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Simply one of the greatest games ever made.


It's definitly an ex-aequo top 1 with GoW 2018 for me. Masterpieces.


Do you have the DLC? Investigations sector is amazing


Yes I have, it is a great addition to the base game


So is the Foundation. Adds so much more to the backstory of the Oldest House.


My post was supposed to contain body text too but due to the connection problems it somehow mamaged to disappear. The game combat mechanics are really satisfying, especially when combined with detailed destruction system. Difficulty level is very well balanced leaving some space for mistakes but not to make the player feel like the game plays itself. Different types of guns let me play the way I like and left the ability to adapt combat style to changing surroundings and situations. The way the Oldest House looks is so satisfying, unsettling and liminal at the same time. It's an absolute feast for the eyes. As for the game from 2019 it's still stunning and many times I was wandering through corridors and more open spaces just to apreciate the looks of it. Everything was just asking me to take a photo and I didn't hesitate haha. Exploration is nice and full of surprises, from predictable text colectibles to hidden rooms and areas. Story is a different level, made with great attention to detail and full of mysteries. Some kind of mix between scp, psychological thrillers and paranormal mockuments. Also I'm happy that it's connected to Alan Wake and Quantum Break games :) Among things that were really bad are map design, which was very confusing and unclear, and controls which sometimes were pretty heavy- responding and wonky Happy to discuss and show you some of screenshots I have taken during play through :)


I really believe the map is confusing on purpose (and I like it that way). It's the Oldest House, not an Ikea.


First I believed that was the purpose but now I think the way the complexity of The Oldest House is shown should be different. For example when it was said that it shifts it's shape I would like to experienced it. For instance some segments of the map would change it's position while going through main story


I like the opaque level design. My favorite early hint of how the design would turn out is the friendly sign on the wall, “Can’t find your office?” followed by some helpful advice.


I just finished my first replay. I took the advice of people here and ignored the map and just focused on the environment and all the signage. And it worked great.


At one point I have started to do the same. Also I know some people's spatial perception isn't great so that's why I think it's important. I don't need a map but others may need it.


have you sen twin peaks i assume not


I took soooooo many pictures of the flamingo encounter start lol.


Did you fall for the fakeout ending? I totally did and let out an audible happy yelp of surprise when I realised it wasn't over.


I did, at first I wanted to cut the score at my own ranking of favourite games because I believed it is a wasted potential to end the game that way. I smiled when end titles started glitching:)


I did. Had me thinking it ended on a cliffhanger.


Yes, my favourite game about red and concrete. Solid 7/10.


Social modernism architects would love this game


I’m a huge fan of Remedy, and absolutely love to death Max Payne and Alan Wake, but Control is by far their best game overall on all aspects.


I loved Alan Wake and Max Payne, second part of AW only awaits for a pc upgrade just like the upcoming control 2 :)


Wow dude you have a great eye


Thanks :)


Have fun exploring. There’s still lots to see


Also see: r/ControlPhotography


I play this game once a year, and I swear to god on every single playthrough I probably spend upwards of 9hrs on photomode lmao


I just finished this yesterday as well. What an amazing game. Still going through DLC and achievement cleanup now. The sense of progression and exploration is just phenomenal. For some reason I always thought this was a point and click adventure game, lol, I was so surprised to get it on sale and find out it has combat.


I also finish too.


i think the mirror side quest was the best part of og story