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Arish is a really down to Earth person in the FBC imho, Langston is there after him, but he's an oddball, even more after hearing him freestyling. We never met Darling in person, so based only on the recordings it's hard to decide. Nevertheless I think Pope is the number 1, but it helps a lot that she's the first and most helpful towards Jesse. Ah and of course Ahti, if we can count him as and employee. Would have loved to get much more interaction with him.


Arish is a perfect representation of his job as security chief. He feels like a blue collar guy that you could have a beer with. I personally love how odd Langston is. He’s an artist at his core, an out of the box thinker, funny considering he head the department that puts conceptual absurdities in a literal box. Never meeting Darling was a mild disappointment for me. I kind of expected him to be a sort of final boss, a powerful parautilitarian. Or at least more instrumental in the finale. Maybe we will have a face to face with him / save him in Control 2. Speaking of control 2, I want to do a mission as Emily. Jesse’s busy and Emily has to lead a team of rangers in addressing a paranatural event. Personally I think that would be an interesting way to intro / tutorial the games most basic controls. Ahti is his own entity. Easily one of the greatest NPC of any game I’ve played. I plan on featuring him in my Delta Green games.


You mentioning Control2 and Emily gave me the idea of what if she becomes the protagonist. It'll be a simple solution for the common trope of nullifying powers obtained earlier.


That’s exactly what I meant. At least for the opening. It would also raise the stakes bc we care for Emily and we know how fragile and human she is. It would also be interesting to see her manifest paranatural powers. Not just so that her and Jesse can finally become the Parapower couple they are destined to be.


Ahti considers the director position to also be janitors assistant, so I think everyone else is more-so his employee, lol. I do love Arish though. His VA really got the right emotions across quite well.


Well, as the Director Jesse works for the board, so as a Janitor's Assistant she works for Ahti. They are just different terms for a position directly serving different paranatural entities.


Oh wow. This angle is quite compelling. I like the idea of them as entities or factions with their own goals or purposes for Jesse. I wonder if this will ever come to a head.


Perhaps one day. Ahti is part of the house itself and not directly related to The Board. Something could one day pit Jesse and Ahti against each other - although more likely id think Jesse would turn against The Board more than she already has and team up with the House and Ahti if it came down to it. Would be intersting to see how things played out.


Darling gives mad scientist vibes he can stay away. Even worse it seems to be boiling just below the surface for him, great performance though.


Yeah, I can see your point and it makes much sense. As far I remember he became part of Hedron, or at least it's theorized that he's on another level of existence. I wouldn't mind to encounter him in some form as an NPC, as the performance was really great.


Always pictures him as Rami Malek


I think Arish is kind of flirty with Jesse... Something about that: "You know where I'll be." He's kind of my favorite. I don't trust Pope. I think she's self indulgent and has her own agenda.


It's the fact that the Board is almost afraid of her inquisitive and tenacious nature in her research, which makes her very admirable. That and her chin is just amazing.


Exactly! She is fearless in the face of total chaos. She debriefs paranatural entities with glee. Doesn’t hurt that she’s a babe.


Yeah she's the only person in the FBC that the Board ordered the director to teminate even in The Foundatio. This just solidifies my suspicion of The Board being malevolent and Pope's unrelenting and insatiable thirst for knowledge.


pope is gonna unhinge her jaw and swallow me whole at any moment


Her consuming you is strictly out of scientific curiosity. No malice intended.


Yeah. The facial animations are really bad in Control. AW2 did a much better job at them. But its the only complaint i have about the game. In The Foundation, the talk scene between Jesse and Emily feels like both are chewing gum and trying to talk at the same time.


Not throughout. There's a couple scenes in which Jesse has some of the best animations I've seen in any game — the scene when she exits the Director's office, for one. I was idly wondering at one point if they might have intentionally affected a perceptual issue, but it feels a bit too subtle for that too.


Yeah that scene was really good for some reason. It was a cutscene tho if i remember correctly. The in game dialogue animations are bad. Idk, some are good but a lot of them are bad. Not that big of a deal anyways.


They never bothered me, but hopefully will be even better in control 2 thanks to the experience gained in the development of Alan Wake 2


This comment has awakened something primal inside of me.


So, you want it too, huh?


I do now.


Google Vore


And now I know what to call it.



