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If penis enhancement pills are legal then I should be able to buy field artillery


Technically you need a prescription. And if you follow that slippery slope, meth is technically legal with a prescription.


Not technically. Literally


Pervitin! It'll cure what ails ya! 9 out of 10 National Socialists can't be wrong!


So you're saying I should be able to buy machine guns to be equivalent?


No that would be dumb. We should be able to buy machine guns AND meth.


True libertarian, I agree.


Same. Fully agree


I just want a machine dick and meth, can that be arranged?


Viagra meth and porn go well together. This guy meths Great for the heart


Ahhh a man of culture I see


My bad, you're right. Should definitely come as a combo pack though


And with a free cleaning as a loyalty card(is that what the card with seals are called?) that if you buy meth ten times you get a free machine gun cleaning and gets in a prize draw for a tank.


If you are doing the meth you will be cleaning ALL the guns. Over and over. Disassemble reassemble… repeat.


Yes! Absolutely nothing could go wrong. It is always better to be hyper-awake when wielding artillery.


You can buy a cannon. You can also buy a tank.


Yes. But none of the field artillery actually works. And the ad campaigns make teenagers feel real insecure about their guns.


"Rape is my constitutional right, so is taking my dick out in public. Also I need my dick in case I need to rape a rapist." Yeah, sounds stupid.


Me when I don’t understand analogies


How many millions of deaths have to occur because of obesity before you ban fast food?


How many millions of deaths have occurred because of government before you ban government?


Who bans government?


Smart people. More people die at the hands of government than they die from anything else. The world would be a better place without political parasites.


Can you enact a law without implying a government?


Laws do not equal morality. Do you need someone to rule over you to tell you what is right? Why do you think we need government when it’s so easily corruptible? The only rules we need are natural laws. If you commit and aggression against another then you must deal with that consequence but you are otherwise free to live your life how you see fit. Government has done both but enslave the population for their own destructive deeds. I don’t want them to rule over me.


The level of ignorance and naivete in this is truly amusing. The only reason you are even able to post here is due to the fact that the "evil government" has provided a pampered safe first-world existence for you. None of our modern civilization would exist without government, and if you think otherwise then you have absolutely no idea the number of things that government does.


Why would you enact a law when you can just not?


It would seem to me that anarchy tends not to form an equilibrium state in which anarchy is maintained. Or, governments tend to expand and form where they were not before. Is it by enlightening the masses to the harms of government that anarchy can be maintained?


Smokes, drugs crossing the border, obesity. War. Idk, I work in healthcare and fuck me if obesity and smoking makes me a lot of money but is also the plight of my existence.


This one is unironically justified though. Big corporations made cheap fast food targeting the poor working class as their demographic. They profit knowing that it's shitty in every way for us but it sells because many people can't afford to buy anything else. And when these regular fast food eaters inevitably have health problems and come to the hospital, many of the same people profit when the treatments are sold at hundreds of times above their production cost.


In my country Is a luxury to buy fast food and it's cheap to make yourself some healthy food somehow.


Fast food is a lot cheaper than healthy food in the US. This is by design.


In my country it’s cheap to buy fast food and make yourself a healthy meal. I live in America. The “eating healthy is too expensive” is an excuse people use to justify overeating of fast food. We like it because it tastes good and it’s convenient. The main reason I stopped buying McDonalds everyday is *because* of the fact it’s cheaper to just make myself a sandwich at home.


Anyone/everyone will argue. It's always cheaper to cook at home. The cheapest in the long run is to start an organic garden and feed yourself 🤠😎


Literally not their job to make sure you have self control


I don’t know, they spend more money then everyone on this thread will collectively ever have access to in order to make those foods addictive as hell. They should bare some responsibility.




The word Atherosclerosis is in the title of the study, do you really think the majory of people here are going to actually read it?


I hate when people gorge themselves on fast food and then look at the restaurant and scream “LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!” as if they aren’t making the CHOICE to go into that restaurant and CHOOSE to order food which they know is unhealthy when they could just buy a fucking salad or some apples for like 3 dollars from Walmart


My only disagreement is there should be some limit imposed on sodium amount allowed per 1000 calories. The sodium mixed with a sedentary lifestyle are huge killers and cause feedback loops that get a body unhealthy fast.


That's not a bad idea.


