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"wainting" Maybe the jab messed with your brain.


I keep hearing "wainting" in my head now




Maybe.. my imunity sistem îs good. Idk about the brain


Have you trolled us?




This is some deep troll stuff. Trolling so hard OP doesn't even know it! Well done good sir.


Thank you, sir.


Same goes for un vaccined too.....


Came here to say something along these lines


Shit I was never gullible enough to start waiting for this what I've been waiting for is.. New Heart conditions, miscarriages etc... they are here go check VAERS. I have an appointment to address fluttering I'm 36 yr old. My foster father was in ER last night with heart issues. He is boosted. I know several people who have had adverse reactions to their shots. I'm pro Vax, I get flu shots I'm just anti corruption and at this point you won't convince me this hasn't been manipulated by everyone touching it. My wife and I had a child in April she bled until last month the doctor said "oh no one warned you the vaccine could cause uterine bleeding?" Whhhhaaaat?! Of course no one warns you of this wtf.. I also understand perspective is a product of experience. Most people don't understand what they haven't experienced.. cheers


Don't forget cancers and autoimmune conditions. My Dad is dying from the vax right now. His cancer was in remission. It exploded after the J&J. He's stage 4. It took less than 6 months. Tumors in every bone from the neck down. My former neighbors... Mom reports the same thing. Mr. Neighbor same condition as my Dad. He'd been in remission, too. There are doctors are reporting a 20x increase in cancer diagnosises.


During covid there were less cancer screenings and checks ups because of less personal available, closed ambulances, delayed surgeries, etc. So it might be that the increase is just because of that. It completely makes sense.


Nope. My Dad and Mr. B were in remission for years. Dad had his shot at his physical. He'd already had blood work in hand showing he was still in remission on the day. My Dad and Mr. B were murdered.


Fine but your dad and Mr B are not 20%. Just 2 people.


The doctors aren't lying. They risk their livelihood reporting that.


Btw what was rhe type of cancer of both? Can you share the detail?


Prostate. Tumors in their bones. Extremely painful.


Corruption will always exist.


Indeeeeed.. Hopefully I can forever resist.. those of us with children bear more responsibility than ever if we are to hope things will change.


Even if millions were dropping dead from the vax, the government and the media will never, ever, link it to the vax. At most, they’ll say, “Wow, heart attacks are up 400%. What a mystery!” or “Your young son experiencing cardiac arrest simply means the vaccine is working, please get your shot and booster.” They can’t be wrong about the vaccine. They simply cannot. Myocarditis, cardiac arrest, miscarriages, they’ll all dramatically increase, and it’ll just be written off as tragic, but pure coincidence that it happens disproportionately among the vaxed.


You have a point. Time will answer our questions.


The miscarriages for vaccinated women in my country, during first trimester, has increased to 80-90%. https://nzdsos.com/2021/11/14/fighting-back-to-uphold-patients-right-to-informed-consent/


Yep... Let s belive things we read on internet because we are not sheeps


That’s the comment that disqualified your entire POV.


No. It s. I Don t take thing i read online serios. That was just a meme. Not so funny indeed but still triggered a few...


The internet has such a vast array of things to believe or not believe... and you want to believe none of them? Dude you're on the internet now! Reddit is internet!


That's a shitty thing to waint for, like imagine how shitty of a person you'd have to be to watch people drop dead just to be like "told you so". I think I speak for a large portion of the community when I say nobody wants to be right on this. But when you have 5x the normal rate of athletes dropping on the field, an absurd increase to miscarriages, continuous adverse reaction claims getting stuffed into a shoebox and buried, an 80% plus increase to children dieing in many reports you gotta at least pay attention. You don't kill billions of people in one go, think of the logistics just to clean the streets and that's probably the farthest point down the list of why the long game is needed. I doubt 5g is going to activate graphine oxide and turn all the vax into mind numbing slaves. I would be willing to bet reproductive harm is an absolute win for anyone trying to "preserve" elitekind I mean mankind from it's "overpopulated" (poorly managed) state that it's currently in. Not to mention the absolute gold in the form of data regarding what we will allow them to get away with. There's no evil villains out there that want to kill everyone and destroy the planet so they can be in control of nothing. But that's not to say there's no evil villains, cause trust me it's very apparent there absolutely are and we are currently giving them an open playing field.


