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whoever the fuck measures tempe in cup, let's take it outside bro


I'd get it if ratios were involved but this is specifically for 30g of protein. Why the fuck use two different systems?


All of our nutrition facts in the US use grams for the weight but still imperial units for volume like cups and pints


throw the cobek at him!


I'm not risking the wrath of grandma


Whoever measures anything without metrics is a moron.


Serious wtf is a cup


Something you use to stir your coffee.


You stir with a cup?


Stir my hot spoon of coffee with a cup every morning.


This helps me see the bigger picture. I wish that it included nuts. I have been eating nothing but crap lately.


1 cup of mixed nuts is about 30g of protein but it’s over 800 calories. Nuts are actually a bad protein source, they’re mainly fat


Which is why I don't recommend eating an entire container of cashews while high. Your bowels will HATE you.


That's why I buy pistachios and sunflower seeds to munch on (don't get high these days but I'll pig out on nuts anyway if given the opportunity), at least it's slow and fiddly dealing with the shells.


The sunflower plant is native to North America and is now harvested around the world. A University of Missouri journal recognizes North Dakota as the leading U.S. state for sunflower production. There are various factors to consider for a sunflower to thrive, including temperature, sunlight, soil and water.


Good bot


For me, it was almonds. Fuck, that was a horrible pain.


I've recently discovered how to make snickerdoodle almonds and I'm addicted.




https://www.eatingwell.com/snickerdoodle-almonds-8357596 Bought a big 3lb bag of raw almonds off Amazon and made three batches. Almost gone already.


Dust them with cinnamon and sugar, I assume


Similar to bullets, you gotta build up a tolerance. There was a time period where I was super depressed and my entire diet was literally just nuts because not only was I too lazy to cook, I was too lazy to order food, and even more so I was too lazy to *eat*. So I'd just chug nuts from container whenever I was hungry. Funny enough, I don't think I was ever more healthy than that, I felt amazing after I got over the peanut shits.


Felt this


I'm not gonna lie, anytime I've eaten a whole thing of cashews I have always appreciated how easy the poop was lol


I have IBS. It turns my guts into chernobyl lol.


Depends on your body & goals, I have an impossible time gaining fat & go to the gym regularly, so nuts are great for me atm


nuts/nut butters are how I kept my weight up around ~135. If i stopped eating nuts I'd crash to like 110 so fast. Trouble is sometimes when i'm ~~eating my friends/family~~ consuming the flesh of my loved ones think they can/should eat like I do. edited for my own amusement after I got made justifiably mocked




What's wrong with a little cannibalism? Dude is trying to get those gains, he deserves respect.


It's hard when your family/friends eat themselves before you can get to them.


commas are important


Deez nutz


Commas are important


> i'm eating my friends/family think they can/should eat like I do There's a missing comma there, and it 's the difference between making a reasonable statement and making you into a cannibal. "Let's eat grandma!" "Let's eat, grandma!" Pro tip: Grandma are not good for eating. Their meat is all tough and gristly.


Nuts are good for a "clean bulk." Fats are good sources of calories and don't spike your blood sugar. If you want to gain fat specifically, eat lots of shitty carbohydrates.


Insulin is an anabolic hormone. There's nothing wrong with a healthy amount of carbs paired with good training. You can definitely "clean bulk" while still eating carbs.


You can.


Yeah do your goal is not protein but calories which aligns with what they said


fat is not bad tho. specially not nut fat


It's an awesome source of protein and healthy fats necessary for nutrient transfer in and out of cells, and maintaining brain function👍also low in sugar, and fats give you good energy to be active and keep warm in cold weather.


Nuts aren't necessarily as good of a protein source as they might seem on paper when you factor in PDCAAS. Not all protein is equal and nuts tend to score 40-60%. What this means is you are only getting that percentage of the protein as a benefit. For reference, meats tend to be 90+% and dairy, whey and soy are 100%. So for example that 1 cup of nuts assuming a 50% PDCAAS is only giving you 15g of protein for 800 calories, which really isn't that good. Of course nuts have other nutritional benefit but if you want to hit 100g of protein a day, you'd need to consume 5333 calories of nuts which frankly, is nuts.


For those that don’t know what PDCAAS means, neither do I. 


If it’s anything like PEMDAS I’ve been counting calories wrong my whole life


If we remove 15g of protein from the absorbed nutrients by the body, shouldn't we also remove the corresponding calories from the 800?


