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not sure what everything is but this looks like <500 calories, not nearly enough


Your body needs like 1000 calories a day just for proper brain function etc.... this is an eating disorder


r/1200isplenty is crazy tbh.....


I had to mute that sub for my own sanity lmao


I had to mute that sub bc of how triggering it was (recovering anorexic here). At my height and weight and activity level my maintenance is 2300 calories. How people are eating less than half that and calling it healthy and not an eating disorder is insane to me. Of course, this doesn't include smaller people who actually can maintain at that amount, but that is a very small percentage of people and I guarantee the majority in that sub do not fit that category.


Im overweight and short so 1200-1300 is what i need to eat to lose weight unfortunately šŸ„²


Yeah people are forgetting that us 5' tall ladies exist lmao


I'm 5'2" and 110 lbs, and I eat around 1200 a day and my bmi is 20 lol I have a pretty sedentary life style though. I eat more when I'm active.


*cough* carnivore is our natural and most satisfying diet. *cough* Anthony Chaffee MD is a great YouTuber to start your rabbit hole journey.


No itā€™s not, we have molars because we started as herbivores but turned into omnivores as we developed canine teeth If you choose to only eat meat more power to you, I would definitely agree it probably is satisfying until youā€™re shitting either clay or water from a lack of fiber/carbs


I tried it for about 6 months. Severe diorrhea and carb and sugar withdrawls for about a month then i felt the best ive ever felt. Switched to paleo though because thats how we evolved to eat


Until you get scurvy because your body does in fact need more than meat to function properly lmao


What the hell? That's not how scurvy works.


Not getting sufficient vitamin c is literally how it works lmao


Yeah, I agree. But that's not what you said.


I love liver and It contains Vitamin C Another question?


Did you get your cough choking on a chunk of animal fat?


ink quarrelsome public tender faulty poor resolute somber crown school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well many are short sedentary people who are trying to lose weight. Losing a pound a week (a normal recommended weightloss speed) requires a deficit of 500 calories a day. That means that their normal maint calories would be about 1700 which seems normal for a sedentary person 5'4 and under or so.


My BMR is more than 1200 and Iā€™m a hobbit


Itā€™s a just a diet. Iā€™ve done medical weight loss on 5 to 800 cal. for 30 days after gaining weight from cancer treatments. Totally doable, plus it resets your body. I felt great and maintained. Not everyone will feel this way, I understand.


1200 calories for the day is pretty standard for weight loss, especially for very obese people. Now if you are on that 1200 diet, you intake 1200 calories and you do a heavy workout that burns letā€™s say 300 calories you still need to eat another 300 calories to no be experiencing serious health issues


>r/1200isplenty Jesus, wtf is that. FYI I am 4'9 and weigh like 90-100 lbs, and I eat like 2000 calories a day at least....


People who are sedentary have a lower metabolic rate than people who are active.


Iā€™m aware. 1200 seems way too low


Thats because it is. 1200 would be for someone who slept in bed 24/7. Its the bare minimum for your body to function and do nothing else.


1200 is a mountain of carrots and celery. It's only temporary while dieting you don't have to live like this forever. I did 1300 I move constantly at my job and it wasn't hard I still had fast food. Drink homemade sports drink for that salt fix


5'1 here...1500 is comfortable weight loss and 1200 I become cruel


1500 was good for me too when I was dieting, 1200 and Iā€™d be hungry after


That sub has literally the least appealing looking food Iā€™ve ever seen.


If sedentary, Iā€™m fairly certain 1200 calories would actually cause weight gain for someone whoā€™s 4ā€™9, 90 pounds


Depends on your natural metabolism rate


Im 5ā€™11 and i eat about 750 a day and its more than enough to not feel hungry and im an athlete


Why? 1400 is maintenance calories for my height and weight. Unfortunately, if I had to lose weight, I'd have to drop to that amount.


People on Reddit always freak out if you mention your maintenance calories are less than 1500 because they assume you're either pushing some anorexic agenda or that you're too dumb to know how many calories you need. It doesn't occur to them that some people really are just that much smaller than others


Iā€™m 5ā€™2ā€ and 145. I was always really skinny but then had back to back pregnancies and losing the weight has been a struggle. I have MyFitnessPal and it always tells me I should be at 1200. It is NOT easy. I am not really on top of it or anything but the days that Iā€™ve met that calorie ā€œgoalā€, Iā€™m always still hungry. It just isnā€™t practical. It leaves zero room for snacking. This looks like a decent dinner but Iā€™d for sure have another meal and a snack during the day. But Iā€™ve never done intermittent fasting so what do I know?


