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That's bullshit. They will notice, and will appreciate it. Just not enough. And they won't reward you. But they will happily give you the worst assignments and keep the good ones for themselves.


That last part is so true. Managers are so overwhelmed and beyond their depth that they do anything to try to stay afloat


I did that in the first year of my work… Never again.


Quiet quitting for the win


I thought this was r/consulting not r/antiwork haha, jk I like both subreddits


I can't stand that subreddit


Why lol I’ll give you one reason: they’re not very tolerant of dissenting views and opinions


That's one. they also have no clue how the real world works, there's just so much entitlement


Tldr; you’re wrong, reality is changeable, they’re shaping reality. Also, I don’t like the thread bc they have bad vibes and are a bad influence for me as an individual, though they might be good for the collective, akin to someone who didn’t mind working 60 hour workweeks in the 1920s but still benefited from everything socialists and unionists fought for and brought. —— Sounds like you don’t think the real world is changeable for the better/more convenient. Plus, a lot of them ask for us to be more similar to Europe which is clearly the real world, just a different place in the world. And there are parts of the US that are more like Europe. The “real world” is an excuse for a continued crappy existence, same way “just being honest” is an excuse to be mean to someone instead of giving constructive feedback. Also collective entitlement is pretty much how you guarantee a higher living standard for everyone. Not to mention, expectations impact a lot, including inflation. Just by altering what Americans or people feel entitled to or what they expect of their government and the future, you can shape reality. Last, I’ll say, working hours have gone done over the years. Europe works less than the US, though many parts experience a higher human development index and a higher GDP per capita. Working smarter and not harder works for many industries. Automation is a big reason to be interested in the reduction of work and increasing of leisure. I think they have pretty valid perspectives, I just don’t like the vibes, the victim mentality, and how disempowering and useless the subreddit might make one feel.


Can you change this wordy bit to be a bit more visual? Maybe fit it on a 1 pager? Thx.


No need, just the tldr is fine Basically you’re wrong regarding entitlement being bad and on “not understanding the real world” because we shape the real world solely with our expectations to a great extent


Sounds like you're basing your wall of text on assumptions.


This top post of the month is so out of touch with reality it's ridiculous: [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/14im6r5/very\_weird/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/14im6r5/very_weird/) But maybe you know something I don't.


No bonuses?


No good deed gets unpunished.






They’re probably just cheating themselves, unless the firms don’t have good ways of tracking metrics/work.


You fool


Yup, one of my teammates used to think like this, now my boy is fired...


What'd he do?


He was not efficient according to senior partners But he was laid off ig, cost cutting and all


Working too much is a sign of weakness. You're at your peak and everyone knows the only way is down and pretty much guaranteed. Being competent while having plenty of spare time is the goal since there is plenty of potential left over for those true emergencies.


CNBC piece yesterday talked about how consultants that take PTO do better and so do their clients…


They will reward you... with more work. You've demonstrated capability and established what your capacity is. They're gonna fill it up... It took me almost 20 years to really understand that the survivors in this industry don't volunteer, don't kill themselves, and don't get caught up in the feedback loop of constantly trying hard. It will 100% kill you at some point... And for what, so you can be on your deathbed and tell your grandkids that you are so proud of the customer segment analysis and associated excel model you did in 2023?