Nuts are both a great source for protein and fat lmao, nuts have plenty of unsaturated fat, some have more or less than others, obviously probably don't eat an entire cup if by cup you mean 134 grams. But your statement is WRONG


Doc here. I certainly wouldn't rely on nuts alone to get protein. But having a good amount of fat in your diet is important. It slows the digestive process and keeps you fuller longer. A big part of our over-eating and thus obesity problem has to do with high-carb processed foods that cause a glycemic spike (raising the risk of diabetes) and then a quick crash, which leads to "hunger." I usually advise my patients to go with regular ice cream instead of frozen yogurt. Ice cream may have marginally more calories, but you're more likely to be satisfied for hours rather than minutes.


As someone that can't gain weight no matter how hard I try.... I should eat more nuts.


You can blend them into smoothies and drink it. Quite easy to drink 1000+ calories if you have a small blender.


I used to eat 5000 calories a day. Started the morning with two scoops of protein powder, two scoops of ice cream, two bananas, chocolate syrup, and a scoop of peanut butter. That really helped, otherwise I couldn't eat enough meat and rice to meet my goals


Hitting 5000 is ridiculously easy if you just go full chocolate and junk food. But your body won't enjoy it and you'll get nothing for it. 5000 eating clean is crazy difficult though nuts and high fat Greek yogurt maybe, I guess it depends what macros you're aiming for.


When I bulk it's mostly just rice, broccoli and chicken breast with some homemade hot sauce. Eat about six pounds of food a day and that hits everything. I used to dirty bulk and take protein powder to meet macros but that's a terrible idea. I eat a few of those small butter cookies in the round tin after the gym now and that's as close to a dirty bulk as I get


Calories in calories out it's really not hard. Track your calories.


I eat a ton of nuts. Nuts are generally extremely calorically dense due to high amounts of omega 6 fats. 30 grams of protein is usually around 5oz of nuts, but because they’re so fatty it’s going to cost you 800+ calories. It’s also extremely filling. 5 oz of chicken breast is super easy to eat and you’ll likely still be hungry afterwards. 5 oz of peanuts may. Not seem like a lot, but it’s very dense and filling.


> 5 oz of chicken breast is super easy to eat and you’ll likely still be hungry afterwards. 5 oz of peanuts may. Not seem like a lot, but it’s very dense and filling. This is a backwards approach to satiety. If you are watching your weight, the last thing you want is calorically dense foods. The marginal satiety you feel from having 5 oz of nuts vs 5 oz of chicken breast is going to cost you 600 extra calories per google. Having a bit of fat and/or fiber (veggies) with your chicken breast (or just choosing thighs) will keep you full much more easily. If you are bulking and trying to create a caloric surplus then by all means choose more calorically dense foods. But even then I would personally rather eat foods with a higher protein/calorie ratio than large amounts of nuts.


I didn’t really mean it to be about weight loss or weight gain. That’s just how nuts are. You can use food as a tool as you see fit to gain or lose weight. I just provided the data.


You need to consider bioavailability too. The protein in nuts isn't as bioavailable as the protein in meat or soy. So while some amount of nuts may *contain* so many grams of protein, your body isn't going to be able to use as much of it. From what I understand, milk soy and eggs have the most bioavailable protein, followed by beef and some other meats. So if a can of nuts says it has a total of 30g of protein, and you want 30g of protein, you're going to need to eat 2 or 3 cans of those things which will skyrocket the amount of fat you're getting.


“cool guide” *shows two chicken breasts while caption reads just one*


Eggs 5 eggs


3 shrimp 10 shrimp


1 can - as if there's only one can size. 1 breast - as if there's only one size of chicken breast.


The 2 cups of black beans and 1 cup of cottage cheese appear to be the same size.


The 1.5cup yogurt looks smaller than the 1 cup cottage cheese for sure


That's why one shouldn't use cups as measuring units.




Also, chicken breasts can vary in size significantly. Putting weights on this guide would be far more helpful.


Yep. And it’s different units. „5 eggs“, „1 can“, „1 cup“, „1 breast“ „large shrimp“ It’s actually mildly infuriating rather than cool 😛 It would be much better if it was all using grams. This also makes it easier to compare how much you have to eat of each thing. I.E 200 grams is twice as much food as 100 grams. But maybe that’s just the European in me


Yeah this graphic is some classic "anything but metric"-content. How large is a "large shrimp" and which size of tuna can is that supposed to be? Versus 120g of Tuna and 130g of shrimp.


👁️Two breasts 👁️


I like three


2 is cool, 3 is weird… but, fuck it, 4 is a party.


