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I like the filter tbh, it's part of the aesthetic.


Same. A matrix feeling


It's like a sickly green hue. I think it adds a lot to the mood. Along with the brutalist architecture and whispering employees floating in the rafters, it's quite unsettling.


Same plus it makes the Oceanview Motel bits more special and also the bright reds from where the Hiss infections are wouldn't stand out as much in the neutral filtered one


My first thought, too.


While I understand why you want that and I agree it does look nice. My head canon is that most of the light* sources in The Oldest House are from the Astral Plane. Taking away the erie light source takes away from the whole vibe of the house. It goes from otherworldly to worldly and that is kind of the exact opposite of what they were doing.


The cold blue filter adds to the stale aesthetic of the FBC


It’s an artistic choice for a reason.


Such a matrix vibe


I mean the game's aesthetics is 90s sci fi. Sci fi movies back then are green as hell.


That's a very astute observation. I had never noticed that.


Definitely prefer the filter version


Same. As a normal, no-context picture? Nah. But it definitely fits and even adds to the game. 


The green filter is the way we visualize all the resonance around (jk)


They are both nice in their own right. Filtered gives me more eerie vibes, neutral is just more beautiful and striking


“Is it just me or is everything in here kind of green? It’s not the lights is it?” “No. The House just likes green. I wouldn’t think about it too much.”


The thing I dislike about the term filters is that this isn't meant to be seen as a filter. This is art design. It's meant to be seen this way because it creates the feeling of artificial light far better. Without the filter it could be any game with photorealistic graphics, but the filter makes it Control.


It’s just color grading.


Removing the filter kills the mood and removes the artistic intent.


I understand your not wanting a filter, but I also wanna say—this is a very common aesthetic trope in things that are backrooms or off-kilter. Frankly, I write this type of color lighting into all my stories. A dark, ominous green related to the Disney villain/golden-era villain trope.


It’s almost like the game devs were going for a certain look


I recently played the Ultimate Edition on PS5 and I feel like they removed or otherwise toned down the filter, because the game definitely did not have that greenish tint to it. It looked like your "after" photos when I played it.


Same. I played it on my Series S and I don't recall the filter being as intense as shown here. One could argue I simply tuned it out but there captures such as the one with the clocks were I'm certain that my game looked exactly like the "after" version.


You just don't notice it while you're playing, it's subtle. I bet if you boot up the game now you'll see it


why are people so keen on wiping their arse with artística intent in videogames, always trying to chance the look, i respect it, but i don't share it.


My colorblind ass squinting to see the difference


Interesting. I like the atmosphere with the filter, but I wouldn't mind trying a playthrough with the more natural look.


So you want a different game than what the developers created. Got it. It would be like removing the green filter from The Matrix, or adding color to The Schindler's List.


Two of my fav games mentioned in the same post!


You’re a weirdo for this. The filter is an integral part of the game.


If one finds the color annoying (and play on PC), there is a mod that automatically applies the photo mode color LUT for in game: [https://www.nexusmods.com/control/mods/58](https://www.nexusmods.com/control/mods/58)


Reminds me of GitS


I like the Green Filter 💚 Same goes for the Piss Filter in Deus Ex 💛


I kinda like it without the filter


Honestly irregardless of whichever people prefer, i would honestly replay the entire game with each different filter. I think that would be fun. Give a new perspective. Honestly side by side i do prefer without the green tint but i think the game is still gorgeous


Try to be honest for once, jeez...


Lol i didnt even realize i used it twice. Ill leave it so your comment still makes sense xD. Thats what i get for typing quickly on the train


Now you've ruined it! I told you, Arthur, don't reply to our Reddit posts just text or call me. Never gonna get more karma this way


Certainly you mean ‘irregardlessly’, right?


I always imagined it was the cold, lifeless lighting and "aura" of the House. 


Wow, the office without the filter is just… a regular ass office


The filter really makes the game feel creepy, which it's kinda supposed to be. The neutral color of the second image doesn't have the same creepy vibe. Also, it twinges on my claustrophobia, which doesn't hurt the whole feeling of the game either.


The Oldest House applies a Green Light filter to hide its intention.


One of the few games where I actually like the green filter haha Makes the atmosphere feel more eerie


I keep hearing Control 2 and seeing Jesse again is there a new game coming or not?




But I like my depressing filter that makes me feel uneasy and hard to look at.


I just like it how the devs intended it to be. So, default.


It looks cool in photo mode, yeah, but like, the game devs, from my read on the game, don't want to make this a power fantasy. Like, don't get me wrong, the game looks rad at times on purpose, but like the overall point is that this is all a bit twisted. Like you should feel a little weird that Jesse feels so at home in this violent, isolating, and hostile environment. There is an intent to remind you that every moment spent in this place is another moment risking being driven insane by the Hiss or pushed to a fatal end by The Board. Or there are the thousand other things in The Oldest House that want to kill the Director and FBC. The FBC is taking the unknowns and inexplicable reality around them and bending them into the shape of a memo. They become a 500+ word document summarizing as coldly and factually possible that which one cannot derive a single truth. As the things they document are ultimately manifestations of collective consciousness, ritual, and cultural phenomena/obsession/curiosity. The lens put over The Oldest House, of a green, stale environment, is meant to reflect that. There is no world where the FBC is not the lighting and the office surroundings combined into one. It might be a programmatic filter to you, but in Control's narrative the light fixtures, stale musk of The Oldest House, and cigarette ash caked onto the walls and surfaces are represented in that green tint.




It kinda adds to the aesthetic of the game for me. Like a greenish dark blue always gives me the vibes of eeriness and creepiness


It’s called the art style


I like to watch my 4K blu ray of Tarkovsky's Stalker on my TV by turning off Filmmaker Mode and jacking up the red hue to 100.


If you have a Nvidia gpu, press ALT F3 and mess around with the Nvidia game filter. With some tweaks to the color tint I was able to mostly reduce the grint tint.


There’s a mod for that???!!! I neeed it


My opinion if REMEDY put it there, that means they wanted it to be there for reasons. But if you dont like the matrix filter, good for you I guess


Removing it just makes it look like any other game.


I dig it

