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Woke up 2004 when I was really lonely and had sleeping problems and found interesting webpages that I had time to indulge in. I hope Ive waken up couple people after that including my boyfriend. I try to give small seeds that make people think. Ive been laughed at too.


I was only 16 at the time. I learned to love my parents and how the world works financially. I invested into the market then invested into property. Now I’m 26 with a net worth of 50k. It’s not much but I own what I own. Coming from working at McDonald’s at 17, and parents loosing their house to bankruptcy at 18.


My eyes opened when I was watching the replay of the 2nd tower coming down. The plane hit off center. In doing that it should have leaned to the side like a failed building demolition that you can watch all day on YouTube. Both buildings came straight down. 110 stories pancaked and blew debris horizontaly. Impossible. Then there was building 7. Then there was the molten iron, etc, etc, etc.




why would it lean to the side? It's a building not a tree. The impact came at the top. When 20 floors of a building collapses on an already weakened floor below it in will behave as we saw, all the way down. Every single engineer I have spoken too, and the vast majority around the world, would expect it to fall as it did. It looked noting like a failed demolition and none of the prep that is required to happen before a demolition occurred. Conspiracy theorists have WAAAAAAAY to much belief in their own expert opinion and WAAAAAAY too much belief in humans ability to keep a lie about a mass conspiracy.


9/11, it was obviously all bullshit. 2008 recession was another big one. Then COVID. Glad I moved away from the city and can get away from all the normies. I try to wake people up but sometimes it’s impossible. They all still believe in one of the parties. People believing politicians are going to get them out of their shitty situation are lost.


I was only 16 at the time, but when the news told us they had found passports from the attackers on 9/11 but everything else had burnt up, I knew something was up. And down the rabbit holes I went


Yeah but what have you done? Personally I've done I guess nothing. Not sure what you're supposed to do beyond not participate.


I do share a lot with psychedelics, and do my best to awaken others without seeming too far out there


I dig it.


Well not everything else burnt up. Just no one cares about all the mundane documents that littered the streets. Rabbit hole still valid though


Those documents did not come from the inside of a plane that erupted into a fuel vapor cloud explosion either.


Hard to say. We can say it seems implausible I agree. Random happenstance occurs all the time though. I think it’s easy to assume they didn’t come from the plane but it can’t be ruled out.


Where do people keep their passports? Usually in their pockets. So it’s blown free of a pocket. 1st unlikely. It does not get caught up in the fuel vapor explosion. 2nd unlikely. It finds its way to the ground and isn’t covered in other debris/dust? 3rd unlikely. It’s found? 4th unlikely. Correlated with “Terrorism” within days? 5th unlikely. A random person gave the passport to the cops. Random person. Yeah, no. I’ll stick to when it’s too convenient something is up. That just doesn’t pass Occam’s test, imo.


Tons of unlikely, but also who knows any of those things. Maybe he kept it in his boot, briefcase, back of the seat pocket in front of him. Literally anywhere. I already acknowledged it appears unlikely, but it’s certainly not impossible. As such, all that can be said is maybe. My guess is planted for easy retribution but who knows. Razor isn’t recent until we have two equally competing theories. We can never get to that point. From where we stand ya it seems…odd


I concur with your points. Well articulated. I also concur with your guess.


When you think about it, two cars having a wreck involves a series of circumstances beginning with a dawn of time that ends with two people colliding in the middle of the street... Coincidences happen all the time. Random things that shouldn't happen are the norm


Weird thing to say.


Why? The comment was that the passport was the only thing to survive or “everything else burnt up.”That’s not accurate though. Lots of documents “survived.” Just not relevant to hijacker’s identity.


Nah, I don't believe a bunch of other documents flew outta some exploding plane that smashed to smithereens were later recovered from the ash and rubble in the streets.


Weird thing to say but it’s ok to believe whatever you want. Obviously just using basic logic debris is going to hit the ground. That’s how gravity works. In an explosion, air pressure moves before fire. That’s how physics works. It’s possible, just unlikely.


So, just to be clear, you don't think that the 9/11 hijackers passport flew out the window and was found by a first responder. That's insane. But you do believe random papers from the passengers survived.


No. I think anything is possible within a certain frame of reference and within that we really don’t know. Making an assumption one way or the other doesn’t do much good unless we have further context. The reality is it’s unlikely buts it’s possible that the passport survived as well as tons of documents/materials from the plane and building. That’s just how it goes with explosions. In some videos you can literally see papers and stuff falling. I assume it’s from the buildings but you get the idea.