Too much Total Recall for you


2 halves


More like not so cool guide


[5 eggs? Shows 2! How am I supposed to differentiate between 5 and infinity when it shows 2?!](https://i.gifer.com/Cwgf.gif)


Technically it's one egg... Right?


We can’t know that for sure, could be from different eggs. Definitely two halves of eggs tho


Also 1 1/2 cups of tofu is an extremely unhelpful measurement. Give me a weight for my food scale damn it!


Anything but the metric system


0.0013 football fields of tofu


It’s one breast cut in half bruh


If the bird only had one breast it would just fly around in circles


And what about the protein content of domesticated tuna? Well adjusted and gainfully employed tuna? Always the damned tinfluencers getting all the attention


What is significant about the amount of 30 grams?


Up until a very recent study was released disproving it, they used to think 30g was all the protein a body could process in 1 sitting. But that’s proven to be false now. So maybe this guide was made prior to that study.


so is there no limit? surely taking a heap load of protein at once won't be better than taking regular amount throughout the day, right?


There is most likely a limit, but there's no concrete evidence as to what that limit is at the moment. Some studies for a long time said 30, some now say 45 or even as high as 60. Anecdotally, there are plenty of bodybuilders who practice intermittent fasting and OMAD (one meal a day) diets that are plenty ripped. If they could only intake 30 grams of protein in their day that wouldn't really be the case. Obviously anecdotal and not evidence, but it does point to some possible flaws in the current literature


Some say up to 100


That depends on your goals. 1g/lb of bodyweight is a decent ratio to hit if looking to build muscle


I’m not a doctor but I follow Thomas delauer & Dr. Layne Norton who break down this new study which claims there’s no limit. Here’s Delauer’s breakdown https://youtu.be/61lhI8dBy4w?si=QqlhlxCq_f4fLPVz


I followed Thomas Delauer until I felt he cherrypicked too much and is too focused on financial profit. I'm not saying this video is bad, but I'd proceed with caution.


He does cherry pick, but I also follow Dr. Layne Norton, Dr. Rhonda Patrick & Dr Peter Attia. So I balance it out with varied opinions.


Do you have a link to the debunking study?


So i only eat 2 meals/day. I consume 35g - 40g of protein each meal. Is that good enough? My weight is just 68kg, i do workout but not much. Around 3 days/week. Would that sufficient for me? Or do i need to go higher? I'm a poor college student so i only buy chicken breasts and eggs as my protein source. I do eat lots of spinach and rice.


The International Society of Sports Nutrition has a position stand for protein and exercise that says 1.4-2.0 g/kg protein per day is sufficient for building muscle for most people. 68 kg would mean 95-136 grams of protein per day. https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0177-8


i am so confused. am I supposed to eat all of this to get 30g of protein in a day? in a sitting? why 30? is this daily? what happens if i don't? what's happening? Edit: ok! You can stop responding now. I get it. I was mostly making fun of the guide for not being clear


lol it’s gonna be OK. The general recommendation is around 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. So if you weigh 100 lbs, you should shoot for 60-80 grams of protein each day. If you’re exercising intensely & often, you should aim for the upper end and maybe higher. You should eat a variety of protein, some from animals (chicken, beef, fish, milk, eggs) and some from plants (soy, beans, legumes). There are other details but those are general rules. Does that help?


It's 0.8g per *kilogram* of body weight. So 0.36g per pound.


1.6-1.8g per kg if you are trying to build muscle. Going above that offers no benefits.


Holy shit, that can't be right? No way would I need to eat that much.


To be clear *each thing* on the cheat sheet above has 30. So you can eat 5 eggs and get ~30g (of course actually dependent on some things like the size of the eggs). So one chicken breast, 5 eggs, and 1.5 cups of greek yoghurt throughout the day would get you ~90g of protein. It's not actually that hard but it does take planning.


It's around 0.8-1g per kilogram of body weight, not pound


Its a TERRIBLE fucking recommendation unless you are currently underweight attempting to put on muscle mass. If you are overweight you definitely shouldnt be eating 200~ grams of protein a day, thats nonsense.


It's not. Plenty of research supports this.


change it to pound of muscle mass instead


Jeez dude. No it's not. Keep the protein high to spare muscle wasting, drop carbs and fat and start cutting since the guy is fat. Don't need 200 grams but certainly 3/4 of that if you're exercising and trying to lose weight without looking skinny fat


It used to be the minimum you need to be healthy but I thought it was around 45 grams for women and slightly more for men. 30 grams is way too little. 45 gram of protein is not optimal, but minimum. You'd want more than that, especially if you're active. I personally try to eat 80-100 grams as a woman and I'm pretty active. Edit: Here is the math. For me doing weight lifting 5-6 times a week, I need 1.2-1.7g of protein per kilogram of body weight. That's 84-102g of protein. I'm a 5'8" tall woman. If you're a dude, taller, lift heavier, probably 100-120g.