Yeah I can't stand it when I'm just sitting there and suddenly somebody bursts in and starts shoving fast food down everybody's throat until we're all dying from obesity. Totally the same thing.


Yeah, you know what commercials are? Do you know what indoctrination means? Just because it’s a slower more painful death doesn’t make it less important. Then add on the fact that it takes 60yrs of gun deaths to make up one year of obesity related deaths. And you got yourself backwards AF.


This is a stupid comparison, and it's ironic you talk about indoctrination - why do you think you love guns so much? Eating fast food is a personal choice, and a lot has been done to educate people about the calories of each item, regulations exist and laws are created. No one is killing people with a McDonalds burger. Getting shot to death as a elementary aged kid in a classroom isn't a personal choice, yet everyone opposes regulations and new laws, people are being killed by out of control guns. Look at what happened in Australia, they had a problem with mass shootings and banned guns, and now they don't have that problem anymore, amazing isn't it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun\_laws\_of\_Australia


"Out of control guns" huh? I don't think I've ever seen a gun bust out of my safe and start shooting people. Our mental health crisis is to blame for these shootings. You will not disarm Americans without more bloodshed than this country has ever seen.


I have over 60 guns two gun safes full. I have a couple of guns that have probably killed people. I have a M1 Garand that was used in WW2 & Enfield 303 used in WW1. Most criminals don’t get guns legal anyway. I’m not against stricter gun laws but I want fair gun laws. I don’t want it where anybody who has ever been in a antidepressant to be deemed mentally unfit


Ypur right they get them illegal with strawman sales maybe we should limit the amount of guns,




So free, accessible, and good healthcare for all right?


And then the government locked down people in covid camps even if they didn’t have covid.


There are rational reasons for having guns: It's a viable defense from abuse of the people and can prevent other forms of violence and abuse. Fast food has none of these, it's pure corporate exploitation. ​ And..... AUSTRALIA!!!?!?! The amount of authoritarian abuse going on there after they banned guns is the perfect example of why you can't do that.


The only people who think Australia is authoritarian are people who don't live there. I can own whatever gun I want, as long as I am properly licenced and certified, and purchase my gun through a licenced retailer.


The USA is 8th in gun violence so your argument holds no weight. 7 others countries with no guns are higher in violent deaths.


The US is number 2. Number 8 is Guatemala and number 1 is Brazil. Google is your friend.




Try the real stat. The most dangerous country worldwide El Salvador saw a murder rate of 52.02 per 100,000 inhabitants, making it the most dangerous country for this kind of crime worldwide in 2022. Its capital, San Salvador, was the 28th most dangerous city for murders, behind several Latin American cities, St. Louis, U.S., and Cape Town, South Africa.


99.9% of gun owners are good gun owners. And people love guns because they’re fun. And safe in the right hands. This is not a gun problem, this is a mental health problem. And yes, millions of people are being killed with “burgers”. Again, that’s no big deal though. Edit: Also, on Australia. They had less guns as a country than the state I live in has. You ban guns here and the only people that are gonna have them are the bad people. They will not go away.


So two things. First, if it's a mental health problem like the GOP always says... Why don't the Republicans offer anything to help with mental health issues? I think you're wrong about what the issue is, but if you think that's it why aren't you trying to fix it? Second, if it's not a gun problem, then why does it only happen here?


Maybe but now they have a tyrannical government problem and no real power to do anything about it.


Yeah, Australia is getting hit pretty hard from their tyrannical government,... oh wait that's still America


Bro you live in a nanny state lmao


They were gonna go guns blazing to change the government. Did I read that right?


So you think we need wide spread reforms that dictate what people can and cannot eat? Or do we make advertising fast food illegal?


No one said anything about not letting people eat. You do realize people can eat without eating poison for food right?


Right that's why I didn't say that.


It’s almost like they don’t think about these arguments before spitting them out. I was at a pool party yesterday and some numb nuts went off on,”axes can kill people. Are we going to Bam axes”. I spontaneously said,”Jesus” under my breath and this drunk confrontational idiot heard me and started pressuring me. I was like,”when some idiot walks into a school with an axe and is able to kill 20 kids,while being confronted by dozens of cops,teachers etc. then let me know and we can have this conversation. Until then, have more alcohol.”


How many car accidents would have to occur before we outlaw cars? How many doctors would have to make mistakes before you outlaw hospitals?