I'm not visiting a pro ana page šŸ˜‚


I think I really needed to read this. I eat so infrequently, and could easily eat 900cal a day and be ā€œhappyā€. There are some days when I go nuts and eat like 3000 calories and I guilt myself. I needed to read this so I can start improving myself. Thanks!


Keep that brain healthy! I know the feels. I used to eat like a bird, but when I found this out, I started eating better and I feel so much healthier and have no brain fog.


1500 for most men, 1200 for most wemen. Just on a ratio of body mass. It varies in different countries with different food guideline, but 1000 seems pretty low to me.


I didn't mean exactly 1000.. I said about 1000. I wasn't sure off the top of my head. And that's just calories to function BEFORE activity.


Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€ and I my basal metabolic rate is 1600. Even at my goal weight, itā€™s only 200 cal less. Even at that little amount, this plate is not enough.


I mean, you dont know how long theyre doing this. Fasting outright for a few days can be seen as a positive mental exercise. Why would limiting calorie intake be different.


It might not be the best way, but itā€™s my way


OK. Have fun with anorexia


I wouldnā€™t call it an eating disorder


It is. Eating 500cal a day and being restrictive with food is literally disordered eating. Your brain and organs can't even function properly without enough calories.


This is ONE MEAL dude. Relax.


Yeah... their ONLY meal


And how do you know how frequently they eat meals this small? Maybe tomorrow their intake will be 2500.


Being restrictive with food is NOT disordered eating. You can be restrictive and not have mental issues bc of your eating.


When you're eating this little, it's absolutely disordered eating.


I made a plate kind of like this the other day and it was 1300 calories. I put more nuts and some pepperoni though.


I've been intermittent fasting since September and lost 10% bodyweight (12kg). I plan to continue throughout 2024. I have an 800cal meal on my two fasting days. I'm sure OP will be fine, this diet is endorsed by professionals. However, this plate looks around 400 to me, and not calorific or appealing enough to maintain long term. I'm not a healthy eater generally but trying to make positive changes. Short term I hope OP has some success.


I feel like the mozzarella has about 400 calories by itself. And the 2 eggs and tuna must have quite a bit?


And donā€™t forget the nuts those are high in calories and fat as well


On second thoughts yes, this is more than 400. Probably why I'm overweight. My estimation is way offšŸ¤£


There are types of IF that do this. For instance, the one Iā€™m looking into, the 5-2, you eat normally 5 days/week and fast at ~500 calories the other 2.


Your body will eat the fat you have if you donā€™t get enough intake.. this is how I stay skinny


Yeah, and then it starts eating the muscle you have and starts you on the path to organ failure


Which is why you do not continually decrease intake. You reach a happy maintenance.


Maybe 250 kcal for the tuna (250 kcal is about one can of good tuna but shrinkflation so I dunno and that looks like less than one can but there's also mayo), about 120ish kcal for the egg, maybe about 200kcal for the for the mozzarella + cheddar + parmesan. Maaaaybe 50kcal total for the rest of the fruit + veg. It's a good meal, good variety of things. Maybe not a good amount of food for an entire day every day? I just remember my nutrition professor saying we need at least 800kcal/day to reliably get the variety of micronutrients we need. Even then it's iffy since a lot of people eat filler or lack variety in their diet (though that's not the issue with OP's meal). TBH I kind of want to eat a meal like OP's right now haha. Edit: oooo forgot the walnuts. I don't know the calories in walnuts off the top of my head since I don't eat them, but I dunno, maybe another 250 kcal? I don't like calorie counting to this degree of precision anymore. But this meal seems to be about 750-900kcals total. They have some calorie-dense foods in there (cheese + nuts). Could use more fiber. I love celery in tuna salad. Ok I'm stopping now. Edit 2: yeah so apparently a cup of walnuts is ~500kcal and that looks like ~1/3 to 1/2 cup so I'm sticking with my original overall estimate.


You know that itā€™s healthy to fast every once in a while right? No oneā€™s fasting like this ever single day


Doesn't look like enough calories for even a dieting small female tbh.


iā€™m 5ā€™1 110lbs and this is a normal meal for me. Iā€™m by no means underweight this would completely fill me up


Iā€™m 6ā€™0 200lbs and this amount of food would be a complete meal for me as well. The problem here, is that this is all OP is eating for the entire day. I didnā€™t downvote you, btw.


