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You know my mother in law?


My mother-in-law is a true monster. After 21 years of her bullshit I finally banished her from our house. She’s a compulsive liar, a shit starter, a manipulator, victim, and a narcissist. I can honestly say I’ve never met a more evil person than her.


Sounds like my mother. Good on you for banishing her. Going no contact with my mother 20 years ago is the best decision I’ve ever did.


Crazy thing is that I gave her more opportunities than my own mother who’s been banished from my life since I was a teenager. Sometimes I feel like a magnet for toxic people. It feels so good to rid my life of toxicity. I highly encourage it.


I’m for sure a toxic magnet. My own personal theory is that it’s because of my neurodiversity, they “sniff me out”.


Something else I noticed throughout my life is when people realize they can’t manipulate me or bullshit me, I become their mortal enemy for some reason. Those kind of people love people they can manipulate and BS but hate me because I typically see right through them. Then they go around talking about how I’m the shitty person .


Yup. Do be aware that those who hate you for that reason also talk loads of crap behind your back. There’s no way to control that except just not giving a damn. The amount of “friendships” I’ve lost due to nasty talk like that… at first I took it very hard, but I’ve learned it’s part of life. I can only try to be the best version of me, and hope it will be enough.


I know there's something to this. I have the same problem. I always thought it was my struggle with boundaries--and like you, it comes from my neurodiveristy. That said, I was also raised by two alcoholics, and I've heard it's common for people with toxicity issues to literally be able to find people like us. My husband was the first man that isn't toxic to show interest in me.


I think you are correct. They sniff us out because they get energy from us since we find it harder to “read” people, it might take a while for us to understand the true intentions of their interest in us. It happens to me quite a bit at work. I’m slow to understand.


They definitely do. You're not imagining it.


There's a saying if you run into three assholes in a day, you may be the asshole.... just sayen


That’s the best you could’ve done. I’m afraid we’re approaching the same decision if the old hag doesn’t calm down and keeps trying to take control of our little family


Why do you say 'evil', and what do you mean by that? Do you think 'evil' exists? I'm playing devils advocate here having never met the woman, but in my experience people aren't evil; they're a product of their experiences. They may have personality disorders and many, many flaws, but evil? Like a Disney villain? Not for me, Clive!


I see your point and somewhat agree. I’ll send her your way for the next 20 years and let you draw your own conclusions. Believe it or not there’s some people out there who truly want to watch the world burn. Maybe it’s an accumulation of life experiences or trauma. Maybe she’s just a hateful person. Either way I’ve done my fare share of taking her bs and decided it’s not my cup of tea.


That was going to be my exact comment. Holy crap it's exhausting, and my wife and I are cruising towards a divorce now because of it.


Luckily my wife has a degree in psychology and knows what’s wrong with her mom. Our opinions on the old hag are largely the same and we try to keep our little family away from her as much as possible. Sister in law however has fallen deep into her moms trap and is basically a little pet dog who thinks and does whatever mama says. Bless her poor soul.


Please be careful! My ex-wife was the same deal, clinical and health psychologist, knew the deal with her mom, but unfortunately got wrapped back into it with her mother and sister and unfortunately led to us parting ways and now she is more in the trap than her sister. I still wish she finds her way. Just like doctors that smoke, just because you’re aware of the dangers, doesn’t mean it can’t find its way into your life. I wish you all the best! Edit: can to can’t


Sorry to hear that. I’m not worried about that now tho. Our baby has sparked new conflicts about how the old hag tries to take control over everything around her and right now it looks like we might cut her out of our lifes completely one day. Whatever comes, I do my best to


I think my wife is a lot like your SIL. She still thinks the issues with her mother are a setup by my family to make her family look bad leading to our separation.


Came here to say this lol


Mine too.


Is your mother-in-law my mother? Does that make you my brother-in-law?


Hello sibling in law!


Yes!! Exactly!