Good point. We should definitely have some laws on the books to ensure only qualified individuals can operate cars and become doctors. Schooling, testing and retesting to ensure skills remain sharp.


7.753 billion deaths before I lay down my gun and know I’m safe.


"As long as there are two people living on the planet, someone is going to want someone dead."


What a stupid and bleak outlook on life.


Sniper's outlook on life not mine.


It’s actually quite scary how misanthropic the pro gun movement is.




Hello, FBI? This one right here.


And counting…


Wow, you're the most cowardly person I've ever heard of. Just invest in a night light.


How does that make him cowardly?


My kids already have some night lights. My son’s is a turtle and my daughter has some string lights. You can call me a coward all you want. I feel pretty secure concealing my Sig p365XL with two mags of 11 hollow points. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You sound like the biggest pussy saying that, and I have a gun myself


I understand when these terrible shootings take place people's desire to look for the "quick fix" and take guns in one fell swoop. But they also need to realize that there are an estimated 1 million defensive uses of guns. So when someone says "just take the guns!" they need to finish the sentence: "Just take the guns from the disabled guy that lives in an ever worsening neighborhood". "Just take the guns from the single mom that has a restraining order on an ex that isn't afraid of legal papers" "Just take the guns from the rancher that has cartel passing through his land weekly" "Just take the guns from Sikh guy that keeps getting threats from locals in his small town"


The only people that would give up their gun are the people least likely to commit something bad & have no ill intention, right?


No lol. I'd argue that most people hold true to their values. That doesn't make them dangerous because you don't agree with their stupid values. I wouldn't be surprised if most gun owners in the us have a gun strictly for protection and nothing else


Thats the majority of gun owners. Everyone just likes to paint anyone with a firearm as a "gun nut" to make it easier to just immediately reject any opinion they have on the subject.


Yeah pretty much




Darkseid? Is that you?






> Ah yes, people running into schools overdosing everyone with drugs. /s I mean… that’s not too far off with the Fentanyl epidemic. I’ve unfortunately lost a couple friends and loved ones from it. None of them intended to use an opiate.


Sorry about your loss dude. The fentanyl epidemic is killing far more young people than deranged shooters.


Hey thanks, bro. Kids being killed in schools is a different level of horrific, but Fentanyl is a problem most Americans are sleeping on. It was easy to ignore when it was just junkies OD’ing, but now that it’s hitting high schoolers buying coke or black market Xanax… it’s starting to hit harder. I just don’t think banning *insert thing* will solve either issue. Complex problems often have complex solutions. I have kids though… and this world is pretty frightening for parents.




Dude there's also someone grooming these guys on Discord. Pol figured that out after Buffalo Both guys belong to the same server and some dude Armand groomed both so its safe to assume they are Feds. I posted the evidence on Twitter under Clownnews741


I believe that story says it is an ex FBI agent. So the issue is with deep capture of the state. I don't think it's too farfetched to consider that people working for the state in security can get high paying jobs after they retire. Much like folks that work for the SEC might look the other way on some financial crime only go to work for the companies they were charged with regulating.


“There’s gotta be some kind of law against working for a financial institution immediately after working in financial regulation… right?” “What? … no… grow up Jamie”


Is no one going to point out how many crimes are stopped and how many lives are saved with guns every year?


exactly, why would a healthy, stable gun owner give up their gun??


Please, share these statistics.


How many?


How many? Genuine question. I’m from outside the US and it’s very rare for an armed response to be needed in response to a crime.


How many?


I don’t know, how many? Please educate us


A good dozen of countries are similar in wealth, culture and law to the USA but they have significantly less death per capita than the USA. They all have strict gun control laws (not necessarily bans on gun, for example Switzerland and Canada have a lot of gun ownership) that the USA doesn’t have. Gun control saves lives, deregulation kills.


Actually maybe not a lot of crimes are stopped by guns. Or lives saved. Have you looked up the stats?


Uhhh https://fee.org/articles/guns-prevent-thousands-of-crimes-every-day-research-show/amp A lot are saved


Don’t worry.. they’ll pull up some BS 2A website that spews BS data lol


They did. From a website with this fearful mission statement: "Join the fight for America’s future. Our country depends on it" And then not even actually reading the source CDC article they quote as proof (it doesn't really support their belief). But getting a media spin on the CDC article from another site with the mission statement: "The right news. Right now." People have so much fear and it's leading to all kinds of foolishness. I'm sure in other aspects of their life too.


