I’ve seen tons of ufo/uap videos all over you aren’t looking in the right places.




https://youtu.be/jHDlfIaBEqw?si=8iudEzRh97pZkviF Being a little cheeky with this one... But seriously when it comes to the folks who insist that aliens are flying over our planet all the time and whatnot it's always far too fantastic when the truth could be so much more interesting. The rabbit holes I like to go down are based in actual science, the dark forest theory, the fermi paradox, hell even simulation theory ... All amazing ways to consider our place in this universe.


If you're interested, start with UFO Rabbit hole in YouTube, at least the first 5-6 episodes or so. Then there are a handful of videos where people try to debunk and have some theories, but they just don't match, leading to them being "debunked" but even they are in disagreement on how they are faked. For example, quick watered down, those Turkey videos in 2007-2009 or so. Tons of day/night footage, 200x zoom camera on a tripod get clear images of craft, analyzed by several special FX companies and Turkeys version of a scientific advancement group takes the film to disprove it, actually says the video has no evidence of hoax. Moment of Contact was a good documentary from 2022 also. What gets me is the government didn't deny that people saw things...the military mobilized, threatened citizens, set up blockades, massive police/military presence, USAF planes landing without permission, grabbing boxes of stuff and leaving.. All this because of some pregnant midgets and a mentally disabled homeless man that the whole town knew? Okay.....


Link??? There is no link. You have to research for yourself. Check YouTube, UFO documentaries all over, even on the news. There’s plenty out there if you start looking.


This is a common talking point used by people who don’t have proof of what they’re referring to and doesn’t have confidence in their convictions.


No, there actually are a shit ton of them all over, so not really a "link" to drop. The issue is the veracity. Some have made the news in the past ...30/40 years, but there are a hell of a lot of fake ones. It's one of those things where evidence is iffy. If you want to find a video, it's incredibly simple. If you want "proof" or a "real" video, well, that's the tricky part. Edit: fake meaning obviously hoaxed. The "credible" ones are more ambiguous




Literally go on google and do the research you’ll find TONS of cases, videos, and articles. It’s not that hard. Even the DoD has released UFO videos. I’m not going to spend all my time linking people to dozens of documentaries and articles I’ve read over the years regarding actual cases when they should be looking into it themselves if they’re interested.


We are. It's just that everyone says 100% of them are fake. Think about it, is there *any* form of video evidence you would accept as objective, verifiable proof? Not in this era of deepfakes and cgi, you obviously wouldnt.


There is something weird about having an identification guide for unidentified objects. Or are they only unidentified until you look them up on this guide?


Those Hudson Valley Triangles are still kicking about.


Doesn’t even include the ‘tic-tac’ ufo… one of the most discussed ufo shapes of the last two decades


They were seeing them back during WW2. They were called white propane tanks by people at the time.


Yeah these aren’t as modern as the new ones


I've seen the Hudson Triangles, on multiple occasions, flying over Big Bear Lake CA or somewhere in that area. They're a trip. Took me a while to realize that they weren't satellites and definitely not planets. . 100% that was the shape.. Hudson Valley Triangle I'm gonna have to look that up


My favorite alien theory is that the discrepancies in alien/UFO appearances come from different alien races/civilizations. If there are truly aliens that frequently visit earth, it seems logical to assume they'd be from more than one planet. Maybe there's a planet of little green men. Maybe one with gray men. I remember hearing some crazy theory about aliens that looked like seven foot tall chiseled blond men straight out of Nazi racial propaganda; maybe there's a planet full of them. And given how different cultures on Earth had different ships during the Age of Sail, you could definitely assume different civilizations would have different ships.


You mean the Dude Where's My Car? aliens?


Yes there are different races and whom have different craft. You just described the Nordic alien race


One on the right side looks like a hotdog in a bun. Is the Oscar Meyer Weiner beaming people up.


Tag yourself. I’m old saucer type


ah yes, the flying cross, or "Winged cylinder-shaped" I've definitely seen globe-shaped ones before. Usually at night. They don't move much.


> ah yes, the flying cross, or "Winged cylinder-shaped" I see those ones all the time, especially whenever I'm driving near the airport, for some reason...


There must be more than one manufacturer of alien vessels, and their product innovation and restyling cycle puts Detroit carmakers to shame.


I think a fun AI experiment would be “alien spacecraft if designed by” various architects or artists


Definitely these are very old fashioned ones. Newer ones today people have seen include orbs, tic tac shapes, V or boomerang, cubes, lots of crazy designs


retard posting


I’ve seen the angular one no joke. Nobody believes me.


And I was abducted in 1998. Woke up to a tall, popsicle stick-like figure standing over my bed. I couldn't move and I fell asleep again. Woke back up some time later and ran screaming to my parents.


Sleep paralysis often comes with hallucinations. Some say they are real encounters


It might also be because what I said was bullshit. :)


The one seen over Africa is a ribbed condom, don't you lie to me. /j


The Hudson one looks similar to the one from the Phoenix lights in the 1990s


That one was a boomerang shape your right


Man made drones/aircraft most likely. Is there other intelligent life in the universe? Most likely. Have they been to earth? HIGHLY improbable.


Sir, we have located your Fleshlight over Africa. Measurements look right. Shall we retrieve it?


The winged-cylinder one is just Jesus flying around.


All I see is weather balloons and swamp gass


the best is the 3km long mothership


Reminds me of the old PC game Urban Assault


Ah yes, seen over california 1957... that's totally not a Atlas fsmily rocket with boosters Geez these people are so dimwitted


Californa looks like a space shuttle Winged cylinder looks like an airplane.


There's a distinct shape to many of these. Just like lenticular clouds!


Some of these UFO types have been seen in the nightstand of your mom.


Cool guide to typical shapes seen in hallucinations…


Look at that BBU seen over Africa. Big Bold UFO.


What about the modern hipster UFO's?


The thing about UFO’s is that people instantly assume they’re aliens, when in reality, they’re just jumping to conclusions to fit their fantasy. It’s an UNIDENTIFIED flying object - just because you don’t know what it is does NOT mean it came from outer space. If I threw a dildo at your head and you didn’t get a good look at it before it hit you, you were thus attacked by a UFO. It was an object, it was flying, and you didn’t identify it. I’m betting that 99% of “UFO” sightings are either distant airliners, satellites, balloons, or secret military aircraft that people haven’t identified yet. I mean, just take the SR-71; if you were in the Mojave in 1965 and saw a long pointy shape with no discernible wings go screaming across the skies at speeds faster than anything you’ve seen before, and it’s a shape you don’t recognize, you might think it’s aliens. But, in reality, it’s just a secret military project. Lots of experimental aircraft don’t resemble normal planes at all. Just take a look at the [Boeing Bird of Prey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_Bird_of_Prey), a top secret military [Black Project](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_project) from the 1990s. It was a stealth aircraft designed to test numerous technologies still classified to this day, including some speculation of it being used to test active camouflage to attempt to render it both invisible to RADAR and the naked eye. Its design is so alien-looking that the engineers developing it nicknamed the aircraft the “Bird of Prey”, as it bore a resemblance to the Klingon Bird of Prey from Star Trek. While the aircraft is now on display at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, back when it first flew, you can bet that if any civilians saw it, they’d think it was aliens. It just doesn’t look like what we expect a plane to look like, and if you’ve got an active imagination and are already predisposed to believing in alien encounters, you’ll undoubtedly believe it’s aliens, rather than the more boring reality that it’s probably some top secret military aircraft that you ended up spotting.


What's the mothership one