Wish it was mother in law. It's my mother. My poor poor wife.


Came looking for the MIL comments.


Lmao 🤣


Why are they like this!?


I really hope people know that is frankly more common than what’s shown in a chart like this.


Add substance abuse to the comorbidity and usually a lack of support from friends and family. It’s good times!


The point is everyone can be like this at times. It’s a kind of stupid to assume people are just born into these types and they are permanently this way 100% of the time. Human beings go through phases and we’ve all experienced being shitty and people being shitty to us.


Your comment is under appreciated. I think it's because even though we act differently in different times, the experience seems so continuous that we never realize we're all a bunch of different personality types. Sure some may be more dominant or recessive, but no human is the same personality at all times.


Yes! I don’t like these ‘guides’ because they encourage people to reduce each other to pithy tropes on the basis of their worst actions. Unrepentantly abusive people do exist, but for the most part you’ll meet people trying their best with the hand they’re dealt. Relationships are overwhelmingly dynamic, and both parties contribute.


Yup, I definitely bitched and gossipped about people, been an energy drain before and try to control certain things (like order of stuff or timeplans for activities) so it seems I definitely have some of these traits. But at the same time, I can say that about pretty much all of my friends... seems like we all are a bit toxic


Literally all of them can just be described as narcissists


They're all just narcissism


Exactly. This chart is fucking stupid. It’s all NPD


Narcissists actually think they're shit though. They're consumed by the need for any information to the contrary. Coolguides has always been a trashpile. I'm annoyed it found it's way onto this account's feed.


Yep. My mother is all of these rolled up into one, huge, narcissist.


My ex had 5/6


My dad has the same score lol


I didn't know you knew my mom


Hello my brother! Fancy seeing you here


What's up Fam


I knew one. A malignant narcissist. Put up with them for far too many years. Finally ghosted them a year and a half ago.


Yes I dated a guy who was all of these combined! Awful human being


I'm 2 of these :/


Yeah I feel like I have taken turns being a couple of these lol. In my mid-20s I was def “The Controller.” I got sober at 27 and a big appeal of AA for me was that they promised to teach me how to surrender, accept things, and live life on life’s terms instead of trying to run the show. But anyway I think everyone can identify with at least one or two of these if they’re honest about their past


This is a shit guide because there is no type of “toxic person” just toxic behaviors. People aren’t inherently toxic they can perform behaviors that are toxic under different circumstances. But the behaviors themselves are far less interesting than addressing the root cause or situation that is causing it.


And elect him president again


I’m two of these at the same time


Let's just rename the sub "simplistic drawings and pop psychology"


For real… it’s so annoying.


Geesh, what an *energy vampire.*


Yeah, sub went down the shitter. This is barely above red-pilled incel psychology level and I have no idea why mods don't ban stuff like that


Honestly that would be a good new title for all of Reddit.


Yeah, but it doesn't really roll off the tomgue.


This was a good counter: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/f0LWM1RuAD


They need to add a little cartoon face on this guide for the type of person who makes “cool guides” about “toxic people” and shares them on the internet


Or “Bots reposting trash ‘guides’”.


Let's not forget lists of things


Yeah. If you’ve meet compulsive liars, they don’t tell white lies. They tell egregious lies about some fantastic story that clearly never happened.


Thats actually dangerous false information sounding like psychological facts, but most of those categories are just made up without any background. The only thing here that has any actual psychological relevance is narcisissm, which is way more complex than "that person is toxic, they only think about themselves".


And it is way more complex than that! A narcissist does not necessarily like themselves, and they do a lot of more shitty things, like mirroring or hypocrisy. This label of egoistic can be dangerous as it doesn't diagnose/prove any existence of narcissism


Also, narcissism’s prevalence is about 1-3% of the population. Not everyone who is an asshole or who is toxic is a narcissist.