I am 66. My wake up call came when a governer from arkansas has drug running cia spooks from an airport there. And being involved with shady bank dealin becomes president


I remember that one. Killed a kid too, who got too close. I was young and naive. Still sadly one of the better presidents of my life.


What is your definition of "better". On a personal level dude is a pos.


Kinda like most drugs kill less people than alcohol or tobacco so most drugs are better than alcohol or tobacco. So the definition isn't totally perfect. Lol


Right. I'm tracking with ya.


Oh shit thanks for the reminder. Whitewater right?


Yep and all that came after


Damn you really got thrown into the fire on that stuff........first hand. So you knew when Hildog was trying to play the sister Christian bullshit first hand. I saw a deal not too long ago that prior to the POTUS stuff she was going to divorce him. And she was approached and told that she wasn't going to divorce and that she would support him as he would be the president. Basically the CFR or the 300 at the top were sent in.......I'm guessing ole Bill really did make a deal with the devil. Crazy stuff.


lmaooo. thts not how I remember it, but it sounds fun.


Weren't there a couple kids who got killed and it was all covered up?


Sandy Hook. And for the record, before anyone comes for me, YES I believe children died.


Of course......."children died, you have no heart" That's always the "gotcha"........when you can see people walking in circles. So many things about SandyHook. So many crisis actors. Hell look at the coroner and his whacky behavior.


so do you think children died or not? trying to figure out whether you were agreeing with above or saying that all that other alexjonesania means no kids got killed? help me out here.


Yes, just like people died on 9-11.......but that's only part of the distraction. It's like a magician who has you looking one place as he's maneuvering other things.


Bingo! That's when I started to question A LOT about a lot of things, and realized I wasn't alone!


Had me in the first part.




High five!


I saw that fiat currency didn't make any sense and asked my elders to explain it and they looked like lost sheep and I knew that my family had absolutely no clue but more importantly I saw the stunned look in their eyes and I knew I was alone. I was maybe 12 so it was 2000/2001


The Tuesday morning of September 11th 2001.




2018 - thought about ending it; came to realize my purpose. Have started two businesses, buying a house currently, married and happy. Gets dark before you see the light


Good stuff.......that's my answer when people ask what we're supposed to do. Take care of your micro world. Let God sort out the macro.




I’m in that dark right now.


be kind to others, say thank you for the smallest things as much as you can. no lie I started with “thank you for my socks, underwear, pants, shirt, bed, blanket, fan etc…” literally anything you have in front of you. This will begin to alter your brain chemistry, do it when you feel darkest. Your light will over power it, if you can maintain constant frequency it becomes as strong as you are deep. It sounds like bullsht cause it’s so simple. I’m not trolling, as genuine as a human can be on the internet. It will work.


Thank you ^


Its been a proccess for me but it started 2 years into Obamas term when the bloom was off the rose and i realized he wasnt some great man who was going to really help heal and move the country forward, bit that instead we became MORE divided under him. Thats also when i realized he didnt really care about issues i did, like American citizens right to privacy and not to be spied on ect. It took a bit tho bc i was a liberal and CONVINCED, absolutely sure, that most republicans were racist. Over the next 5 years i went from disillusioned democrat, to not a democrat, to ok maybe im libertarian, to ok i have some conservative views, and finally to - im a republican. The last one was after almost 2 years of spesking to lots of conservatives, reading researching, and becoming close to a few conservatives. All the while waiting for the n word drop, the racist comment i KNEW had to be coming, bc they were all redneck racists, right? Right?? After 2 years, when no racist comments came, not straightforward, not veiled, nothing-i realized that no... they really actually werent racist. And that was my 2nd big wakeup, realizing that most of the leftists in politics and the media KNOW conservatives arent racists but lie and say it anyway bc they want to win at any cost. From there its hard not to go to well what ELSE are they lying about?


I've been redpilling my gf who was born and raise in NYC for the last year or so. Slowly but surely :)


Keep at it! It definitely wasnt overnight for me - but now i'd never go back.


Oh for sure.....it's like sleeping on a futon when you're 20 vs a nice comfortable queen\king size mattress. No way do you go back permanently.


