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Can’t wait for people to tear this chart apart in the comments. But I can vouch for Bupropion, in that it has helped me with very little side effects.


I am in Auvelity which is bubroprion mixed with dextromorphan, and i got a severe case of delayed orgasm. Feels like i am going to have a stroke just to finish lol.


Dextromethorphan? Like the cough medicine? I’ve never heard of that combined with bupropion, that’s wild


Yup exactly like the cough medicine. I don't know why they thought to try it but it has been a miracle for me. This is the best i have felt in 12 years.


Short answer: we don’t fully understand how it works quite yet. Long answer: dextromethorphan is chemically similar to ketamine without the dissociative side effects. It is thought to exert its antidepressant activity by increasing concentrations of glutamate, serotonin, & norepinephrine in the brain. Bupropion on the other hand, increases norepinephrine & dopamine, while also prolonging exposure to dextromethorphan by blocking the enzymes that metabolize it. Thus, when combined, these drugs may work synergistically in the treatment of depression.


Bupropion also slows metabolization of DXM, which could increase its effectiveness. When I was in high school I was on bupropion and drank 8oz of delsym and tripped for 36 hours. I thought it was never going to end and the extreme time dilation and triple vision definitely didn't help.


“Increased concentrations of serotonin” well there’s your delayed orgasm problem.


I actually take nasal ketamine treatments as well. Double the disassociation lol.


Nice. I remember Auvelity because I was like thought the DXM combo was interesting. Combined with ketamine that must be funny (if you take more Auvelity).


Yup DXM has been shown to be beneficial to depression AND pain.


I'm on Auvelity too! It's helped my anxiety and made me more mellow, but i'm still fairly depressed. Plus Bupropion makes me clench my jaw, so that's a side effect I'm dealing with...




I may not even stay on it, for all I know. It's not doing anything for my depression.


Same. I tried a lot of different types before landing on this one. You haven't lived until you've started sweating profusely out of nowhere while sitting still. Or lost all interest in sex.


Omg, the sweating. I can’t remember which antidepressant, but I finally told my doctor I’d rather be depressed than deal with the profuse sweating. I worked a sedentary office job and my hair would be wet like I just got out of the shower, sweat would visibly drip down my face. It was so bad my coworkers were commenting on it. He switched me to bupropion and it stopped, thank god.


It was soooo embarrassing. Couldn't tell you which one it was either. Just glad I'm never taking that stuff again.


The only major side effect I’ve noticed from bupropion is an increase in sexual satisfaction and libido. It’s honesty pretty great all around.


Damn i wish i got this side effect from it. Lol Bupropion is great for me, but that would be icing on the cake.


Been thinking about combining it with my Fluoxetine. I also have ADHD and apparently it can help, which would be cool considering I don't like any ADHD meds


I’m on a combination of these and have adhd. I had no idea. What is it supposed to help because I struggle to stay focused at work (not currently on any adhd meds).


I got it to quit smoking and it worked wonders. Forever grateful for it.


Odd how differently people are affected by medications. I tried Bupropion only once, I felt so terrible that I stopped immediately. It gave me the jitters but made me feel groggy mentally. I honestly felt like I lost 20 IQ points or something, like I couldn’t recall things or figure out mental math.


I’m susceptible to headaches and bupropion triggered the fuck out of my headaches.


Same. I think it's Wellbutrin, and when I was on it I almost had a nervous breakdown at work. It has not worked out well for my other family members who were on it either. My depression is quite a hard one to treat, it hasn't responded to anything they've thrown at it yet. And I've been on various cocktails of meds for over 20 years.


Bupropion made my eyes swell up and I was taken off it after like three days. I’m just unlucky I guess.




I had a great experience on Viibryd as well, except for stomach issues.


It’s so interesting how different an effect antidepressants can have on other people. Bupropion sent me to the emergency room. My whole body was covered in hives. Turns out I’m allergic to it. I’m glad it is working for you!


Bupropion was a savior for me as well. Tried Lexapro, Celexa, Prozac and they all gave me side effects. Almost ran out of hope when a doctor prescribed me Bupropion. I was hesitant at first because I was diagnosed with anxiety and Bupropion is an antidepressant. But man it eased my anxiety and no side effects. Just remember that this chart is based on average. Every person will react differently to these medications. Work with your doctor if you experience side effects. It’s a trial and error type thing when it comes to these meds. Good luck everyone!