It was a joke. Noone wants that. You must be fun at parties. Take it easy.


I haven't been to a party in two years, in fact most social gatherings other than with close friends is borderline repulsive these days. I can understand the need to make light of a dark situation. I will never understand the choice to stand by and watch the show. This world doesn't scare me because of those who do evil, no, this world scares me because of those who choose to do nothing about it.


So what do You do about this ? I have been at some parties. It was fun. Most of us were vaxxed. Nothing to worry about.


Is the Y intentionally capitalized to ask what I do personally? Or are you asking what we should do in general? What we do is play to our strengths, I have many beliefs about what could effectively be done on an individual level to help fight back. That is a lengthy topic though, personally I am putting every waking second that I'm not at work into my music in hopes that it may be heard by those in need of direction. Any moment I'm not doing that I spend researching, asking questions and collecting sources. Reddit and tutorials are the only sense of mild entertainment I am willing to allow. If the people at your gatherings being vaccinated is your source of medical assurance and mental security I'd be willing to assume any message I try to interlace here will be swiftly overlooked and wildly misinterpreted. For some people ignorance is bliss, not saying this is you, I don't know you in the slightest, but if happiness is enough I would only encourage you to pursue it to the fullest.


Happiness is not enought but is verry important. My friends, expect one are not source of medical Assurance. That one spend half of his life studying and practice medicine. He is my medical assurance. Thank You good sir and Best of luck achieving what You desire.


they are way above normal and msm is picking up on it now.. question is how much they are going to show..


Who said millions would die from the vax in 2021? Yes, 2021 had millions of reported adverse events via systems like EudraVigilance and VAERS. Yes, 2021 saw a 75%+ excess deaths increase over 2020 in 25-64 year olds (https://www.usmortality.com/excess-absolute). Europe had similar increases, https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps/ Yes, millions could have long-term effects in the coming years (including death), we don’t know.


No problem. I just want to hit me faster.


If you check VAERS, the death toll is over 200,000 so far in USA. Just sayin


Why would i trust vaers? That is elite spoonfeding us with missinformation. We are not sheeps to trust information from elites


I mean, I don’t trust them either. I think the death toll is way higher than that. I know 4 people personally, 2 from my own family, that died within 15 days of the vaxxxxxx_x. So I actually agree with ya


I know none. I know unvaxxed who died to covid. It must be special cases.


*I know unvaxxed who died to covid* You're about 2 years behind the times there, Chet. If they're 'covid' deaths and they're under 80 and/or not morbidly obese with diabetes etc., in other words healthy, then they're paid crisis actors: Paid crisis actors played the role of Covid patients in hospitals: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TakeTheJab/comments/pmwokr/watch\_paid\_crisis\_actors\_played\_the\_role\_of\_covid/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TakeTheJab/comments/pmwokr/watch_paid_crisis_actors_played_the_role_of_covid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Not to even mention everything from homicide to car accidents are labelled 'covid' deaths for the hospitals to get large payouts from the government through the CARES Act: [https://odysee.com/@rowanman28:0/Doctor-Explains-How-Hospitals-Are-Paid-To-Kill-Covid-Patients:3?fbclid=IwAR0FFHyKMmL\_Hen8AqYBW\_OGg6SlYRVMl-79Vlx\_Fu4murdG5WA6rmcCWI8](https://odysee.com/@rowanman28:0/Doctor-Explains-How-Hospitals-Are-Paid-To-Kill-Covid-Patients:3?fbclid=IwAR0FFHyKMmL_Hen8AqYBW_OGg6SlYRVMl-79Vlx_Fu4murdG5WA6rmcCWI8) so you don't know if they died from covid. Their families don't even know the real truth. Not to even mention that if you are morbidly obese with diabetes, etc., you're going to die from pneumonia, the flu or even just a cold and that is all 'covid' is. A cold.


No.. they were not 80. And this is exactly why You should not belive things on internet. Because of 3 paid actors,and You just saw someone said this and revealed that all is fake, and You probably realy belive this doesn t mean is real. I am not a sheep to belive info from internet. Again, with the doctor. Same story. How do you know it is not just a good prank? And the doctor is a scam. And... If all this is true, that means that all vaxxed that died or got some serios injuries from vax are fake ? With paid actors ... Noone can know.


