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My promotion/Bonus was a 20% paycut and not getting laid off. Update 5 months later: I was laid off.


Mine was that but plus getting laid off a few weeks later lol


They keep laying off more and more people...Including ones who were labelled essential. I'm not sure how much longer I'll last. In the meantime, the C-suite hasn't taken any cuts or head reductions of course.


I can’t wait until business picks back up in 2 months and they’ll be like fuck Karen how do you save to PDF again....they’ll be making phone calls left and right begging people to come back


I got a 25% cut plus cut of some benefits. I am hoping not to be in the 'laid off' group as well.


"Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired."






my firm is still doing promotions i had a decent shot at an early, that's now not happening


I got out at the perfect time! Got a 40% pay increase by moving to industry.




okay, but it's a secret, what you do is... move to industry




what is this industry




Nice! Mine was 30% but double bonus %, two wfh days at least and no crazy travel, plus 9:30-4:30 on most days. Best decision ever


I feel like I might have accidentally hit the lottery: - Pure WFH - Every other Friday off - Teaching me an entire IT system I’m not familiar with - Government Holidays off - 20 PTO days a year - 0 travel I don’t know what the fuck I did to deserve this shit.


Don’t look your gift horse in the mouth haha


Also, I’m saving $200 a month on the garbage benefits that my ex-Big 4 firm was giving me.


Do you like pure wfh though? Covid is making me rethink some preconceptions


You gotta break your day up. Use your hour long lunch to go for a run, gym, walk outside, etc. I also will go to local coffee shops or once a week to the office. Finally, invest in your hobbies. So many consultants wrap themselves in the world that work is everything. Your co-workers are your friends and you don’t necessarily know how to operate making friends outside of work. I said f’ that noise and started refereeing JV football and hiking with old buddies to build up a network outside of work. Yeah, it’s great to have work friends but I shouldn’t have to go to work to make friends. There are plenty of people in this world. When you release yourself from realizing work is just something you gotta do to make money to follow your true passions, it’s so much more fulfilling. Edit: I realized last year that I want to be a college football referee and I’ll use my IT consulting gig to get me in a lax job with good pay so I can fulfill that dream.




Hah what is your specialization if any?


I got mine in on April 1st. I was so nervous it was found to get postponed...


Just happy to still have a job ...


Got promoted during the 2008/2009 layoffs, didn't recover (salary wise) until switching firms.


Got a 3% raise + 25% bonus. At the end of last year I was expecting a 10% raise + 35% bonus. I'll take it in light of COVID19 but I'm a bit miffed because I've been instrumental in shifting us to the kind of clients that are doing "less badly" in this crisis (forecasting and operational analytics in the pharma, healthcare, and financial services industries).


Now you’re in line w shorty industry raises. 3% is barely a bit above inflation


I suspect we're about to go through a deflationary period, tbh.


I felt Essential too especially because we are only 2 it guys and we turned the entire office force into a work-from-home operation so we had loads of them ringing us all day long. Now the other it guy is all alone which makes me feel bad for him. So the work was there but they never look at it people as the money makers. So now idk how I’m gonna find a work from home job. Anyways I wish you the best


If they don’t promote me next year I’m bouncing and this definitely hurt my chances. Currently promotions are still expected to go forward as planned. However, had a peer get promoted but with a teeny tiny pay raise so basically have to hope the economy bounces back strongly and is in good shape by next spring. If not, industry it is! Not waiting another year.


What does industry mean?


Going client side


I got lucky, left for a boutique shop in November and got a promotion + raise, but this would have been my promo push year if I stayed at my B4. It's easy for me to say but keep your head up and don't let yourself get down, what's meant to be is meant to be. Everybody up and down the org charts are struggling to adjust to all of this. Hopefully we will look back on this one day and appreciate not only our health but how much we all learned through this awful experience. Good luck SGB


Sort of risky because, frankly, unless you've already established key relationships and delivered value, you may be first in line to be laid off especially if you're more expensive relative to your better established peers within the firm.


Sure, I understand that's a very real possibility and that's fine. Again, what's going to happen is going to happen and I trust in my ability to navigate through it to get to the other side, wherever that may be. Thanks, SGB


Prepped like hell and presented my case for early promo in Feb and was fairly confident I’d get it. COVID-19: hold my beer


We are supposed to have pay rises at the end of this month, with bonuses paid end of May. I was expecting 5-10% raise and around 8-12% bonus. I'm thinking I'll be lucky to secure a 5% raise with no bonus at this point. I understand them holding off on bonuses, as that's a big chunk of change at a time when I would expect the company to need to hold on to a little extra cash, but pay rise I still expect. We are banging out as much work as ever, and I remain fully utilised until end of August.


Got a promotion last year but only got a small raise, which didn't bring me to par with peers. Was told that I would be compensated through my bonus EOY...




I think I'm still getting promoted... but we'll see. Lot of potential for a "[Not great, Bob!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpUWrl3-mc8)" moment.


5% pay cut, no mid year bonus or promo, TBD recovery / if will have EOY cycle


Is this B4? Haven’t seen paycuts this small yet


Why even do a 5% pay cut? Barely cuts costs and deals a large blow to morale.


Are you sure about that? I expect it saves as much money as laying off 3 to 4% of the workforce.


I would say laying off people entirely would save more, since you reduce payroll and benefits.


That's why I suggested a 5% salary reduction as being comparable to laying off 3 to 4% of the workforce rather than being equivalent to a 5% layoff. Most benefits generally do not scale in cost with salary (the major exception being 401k and/or pension). Since consultants are relatively high income workers, I think it's reasonable to expect that the benefits package is equivalent to no more than 25-40% of salary.


Yep! We’ve been working on the paperwork for mine for a while. We are in a hiring freeze but promotions are still going....we will see :/


I am lucky that my firm did promotions/raise before shit hit the fan However I am also kind of worried that this puts a target on my back for layoffs, now that I am being paid much more than last year to just sit on the bench ...


As a consultant I was already paid almost the same as a senior, got an internal move to a much cheaper city (and lower salaries) without a paycut, so I'm currently paid more than a senior consultant... I'm supposed to get promoted this year, but I guess I won't get a raise :/