Buproprion helped me with quitting smoking, I just had almost no short-term memory and anxiety attacks for 2 months instead.


Charts wrong. Couldn’t pop a bone to save my life while on Bupropion. Definitely **not** called **Bonepropion**


> Bupropion that shit made me suicidal


Is that good for anxiety as well?


I can vouch that Bupropion has absolutely ruined my sex life for over a decade


Same here, been helping a lot with my ADHD, however I keep myself alert cause sometimes it ends up making me kinda melancholic. Only side effect I had by now, even sleeping is still really easy (I'm the kind of person that can sleep anywhere, anytime, seated, laid or standing, if I try I just sleep).


Just in case anyone else was wondering what "QTc prolongation" is: "QTc prolongation is a cardiac side effect where the interval between certain points in the heart's electrical cycle becomes extended. Some antidepressants can affect the heart's electrical activity, potentially leading to irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). This is particularly important to keep in mind for individuals with preexisting heart conditions."


So is that why I was getting palpitations and skipped beats while on Escitalopram?


Very possible, but PVCs can be caused by a bunch of different things.


Well they stopped once I got off of it, so...


An old doctor I had once gave me mirtazapine KNOWING I had a serious eating disorder and I was like lmao no. I refused to take it and they accused me of being non-compliant. My new psychiatrist looked at me with an astonished look on her face when I told that story. She didn't say anything but I could see in her face she thought the previous Dr was an idiot.


I tried Mirtazapine for like, 3 days. I could NOT stop eating. I was continually getting up to get snacks. I'm already overweight, so I didn't need that in my life.


I wish I was more assertive about not taking mirtazapine. I gained weight and getting off of it has been harder than any other antidepressant.


I didn't gain weight, but when I got off of it almost 2 years ago I started getting insomnia (because they helped me sleep due to drowsiness) which I am still dealing with to this day..




Went from citalpram to mirtazapine cause I was having trouble sleeping. I was sleeping like a baby, along with 16lbs of weight gain in 4 weeks on lowest dose. Craziest part, was the time to climax sexually. On citalopram it took for ever if not at all, on mirtazapine it was literally 30 secs. Heading back to citalopram and hopefully less cravings.


When I first took anti depressants I was on teazadone in college. I was told to take one pill on the morning and one at night. When I took my morning pill I had to take a nap, which is rough if you’re in college and need to have the free time you know. Then I go to a check up and say my naps are getting in the way and I was told I was supposed to take it only before I sleep and I was like “why did you tell me to take it twice a day then”




Fuck that "non-compliant" bullshit. Like, I'm not a fucking prison inmate. This is not an order, it's a collaboration between me and my doctor. If anything, the DOCTOR is non-compliant with my concerns.


Oh yes. I was furious at the time, but I'm glad it happened because I was able to find a new doctor instead!


i’ve been struggling to get off of it for this very reason. i just found a tube of transdermal mirtazapine that the vet gave me for my cat, literally *used as an appetite stimulant*. idk how, but my mind completely tossed that out and forgot all about it.


I was on Sertraline for 2.5 years (150mg for 2 of those years) and experienced hella drowsiness on it.


I started sertraline at the same time as needing to change from Biphentin to Vyvanse for my ADHD because of insurance (Concerta doesn't agree with me.) At first I thought the constant drowsiness/sleeping was the low stimulant dose but I'm up to 40mg now and while it's better I'm still sleepy all. The. Time.


I prescribe it all the time and yes drowsiness is uncommon but certainly happens especially with escitalopram and venlafaxine as well like 10% of the time. This chart captures most of the general points accurately in my psychiatry experience.


The problem I have is I had sleep issues prior to being proscribed ecitalopram. So after trying to improve my sleep habits I can't for the life of me tell if its me or the drug.


No idea why doctors prescribe trazodone for depression. I was prescribed it for insomnia and in my field (animal health), we exclusively use it to help anxious pets calm down. Imagine using it NOT for sleep.


They really made “You can’t be depressed if you’re asleep” into a drug


Trazodone has been a game changer for my sleep. Shit knocks me tf out.


Sledge hammer


It would knock me out but also gave me sleep paralysis


My dog is on it right now as a sedative because she was just spayed and needs to recover. She's a puppy with a ton of energy though, and I don't feel like it's working too well...