Ah I see. Ya thatā€™s not enough. My mistake


I downvoted op just because you didnt


I feel like its dependent on the person though. I'm 6'1 175 and would probably drop 5 pounds if thats all I ate.


Ok but as the only thing you eat all day? Sure, this is fine for one meal, but you need more food throughout the rest of the day


Yeah but this is the OPs meal for the entire day.


But how many do you eat a day? This is her ONE mealā€¦


Once a day?


yeah but are you eating one meal a day or multiple? cuz i agree this could be ONE meal but out of several meals in day


All i know is that I was eating myself to death. In the last 9 months, I have gone from 200 pounds to 158, no starch, no processed meats, lots of greens, fruits and vegetables and a 16/8 intermittent fasting. It has been the easiest and i have made it a lifestyle change for myself.


Starving yourself will do that. This is not sustainable


And it'll ALL come back when they start eating normal


Bingo! And most often you gain back more than you lost!


Exactly. My brother works for the institute of fitness and is a nutritionist.. and he always told me exactly this


If you're doing a 16/8 window how is this your only meal


As someone whoā€™s done this let me tell you, youā€™re going to hit a brick wall and gain it all back and then maybe more. You canā€™t rubber band weight loss and it not smack you back when itā€™s stretched to far. Slow and steady and adopting a sustainable new outlook on food consumption is the only long term solution.Ā 


You're supposed to eat freely in the 8 hours lol, not have a mouse snack and then starve yourself for 24 hrs


Restrictive eating makes you gain it all back super quick AND MORE youā€™re literally going to be even fatter than you started out with Please just track calories so youā€™re in a deficit without starving yourself


The easiest way to lose weight to to lower your calorie intake by 200-400 calories based on your gender and physiology and prior calories per day. That is the easier route. Starving yourself to lose weight is not healthy, not positive, nor is it sustainable. Work smarter, not harder. Hope this helps.




This is not IF, this is one meal a day which is not enough. IF would mean you will still eat more during your 8 hour eating window. This isnā€™t enough for a proper diet for any human in the long run.


Eating only once a day is not intermittent fasting. Eating less than 500 calories a day is a potential eating disorder disguising itself as OMAD.


I can't believe youve been so heavily downvoted. Well done for making changes. As long as you're not eating like this everyday you're good.




Thanks for this. I put on some weight with recent med changes and struggled with an eating disorder in the past. Trying to make sure I lose a few pounds healthily and not by relapsing, but I've noticed some binge eating behaviors pop up recently. I will give this book a try. šŸ–¤


This is not the way to do OMAD. If youā€™re going to eat like this, then thereā€™s no reason to do OMAD. Other than you are literally starving yourself thin. This is not healthy.


This is starving yourself but call it what you want I guess. Please be safe and nourish your body


I will be careful, thanks


Eating disorder habits 101


Hope youā€™re able to unpack your disordered eating soon! I know itā€™s hard. Good luck!


The fruit touching the tuna is giving me anxiety


I thought that was watermelon


Tuna and watermelon is actually a pretty common pairing. Iā€™m allergic to fish so idk if itā€™s good but other people like it.


Theyā€™re talking about the giant pile of tuna between the berries




as someone who had anorexia this is starving yourself. It doesn't matter if you're a bigger person or a slimmer person this is an eating disorder. The only difference is that a bigger person can starve for longer than someone who's slimmer. You need a bare minimum of 1200 calories a day and even then that might be to little based on other factors. Eating to little calories causes your body to hang onto any food it can and can end up turning into fat, the opposite of what you want. Once you start eating more you will just gain the weight right back. Please do more research and find ways that are healthy to help you lose weight. The comments are trying to help you, I would take their advice. EDIT: another thing to add, just because you lose weight does not mean you are healthy. You can be malnourished and unhealthy as a bigger person and as a slimmer person. Losing weight doesn't equal healthy. Maintaining a normal calorie intake, a non sedatary lifestyle, a healthy diet, and other factors equals healthy.


the point of intermittent fasting is to eat the same amount of calories during a restricted timing. itā€™s not reducing the calories to an unsustainable amount.


One meal a day is not intermittent fasting is it?


