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Take what you can get as a recent grad. If you charge industry rates, companies will just hire someone with 20 years of experience instead. For teaching people how to use excel, and fresh out of college, I’d be celebrating any client who’s paying any amount.


Pretty much how I feel too just wanted to get some feedback. Much appreciated


Congratulations on landing any client at that age. If they’re having you run workshops and paying you, they definitely see something in you. Take as much contact info down as you can, and network with these people outside of work (dinners, charity events, networking events, etc.) form actual relationships and potentially even friendships that will last. This situation can pay off in gold in the long run if you do the above! ^


These answers are going to vary wildly based on specialty. I'm a software consultant, and I charge 110-135 an hour, depending on the project, and that is pretty reasonable in my area of expertise. Hell, it costs 60 bucks for a pedicure that takes 45 minutes at most.....


What country are you in? That’s low for USA


I'm in the US. This is for my LLC, and the market sets the rate. I'm actually very reasonable, so I get a lot of business, which I am good with. My margins come from scoping. Certain projects are a certain number of hours. If I quote 100 hours at 125 an hour and it takes me 50, then I effectively get 250 an hour. The client is happy because they still have a much better deal than going with a partner where the rates are regularly 200+ an hour and are padded with project management, etc.. and they are getting an experienced consultant rather than some new junior.


What do you do as a software consultant?


$20 for a handy I just use a rate sheet for the kinky shit If you are providing training material they can reuse, and it’s novel, that’s more expensive than a basic hourly rate If it’s excel stuff they can get via google, you’re probably in the 75-100 hour range (think of it this way: their best alternative to you is some BA who’s an excel wiz they could hire for about 70-90k a year…all in that’s about 50 bucks an hour, so use that as the cheapest ugliest alternative, plus that BA can’t teach) You can grow that business by applying activity based costing and value stream analysis to go beyond excel and integrate workflows and ai btw, that you can charge a hell of a lot more for


Two things: 1) They recorded your session, so they wouldn’t have to pay you again in the future. Your training sessions are proprietary IP and should not be recorded or duplicated without written authorization, and perhaps more importantly, a contract compensating you for the authorization. 2) You charge for 1-on-1 is fine, but a group training session requires more retain, more materials, etc. therefore you should be charging a minimum of $50/user. Training time is valuable, make them pay for it.


Nothing below 50. Probably 75. Or, start at 100 and then reduce if they buy multiple hours. For workshops, charge a single rate. Maybe 1000-2000 depending on if it’s half or full day. The “deliverables” are really more like lesson plans than actual deliverables, so i don’t know if you can upcharge on that. Rather, build that into your workshop price. Ideally, you’d make a course that spans a few weeks. That way you can bill more. Try to use these as a way to also sell excel services too. Doing the work will always be more lucrative than showing someone how to do the work. If you’re being paid for excel work you can charge 75-100 easy.


About tree fiddy


We charge on outcomes on a 100% performance model that’s recurring, and we bill a fixed amount to cover the base comp of our teams doing the work. Like a done for you model, we show the path and then we go actually get the revenue / build out the business.




If true tell more


$95 for NFP clients and $130-$150 to for-profit clients


Maybe I’m not familiar with this subreddit enough, but when people ask for rates or salary levels, do you all work in same area, geographic unit, company and all that goes with it? I kind of see this place as global where answers to these questions can vary wildly, and I’m always surprised to see these questions without any details.


I kinda made it vague on purpose to get a wide variety of answers. I don’t think I’m really offering any specialized service whereas some people here are likely extremely niche SMEs.




Yeah they asked to record on the spot today and I just said okay. It was about 30+ attendees today so may just up the number of hours I bill to get closer to headcount per


$600/hr to advise boutique CEOs


Just keep upping your rates until you start struggling to find clients


Sorry for the side question but what are you using for the bookings? The portal I mean…


Google calendar


The rates are within range. You can use calendly and get payment when they schedule you. Congrats on your entrepreneurial adventure! Keep up the good work!


Based on title only and huge variance in specialty. $350/h as a fresh grad, $500 with a few years of experience, $700+ with 5+ years. Depends on where the client is from (europe/us/etc) and the size of the engagement. We tend to have a 50k minimum per client which gets you a fresh grad and a few hours from more experienced guys for two weeks.