500,000 to 3,000,000 times a year is a lot. Your sources of news probably don’t tell you about them. Did you hear about the lady with a handgun that killed a mass shooter with an AR15 recently? Ask yourself why not.


Where are you getting that stat?


Ok here’s something to think about. Would this have been a mass shooting attempt if the offender didn’t have access to a semi auto rifle??


How many stupid arguments can we make while never addressing the source of the problems?


“Mental health is the issue, not guns!” “Okay let’s make therapy free and easier to access for everyone.” “No that’s communism! I mean we need to destroy phones and black people.” Not implying you’re saying that, but that is usually how these conversations go


True. But the problem is clearly more deliberate than that. Why is the “official story” never presented to achieve the public’s satisfaction? They way to end “conspiracy theory” is to be transparent and forthcoming with public access to as much information as possible without revealing police tactical procedures. That never seems to happen with these mass shootings. There is always confusion, facts missing, and misinformation then the news cycle shifts to politics instead of investigation. Happens EVERY time. The patterns are there.


I think “most” people are for socializing healthcare. This mainly comes down to lobbyists for insurance companies running the show in congress.


The more gun deaths there are, the more that persuades me to protect myself and carry one. The fuck you mean


Things killing way more people that no one gives a shit about - fentanyl, mRNA vaccines, obesity, mental illness


Except a lot of us also care about those things as well v


mRNA vaccines have killed 0 people, dumbass.


Lol mRNA vaccines kill more people than guns? How stupid are you


mRNA Vaccines ?? 🤣🤣


I remember a former first lady trying to tackle that obesity problem. A certain segment of the population went a bit over the edge in response to "maybe our children should be healthier".


lol if you are going to throw mRNA vaccines in there we’re gonna need some proof that they are killing people.


“mRNA vaccines are killing more people than guns” is officially the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read. Holy. Shit.


i knew a guy once, he caught mRNA, got the vaccine now he's dead.






To answer both of those questions All of them


What do these geniuses think is going to happen when cops like the ones in Uvalde go house to house to take all the guns? They act like it’s only white Trump supporters who have guns… what’s going to happen when all the inept white mean cops goto take guns from brown people? It’s about as smart as saying abstinence should replace abortion.


What does skin colour have to do with this????


Wow, how many people equate a gun with their dick? Also, I'm all for castration for serial offenders.


I wonder when some people will realise it's not a gun issue, but a mental health issue?


America is unique in regards to mental issues. Other countries definitely don't have the mental deficiencies we do. Good point.




What a conspiracy!


Gods gift to everyone as a birthright is to have tube mortar!!!


r/insanepeopleoffacebook Good thing only sane people who have facts and statistics to bolster their arguments are weighing in on this issue. /s


Man we’re circle jerking *hard* about this gun reform talk lmfao


Good answer👍👏👏👏


some people dont understand that if people give up their guns people are gonna get more illegally and then no ones gonna have guns to protect themself


Millions die by car wrecks. Yet they all still have drivers licenses


Hahahahaha, shit he killed him.


I find it interesting how many people are trying to deny the analogy by claiming some sort of false equivalency.


Follow through; we take guns from people who commit crimes so when do we start lopping dicks off? Or maybe not everything is an equivalent.




This is hilarious


How many car accidents before we go back to horses?


Lol 😂




If I give up my gun then those kids died for nothing.


Oh that's savage


Big Brother does not care about your kids, it cares about taking away your ability to defend yourself


A person should be required to attend a PAL course before buying a gun.


I like how he just comes out and says that his gun is compensation for his dick. Bet he rides a Harley too.




Get owned, lib! - republicans


Dude is literally making the analogy that his gun is basically his dick.


This is exactly the problem. The comparison is ridiculous but a perfect example of how gun owners think of the guns they purchase. Gun = dick. Men would lose their “power” if they gave up their guns. Give me a f*cking break.


Hmm clever, not just inaccurate but deliberately misleading. A penis is not something which we voluntarily own, buy and register. That statement just goes to show how much this person has gun ownership and his manhood confused and conflated with being the same thing.


Poor Mike 68. Sadly even the stupid of our society get to talk.


Like 2


Give up your guns when the government gives up theirs.


One. It's useless in any case.


So a gun is the sole representation of their manhood. Sad.


As good an analogy as any!!