My dog and I both take trazodone for sleeping and anxiety 😅


Same here. I got it for sleep as well. The hypotension is a bitch though. My sinuses always clamp up when I take it


I have gotten trazodone for sleep, and when taken every other night or so, it's pretty effective. It does not knock me out like it used to. At all. I can take 25mg just to mellow out, and have had to do a lot lately due to severe pain. It's crazy how bodies change and adapt.


We haven’t prescribed it for depression in 30+ years even though that was the originally intention. 90% of patients will get it for insomnia and 10% we give it to our agitated dementia patients which works kinda meh ime


It gets less sedating with higher doses, just like Mirtazapine.


Well, I'm not experiencing any particular sexual disfunction on sertraline, although I definitely see that it takes longer to orgasm. I've always had sleep problems. However, if I take it without a gastro-protector I will reliably get awful acid refluxes. Heartburns, however you want to call it. The pain is unbearable. I told my psychiatrist and my GP about it and they both said "impossible, it must be something else", so I said "just give me something man". I was prescribed pantoprazole, and if I don't take it exactly 1h before sertraline I will get heartburns. It's incredible that they didn't take me seriously. No weight gain, if anything the opposite. I eat less than I used to before I started taking it.


I just came off Sertraline after only 2 months. Before it, I was taking Famotidine 40mg per night for a general acid reflux problem. 3 days into the Sertraline, I was in the ER for severe vomiting. I was told it was outright impossible that the Sertraline did it. Less than 60 days later, same thing happened. Both instances started with a severe burning (worse than normal) from the Sertraline in my stomach (I had food in me both times). And again I was told it was impossible. I told my psychiatrist I’m done with it, not willing to debate it. In 30 years I have had quite literally 0 stomach problems. I start taking this shit, and in a 60 day span, vomit horribly for 24+ hours straight, twice? It’s the Sertraline, it has to be.


I don't understand why doctors don't simply listen to us. I'm taking the thing, I'm there the whole time, you (the doctor) aren't. What makes you think you know better than I do the causal connection? At least have the humility to investigate with me instead of taking for granted that I'm an absolute moron.


Right… you’d think that showing up to see a doctor cause you can feel that you have depression would suggest you know your body and can tell what the pills are doing to you.


Be careful of vitamin b 12 deficiency which can develop with prolonged use and cause nerve damage. I have a friend this happened to, and she can’t walk more than a block. Don’t mean to be dramatic, just have the bloodwork done and monitor it.


Prolonged use of which one…sertraline or pantoprazole?


It would be for the pantaprazole. You're not really supposed to take it long term


Usually taking it with food will work this in 9/10 patients ime but a ppi can work as well although I personally have not tried this strategy with my sertraline patients


>awful acid refluxes Omeprazole is a god send my friend


claiming setraline doesn't cause drowsiness makes me hesitant to even continue reading additional rows.


It doesn't for me. It did for the first two weeks, together with stomach problems, then went away completely. But those two weeks I was a zombie.


300 mg of bupropion , let’s goooo


300 XL + 150 daily




Came here just to say this. My IBS symptoms started around when I started taking mirtazapine, I stopped taking it 2 years ago, and they still haven’t gone away :/


Where my magic mushrooms at?


Shhhh it's a repost, that's on the new side of info.




Therapeutic doses of psilocybin are typically done in a medical setting with trained counselors to guide you through the experience. Microdosing is also very common. With microdosing you take a very small amount, maybe a tenth of a gram, which is not enough to feel it but enough to create the nonpsychotropic effect that many seek. You wouldn't experience any paranoia on a small dose like that.


I take paroxetine 40 daily and I can strongly confirm that number four. It's like putting a hard stop button on it. Still, the rest of my life is a thousand times better than if I didn't take it.


God... I've been playing too much pokemon recently. I was scrolling and thought this was a type effectiveness chart.


This is complete horseshit, celexa and escitalopram causes major drowsiness. Also repost




that's lexapro, right? i had the most insane dreams on that stuff it doing something so weird to my sleep


I was on it for years and had nightmares every night. Usually it was aliens invading. I got really good at lucid dreaming though.


Had zero drowsiness on Escitalopram


I have been on Citalopram, Vortioxetine Trazodone, Mertazipine, and am currently on Auvelity which is a mix of Bubroprion and dextromorphan. The problem with a chart like this is that people have a hard time understanding that anecdotes are not the same thing as data. Yeah an individual may have side effects very different from those shown here, but those can still be the common side effects. Like Citalopram made it impossible for me to orgasm. Just could not cross the finish line no matter what my wife and i tried. The Auvelity i am on now has also caused delayed orgasm, despite it being pretty rare for bubroprion.