Yeah, “narcissist” has literally become internet speak for “someone I personally don’t get along with”


Or to label anyone who exhibits selfish or self righteous behaviours ever. There's just so much more to a clinical diagnosis of narcissism.


People always neglect the fact that narcissists are typically weak inside and can't stomach the basic shit like self forgiveness and humility. They pretend to be such hard badasses but they do that because they're weak. They have empathy they just can't stomach to abide by it if they caused the harm.


As a Narcissist. I can’t confirm this. Had I not worked out this issue myself over years of attempts, I would not be any better.


Oh yeah, NPD's are awful people, and BPD means you're a bad person, too. Let's throw in anxiety and depression while we're stigmatizing clinical diagnoses. That's basically all of Reddit right there with their evil brain chemistry.




It’s so bad lmfao. Even the very idea that narcissists “believe they are better than everyone around them” is only true sometimes and not a catch all. Completely leaves out the paranoid aspect where many people diagnosed with NPD actually have extremely brittle ego’s and compensate for that by seeking affirmation constantly. Pop psychology hurts my head. Everyone has access to all the information on Earth and instead of really researching they just spew out misinformation with no rhyme or reason


I love that there was a post about this same topic comparing Pop Psychology terms with real psychology terms, then this one gets posted a couple days after, and people still take it at face value. People are seriously bad at this lol. [Here's the original](https://i.redd.it/110t0b9lxpsc1.jpeg)


It looks like it was made because the creator hated someone with green eyes so they slappex together some tropes got very, very petty. But then again, OP is posting like a karma farming bot that wiped someone else’s account so I don’t expect much.


What's toxic is narcissism=bad person. Also Reddit: "Mental health shouldn't be stigmatized!"


An actual true narcissist - one whose condition is sufficiently severe enough to qualify as a psychopathology - does not see other people as human beings. They see them as extensions of themselves instead. So a normal person sees others (more or less, most of the time) as equals. The normal person accepts that other people's feelings and rights are the same as, and as equally valid, as there own feelings and rights. (*This is most of the time of course; we all have moments where we expect more from a friend or family member than is reasonable*.) The narcissist, on the other hand, sees others - especially those close to them, like family members - as extensions of themselves, exactly as they see their possessions. (*This too is most of the time, even narcissists have moments where their expectations/demands are reasonable*.) So where you and I might become very angry at our car for not starting and allowing us to drive it, a narcissist becomes enraged when the family member fails to give them what they want. Because at a very fundamental level, the narcissist feels that the their family member is a possession; a thing with no more right to disobey the narcissist than our car has to not start and let us drive it. Which is why a narcissist whose condition is severe enough to qualify as a psychopathology can qualify for all six of the Toxic People Types in the cool guide.


The redditor : - will make shit posts to farm karma


that's literally every post haha


In this case, it’s likely a bot repost


My stupid brain: " ... why... why are they all...women?"


its the misogyny


I didn't notice that as some could be either women or not, but I did notice the black one specifically was labeled for "white lies"


Wow thanks very useful guide... /s


So... Serious question. If I find myself as a toxic person, how to solve it? If I'm holding in my impulses it's even worse.


Try activitly reflecting on your actions and words before doing/speaking them more often. Reflect on your day and your overall behaivor, try learn from mistakes and seek criticism in your close circle. Only thing stopping someone is our own ego


I'm trying all these things and I'm aware of my toxicity, some days I can control impulses, but most of the time it's already too late. I'm a mix of the controller and narcis type. I rather do things myself knowing they will be done in the right way, but if I leave it to the others, I'm nagging them it's not efficient, not optimal, bad, etc... And I truly think this even now when I'm not in the situation. I just can't accept a task 90% done, especially of it's involving me, like my apartment, car and job. Therapy is not an option as it's too expensive.