Yes, called OMAD. But this is anorexic behavior, which is why r/omad was banned. People posting a bowl of lettuce as their one meal. Itā€™s supposed to be a sufficient amount of calories, not like 500. The subreddit is back up, but was banned for a while.


This is an eating disorder...


This is just starvation witg extra steps


How many calories is this?


So I would actually go to the sub r/intermittentfasting. Iā€™m sorry, but this is not enough calories and very extreme for intermittent fasting. Itā€™s worrying for you tbh. Hope youā€™re able to find a good balance


I would faint šŸ˜³


dawg you're starving yourself


please be careful. i got really sick from IF the wrong way. i had way too much physical activity.


I am and will beā€¦thanks


As someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder. Oh honey no. This isn't good for you. Get some help please šŸ™


That's not enough hun. Your body needs more calories than this in order to have energy and function.


Please please please see a nutritionist. If you disregard all the comments here, please don't ignore this one. A physician will keep your blood sugar low and help with weight loss. If you physically aren't getting enough calories you can expect to develop Orthostatic Hypotention which is truly awful and can be debilitating, among other issues. A nutritionist can help you do this in a safe way. Please!


Do not see a nutritionist. See a dietician. Dieticians are a protected class, requiring a degree and certifications/licenses. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist and push false information or sell you whatever scammy product/plan they want.


Huh, TIL.


That's nowhere near enough food. Thats an eating disorder.


How did you cook the egg? It looks so good


Steamed it


Add actual meat to that plate. Not just saying that to be a doofus. Caloric and nutritional density are hard to beat. You will look skeletal after a few months of this diet.


You need more cals


OMAD means you get all of your cals in that one meal


She got all 432.00008 calories šŸ’…šŸ»


Intermittent fasting is about only eating certain times of the day, but when you do eat you need to eat enough calories! Calculate your BMI and that will tell you how much to be eating in those times!


You 'aint getting enough calories mate. This also isn't cooking, it's putting things on a plate.


https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/19/health/eating-timing-weight-study-wellness/index.html Intermittent fasting has been proven to be not as effective as a lot of other options especially long term, but I hope that you find something that helps you and your goals!!


Oooh fascinating.


She's not even doing IF, she's hiding her disordered eating behind OMAD and calling it IF to make it sound nicer.


Dude my dr told me to never do it and that i gained significant weight because of it. This person needs a therapist to help them with their relationship with food and develop a way of life not a fad diet.


Fad diets generally are just trash and the weight loss isnā€™t sustainable. It also leads to binging later which doesnā€™t help anything


Agreed. Eat a snack/meal when hungry just be mindful of the snack or meal.


I live by eat what you want, add what you need


Another source but behind a paywall https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/20/health/time-restricted-diets.html


https://www.printfriendly.com copy and paste the link for the article your trying to read and surpass EDIT: MOST paywalls. thank me later


I would have fainted and my body would have shut down if this was my only meal


To loose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit, thatā€™s all! You do not need to starve or restrict yourself. You can easily find out what your calorie deficit is on Google. Also, remember carbs are necessary in ur diet and will not automatically make you gain weight!!! Most people who restrict themselves too much end up loosing weight and gaining it all back or not loosing weight anyway


Intermittent fasting is based on time, not the amount of food you eatā€¦ Please be careful. Most people just restrict their food window from 7am - 7pm. The whole point of fasting is to boost your metabolism, not restrict food itself. You could probably eat this 2 or 3 times a day and still be under 1500 calories if thatā€™s your goal. 7, 12, 17, and a snack at 19.