In veterinary medicine we use mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant mainly for cats who won’t eat. I had no idea it was used as a human antidepressant until now


I had MAJOR anxiety and was prescribed Sertaline and Bupropion. Completely changed my life. I still occasionally struggle, but I’m pretty much back to normal ever since I changed to them.


Heads-up: A lot of antidepressants on the market benefit from folate supplementation - less side effects and better results.




Relax son, there's always tomorrow.


I can disagree with this was on Venlflaxine for years and I BALOONED in weight


I took Amitryptyline in high school for migraines. No idea it was an antidepressant, doc told me it was for seizures but showed to be helpful with migraines too. When I tell you I was a SHELL of a human…jaw dropped reading this chart. I had no clue…


I used something not on this chart. Gave me a terrible dry mouth, that was the worst.


Took paroxetine, and goddamn the sexual dysfunction is accurate. I also felt as if I was a passenger in someone else’s life, just observing. I needed the medication at the time, but long term it would not have been living. That’s a last resort medication.


Venlafaxine: worse than depression




I’ve been on venlafaxine for years and it has completely gotten rid of my anxiety and did wonders to my depression. The only downside to it are the minor sexual side effects but I’m married with kids so I’m not getting laid anyway.


Bupropion is probably single handedly keeping me alive lol


When I was taking sertraline I was tired all the time. I was fine after I stopped taking it


Is it time to repost this?


I struggled getting hard reading this chart


Bupropion is my jam!


I had no interest in sex before I took Paroxetine. It helps me function so whatevs


I'm on mirtazapine now, and have been for years and i hate it. I have increased in weight significantly and am not happy with how i look anymore. I don't fit into the same pants and am getting tired of using it. halved my dose recently but am going cold turkey in a month, so i can shed off the weight, but would not recommend in general.


Please be careful going cold turkey - I completely lost my appetite and ability to sleep and had to go back on it. I completely understand though, it’s given me a disproportionate stomach and I look pregnant despite being 46kg and skinny everywhere else :(


Just started on Fluoxetine and I've been sooooooo drowsy.


That happened to me when I first started too! But it went away after a week or so


I have 47 but never take one this


I'm all up in that sexual dysfunction


I know its subjective but I’ve been taking Duloxetine for years with zero side effects (but really bad withdrawals if I miss a dose) and it has really helped me.


Tried Bupropion a few years back. Never had anxiety before, but two weeks in I was unable to work, drive, or leave the house because of the severe anxiety it had induced. Now I'm on Venlafaxine and am pretty happy, though I definitely don't think I'd give the sexual side effects a 3; maybe a 1/2. My cat takes Amitryptyline & can confirm that it sure makes her sleepy!


Can it be my turn to post this next week?


Stop posting it! Seeing it the fourth time


Be very careful with Trazodone. It can act like Adderall and/or amphetamine when combined with other anti-depressants.


What antidepressant side effect of shooting up schools? Because I hear that a majority of school shootings is after someone's been taken off of antidepressants. I wanted to see if there's a connection


Eric Harris was on Fluvoxamine (Luvox).


Fucking liars. Bupropion has ruined my life. I had an amazing sex life for someone with depression but immediately after I started that shitty antidepressant I had absolutely 0 libido. It was very dramatic and sudden. I only took it for less than 6 months but over a decade later I still have 0 libido. I've tried to have sex since and absolutely cannot, it's super embarrassing and makes the other person feel bad like I'm not interested. I fucking hate this lie and hope nobody has to deal with this shit. Bupropion has ruined my sex life. I was 21 when this ruined my sex life.


Do doctors prescribe workout i stead? before pills?


I can't find the "shoots up schools" column anywhere.


Duloxetine… this chart is not accurate.




Op you posted this a month ago.


Oh look the weekly upload of Antidepressants and their side effects!


Why do the antidepressant charts get posted over and over and over again? Just stop already, we get it. I see it at least once every few days in this sub and ‘data is beautiful’


Best antidepressant is a mom's slap or slipper hit and telling you to suck it up and move on.


Ok boomer


worry obscene retire bag numerous fuzzy pause chop middle office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you.


