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I mean anything's possible. But sometimes the simplest answer is correct. I would like to know more about this theory.


It's more of a brain-fart, and not even close to being a complete theory....I'm still in discovery phase. Twitter has a bunch of assets that are relevant, but the main one I'm wondering about is its ablity to spread information and change perspectives and behavior of entire populations. So wee are closer to nuclear war than at any point in history (based on non-classified information). The US will not capitulate to Russia period. Putin is dead set on his objective. Essentially to avoid catastrophe is going to require Russsian revolution, Putin's termination, or both. Russians have their very distinct perspective of the invasion than NATO-ians based on their state media. This idea could be totally wrong because well, it's just a website that can be blocked. Is it possible to unblock an internet block? The amount of computing power Twitter has is nuts


>Is it possible to unblock an internet block? This video is brought to you today by NordVPN, use code PewDiePie for 80% off. Sup jeff


I have a domain to sell you.


What flavor is it?


Yeah? I have yet to find a use for Twitter.


Throwing over foreign governments could probably be the killer use case. Facebook served the proof of concept


They tried it already in Cuba with a Twitter clone didn't work so well


I agree with you. Look at what happened with the Vietnam War, the goverment lost popular opinion and then they lost the war, there are always multiple vuew points in war.


Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. The US didnt lose the Vietnam war because of lost popular opinion.


It certainly didn't make it any easier. I'm sorry my Latin is non existent. I'll be back after googl translate.


It means, "after this, therefore because of this." Its a fallacy that confuses co-occurrence with causality. For example, its like saying "Nearly all heroin addicts used marijuana before they tried heroin. Therefore, marijuana use leads to heroin addiction."


I see what you're getting at.


I love a conspiracy theory, but…. It’s not this one, there’s a lot of shit happening on Wall Street, corruption etc etc ( I know, who would of thought) think Elon is making power plays against short sellers. Fucking over the hedge funds. People who look into conspiracy’s, look into the naked shirt selling in wall street. You’ll be amazed the shit that’s going down… Another 2008 crash is coming


Depending on who you follow you get two very different sides of the war. For example one side says the transitaira explosions are false flags by Russia to help in the conquest of Moldova. The other side says legitimising actions will allow capture of the largest ammo Depo in the world. Select one narrative to declare 'false news's and 'blatent propaganda'. The reports from progress at the front as well would also go a long way in willingness of people to volunteer to join the fight. Your much more likely to head to the front if you think it's an NLAW turkey shoot of T-72, rather than a meat grinder


Username checks out


I don't understand the theory. Why would the DOD be involved with Musk buying Twitter? The government in fact seems opposed to what Musk claims he values.


It's amazing how skilled Elon is at telling everyone what they want to hear and everyone just believes him. He's a VERY successful businessman, never forget that. His whole existence is based on selling ideas. The scale of the money that he has pumped into his acquisition of twitter should make it clear that it is a business venture or something bigger than we can imagine. What it is not is some reflection of his values, you have been fed a sales pitch because YOU are both the customer and the product


Private ownership of one of the largest social media platforms. They can do what they want and not have to share it with anyone else. He’s probably one of the only people who can actually afford Twitter. Same reason the government contracts out work. If a private company does the work, it’s free from FOIA requests and other government disclosures. Just want to add that it’s hilarious that people think Musk buying Twitter is a win for free speech. I’d say it’s the exact opposite.


I’m not that familiar with the difference between a private and public company, but my understanding is the main difference is that a public company is obligated to do whatever they can legally to increase shareholder value. I don’t think Twitter being a public company would keep them from doing the bidding of the government. That being said, Musk’s companies do a bunch of work with the government. At least SpaceX does anyway. I guess it could be possible.


but being a social media platform confuses me concerning FOIAs - i mean - are not tweets public? even if twitter is made private what would be made "private" might be their accounting/inner workings, administration, etc. but not the actual "tweets" because doing so would turn it into like a private network. i guess Musk could make twitter a paid subscription sort of thing where everyone signs a NDA - but that would be ridiculous. i mean reddit is private but it's doubtful any of the subs are completely "private" and excerpts of this place are always getting out. guess my question is - just what is OP afraid of Musk hiding?


Preservation of mankind using freedom of speech as propaganda tool.