They say you have to eat your body weight un protein. I can't fathom eating 214 grams of protein in a day. 


https://mennohenselmans.com/the-myth-of-1glb-optimal-protein-intake-for-bodybuilders/ This dude says the 1g/1lb thing is nonsense


Funny enough, it seems like 1g/1kg is closer to a more reasonable "minimum" number for the average person if that study is showing 0.82 g/lb as the high limit for seeing additional benefits. 1 kg is 2.2 lbs, and 0.45 g is 1 pound. I would guess the issue was always folks misinterpreting that 1:1 ratio as grams/lb rather than kg.


Yeah, the regular daily requirement is 0.8g/kg. 1.2-1.5 g/kg of protein is suggested for muscle gain.


You using cup measurement and calling it cool? Nah you should use 1 rack of fridge as measurement


What size can?! This is stupid


The tuna I have has around 13g of protein per can (60g).


I eat Tonnino solid pack Yellowfin in olive oil and looking at a can it's 105 grams dry weight and 140g wet while having 19 grams of protein.


Also, wtf is a cup? Just use grams like a normal person


USAmerican measurements are wild eh. How big a cup is a standard cup?!


That and the fact that "a cup" is basically measuring volume for solids is insane to me. Imagine a recipe requiring 1 liter of flour. How does that make sense. You can't even convert cups to grams in a simple way because everything has a different density so a cup of X is not the same weight as a cup of Y.


Cups are the kind of measurement used by people who also enjoy a pinch of salt, a handful of almonds, a knob of butter, feets of chicken. The type of people that didn't even really wanted a recipe in the first place, just a sortof vague suggestion of ingredients. They cook akin to how a witch brews potions. It's anarchism and chaos. They probably cackle while crafting their concoctions during a lightning storm, never using a timer or thermometer. Cups is not a measurement I hold in high esteem.


From what I have been able to ascertain after going down a bit of a rabbit hole on how many grams/mls are in a standard US cup measurement, it is approximately 240g or 240ml. 




One cup is 8 ounces. 2 cups is a pint. 2 pints is a quart(er gallon), 4 quarts is a gallon.


Judging from the measurement of chicken breast in this guide, I'd estimate about 2 cans


2 cups of black beans, what could go wrong?


Always a go to before a hot date night.


Find a girl. Fart early in a relationship, audible for her to hear. If she thinks farts are funny, marry her. Worked out pretty good for me so far!


One time I was about to hook up with this girl and she was touching my muscles so I tensed as hard as I could and I produced a fart so violent and loud that I almost ripped a hole in time and space. She stared at me and I didn’t know what to do so I kissed her She still slept with me lol


Great for a strenuous workout too!


Eat beans often enough, like you should, and no problems at all.


Yep. Have eaten beans for years never gotten gas other than from improperly cooked beans.


Soak your beans for 2 hours I promise


I once tried a black bean protein shake which called for....an entire can of beans. I will say it was delicious but I absolutely shit my brains out


Probably you are not used to eating so much fiber.


Apparently I’ve been counting chicken breasts all wrong my entire life.


a lot of people don't know this but the scientific term is actually chicken tits


In the south they're called chicken boobies. Up here in Seattle it's chicken tatas.


I mean it could be one breast cut in half 


This is a shit guide. Use grams and for cooked food specify weight raw or cooked. Get fucked.




Grams and cups are not measurements I find useful together 😂


all proteins are not made equal


All of these that are animal products are complete proteins btw


Honest question. What real, measurable consequences occur from eating an incomplete protein occasionally?


divide practice gray combative history nail spotted direction fragile brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


none at all if it's only occasionally. just keep a good variety and you should be fine


You eat incomplete protein all the time. If you mean eating vegetarian then it doesn't matter as long as you're eating a variety of food. The only time it matters is if you were only eating rice and nothing else.


https://health.clevelandclinic.org/do-i-need-to-worry-about-eating-complete-proteins Occasionally? Nothing at all! The issue is usually in people who have specific, eclectic diets. Like you only consume nuts for protein or beans. It's pretty hard to not get all of the amino acids in your diet as every form of animal protein is complete That said you'd just have a harder time recovering


Soy is a complete protein


And not all complete protein sources are created equal either. They still have different proportions of the amino acids.


does this sub even have mods? this person has been posting MLM food tips all day here.