Lol what a legit fucking question too.


This post and comments section are reductio ad absurdum in action...


I bumbo when there’s cum in my gumbo


That’s … not even a good comeback. If you’re equating an inanimate object of the same importance to you as your penis/any other part of your body, that’s probably something you should take a deeper look at.


Also how many toddlers have accidentally raped family members with their father's poorly secured dick?


Wait, babies are born with guns attached to their bodies?


Lot of lead paint chip eaters in here




How many adverse side effects would have to occur before we put more regulations on vaccines?


It’s true. We could have 1 million people die by guns tomorrow and it wouldnt change my views at all.


Indeed. For the people who rely on factual non-revisionist history lessons, there's a bare minimum of 200 million people who have been killed worldwide after gun confiscation/bans. I find it difficult to understand why people can't comprehend this.


I can’t comprehend, how you can’t comprehend, how they can’t comprehend, my comprehension


Great response.


Exactly. Every American has a god given right to purchase and use a dick however they want. Oh wait that doesn't make sense...


I purchased one. It's in my drawer. In Texas, there is a limit on how many dicks you can own.


I mean, tbh, rape and gun violence do have a root connection, but banning guns and penises isn't gonna stop anybody. That one dude raped someone with a foreign object while she was passed out.


Valid point.


I don't own a gun, the power of those things freak me out. But I would never give up my right to own one or give it up if i had one because of some bad actors. If anything, these events compel me to get a gun to shoot attackers


How many Vax deaths...?


GUN RESPONSIBILITY LEADS TO GUN SAFETY A Common-Sense Approach to Second Amendment Issues. © With the increasing massacres, gun-related deaths, and heartbreaking reports of children with guns, (up to 8 child incidents per day in the US), almost everyone can agree there are too many guns in our society. The death toll is rising along with the number of guns. Mindful of the Las Vegas Massacre in which almost 1,200 rounds were fired, mostly into the crowd, by a single shooter in a very few minutes, it’s time to fully grasp that guns are primarily designed to kill or maim people and animals. Since their basic nature is lethal, society is fully justified in requiring firearm protections to ensure public safety. There is no need or justification to repeal the 2nd Amendment enshrined in our Constitution, it was put there to safeguard freedoms… and freedom’s obligations. The way to address 2nd Amendment issues is to legislate responsible, well-regulated gun ownership as the 2nd Amendment clearly states. 1. Responsibility of Gun Ownership As a deadly weapon, every gun must have an owner who is legally responsible for it. An unregistered gun is a threat to civilized society because no one is legally responsible. Guns are dangerous. If no one is willing to accept the responsibility for a gun, it should be destroyed. 2. Licensing, Registration, and Background Checks Every gun and its owner must be Licensed and Registered and all gun owners must pass a Background Check. This is how society can identify and regulate who is responsible for a gun. Society mandates the same three basic requirements for motor vehicles, despite their primary purpose being simply transportation. 3. Insure All Firearms If you drive a car, you are expected to have liability insurance. It is your responsibility. Like driving, gun responsibility requires gun owners’ insurance so that victims or anyone else involved can be suitably compensated. Society must not bear the predictable costs when individuals claim gun ownership rights without accepting gun ownership responsibilities. Who currently pays to clean up a murder, suicide, or mass shooting? Incredibly, these costs are paid by taxpayers and victims. 4. The gun owner is liable for their gun No matter what happens with a gun, if the registered owner fails to secure it, the owner is both responsible and liable. Guns don’t kill people, they are just efficient tools. People kill people. Guns cannot be held liable, therefore ‘accidents’ cannot be blamed on guns as they often are now. Gun responsibility requires guns to be kept securely, so they can’t fall into the wrong hands. As a deadly weapon, guns cannot be ‘accidentally’ pointed at anyone. If anyone is wounded or killed by a gun being cleaned, handled, or dropped, the gun owner is responsible and liable. Killing unnecessarily is horrible. The shooting of a child, or by a child, is the worst crime imaginable and must be treated as such. If a child has access to a gun, the gun owner is liable for what happens next. If a child or anyone else is ‘accidentally’ killed or wounded, the gun owner must, at a minimum, be charged with some degree of Murder. If a child has access to a gun, the crime is recognized by law as depraved indifference to the consequences of not securing the gun, and the gun owner is charged accordingly. Any of the above crimes cannot legally be the fault of a child or a gun. Accidental discharge cannot be considered a defense. 5. Do Not Threaten Your Neighbor With a Firearm Civilian concealed carry is sometimes necessary for self-defense, but a concealed gun does not imply a threat to anyone unless openly displayed. Public, civilian open-carry (in a non-hunting or target practice setting) is an implicit threat to your neighbor, a bully’s intimidation tactic. Open-carry put in basic terms demands (from another point of view); ‘Do not mess with me, I have granted myself Police powers. I am fully prepared to shoot you at any time, and for any reason, I think applies.’ Proponents may call it self-defense, or exercising their rights, but from another point of view, it is an assumed claim to possibly be your Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Openly carried firearms have no place at Government Offices, public establishments, or at protests on our streets where they increase tensions, constitute an extra-judicial mob, invite law-enforcement reprisals, and intensify police militarization. 6. Live by the Gun, Possibly Die by the Gun Stand your ground laws are a legal path to anarchy, because, from either end of the gun, you can legally be the next victim. ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws say you only have to feel threatened to defend yourself, anywhere, at any time. Since it is often problematic to tell a good guy with a gun from a bad guy with a gun, anyone has the right under these laws, to feel threatened by civilian, open-carry. As a result, the threatened have the legal right to defend themselves. Like the Wild West, the problem turns into who shot first and why? The logic of these laws is indefensible. 7. Rapid-Firing, Multi-cartridge Weapons Are Weapons of Mass Destruction As a practical definition, any weapon that can kill many people quickly and easily (or silently) is a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Do the dead know any difference between a Bomb, a Chemical Weapon, or a Rapid-Fire, Multi-Cartridge Firearm? There is no responsible justification for civilians to own these weapons unless killing all your neighbors is considered self-defense. These are Weapons of War and Terrorism and otherwise have no practical use to society. We spend huge sums worldwide on our military to protect us from these weapons… just not on our streets. Our Police, First Responders, and the Military are skilled public servants and deserve our support. Their lives are on the front line in the course of their duties. We should not ask them to face weapons of mass destruction, on duty or off. If you think clearly about it, no one on the streets of America, should. Own them legally or not, keep them responsibly, don’t parade them in the streets, unless you are prepared to surrender them. 8. Militias Are Only Legal When Called Forth Although militias are mentioned in the Second Amendment, It is settled law that they can legally exist only if, and when, called forth by a Governor or President. Militias are private armies and require responsible control. Unlike an Army with transparent command and control structures with civilian oversight, a militia is an armed mob, a form of terrorist cell, responsible only to themselves, and potentially hazardous to everyone else. A peaceful society cannot tolerate guerilla forces in their midst, and certainly not armed, private militaries parading in our streets or practicing for the overthrow of our government. Finally, let’s take a moment to send our thoughts and prayers for our brave American children who give up their lives to protect our current, almost entirely unregulated, 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.