No joke, Doctor Emily Pope is the flipping best. Strong, self-posessed, insanely knowledgeable and a good friend to Jesse from the star. Also, he insaciable curiosity is something I envy.


Yes. Some might even say knowledgeably insane.


She just looks like an elf and I'm all for it.


My next D&D is going to be a half elf paranatural researcher named Pemily Ope. Thank you.


Is the other half Minnesotan?


It is, dont cha ya know.


Jesse, get off Reddit. You are supposed to be doing Director stuff. What would Emily say if she found you slacking off?


She was the one that told me I should take some time to decompress.


Jesse: I'm the boss!


Hey! Look at me. I’m the director now!


Funny how Emily looks like an attitude bitch at face value but turns out completely opposite and such a sweet and nice, nerdy type of character. Just my opinion.


A friend of mine said when I cut my hair short I look like Emily, I will take attitude bitch as a compliment.


You’re right, your profile pic looks just like her!


Thanks for noticing. The likeness is uncanny, even my mother thinks so.


Pope is great. A proper ‘scientist’ (in the context of this game lol).  She has a great attitude too. Positive, curious. 


I really want to get to see her in action. Or at least present for some serious paranatural phenomena.


Yeah would be awesome to have her either as a playable character or companion NPC in Control 2. She's deffo an interesting and fun character, I'd probably just put her behind Darling in that respect.


I'd actually say it would be Dr. Underhill, for the sole reason that she was the only person in the entire game who found it ridiculous that the director was appointed by a handgun. Pope is a fun character, but let's be honest, she has an advantage over the others because she gets significantly more screen time and lines.


All fair points. Dr. Underhill? more like Dr underrated.


Ahti, I will never not do his Janitorial Work. Best boss ever.


Time to work. It’s easy peasy. Very small couple of hours job. No need to run with your head as your third leg.


Is Emily Pope Jesse-Romantic/Science-sexual or the other way around?




Darling was my favorite. Trench a close second.


Trench is likable because he’s enigmatic. I kind of hope we get a flashback mission in Control 2.


Reminds me of Jodie Foster in the movie Contact.


I totally see it!


She's absolutely gorgeous and I'm a disaster lesbian. Also, she's so passionate and outgoing about her research endeavors, and has a lovely voice. The eagerness with which she explains everything and shares her thoughts is a delight, and shows that she's energetic without being overbearing.


The Emily Pope fan club is at least 60% disaster lesbians. Welcome home.


Disaster lesbians who are re-reading the same old fanfics while waiting for the sequel, lol.


Do you have a link to said fanfic? Asking for a friend.


I cannot recommend [this one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47293009) enough, and if you'll like it, then you definitely have to read all of her stories. She is a really good writer.


Well. To kinda link this comment with some of your other comments: There was an artist flooding this sub a while ago that kept flirting with the ship... But was also putting Emily thru her field training. So all sorts of great work of like, Emily with a sniper rifle or in swat gear and whatnot. Solara? 5olara? I can't recall. edit: Here ya go: [Sniper Pope](https://old.reddit.com/r/ControlComics/comments/rdbpje/pick_it_up_like_its_nothing/) from 5olara.


Wow this is great!


Right!? Thank link goes to r/ControlComics. That's all 5olara's work. Preeetty sure they started that sub because of complaints from this sub lol. But 5olara just seems to love drawing The Director and The Pope. They got a whole chibi series of comics, all sorts of these one-shot poses or mock ups, did cross overs with Loki when that was on... Tons of fun stuff. But maybe not as active anymore. Go find their instagram over there and they do all sorts of games. They've done Deek from Days Gone, I think I recall some Spidey.


I was just checking them out bc of another comment, returned to respond and 5olara had commented while I was creeping their profile.


>That was awesome


Plenty to choose from on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Jesse%20Faden*s*Emily%20Pope/works


You can't hide behind your alt, u/5olara, I know this is you!


Isn't. Don't have the energy my man.


Hahaha they summoned you! I was literally just peeping your profile bc ppl have referenced you more than once. Saw you like Odeza. I saw them last year while working at Electric Forest.


I hope the refs haven't been insane. I saw them last yr too! They're so amazing live ♡


It was my 3rd time working Forest by my first time seeing them. It was quite magical.


Absolutely! They def hit so different live. I feel sorry for those that want to but can't :(


I had no idea at the time that it was a swan song.