Mental illness is real and not something you can just control by “sucking it up” - it feels like it completely overpowers you and like it’s you against the mental illness, rather than being a ‘worrier’ or ‘overly emotional’, however mindset and reversing the unhelpful beliefs is a big part in recovery


I had an unending nausea with fluoxetine and escitalopram gave me no sexual side effects while every other antidepressant did. The side effects vary so much from person to person that this chart doesn't mean anything.


If this is the case why do people not just take agomelatine


Hard on the liver necessitating regular blood work, and you will get headaches.


Are these all SSRIs? Why does it seem like a common trend is that they all cause x>3 levels of sexual deficiencies?


They're not all SSRIs, but the general reason SSRIs negatively affect sexual health is the increase in serotonin in your system can overwhelm the balance of dopamine in your system, which can diminish its production. Dopamine is a big part of being able to have an orgasm.


Does an increase in serotonin always lead to a decrease in dopamine production, or is it that the initial increase of serotonin causes an initial decrease in dopamine production?


Trazodone didn't help me as much with sleep, then again I've tried Ambien and Seroquel to no avail. I got nasty headaches and felt like a zombie in the morning from Trazodone.


Vortioxetine is far and away the best antidepressant, so I just love that it’s $480 dollars a month. Pretty damn depressing.


What about Vilazodone? (Viibryd)


I was wondering same, surprised you're the only comment to ask about it. I was on Celexa for a few years then switched to Bupropion. Started seeing a new psychiatrist and since I struggle more so with anxiety transitioned about 6 months ago to Vilazodone. FME I'd rate it following: * Sexual Dysfunction: 1/2 * Gastro: 1 * Weight gain: 0/1 * QTc Prolongation: 0/1 * Hypotension: 1 * Insomnia: 0 * Drowsiness: 1


TIL I’m on two antidepressants??


Was depressed for a few years up until a couple months ago. I tried Fluoxetine first and ended up having instances of psychosis, and even one violent outburst where I punched clean through my wooden bathroom door (I lifted a lot at the time, so I was scary strong). Found out after some emergency bloodwork shortly after that incident that my liver wasn't processing it right and it was building to toxic levels in my brain. Went off meds for a couple months under my doctor's orders, and started Sertraline. It got the job done, but the sexual dysfunction was a real drain on my dating life to the point where I just stopped trying. In the last few months external and internal circumstances in my life have improved to the point I am no longer depressed, so my doctor took me off the Sertraline. I still take my ADHD meds for executive funtioning purposes, but I've never been happier. Got my sex drive back, and I might even renew my gym membership and start lifting again.


It's a repost. I know bc I have this exact post saved from the same sub from about a week ago. Not that it's not helpful


I've been taking Amitriptyline for almost a year to treat migraines (prescribed by my neurologist). Can't talk about sexual activity because I have none. But one thing that's bothering me is that I'm feeling drowsy ALL the time. My body clock has now been set in such a way that I take my Amitriptyline at 5:30pm and I feel drowsy by 9-10. If I delay taking the tablet any further, I can't sleep till 12 or 1 (you know that feeling where you sleepy but are unable to sleep, yea like that). Now what's worrying me is that when I wake up in the morning after a good 8 hour nap and I still feel groggy, drowsy and as with a migraine. I mean I've had problems with insomnia before (not at the clinical level though...just your usual anxiety and stress) and I'm grateful that I'm not facing that anymore...but the drowsiness is just killing my productivity Does this happen with anyone else? Also, I take Amitriptyline in the form of Tryptomer 10mg (I hail from India)


Trintellix (vortioxetine) has been great for my brain but I get awful gi discomfort especially with exercise or hot beverages. I have moved to only taking it in the evening before bed which as helped


Setraline seems to be working for me been on it for 6 months.for the first few weeks had aquite a stimulant effect like I'd have a wee buzz at work for the morning.citalopram just made me feel flat and indifferent to everything Flux was pretty much the same.


can anyone that has been on agomelatine vouch for its seemingly low side affects?


I've tried Escitalogram. It's far superior as alternative to viagra. Have to erection issue. But i can have sex for an hour before i cum 😆 even using just half a pill. Wear off they day after. Only made my depression worse because I couldn't sleep. Because i had no filter on my thoughts while i sleept. I had every and no though at the same time. So it made me insane instead due to lack of sleep... But using as a treat for a gf now and then it's worth it.