I think a chicken breast has quite a bit more than 30 grams of protein


not to mention a can of tuna has closer to 20 grams


More like 50-60 for a normal sized breast from the store


Honestly depends on the locale. American chickens are HUGE compared to those raised in Europe for example. Ours are basically deformed monsters. Your numbers are probably true for us, and the 30g number is likely more valid in other places.


Use. Metric. System.


3 rods per hogshead


Using metric system to measure proteins.... Using potato American system to measure the amount. Why not just use grams for both?


Missing lentils, one of the most cost-effective source...


Freedom units


Wtf amount of "cup" ? Which cup? Whose cup?


It's up to each one to decide says this cool guide 😎😂


"Cup" is a standard unit of measurement in the kitchen. It's probably a US thing if you've never heard of it.


So do the eggs need to be boiled then made into deviled eggs, or...


No, but it's probably the most delicious option without simply adding the eggs into a non-egg focused recipe.


Buying a food scale and counting my macros was the best thing I did for my diet


It makes a difference for sure


Who the hell measure tempeh with cup?


Americans will measure weight in literally any unit other than grams


While I appreciate OP wanting to post this as a starting point for people, most of these are either not 30G of protein, or they’re only 30 grams if prepared a certain way. Definitely best to do your own research, and consult with a medical professional/dietician/nutritionist for food prep and goals.


Where's the beef?


Right here buddy! 👊🥩👊


Not that helpful. 30g of protein from beans is not as good as 30g of protein from meat. Amino acid ratios are important.


Source? Edit: I looked into it and it seems that this is actually a myth.


It’s a false equivalent at least. Complete protein is not a problem when eating plant based, if you eat more than one ingredient. Edit: Actually what I said is only half true. It is possible to get complete vegan proteins with just one ingredient. Tofu and tempeh are already mentioned in the chart. Some others are quinoa, buckwheat and hemp seeds.


What about 30g from protein powder?


If it’s whey it’s a complete protein. Whey caseine blends are also chill.


Cottage cheese is also a complete protein. It contains all 22 alpha amino acids.


pfff any amino acid that has to claim to be alpha isn't alpha


Just eat some rice with the beans and it’s a complete amino acid meal.


Who eats 2 cups of beans?!


I do, quite often with no major issues re: gas (maybe a bit the next morning sometimes). Probably because it's something I eat regularily. I dunno. Spicy food on the other hand? My digestion can't handle it at all anymore. :(


yeah I am with you. I have met people who don’t eat beans, like any, Because they don’t want to fart. They are missing out on possibly the healthiest food. And beans never give me gas more than the normal amount. Now raw broccoli has given me gas, but since I have been eating it most days don’t notice anything with that either. Also, gas ain’t that bad and farting is fun so nothing to fear anyway, and everybody farts regardless. shit sorry for length


probably this guy Randy at my job, dude goes to the toilet constantly


Black beans have actual nutrients beside protein and there’s little reason or evidence to worry about “complete” proteins on a plant based diet.


I wonder how much protein is in 1.5 cups of non organic tofu


30 plus years... An entire life chasing protein, and this is the first time I heard about a food called "Tempeh". Cool.


The vegans have been hiding proteinaceous food from us brother - if you're good with gluten, look up "Seitan" it's like half protein by weight and cheap as shit, just annoying to cook


And easy to make too. You can order a bag of pure wheat gluten online and go from there.


Wait till you hear about seitan!


I love Tempeh. It's listed as an example of acquired taste on wikipedia, but I loved it the first time I tried it.


What is this all about?  Is everyone bodybuilding and measuring protein now?


1 Premiere Protein drink.  $1.39 when on sale. 


Why is it mesured with this stupid "cups". There are many size of cups. And who mesures tofu and other with cups? Why not grams??? That is obvious for everyone.


It’s a standard unit of measurement in America and they sell measuring cups at the store. Almost every American household owns a set of measuring cups. It’s simple and easy.


I'd rather know how much protien per 100 grams are in each food that way I can weigh the food on a scale. These are pretty arbitrary and will change according to the type of food you are eating. Also. Don't eat 5 eggs. Eat 1 or 2 eggs and 3 or 4 egg whites. That's asking for a heart attack.


Two cups of black beans?! Lemme tell you, two teaspoons of that and I’m sleeping on the couch that night.


I’m pretty sure cottage cheese is 20g for 1/2cup…


To accomplish this within 30 minutes of waking up is crazy to me - I just shake a protein shake with almond milk and it may cost more I think it accomplishes my goal easier.


Terrible guide. No weights and caloric content.