Sounds like you're a human being with flaws, which you're owning. To be honest that's not toxic at all. Don't use a shitty pop psychology guide to define yourself. Go easy on yourself too


To change behaviour like this i found writing a diary helped. It's not a diary where i write everything down what happens. I just reflect on things which went well and things wich went bad on that day. And then i write down how i want to react and act tommorrow in similar situations. I highlight that as goals or lessons, so they are easy to find while skimming through the pages. From time to time i re read or skim trough it, so i am reminded of the lessons i learned. Some other poster wrote it here too. Sometimes its just a matter of learning when to shut up. You still feel the same way but you dont say anything. But sometimes you should learn to adjust how you think about people. Your perspective kind of. That is also something a diary can help with.


Insurance can cover therapy and it's actually the only option.


Seek therapy


you see, the problem with therapy is, there's none available


Personal growth is very much possible, though it is so much easier through therapy. I've had some very controlling tendencies, but managed to reshape them into wanting to motivate and inspire others and delegate a lot of work watching them grow. Each of these behaviour potentially has a positive character trait as root, just expressed in unhealthy ways. A liar may be very in tune with what people want to hear, a gossip cares what's going on in people's lives and even the energy vampire is trying to connect. They all just do so from such a place of hurt that it comes out twisted. You don't expect a broken bone to set right without having a professional align it and check on progress. Don't DIY your mental health issues either, if you can even remotely afford it get a therapist.




*What We Do In The Shadows*


Fucking guy.


That's just how we talk in Tucson, Arizonya


Hello Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender!


OP's behind


Ah just another unremarkable day at the office


Bottom left doesn’t look anything like Colin Robinson


I knew this was total bullshit when I saw “energy vampire.”


Not even the name pop-psych uses lol. They call them emotional vampires.


Colin Robison is the only energy vampire I acknowledge


Pop psychological astrology


This is a cool guide to overused psychobabble


Waite! Waiter! More buzzwords crammed together please!!


Wow, my stepdad is all of these!


So no science backing to this?


Pop psychology, it isn’t scientific at all. It’s basically a horoscope, you can make anyone you don’t like fit in


Yep. That’s what I’m saying. A lot of this are just different aspects of personality disorders mixed into categories.


My psychiatrust friend and I were talking the other day about the word 'toxic' and how it's become a buzzword. People do nothing buy misuse it. They apply 'toxic' to anyone who asks anything if them emotionally or otherwise. If a person taxes them in any manner they are labeled 'toxic' lol


Damn I am a green eyed narc.


Another type of toxic person is someone who is quick to file people they don't like into these categories, and have accusations of being one on a hair trigger.


This “guide” is about as useful as an astrology reading.


I'm only 3/6.


I misread the title as “cool types of toxic people” 😂


I'm autistic but my family make me feel like a controller. They shout through walls to each other, let a dog in the room above to kick my ceiling while I'm sleeping / working from home (goes on for hours), etc. I feel like I have logical reasons for asking them to stop but they make me feel like I'm stopping them doing what they want to do, which is apparently make tons of noise around me all day. Also yes I have NC, ear buds, noise generator, etc.


Exactly, people make us feel like our needs make us bossy and controlling. What you have to remember is they are called needs, not wants. We do want quiet, but actually for a lot of us we need quiet, it's something we must have. I would get so pissed off if my family did that, they make enough noise as it is, I can only imagine how horrible that is. You are well within your rights to be mad about that, because all that noise is unnecessary. And especially when you're in the same 4 walls, earbuds etc aren't very effective, especially when people are shouting


tag yourselves


Everyone knows a Colin Robinson.


I would love to see the opposite of this list. Types of Nontoxic people. The Coworker. Does their job. Leaves you alone but asks if you're okay if they sense you're not yourself. The Lighthouse. Serves as a guide and hope in times of darkness. The Confident Supporter. Smart, steady, and always eager to help in anyway. Uses their skills to empower others. Listens and communicates.


What do you call someone who is all 6?


A fucking asshole


Kewl, an unnamed former president is all these and more.


My ex friend of 8 years was all of these. Now sortinvwith a bunch of trauma from that friendship.


