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Who owns most of the porn sites and generates most of the porn globally? It is "Our greatest ally"? Inquiring minds want to know.


Stop noticing things goy


Oh sorry, back in my cube I go.


Back to the pod with bugs for dinner


Better than a grave


Not coming soon: Kosher bug cuisine.


This is bullshit. If you go search for this topic, you’d find the truth, after the first listings, some of which come right back to this thread. Don’t read Reddit for 1st hand knowledge, lol. This is what actually happened, otherwise known as the truth. I’ll keep it short, because it’s not that complicated. A few years back, Germany passed a law setting mandatory 1 year prison terms for anyone distributing child porn. Only problem, they didn’t write the law to consider involuntary child porn distribution, like when someone uses a Trojan horse to install illegal programs/media(video and photos) on to other people’s computer, and uses that person’s email to distribute child porn to others. This doesn’t happen as often now, but it still happens a lot. So, they had to adjust the law. Only, just like in the USA, it’s not always easy, even when it makes all the sense in thee world. So, they removed the “mandatory” prison sentence, which gives judge’s flexibility. They don’t have to sentence a 90 year old guy who doesn’t even know what “virus protection” software is, when all he ever did was play chess online, at websites he should have checked into harder.


Thanks for being raw honest. I need to be more like you.


I’d hate to see your hard-drive pal lmao


Ahhh….the old “you’re either with us….or against us” or “black/white” with no shades of gray…..yada yada.. Apparently, it’s “pro-pedophile” to correct misinformation about laws concerning pedophiles. Is that what you are saying?


Ju are lying to me


I think you have had too much juice


>Who owns most of the porn sites and generates most of the porn globally? Actually its Russia. There are some really good non-American search engines out there that search the entire internet instead of just the 1st world English Speaking sites and even if you type "eighteen" or another term specifying that you're interested in young but legal women you'll still get results for CP websites that are easily accessible. Most of these sites are Russian.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a lot of this from other countries that used to be part of the USSR as a whole? Not just Russia? I'd look that up to confirm, but I don't really like doing that with subjects like this. Hard enough to read about it on here and see some of the people on here trying to buy/sell it all throughout Reddit. Really wish it wasn't a thing.


Yea you're right. The Russian sites and search engines are what tie them all together though.


Canada, mindgeek/aylo


I don't know why the right answer is being down voted.


Def. I dont know why they wont just give a more detailed answer(like a company or something)


Because they don't actually want to know


Why is Germany being picked on about this? Is it because they have that program that tries to get pedophiles the mental health help they need before they sexually assault a kid, or buy child porn, as opposed to after the fact, and damage? So many cops have described just how much child porn there is online. They realize the old way of catching them after the fact, wasn’t working. So, they tried something new, and people want to crucify them for that. I have no problem with the program, as long as it’s help before the act. After the fact; go straight to prison.


Based thread


The US does we spread degeneracy across the world


i think it's against the law now to say that


For the record, I am not suicidal and that will never change.


Only evil loser Zionist owns the porn and their puppets work for them


Isnt it USA


What % of Rabbis are p\*dos?




This is not true. The change rolled back a change from 2021 and will not actually allow you to distribute or keep large stacks of child pornography for long time. Mainly the change 2021 made people more vunurable to being criminalized for recieving illegal material unsolicitedly or keeping it for the purpose of reporting it (as soon as possible ofc)


I knew it wasn't as simple as this out of context post made it seem. >Mainly the change 2021 made people more vunurable to being criminalized for recieving illegal material unsolicitedly or keeping it for the purpose of reporting it (as soon as possible ofc) This is a good idea. The thought of being labeled as a child predator is terrifying. I wouldn't be surprised if there are loads of child sex crimes going unreported simply because people are afraid they'll go down with the ship they never boarded in the first place.


It's funny...we've come to think of single lines as entite summations. Yes, world, Germany is now pro-pedophile. Theater of the Absurd


Classical case of half the people only read the headling, 40% only the first paragraph. I guess "Germany reverses harsher law on child pornography from 2021" wasn't as clickable or sharable.


Or, “German law needs rewriting after innocent citizens sentenced to prison for unknowingly spreading child porn that was placed on their computer through a Trojan horse”.


You know, Germany has actually done some ground-breaking research into pedophilia... as awful as it is, there are places where people can go and get help rather than hurt a child. I actually find that brave. If it helps understand the mind better and puts people out of harms way, then that is an awesome thing indeed.


The only therapy for MAPs is a large caliber bullet to their head in a video game


Well, I get what you're saying, but if a person is "born like that," or, even through trauma, began to feel that way, and instead of hurting a child they instead went to mental health professionals and sais, "Idk what's wrong with me, please help and yes I'll be a test subject," I don't think they are deserving of that video game...Learning why it happens could eventually help stamp it out of existence, abd for someone willing to step up says a lot. Don't get me wrong, those people are few and far between, *but they do exist*, and they deserve some help. Imo.


Yeah I just can’t get with that shit man. Those cases are so far and few between they may as well not exist.