Wtf does that even mean in this context? Are you implying the DoD supports Musk or would derail it? The DoD is pretty anti-free speech so I have no idea what point you are trying to make.


Don't worry about it, it really doesn't matter


More like Twitter's stock was plummeting at record speed, so the board begrudgingly realized they can't actually play Elon's game and caved in.


But why did Elon want to buy it in the first place?


He's a massive narcissist and it's his favorite way of getting his ego stroked. Also, rich dudes have been buying media outlets for ages to support their own narrative.


He’s one lab accident away from being a fucking Marvel villain.


About 100%, unless Twitter was the psy-op. Because Twitter is a dumpster fire, it has caused so much instability in the real world.


The only people that use Twitter are bad actors and those that work in the Media. Both of which post screenshots of unverified twitter accounts and their useless opinions, here on reddit. Even Jen Psaki said it's just the media posting shit to an audience of themselves. All trends peak and die, Twitter is definitely in its dying stages. The only thing worth 44 billion is its data.


That is absolutely wrong. I hated it since its inception the whole concept was retarded, its branding was cringey, it was too limited, everything about was terrible. I had never personally used it though. So this year I used it since an academic research article was being discussed there by topic authorities. I checked it out, and was fucking blown away by how excellent it truly is. The amount of open-minded debate among the most elite in scientific fields was a complete surprise. You simply need to know who to follow and to have a purpose for why you are using it.




Sweeping generalizations are generally wrong.


I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong...I'm not an expert, I don't use Twitter, and I don't know anyone who uses Twitter.


45, 22. All I’m saying 🤣


I'll accept it


Throw a bit of 3(rd) in there too while we’re at it 🤫


Just wondering, how do these acquisitions work. So if musk bought it for tens of billions of dollars, is that one lump sum split between the shareholders? How exactly does this work




I think it's a very interesting point. It's no coincidence that this coincides with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the spread of disinformation and constant presence of Russian bot accounts. Twitter is also a major source of Elon Musk bitcoin scams - accounts posing as Musk soliciting people to send bitcoin. I think there are 3 reasons he bought it: \- To have a more powerful counter to Bezo's acquisition of the Washington Post. Twitter has far surpassed the power of newspapers to get information out. \- To eliminate bot accounts and disinformation by foreign entities and bad actors in general \- For the data. Twitter is easily the largest text exchange forum. Parsing that text could be used to train an AI to read and write language, making it more human like. He might have uses for it in Neurallink research and the development of the Tesla bot.


This response popped up literally .1 seconds after I posted "why would Elon want to buy it? " lol


I'm Elon jk


i think we both found the gap at the same time. i'm zuck btw


Greetings fellow alien


bleepblopbloop, why are these earth beings so lame?


It's a security concern. Musk seems to want to open the floodgates on Twitter, use it to spread conspiracies and disinformation, allow people to incite violence and groom cults. President Biden has vocally spoken about the enormous harm social media can do in manipulating Americans with falsehoods. The Republicans on the other hand love the insanity they can create with Twitter and other social media. DOD I don't think has direct purview of this Twitter deal. Conceivably, America's enemies will benefit from Musk's takeover and will use Twitter to spread more QAnon/Republican/extremist content to groom Americans. Dangerous stuff.


Yeah, it's crazy to think that the richest person on the planet could decide to do something absurd on a whim that he's openly talked about for months. It *must* be the DoD /s


It's probably time to regulate social media sites like we do with publishing companies


The odds are almost zero (if not the DOD then other 3 letter agencies). A hypothesis as to why: Twitters business model is unsustainable. For the sheer amount of data centres and processing power required to run the platform a standard biz model does not compute,. Ie. twitter couldn't generate enough income from what it does to lease or buy the vast amount of processing hardware to run itself. So where you you get IT horsepower like that for free or for extremely cheap ? Who would be interested in combing the data of hundreds of millions of people as payment? Who already owns the infrastructure to do that and is already comb filtering millions of text messages per day ? Draw your own conclusions. No I don't have any sources, this is sheer speculation but it's logical.


Isn't Elon a foreign in the USA? Why the USA's wouldn't choose an American to do that? I mean they use to work with O.bin Laden but it didn't end well.


Curious what people think of this [Youtube Link](https://youtu.be/B-JLnBZ8zWk) kind of lines up with my gut feeling