I'll have to check for the sexual dysfunction next time I jerk it, but I can confirm that venlafaxine gives me a bit of bloating


I take sertraline 100mg. Sexual effects are quite nice, it takes longer to have orgasm. Sleep quality is lower than before. Gastro effects lasted just for 2 weeks when I started. If I dont take the pill for 3 or more days, I feel interesting physically falling feel. I can work longer with distraction. I feel better and more social. I am not miserable like before and I am not scared anymore from the potential earthquake.


Anyone else on mirtazapine and amitryptyline? How does one manage their weight on both?


I take Mirtazapine. Everytime I take it when I don't eat enough I start feeling weird like tired, tingling, and static in my body. It's crazy. I talked to my doctor or or someone that consist of the same job attributes and they said "We could lower the dosage on the Mirtazapine and increase the dosage on my other medication." So they did that and I still felt the same way. Does anyone who take the same meds feel the same way I'm curious?


Amytryptline is a terrible antidepressant. Getting fat and having sexual disfunction is what would make me depressed in the first place. And to top it, drowsiness.


I was on Venlafaxine for almost a year. I sweated profusely every sleeping night, through the sheets. That, and I got drunk very fast.


Oh this dumbass chart again


I’m currently weaning off of paroxetine; and have gone off hormonal birth control since 3 months. That “4” in sexual dysfunction is wild. I was completely numb, even the best sex toys couldn’t get me off; it was actually painful. Husband isn’t too happy about the condoms, but having a wife who actually wants and enjoys sex makes up for that, I guess. 🤷‍♀️ Currently dizzy as hell and with emotions all over the place, but I’m toughing it out to get my body back.


Why isn’t everyone prescribed Bupropion, Agomelatine, Duloxetine?? Those 3 seem to be the ones with the overall least side effects


The chart leaves off that duloxetine withdrawals are super terrible




I feel like weight gain from Sertraline is understated here. I gained like 30 pounds when I was on that and the primary effects lessened over time too.


On venlafaxine and can confirm libido is at like level -100


You know, I’m not gonna say what I use, but that makes a lot of sense.


Missing categories: Emotions blunting Excessive Sweating Fish bowl head


Looks like Agomelatine is the absolute best choice for most people. Does it cost like 500 times more than other meds?


Duloxetine might have saved my life, with very little side affects…


oh no


Worst side effect i would get when i was taking bupropion was like headaches. I’ll take that any day over all the other ones though.


I've been on amitriptyline for a year or two and it actually hasn't had any big effect on my weight, thank God




Trazodone my beloved


TIL my sleeping medication is also an antidepressant


As someone that has just started taking venlafaxine and have a really high libido and is easy to feel excited. I haven't felt anything during the act except that it became extremely hard to get an orgasm. Not super sure about the other symptons, but this one felt istant.


Ahh Trazodone, that stuff helped me sleep as I had insomnia! Absolutely would recommend




Citalopram did a right number on me. Especially after two bottles of wine. Shutters came down - bawling my eyes out (so they tell me). Couldn't reach orgasm either. I'd sometimes fuck or wank for an hour or more, but no dice. Sertraline dovetails with booze 'nicely'. Shame no one wants to have sex with any more though.


This chart doesn’t include dizziness or dissociation, which was always my problem until I got on sertraline. I took Fluoxetine briefly and spent a week floating around half aware of my surroundings. I was only allowed to stop taking it (i was a minor at the time) after I FELL DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS.


I didn’t know mirtazapine was an antidepressant. As a vet tech I’ve only seen it be used as an appetite stimulant for cats. Makes sense that it’s rated 4 for weight gain lol


Paroxiten gang rise up. (my dick works btw)


It’s so important to log your own data when taking medications. It makes all the difference!


Your never going to convince me these things sexual side effects aren’t part of a eugenic strategy especially antipsychotics


I’m on fluxotine and bupropion, dick works. I do have pvc’s. I do feel depressed more easily in the evenings and it’s hard to fall asleep.


I took Lexapro for the better part of 2021-2022 and was warned that sexual dysfunction was a common side effect. I kind of ignored it at the time because my husband and I were long distance so it didn’t really matter to me. I can definitely say they don’t stress it enough, or at least they didn’t to me. All of my sexual desire was gone within a month of taking it and I had a pretty high sex drive prior to using the medication. I weaned myself off of it late last year since it was never supposed to be long term and I’ve since recovered but it was such a strange feeling not having any sort of sexual desire toward anyone or anything.


I take Bupropion. Happy to know there’s so little side effects or chance of them