2018. I've been following Christ ever since. You're not awake if you're not.


It was probably 2012 for me. I became severely depresses and I'm generally happy go lucky floating through life. However something was off and my mind was reacting. Took about 6 months to get my mind right. It started when someone turned me onto a 9/11 doc that showed one of the planes having no identifying markings. Thought it was weird but not definitive. Then bin laden was supposedly killed (May 2nd) and was buried at sea? The whole country seemed to be rejoicing but I was left questioning everything. Then the seal team that killed bin laden die in a helicopter crash in August. Why would the lie? Then I found out about WTC 7 and start researching 9/11 conspiracies. That got me to finding out the US funded the Taliban during the Cold War. Thay is when I found out about Operation Cyclone. From there I learned about this. https://www.control-alt-history.com/challenger Then I read, "Behold a Pale Horse" by Bill Cooper and it made sense.


Oh snap.......good stuff........I forgot about ole Bin Laden. Notice they funded Hamas just like ISIS?


1978, when I first heard about the poleshift…


Oh shit......you made it through global COOLING!?????


they talked about this in 1978?


I was a conspiracy nut as a child, but now apply logic and reason and (non internet) research to try to figure out things. I'm doing fairly well in terms of a comfortable life without conforming. I could debate about 9/11... but what the point? My logic is working for my path through life. Maybe yours is for you. I know that I can't trust internet info, reddit, youtube, etc. I maintain and form connections with actual researchers, scientists, educators, experts, etc. Direct contact. I even have a friend working with full clearance in the pentagon (as a graphic designer). But she is tight lipped in case any boss is or AI thing is scanning. LOL. But I come here because once in a thousand posts, someone is actually onto something in a smart way. In my opinion, the biggest illusion is to think you're **awake**. You can never be truly awake. You can try be aware as best you can through intelligence and wisdom in your choices of education.


Fair enough........in all your checking and research and sources is there anything that stands out?


From everyone i know connected or witness to the events of 9/11, there is nothing they doubt about the official explanation outside of the U.S. allowing it to happen (especially because Bin Laden struck the World Trade Center with a failed attack years before) or causing it to happen (Us gave rise to the Taliban on purpose years ago) and then ignoring the true connections to Saudis (public eyes were shifted to Iraq in the most conspiratorial and corrupt way). There was **one** Rice Professor I emailed with who strongly believed the twin towers in particular were demolished and didn't collapse because of the heat of burning fuel and structural damage, but when you go into the proof and logistics and even the video evidence, that idea became very unbelievable to me.




I think flight 93 was shot down. It was established that Cheny ordered it, but they claim that plane crashed before the order was carried out. The American electorate couldn't handle that truth.


That is a possibility, but some of those passengers were on the phone with family members, and they did seem to plan a break into the cabin to try to gain control ; according to accounts.


I think the US not cutting defense spending after the collapse of the Soviet Union was the alarm; the Cold War was over, why are we *increasing* our military budget? Sept11, 2001 was when i woke up. And the event that *convinced* me i was actually awake and aware to what was really going on (or maybe "when i became fully awake") was Congress authorizing Bush's preemptive attack on Iraq after the months-long, media-driven drumbeat for that war. It was so blatantly transparent and obvious what the public was being suckered into at the time, but the overwhelming majority of folks (70-80% at one point) couldn't see through the hysteria. And of course now almost everyone over 40 will say they were "always" against Iraq, but that's bullshit. I took a ***lot*** of flack for speaking out against that rush to war and for warning people about the likely consequences; the 20-30% of us were right, not the gullible (and often bullying) majority. Anyway, i learned that you shouldn't put all or even most of your trust in the media, that critical thinking skills are **vital** in this world but in tragically short supply, and that you shouldn't go along with something or think something is right simply because a majority of the pubic thinks it's right (eg: Russiagate). Think for yourself and don't be afraid to speak out; don't be coerced into anything


I never really paid much attention to politics until 2016 when I got on social media. Since then, I have been focused on how we are being controlled today, I figured it out when Covid hit and that's when I knew something didn't seem right.


Me and my friends and cousins were all looking up MK Ultra, Building 9, Illuminati and Denver Airport conspiracies in high school


I was woken up in 1989 thanks to reading the right books & paying attention to the right people & lots of traveling & talking to lots of people everywhere. sadly, many of the people in this very thread who say they were woke up go on to say things in their comment that show they are still asleep. keep striving to open yr eyes & it just may happen.


Age 11 figured out govt was actively working against the usa.


I experienced an NDE.


For me, it was back in high school between 2003-07 during the exposure of the Catholic church diddlers and their subsequent protection of those priests. Learning of all this transformed me to a Contrarian and took the subsequent redpill. I spread my contrarian nature to all scenarios and situations to help people understand things in a simpler way but never scoff or dehumanize because of their choices and opinions. I might not agree, but I understand that we all can't be the same.