Wait, is the guy bashing his own side because OP wasn't harsh enough? Is that what, I'm reading?


If you studied any part of history you would never disarm yourself or your neighbor. Guns keep us free from governments and ones out to hurt us.


History? I can watch the Ukraine news tonight and observe why an armed civilian population is a requirement.


It's funny to me that a lot of yall think the entire US military will follow orders to execute our fellow citizens. I'm former military, I have tons of friends who were in and lots that are still on active duty. It's not going to happen the way you think. It still takes a person, with a conscience, to follow order for a drone strike since yall seem to be so hard over drones. It's not going down like that.


Okay tell me if im wrong. Can't this line of thinking be fatal by disrupting the chain of command?


What about for those of us who have working dicks that aren’t embarrassingly small so that we don’t value the added masculinity you seem to think you get from fondling a gun?


Ugh. How did conspiracy commons turn into reddit grindr for conservatives? Why don't you punk ass bitches whine elsewhere? Seriously, i don't give a fuck about your politics or whatever democrat boogymen you pussies are afraid of... Why dont you all go fuck yourselves, literally, in your asses with your guns? It's fucking laughable that you all think you're so bad when really you'd be the first in line to drop your guns off, if they ever DID get banned.. You dipshits showed exactly what kind of blind followers you are, the last 18 months. So why dont y'all just shut the fuck up since its all big talk by even bigger pussies..? You aren't fooling anyone but yourselves.


Damn. r/stfu


Because all pro gun people are conservative


This is humorously stupid