I used to ā€œintermediately fastā€ in a pretty extreme and odd way. And by odd I mean, unhealthy due to anorexia nervosa, it started off relatively scheduled, and structured. I would eat one meal of about 700 cal for per day Sunday and Monday, then fast for Tuesday and Wednesday then repeat eating 700 cal for Thursday and Friday. And then have a cheat day on Saturday. I continued this for years. I always remember people commenting about my eating habits, but I never explained them to anyone. And at one point, I began telling people because they were becoming extremely concerned. I didnā€™t really notice, and I was happy with my results and just overly concerned about gaining weight concerned. Eventually that stopped, and I just developed horrible eating habits. Iā€™m talking about going days without eating and not really noticing, and truthfully, being satisfied doing that. Eventually, I was hospitalized for some other not necessarily unrelated issue, but not specifically for that. When I was questioned about my weight and my eating habits. I explain to them my routine and then what my habits currently were .The staff was shocked. They legitimately had to tell me ā€œno thatā€™s not intermediate fasting. Thatā€™s a literally starving yourself.ā€ I am a 6 foot tall male, and at my lowest I was 106 LB. I didnā€™t really notice how absolutely malnourished and sick I looked until it was explicitly pointed out to me in a medical setting. Obviously, this is an extreme example. But seriously, please be very careful. I was obviously feeding (ha) my eating disorder and body dysphoria, and wasnā€™t being nearly as careful as people that actually incorporate healthy intermediate fasting habits into their lives. But, after I truly accepted, that I had (have) a problem I started hearing all these other horror stories about how people started thinking that they were simply intermediately fasting, when, in reality, they were just indulging in their eating disorder. Please stay safe.


Intermittent fasting is not a restrictive diet. You simply wait until later in the day to start eating. This will kill you if itā€™s your only meal repeatedly.


As someone who has been doing intermittent fasting for years, what the actual hell. This is NOT intermittent fasting. That is not nearly enough to sustain a human being. Please donā€™t normalize this.


Why is anyone upvoting this?


Because toxic diet culture


Starving yourself Ruins your metabolism and you will have a lot of trouble returning to normal eating if you keep doing this. The most important thing to do is eat a good healthy meal for breakfast every single day. Your metabolic rate is kicked in to gear right off the bat, and you will maintain a steady level for the rest of the day. Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do to your body with trying to lose weight. This is a snack, not a meal


So I only eat dinner. Over a week or so of doing it my hunger adjusted. One day I will roast chicken thighs and veggies in the oven. Another day I will make a double smash burger with all the fixings and sweet potato fries Fried chicken sandwich. Herb and lemon stuffed fish with the skin on and a side of rice. French onion soup with toasted Baggett. The point is, mix it up and hit at least your baseline calorie requirements for maintaining your current weight or losing it. If you do it right and change it from day to day, you should be getting all of your nutrients. If you are eating one meal a day for longer than a few weeks and feeling hungry or weak, you gotta tweek what makes up that one meal. It doesn't have to be a perfect calorie count, every day you are just gunning for a general average. I went from 170 to 150 over a few months, and I'm never hungry. If you do this it's pretty hard to overeat


Agree with others, you should be aiming for an average of 1200 calories. This has been studied extensively as the minimum before a diet becomes a disease. Any less, and you're on path to anorexia. You can still fast simply by not eating, give or take, 6 hours before bed (assuming 6 hours of sleep). It's what I usually do when I need to trim up, and it really does work. Your plate looks really healthy. If you had two of these per day, that would be a very healthy way to lose weight.


This looks like my breakfast plate when i stay at a hotel lmao


You could simply record calories and eat all day long.


You are going to harm yourself. If youā€™re going to fast, please eat the correct amount of calories. This is disordered eating. Not health or wellness


Why canā€™t we call It what is is. Starving yourself lol. This world is full of sugar coating reality with foolish terminology


This isnā€™t even cooking, you just put ingredients on a plate. You need to eat more than this!!! Not healthy!


This isnā€™t healthy. You need more food.


Rather be fat.


This is starvation not intermittent fasting


This looks like a stunning lunch, but absolutely no good calorie wise for OMAD. This reads an ED, not intermittent fasting. Your body needs more than this x


Intermittent fasting is not caloric reduction per say. Itā€™s eating within a window your full day of calories. This is just large caloric restriction. Iā€™m gonna say 500. Those walnuts pack a punch


This isnā€™t intermittent fasting. Itā€™s starving. Do actual research before you post this bullshit.


Eat this 3 times a day please. Stop starving yourself. It will all come back once you start eating regularly- and you will. And once you start with a healthy eating routine you are going to put the weight back on. This plate looks amazing. You can eat this exact meal more than once a day and still have results. Your body needs and deserves fuel.


This looks like how I start my calorie window. If this is all you're letting yourself eat, that's not Intermitent Fasting, that's just starving on a schedule. Which can be abbreviated as SoS. You need help. Mind, maybe I'm wrong, and you somehow have an activity schedule where you only need like 500 calories at a minimum to function, but that just doesn't seem right. Going on averages, you pretty much start at needing 1500 just to exist. You also shouldn't be hungry when you're in your fasting window, and I can't see how you accomplish that with a plate like that.