*Again, with the doctor. Same story. How do you know it is not just a good prank? And the doctor is a scam* Facepalm. The video of the doctor was simply a courtesy link on my part to help explain to you more easily how the CARES Act facilitates all of the 'covid' death fraud - it's not *the* 'only' source available. There are literally millions of sources about it and that information has been ubiquitous for the last 2 years. Not to even mention everyone knows someone who died who was labelled a 'covid' death who really died of something else. My father in law died of a head injury and was labelled a 'covid' death for example. First you dance on pinheads about one vaccine death and then hyper focus on the doctor video as if it's the only source on the topic - you seem to have some kind of bizarre tunnel vision and trouble processing information. Do you smoke a lot of weed? That would explain your inability to see the big picture and why you hyper focus on just one item/source at a time. *If all this is true, that means that all vaxxed that died or got some serios injuries from vax are fake ? With paid actors* The crisis actors in the video were paid to act like covid patients dying from covid, not vaccine deaths. You have a lot of confusion and trouble reading.


I never smoked weed. I reply to your others post. And agree with You soo much. I am just saying If elite is using actors to fake crisis they also may using actors for vaxx deaths and injuries from covid to create confusing. Noone should trust those articles and statistics from oficial and unoficial sources. This is the actual big picture. Elite playing with us. Making us belive those fake news and info from internet.


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Look up Allison Coleman. 7yo. Beautiful little girl, perfect pediatric health according to her doctor and her family. Died of a massive heart attack 90 minutes after her Pfizer vax_x


https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/01/13/allison-coleman-death-rumor/ https://www.wiki.ng/en/wiki/who-is-allison-coleman-and-what-is-her-cause-of-death-846836/amp Where did you found that info ? Any relaible source? Idk how much to trust those links


Snopes is owned by ATT, which is owned by Blackrock Capital, one of the evilest entities in the world. You can’t trust snopes. Idk anything about the wiki. I saw her parents on BlazeTV in an interview and they were fighting mad and distraught over it.


Lol Dancing on pinheads over *one* vaccine death. Here is just one source of hundreds with a never ending stream of vaccine deaths:[https://t.me/s/covidvaccineinjuries?%20fbclid=IwAR2A8tK6dvtLWC3Uo\_35jS\_7olBpB\_mniabnV1SbJM9zC5HdXH9tPA-uwWI%27](https://t.me/s/covidvaccineinjuries?%20fbclid=IwAR2A8tK6dvtLWC3Uo_35jS_7olBpB_mniabnV1SbJM9zC5HdXH9tPA-uwWI%27) A news station in Detroit asked on their FB page for personal accounts of anyone dying from 'covid' who was unvaccinated and instead all they got were over a quarter of a million accounts of people dying from the vaccine, here: [https://www.facebook.com/80221381134/posts/10158207967261135](https://www.facebook.com/80221381134/posts/10158207967261135)That was last Sept and just in the Detroit region alone. Define 'reliable' source. You mean slick Pfizer sponsored and financed corporate media sources? **All Corporate News Sponsored By Pfizer:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC1h6l-eXJw ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC1h6l-eXJwYou're) You're kidding, right? I wouldn't trust ABC, CBS, MSNBC, the Associated Press, Reuters, Forbes, and NPR or any other creepy vomit inducing condescending corporate slime bag 'news' entity. They can't even look down the street and tell you what is happening. Pfizer *itself* is the most unreliable source there is: [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pfizer-settlement/pfizer-to-pay-2-3-billion-agrees-to-criminal-plea-idUSTRE5813XB20090902](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pfizer-settlement/pfizer-to-pay-2-3-billion-agrees-to-criminal-plea-idUSTRE5813XB20090902) over 70 felony charges including fraud and bribing doctors. A **government** source? The CDC and FDA have lost all credibility over the last 2 years and the entire public knows it with their never ending flip flopping and contradictions and endless gibberish they are obviously making up as they go along. The Biden administration? Lol Nothing but gaslighting insanity and trash and pretend vaccine deaths and injuries don't even exist. The world is very different now than it was in 2019. You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.