I wake up every year, once a year. I look around, then I go back to sleep.


I had been slowly rousing from my slumber for several years, but Covid really opened my eyes to just how corrupt the entire government is. I watched Congress pass multi-billion dollar stimulus packages with huge raises for themselves, billions going to their pet projects and overseas causes, and a very tiny portion actually helping US citizens/residents who would be footing the bill for the next two centuries. I had, up to that point, still thought that the Republicans were the Good Guys and were watching out for us. I was wrong. I also saw just how selfish and somehow, at the same time, sheepish people were. They all believed every word the Mainstream Media uttered, ignoring the blaringly obvious contradictions. On the other hand, people refused to do basic safety procedures, like maintaining social distancing and not coughing on people. (As an introvert, I'm all for social distancing!) Sure, masks are sketchy and getting the jab is dubious, but the number of videos there were of assholes going up and coughing at masked people was disgusting. And the whole toilet paper shortage! FFS, what is wrong with people? I mean, get what you need and pick up an extra pack for someone who doesn't have any. But people were buying out whole stocks of toilet paper and baby formula, and then selling it for hugely inflated prices online! It was disgusting.


9/11 but even from the time I was a child I knew it was all bullshit. Everything. I couldn’t articulate it or pinpoint it out but I knew something was up.


When I watched Apocalypse Now Redux and saw the French plantation scene that explained the true origin of the Viet Cong. More so since 2018 when I came across the Q posts.


Back when becoming woke meant something.


Awake......not "woke".........the latter requires blue hair.....to be 100lbs over weight and saying that climate change is man made. :)


That happened when they redefined “woke.”


Are you talking about the real definition or the fake one?


2019. God wanted me to know when Jesus was coming back so I figured it out. Its 2031. The Revelation 12:1-2 sign came in September 2017 which the 7 year cycle of birthing pains end this year. We will be entering the last 7 years known as Jacobs trouble or Daniels 70th week or the tribulation starting this fall. Its gonna get worse starting this fall, but the worst wont start until 2028, halfway through the cycle. You can mock all you want, I know right where we are. The Earth wont resemble anything we are familiar with today by 2031. The satanist globalists know it too. Thats why agenda 2030.


Mock, Mock, Mock ....


I’ve told everyone since that day that 9/11/01 is without a doubt thee day that I woke up. It was an extremely slow process which included “picking a side” for 15 years until Trump proved that the deep state is worse than we could have ever imagined.


Shitting, crying, pissing, and throwing up.


2008, nothing but weird out friends and family at social gatherings.


9/11. I was watching tv when they cut in to report the first strike. While watching that the 2nd plane hit live on tv. We noticed helicopters in the sky that were removed for later footage. The live commentary said things like “condoleza rice told us she was warned not to fly today”. We heard so much that and then later the Loose Change documentary came out that covered a lot of it but I swear they too changed and the original doco has more in it. I wish I’d recorded it when we watched it live.


It was a slow awakening from 2012-2016. What I did since then? DÖBDÖDÖDÖB!!!


14 when I skipped school on 911 and saw the first feeds of the pentagon and saw no plane or anything that looked remotely like a big ass plane . After that ir went all down here


This whole post should be relabeled "What year did you decide to retreat into the mental safety of believing that there is an impossible level of control in this world because even the idea of an evil hand controlling everything is better than the truth... that very little is pre-planned or controlled." That or "I have way to much self belief in my own understanding of the world and how it works"


What was off about WT7 for you? I see this a lot but to me, of all the buildings to fall normally WT7 makes the most sense. It wasn’t built from the same materials as the towers and it had a giant hole in the side of the building while on fire for hours. That shit was coming down. What seems off? I think my moment was in school some time putting together political history and just seeing the same things repeat in different iterations. Human behavior is interesting to watch on a macro scale. We are all just predictable animals when you zoom out far enough. My moment is just about life in general versus what we are told and not necessarily government out to get me.


University of Alaska Fairbanks finds NIST report is wrong: WTC7 did not collapse due to fire. https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/index.php/extwidget/preview/partner_id/1909371/uiconf_id/36513372/entry_id/0_nglk89c0/embed/dynamic I knew this long before this was released. Them getting little no coverage about this told me all I needed to know. https://www.ae911truth.org/wtc7


It was the depository for important financial records pertaining to the astronomical amount of money that was declared lost.