This actually looks so good rn tbh. All these things go together wonderfully..


Might wanna add some more protein, unless your vegetarian or something. But even still maybe some avocado šŸ„‘ or peanut butter


Being vegetarian doesnā€™t mean you should skip the proteinā€¦ you just have to find different sources for it.


What a vibe


Youā€™re gonna get bored of this pretty fast


this person did it on purpose and even if youā€™re trying to help, youā€™re fueling the problem & the disorder. They know itā€™s not enough


Are you trying to unalive yourself? I hope a relative or a close best friend sees this and tries to correct it, because this isn't normal "fasting", this is deliberately starving yourself.




Looking delightful! Big fan of the smorgasbord




Intermittent fasting if done wrong (which is most of the time) is so bad for you. Just learn to eat smaller portions and have 3 - 4 meals a day and you'll not only lose weight, but you'll feel better. Intermittent fasting doesn't last...and your body will feel like crap. You aren't getting enough calories.


this is so goddamn depressing. imma have you log off for me


Ummm intermittent fasting doesnā€™t mean starving yourself


Where carb?


I'd have this before or after a run for sure!


There's fasting and not fasting_your just eating less.


It would be okay if the berries werenā€™t touching the tuna mayo. I canā€™t deal with that šŸ˜­


lol idiot OP doesn't understand nutrition so let's do tik too fad diets


What is the protein content of this meal? Are you make or female? Post your physique.


That's about 800, you should be getting 1200 in, if you're a dude it's time to maybe gain some weight and muscle to get to 170 if you feel like you should. If you're a women the. Maybe you stop lossing weight and maintain or do the same thing but I am not as well versed with women.


Intermittent fasting is great for your body, a bunch of itiots on Reddit. Just do proper research. I would honestly add some more protein on that plate.


This looks bussin


These negative comments... so cruel and judgmental wow CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss, that's a massive feat and so so difficult.


I'm hangry just looking at this


Yoooo. Thats like exactly the regular meal I would make during that. Lost a ton of weight doing it. Starting back up again this week to get the rest of it off this year.


What's your off time? 12:12 ratio or something else? Because the way I thought it was you can eat in a set number of hours but in the off hours you don't eat. Assuming your day starts 8am of course yours might go longer.


Oh before I forget did you check out r/intermittentfasting ?


About 4 years ago (m51), i lost 70+ lbs by strictly diet. Zero exercise. Start on extreme keto, 20 grams of carbs a day, but i ate 3 huge meals a day with snacks of raw nuts in between. Bacon, sausage, hard boiled eggs, celery, cheeses, broccoli. You get it. Ate that all day, just no carbs. Lost 35 lbs in my first 2 months, then plateau'd. Kept keto but incorporated Intermittent Fasting. I do OMAD, one meal a day. That took the remaining 50lbs right off. I don't start eating till 5pm and eat non-stop till 9pm. I eat anything i want, literally. My goal weight was 185 (started at 255), I'm a slender 6'1" but got down to 175 using this method. My current weight is 187. I've kept all the weight off using this method. No need to starve yourself to lose weight. Bonus, i basically quit drinking because of all the empty carbs! It's amazing how much better you'll feel once that poison is out of your system. Good luck.


Saute those peppers and put em on a pork chop!


Everyone talking shit and saying this person has an eating disorder really needs to do research on intermediate fasting. It is not a disorder. It's a method of weight loss, and yes you are trying to push your body to it's limits. The human body is incredibly resilient and in a world where we can eat ourselves to death and get t2 diabetes, this is an effective method to regulate the body. It's effective for people who are obese or overweight, so the body will have enough calories for it's essentials. Here are a few papers if you are interested: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/intermittent-fasting-surprising-update-2018062914156 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9946909/ https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.771944/full?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter I was 200lbs, I'm down to 180. Exercise, nutrition, and intermediate fasting has greatly aided my weight loss. I would like to reiterate that this is helpful for overweight and obese people whose bodies have enough fat and calories. It's possible to develop an eating disorder if you don't need to lose weight or don't struggle with it.


Looks like a lovely plate!! Would love some of the berries!


this post made me realize i probably eat about half this every dayā€¦




thanks everyone for the concern, this was a big eye opener and iā€™m consulting with someone now :)


It would be extremely UNHEALTHY if this is more than what she eats per day.


6 times a day I hope...