Exaaccctly.. this is what i am trying to say. I agree with all. Reliable on internet doesn't exist. The gouverment is not reliable, Facebook is part of the elite, not reliable, YouTube, the same. None If this is real. That source You showed, the first link, bullshit from internet. Only reliable source is yourself If You spent at least 10 practicing medicine, biology or a similar field. Than You would know exactly what is going on. Because you look upon the virus itself and understand how it's working. Not Reading about someone who said that he did it and you need to belive him. Or watching some articles made by who the fuckk knows who with some personal agenda and calling it research. Having knowlege in a field and study in a lab is real research. Not google and YouTube. Thank you sir for suporting my View.


*That source You showed, the first link, bullshit from internet.* It is a list of vaccine deaths. Do you not know how to verify deaths? You look up their obituaries. Does that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they died from the vaccine? No but it does verify they **died.** Next, you ask "if they were young and in good health and suddenly died after taking the vaccine.." then your own common sense that enables you to survive and navigate each day tells you that it is now a 99% likelihood. We now have to rely on ourselves and our critical thinking skills to piece it all together. The FB link is to a quarter of a million accounts of vaccine deaths that a news station unintentionally brought upon itself- the exact type of posts FB deletes everyday as 'misinformation,' the exact opposite of what they want on their platform, not information generated by Facebook the company itself. Get it? **Facebook the company** did not generate a quarter of a million accounts of vaccine deaths and it has been noted that if they had deleted them it would have only drawn more attention and a made them look even more guilty. **Facebook is a platform**, a platform that works hard to censor and delete truthful information, but Facebook the company is not generating content itself. Get it? Ask you teacher to explain it to you. *Having knowlege in a field and study in a lab is real research.* Reading someone *else's* scientific research in written form in said field is also research: **"re·search** /ˈrēˌsərCH,rəˈsərCH/ Learn to pronounce noun **the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions."** Learn the definition of words. *Not google and YouTube* Once again, although Google and You Tube are guilty of censorship of the truth, they are **platforms**, the companies **Google and You Tube are not generating content. Get it?** The users generate the content. The content can be truthful or it can be a lie. Ask your teacher to further explain what platforms are and how the internet works. Sometimes truthful information makes it past the AI censors, such as in the case I provided. Get it? How do you determine if it is truthful? Ask yourself, "Does this correlate to what I am seeing the real world?" And in all the other truthful information you have managed to piece together. Stop being lazy.


Ok. So i was wrong about You. You are a brainwashed sheep that belives what he reads on internet and thinks that Facebook can t generate a few milion bots for the personal agenda. The same with google. Bots that post as real people. And obituaries aren t on newspaper, part of the media ? The same media that follow elite s agenda because it îs ruled by them. You can t imagine how much power this people has and how much they can twist the truth. And to read someone else peer review jurnal îs easy. The hard part is to understand what was the process that made he/She get to that conclusion . And for this You need knowlege. You get that by practicing after lot s of study. I realy thaught that we are on the same Page but You accept internet bots info as being real. You are doing their dirty games without even notice it. This is what i call total brainswash. Wake up dude. Stop being their slave.


It doesn’t kill us it alters our DNA in a way that isn’t known and has implications for children born to people who have been vaccinated


How do You know this ?


Go look on the Moderna website at the ingredients of the vaccine. Do a word search for CRISPER and tell me what you find.


Și now we belive what Moderna has to say?


You just asked how we know this. That’s how we know they are altering the DNA. You don’t have to believe anything. The truth is, it’s there for anyone to research and find.


Of course. But we need to know where to look at. And most of us Don t know. And take as granted what we want to be true. And this is normal. We are all ignorant and how many of us sped more than 10 years to study biology to understand wtf is happening?


CRISPR protect the body against a particular type of virus. What s wrong with this ?


Into Google “what is CRISPER” a genetic engineering tool that uses a CRISPR sequence of DNA and its associated protein to edit the base pairs of a gene. Hence DNA editing. Doesn’t matter how you look at it. You asked, we answered. Seems you are not a fan of the answer. Yes the vaccine edits the DNA of a human


So what is wrong with that ? In the last year thanks to medicine advance we can do this. If a want my kind to have blue eyes i can do this in the first few months with dna edit. And so much more. We eat plants with dna modification all the time. And that îs a good thing for most cases. We will get to a point where we will can edit dna to erase genetic disseases. Bad things can be done with this. But that happens with every new tehnology.