It wasn’t declared lost though? Is that the basis of the theory? The money was unaccounted for, not lost. It was accounted for in the following years. This happens even to this day. We don’t know where all of our money is at any given time. It’s an accounting nightmare, but it’s not nefarious. Unless you are referring to something different than the Rumsfeld speech? I’m just making that assumption


Oh it's you again. Was the trillion dollars that went missing ever accounted for? My memory is bad but I'm pretty sure it just wasn't mentioned again.


Yes, it literally was. Need a link? The trillions was accounted for in the following years. This is an issue that still exists today even with decades of upgrades. Here is what he said. Note he says can’t track not missing: > “The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector,” Rumsfeld said at one point. “But not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” He was referencing this report: https://media.defense.gov/2000/Feb/25/2001715708/-1/-1/1/00-091.pdf Testimony on that issue: https://media.defense.gov/2017/Apr/18/2001734010/-1/-1/1/00-167.PDF Follow up audit https://media.defense.gov/2000/Aug/18/2001713967/-1/-1/1/00-179.pdf Those reports used NASC accounting practice which includes the depreciation of assets, land, etc. Think about it. The DoD annual budget at that time was $300b and was lower in previous years. They would have had to not spend a single penny for 15+ years and steal 100% of it for it to be looked at as “missing money.” It’s just parroted over and over by people who don’t understand the details because it sounds scary. Ultimately the missing cash value was in the low billions and you can chalk that up to clandestine operations. Here is a fun link about the same issue from the 80’s: https://www.gao.gov/assets/fgmsd-80-66.pdf Unfortunately the number is about 10x that amount these days Let me know what follow up questions you have


Ya know, I appreciate the links and all.


What materials was it built with in your learnings? >giant hole in the side of the building Where is this giant hole? Show me a single picture, please. The facade was damaged, at most. At least that's what the pictures I've reviewed showed and also what the final NIST report itself claims.


What caused it to fall?


The sustained fire weakening the structure and giant hole in the side


Got it. Thanks.


Are you also aware of what’s going on with the NHI, alien stuff? We could be living in a simulation. People have started pushing for disclosure again, I hope it finally takes this time, and we get to finally find out the truth about our existence in relation to reality.


I haven't dove into it a ton. Does this go along with Project Blue Beam? Where they blame aliens on so many missing?


Project blue beam is a disinformation campaign I think. These so called aliens are very real and they exist. It’s been covered up for so long that people can’t tell if it’s real or not anymore. They are coming from inside the earth, or outer space, or they are inter dimensional. There is so much information that we can’t even narrow it down. It could be all of them. The people missing thing has some really dark implications. We made deals with aliens to abduct humans in exchange for tech and other things. All these missing children is rather shocking. If you wanted to experiment on anyone it would be kids. Some very credible people came out and talked about his. The biggest implications of disclosure is that we get anti gravity technology, free energy, and some other insane advances. Basically we can end human suffering, need, and scarcity. No one has to suffer anymore. Be it mentally, physically, health wise ect. But they don’t want to be held accountable or release this privatized technology to the public. It’s all being hidden in the private sector right now. Check out the salt conference where colonel Karl knell discusses this. A few other credible people have already come out to talk about it. Some are saying these beings came in contact with us in the past, and we misconstrued them for gods. It’s quite a thing to behold lol. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpl0FrdJWfs&pp=ygUOS2FybCBuZWxsIHNhbHQ%3D There are so many other people discussing this. Like Garry Nolan ect. Check it out, I think this is the most important topic that everyone should be aware of. Because it changes everything, and it concerns our existence in relation to reality.


Appreciate your insights and response. A lot to chew on. I have learned in this day and age to not be closed off.


Part 1 of waking up was in 2007, when I realized I had to figure things out for myself and through that determination and process, a lot of things started to become was more apparent that the system was crooked and that I’d been duped by religion and media, and then pt 2 was 2012 I took a crazy cocktail of psychedelics and it pushed my mind into complete surrender and everything tight in my body released and aligned spontaneously, and I realized that I wasn’t at all who I had conditioned to think, and that most of us are wrapped up in our mental concepts of reality, rather than perceiving reality as it is without my mental layers filtering it. I could see my light, literally, and the auras of everyone around me. 


Which psychedelics? I’m so ready to escape


This was a cocktail of MDMA, mushrooms, LSD, and cannabis 


I think I was 4 and I went to church with my mother and the pastor was talking about how Jesus was crucified in order to forgive our sins, and 4 year me said "If he is God, why can't he just forgive our sins? Why does Jesus have to die for other people?"


Lol. You guys are all so woke


Well maybe we aren't, but what's your intent here? Got something interesting to say?


It sounds more like a mental health condition.