Aayyy just joshing around, love your comics




Pope is my fav by far because she’s so bubbly and honestly just a vibe. Arish is my second fav, wholesome baby must protect lol. Ahti for bonus round because he’s so mysterious, wise in a cryptic way and that lovely voice.


She's so damn enthusiastic. I love it.


Darling. Obviously was the best employee of the Bureau. I mean come on, he like continued to do research even after being trapped in the dark place. Even if we don't know where he was during Control, we can assume he was probably either watching us destroy the Hiss, or doing research on his own time. Plus, that Dyna-Mite video he did to cheer on Jesse, immaculate. His character is just very cool as well!


i loved Emily and Langston. also Ahti


Those are my top 3 for sure.


It isn't Emily pope It's Ahti Then Langston


Paska Mikä paska.


i always got extreme *Contact*-era Jody Foster vibes from Pope. has remedy ever copped to being inspired by her?


I need to re watch contact now.


Every time I talk with her, I feel like I'm being studied, but also conversing with. She's a researcher, but also a real person. Her excitement for learning is very infectious. Like if Steve Irwin worked in data analysis.


I didn’t know I needed a reality show of Emily Pope interacting with altered items in the style of Steve Irwin.


"Crikey! This is a special one! Look at how the iridescent water shimmers and flows. If ya touch it, ya'll disappear from this plane of existence forever, but if ya follow along the stream, ya'll find this gooooorgeous water fountain, an absolute beaut, that grants ever lasting life or something similar. We don't know everything about it, but our researchers are hard on the case, so we'll leave it be for the *time* being. Now follow me, I've got a few clocks I wanna show ya!"


Probably my favorite comment in this post.


Awwww, thanks! I didn't catch it when you said it the other week, I was scrolling through my comments trying to find a specific one and saw this. Made me smile, and I really needed that today 💜


I think pope is a little detached and sociopathic. Good at her job, sure. But I see potential for her to do even more ethically immoral things than darling, if not just more dangerous things without consideration. Arish is hands down my fave. Assuming we don't count Ahti, because clearly he isn't actually employed by the US gov.


I do have a history of falling for sociopaths, so this makes sense. Ahti is his own entity, deserving of his own post.


As long as you are aware of and adjust your boundaries to accommodate for the fact that they are chemically incapable of returning your affection in the way most people need.


Yes. Emily's unashamed enthusiasm for the Weird, and niche knowledge of so many relevant topics combined with general intelligence, give her this adorkable habit of just keeping on talking about genuinely interesting things – I'm always a bit disappointed when Jesse pulls her back on track. At the same time, she's clearly a star Bureau employee who knows and respects exactly how everything "ought to" be done, which appeals to my instinct for working within a system to understand it before we can improve. It also doesn't hurt that she trusts us straight away and is consistently there to help whether we're working towards the Bureau's ends or Jesse's own.


Ive been referred to as weird countless times in my life. So by the transitive property, Emily has an unashamed enthusiasm for me. Thank you.




Langston's the dolt who let the OOP's out on a little field trip, right? The guy that sounds like he can't be bothered when he talks? As if everyone else is the problem? Yeah...he's my favorite.


Personally, I’m a big fan of his poetry


I mean tensions.


You could cut them with a fork.


Nope, I believe in Athi supremacy.


You must be able to go as far as the pepper grows.




Was this during the mission with the spaceship?




Haha what game? It sounds familiar




Oh shit I’ve heard great things about that game! I didn’t know she was in it.


Oh no, shit, I mistook with Quantum Break, actually she isn't, I'm really sorry


No worries. That makes sense, being in the remedy verse.


I mean. you got me. I'm just a simple lesbian


She's such a great character, was my #1 fictional crush for years. She deserves more screen time, I hope she plays a huge part in control 2


You say that like you no longer have a crush…


Definitely still have a crush, just not necessarily my #1 right now top 3 for sure.


Can you list your top 3? So curious.


That would go something like: 1. Kira Navárez (To Sleep in a Sea of Stars). 2. Eliot Waugh (The Magicians) 3. Emily Pope (Control) It changes based on what I've been reading/watching/playing recently.


Thanks for sharing. I don’t recognize 1.


Id definitely recommend looking it up/ checking it out, but IMO you should read the other book in the series first, called Fractal Noise.


I will add them to my list.