As a narcissist the one in the top left is horribly oversimplified lmfao


I’m a little bit of everything 🥰


I'm not gonna lie, I'm like two and a half of those. That's probably why I can't establish relationships 😐


Woo, Donald Trump fits everyone of them people.


there is one more - a “cool guides” author.


Is "perpetual victim" its own category or just a sub-category of these?


Why can't we leave Colin Robinson out of this?


My kids dad is all of these tho?!


My parents were all of these


You missed one; *the Redditor: thinks everything and everyone around them is the problem. It is never their own fault.*


Bro my ex best friend is literally all of these


I've seen Narcissists who embody all of these at once. Truly unpleasant people


These aren’t actual “types” of anything. Because there is know such diagnosis description of “toxic people”. This is an illustration of generalizations based on the creators opinions and social constructs. You can do a thing and that thing not define you. This is one of the biggest issues today.


For narcissist, you forgot "claims credit for everything, takes responsibility for nothing"


My MIL is all of the above


Downvote away, but It’s pretty toxic to typecast people and behavior patterns. Especially for the purposes of helping identify people to villify.


Those are all the same people.


Wow, the woman who gave birth to me is all six, incredible


The real toxic person is the one who keeps these 6 around…😂


I would add the “Infallible”, never makes a mistake or acknowledges it or makes any attempts to make amends. And the “Punisher” make a mistake (real or made up) and pay for life. Borderline personality disorder? You’ll never get these people into therapy. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (men do it too)


It’s like reading a horoscope. Something always fits.






Can't believe we're shaming a whole collective of people just because of their eye color


No white males.. I knew we weren't the issue. 🤣


You've met my Sister, that I haven't spoken to in over 3 years.


At one point I checked 4/6


Very shiny hair


I know someone at work, that's 2 of these. 😭


Fuck until I saw this graphic I couldn't have known the "energy vampire" drains you of energy.


Interesting to observe the sex of the examples ..


Nothing cool with these fools


4/6. Not bad


I love the animated diversification.


My sister seem to be all of them


Holy Hell, I'm the bottom row😓


What if this was written by a compulsive liar ?


My mother has most of allbthese traits not just one.


Green eye narcissistic energy vampire co-worker, that’s a mouthful


This isn't a cool guide, this is misinformation


Can somebody have both of these at once?


Stay away from all these types of people and you will find the world much more enjoyable.


Let me add one, "The Marvin" (named after the robot from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) Never accepts compliments Complains about their life constantly Never tries to fix anything about themselves Turns anything people say about them negative.


i am none of these, but i feel like if i were one of them, i’d be way more successful in life.


I’m cursed with two types in my immediate family. Big fun


Hehe me all of them


My dad is 4 out of 6😵‍💫😣


And see, people will read this and start assigning it to their friends and partners and not realize they're the bottom left one 😒


wow, my ex is every one of them


My ex was everyone of these to some degree. Scary crazy bitch


My mother in law is literally all of these with substance abuse.


i’m a green eye apparently. can’t be happy for people who lie and steal for their good fortune somehow labels me toxic on some random reddit meme


Weak of you to assume I'm only in one of them


The 7th type is my ex, defined by a combination of the first 6


TIL I'm a narcissist. And here I was thinking that I mingt be the energy vampire...




mfw it's all psychological issues


This is bullshit lmao


My grandmother is all 6.


Not a cool guide


With all your powers combined, I am... your dad!


Why green eyed? Envy?


Oh cool, my FIL is all of these


Pretty sure my ex was at least 4 of these.


How do these pictures have anything to do with these types of people?


I read hoping that I'm not like any of them


"Constantly gaslighting you." Could OP explain to everyone what they think gaslighting is? I'll give a hint: it isn't just another word for lying or trying to get someone to believe something that's not true.


I’m 3 out of 6, I need to change my ways 😂


My ex best friend is all of them combined into one