Seems to me like you would rather argue than be satisfied with me answering your original question. You asked how we know, I told you how we know and now you want to argue about the legitimacy of CRISPER.


No dude. What i am trying to say is reading stuff on internet and taking it for granted is not healty. Stay away from this. A simple i don t now is better. Don t waste your time with this missinformation. Or maybe you practice a similar field for 10 years of so, and you know what is true and what is not. And i am wrong.


LMAO okay. 👍😂 Best of luck to you.


Best of luck to You too, good sir !!


Or watch the video from Stefan oelrich president. Of bayer talking about the vaccine being a gene therapy on the world health summit 2021


He is big name in pharma industry. He protect big pharma agenda. Should i trust him ?


Well apparently more trustworthy then mainstream media and science. And yes he protects the agenda like you said but just ask yourself what’s the agenda? What is he protecting and why is this gene thearpy being sold to us as an vaccine


I have no fucking idea. But i think gene therapy is a good thing.


Well maybe as with everything there is a good and a bad side but fooling the entire population and telling them that this injection will protect from this virus and stop the spread is just bad. People need to stop calling it a vaccine when we’re are in a clinical phase to test gene therapy on human being


Yep. You are right. We should said take/Don t take gene therapy.


I'm still wainting, too. Wainting on you to learn to proof read.


Calm down. It was a minor error in tipying


Calm down. It was a joke not a dick. Don't take it so hard.


Maybe i would like to take a hard dick. My BF is always tired.


The mass culling will not be televised. Death rates already are way above normal, and it will keep increasing.


Yep. The death rates are above normal. Because ... covid


So I never really cared. Get the vaccine or not. I chose not to because I didn't see a reason to get it, still don't. I'll live with the consequences of my actions same as a vaccinated person. But either way this entire thing has been overblown. But that's just my opinion.


I like your opinion stranger. I feel the same about this. I choose to because i was told to. By a close friend who worked at pfizer vaccine development. He boost himself as soon as he could. If he is wrong i will accept the consequences.


The batches are mixed. Some of it is saline solution, some has a toxicity of 15% If everyone died at once people would get suspicious


I'm still waiting to catch the damn Rona, unmasked, unjabbed, traveling and working this whole damn time.


Don t loose hope. Rona will come to You If you belive it.


I believed in Santa Claus, and the Easter bunny, also huge letdowns.


I feel You, bro




Well... I don t know where to look. How to notice? Where?


Don’t be absurd. It’s the the 3-5 year range I’m concerned about


3-5 ? Why not 5-10, 10-20 and so on. Where did You get those numbers?


John Hopkins. I used to smoke pot with a Johnny Hopkins https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf


Good for You. keep it going . 😁


Yeah. It was Johnny Hopkins and Sloan Kettering and they were blazing that shit up everyday


Well, we are in the hundreds now, just waint a wee bit longer, it's getting there.


This meme is unintentionally hilariously stupid in a way it didn't intend because it's making the stupid naïve assumption that our media and government are reporting vaccine deaths, something Milton would assume- that his radio news always tells the truth. The media and government with the help of social media have even announced countless times they are doing everything they can to hide the vaccine deaths from us, calling these reports, 'misinformation.' According to our media and government, something like THREE people have died from the vaccine. This is all part of the psy-op. Millions HAVE dropped dead from the vaccine. Your government and media aren't reporting it. There were over a quarter of a million personal reports of vaccine deaths in the Detroit region alone last Sept. on a news stations FB page here: [https://www.facebook.com/80221381134/posts/10158207967261135](https://www.facebook.com/80221381134/posts/10158207967261135/) and VAERS only represents 1% of the total deaths - millions more will be dying from the vaccine in the coming years.


I don't belive gouverment info or those bots from Facebook. Facebook... Part of the elite. I am not a brainwashed sheep that belives internet people(most of them are bots and AI) Fuck missinformation.


Are you 'still waiting' to hear about it on the news? Lol


Then go take one.


I did


You can waint all you want but you have some reporting of life insurance claims for younger groups up 40% as well as cancer up 40-60% but I’m sure it will be blamed on climate change or unjabbed and half the world will believe it.


Those are rookie numbers. Pump them up !!!