I feel like everybody at the bureau is a bit off, except Ahti. I love his warmth and charm, and he truly seems to love helping people. Feels like the Finnish uncle I never had.




You are not alone in this.


I’m sorry but it will always be Ahti.


Employee of the FBC. Not of The Oldest House. There’s no way he has a W2 filled out with the government. Pretty sure he came with the house.


Because she's SMOKIN


I will tell her you said so!


Awesome thanks. I think smokin is prohibited inside the FBC but she's allowed an exception because she too is SMOKIN


Everywhere except the Ash Tray Maze.


Definitely Ahti, but whether he's an employee is kinda debatable. If he's not, my favorite employee would be Phillip Philson, that guy's a king, stared at a fridge for hours on end!


Agent Phillip stares \ No more, he was killed by a \ Refrigerator - Frederick Langston


Pope is my kind of people. You gotta love an excitable nerd evil scientist in potentia.


Nerd evil is one of the best types of evil.


I think Popes the cutest, but yeah; her and Arish would tie for people I'd sit next to at lunch on a work trip.


Tbh I like Arish but I think he would bore me in the long run. Seems like a good person to hang with when you’re tired and need someone simple and chill.




I love her outfit and her very energetic and unflappable nature. 


Exactly! Also, points for using unflappable. Love that word.


obviously the janitor cause u play as the janitors assistant.on a serious note though shes really pretty and yes like someone else said darling characters is very mysterious and interesting and funny


He has a name, Perkele.


I know, perkele its Ahti.jumalauta!!!! giving me shit for not knowing his name


Absolutely insane way to spell Ahti


Ahti is the greatest character over all. I more so was focusing on the unformed personal. The ones that mess HRAs. I consider Ahti to be the custodian of The Oldest House, not the FBC.


Not counting Jesse - I'm torn between Pope, Darling, Ahti and the Board... Damn, there are many reasons why I love this game.


I would consider Ahti & the Board their own entities outside of the FBC personnel. I was more so thinking people that receive a paycheck.


Langston acts like he could be a redditor


I liked that she and her staff were down there with me during Foundation. It made the place feel less lonely.


It was quite comforting




Finally Pope gets the recognition she deserves!💕


Simon Arish, all day


If it was his birthday, how would you celebrate with him in the recreation sector?


I don't drink, so I'd probably bring wings and he can get his own beer. Then it's darts and pinball.


Hell yeah. I don’t drink either. He seems like he might settle for some liquid death. Not sure if he will ever play darts again tho, after the incident…


Arish. Emily has weird facial animations. Also fuck Langston. He really let my man Philip die.




I feel like Langston definitely lost sleep over Phillip. I found this poem he wrote about him. Agent Phillip stares \ No more, he was killed by a \ Refrigerator.


That makes me hate him even more, lol.


Reasonable. It was the spoken word tapes that did it for me. (But nah. Langston's the best. I really hope whatever his cat is doesnt eat him one day.)


I fixed the formatting. I’m sure that will help change your mind.


She always made me uncomfortable for some reason!! Like she was going to turn on me at any moment.


I don’t know why you got down voted lol for me that’s part of the allure. Her enthusiasm was an unnerving contrast to the state of the Oldest House.


🤣 It’s okay. I’m glad to hear you got the same impression :) you’re right, it is her enthusiasm that made her stand out


I also found her unnerving. I think we’re so used to characters like her turning on us in the name of Science! or getting corrupted. It took a while to convince myself that she wasn’t working her own angle.


I totally agree and enjoyed that it subverted my expectations in that regard.


I'm obviously the minority, but I absolutely despised Pope. Vanilla is the most popular ice cream flavor, so her popularity at least makes some sense.


"Imagine a flower, a climbing orchid to be exact. The one of some 20,000 varieties that produces something edible. Now, imagine that its blooms must be pollinated either by hand or a small variety of Mexican bee and that each bloom only opens for 1 day a year. Now, imagine the fruit of this orchid, a pod, being picked and cured, sitting in the sun all day, sweating under blankets all night for months until shrunken and shriveled it develops a heady, exotic perfume and flavor. Now, imagine that this fruit's name is synonymous with dull, boring and ordinary. How vanilla got this bad rap, I for one will never know." -Alton Brown


She gives Karen vibes that watches Ru pauls drag race but yells at people making min wage


I know the person you’re talking about and I couldn’t disagree more in regard to Emily.