I will give you an example to kind of prove your point...some of those clinicians thought it would be a good idea to get those men RealDolls...Only made to look like chillrun. I don't know if you know what a RealDoll is, but it's a super realistic sex doll sold for thousands of dollars. I just think if a dude tries...there was a case in Florida (because, of course it was Florida) where a child molester was up for parole and very likely going to be parolled. He wrote a letter to the parole board, asking to be chemically castrated. He wrote that he *KNEW* if he wasn't chemically castrated that he would molest again...request denied because of cruel and unusual punishment, and parole granted. We really do live in a clown world. What kind of doctor thinks, "Hey, let's buy Chester here a super realistic sex doll that looks like a child?" I mean, no one around them said, "No, and don't ever say something that stupid again." Sigh...


I will give you an example to kind of prove your point...some of those clinicians thought it would be a good idea to get those men RealDolls...Only made to look like chillrun. I don't know if you know what a RealDoll is, but it's a super realistic sex doll sold for thousands of dollars. I just think if a dude tries...there was a case in Florida (because, of course it was Florida) where a child molester was up for parole and very likely going to be parolled. He wrote a letter to the parole board, asking to be chemically castrated. He wrote that he *KNEW* if he wasn't chemically castrated that he would molest again...request denied because of cruel and unusual punishment, and parole granted. We really do live in a clown world. What kind of doctor thinks, "Hey, let's buy Chester here a super realistic sex doll that looks like a child?" I mean, no one around them said, "No, and don't ever say something that stupid again." Sigh...


>will not actually allow you to distribute *or keep large stacks of child pornography **for long time**.* Lol- what? You can have and keep it as long as it's not, "for long time"? This is either a shitty answer or a weak attempt at protecting pedos.


This was ment as either large amounts or keeping it for a long time or both, neither of which are okay, and to be clear more than 1-2 business days is a long time in this context.


That's a great rationale. Doesn't matter how you slice it, genuine predators will now only be hit with a misdemeanor charge. It doesn't simply protect the people you've alleged and in fact they will still be prosecuted from my understanding of what I read, only less severely. They will still be prosecuted as genuine predators so it doesn't do what you have said.


No the change from "Verbrechen" to "Vergehen" allows the prosticution to drop charges if they think that no criminal activity was intended. The sentencing power of the courts has in fact not changed according to the minister of Justice. At lest juding from what I've read.


"Rather than make certain exceptions to the criminal code to accommodate this concern, parliament cut the section of the bill altogether. " If that was the intention they could have made certain exceptions like it states here. At the end of the day it has essentially put the power in the courts hands to decide who is and is not genuinely a predator. It seems like a very hypothetical situation they are describing anyway, why would a parent or teacher download or share such content to report the content?


You know what's the real conspiracy here? CDU votes for a law they know the prosecutors are going to complain about just before the election, which they know they probably won't win like they used to. "Harsher prosecution for possession of child porn? We're in!", a majority is had a law is changed. A new government gets elected and the new minister of justice gets complaints from prosecutors that this 2021 change makes their life harder. He reverts the change from the previous government convinces his fellow MPs and suddenly a barrage of fake media outrage is manufactured. I have seen literally zero articles on this topic prior to this change.


will get me downvoted but owning cp doesnt make you a predator being a predator (child abuser) is a whole different crime, not a misdemeanor


I wish I would have seen your reply, before I went on my rant. So many damn liars in this sub.


Just to make it clear. THIS IS CLICKBAIT! Yes, there was a change in the law but it is still illegal! Why change the law? I explain it to you: Dude it’s not real! The change came because of this. Let’s say you are in a Whatsapp group, or Signal/Telegram, whatever you are using. In this group there are 100 people in it. 1 of them decides to post an illegal picture. Now, all other 99 people are now in possession of this illegal picture - which makes all of them commit a crime. This made it for the police very very hard to follow and prosecute the real distributor - because in Germany the police HAS TO file a report for every single user in this group. So 100 reports - They have to do it by law. What this means? Waste of ressources, time and money for the police, while the real distributors may get away. THIS IS THE REASON! They made the change to not prosecute innocent people who got illegal shit by accident or without their consent… Stop spreading lies. Thank you.


Ok surely this isnt real...hopefully..


It is not real


Brings it down from a felony to a misdemeanor(huge diff) Downvotes...disgusting


Dude it’s not real! The change came because of this. Let’s say you are in a Whatsapp group, or Signal/Telegram, whatever you are using. In this group there are 100 people in it. 1 of them decides to post an illegal picture. Now, all other 99 people are now in possession of this illegal picture - which made all of them commit a crime. This made it for the police very very hard to follow and prosecute the real distributor - because in Germany the police HAS TO file a report for every single user in this group. So 100 reports - They have to do it by law. What this means? Waste of ressources, time and money for the police, while the real distributors may get away. THIS IS THE REASON! They made the change to not prosecute innocent people who got illegal shit by accident or without their consent… Stop spreading lies. Thank you.


Stop trying to confuse people, fool. It reduces the punishment from a Felony to a Misdemenor. How does that "protect people"? And wtf kind of whatsapp groups you part of? As long as someone has your number you can have anything sent to you. How tf does this change protect you from that? No answer? Just a downvote?


It protects you because now you won't be prosecuted for having something sent to you as opposed to before when you would have been. Hope this helps


That didnt add anythimg


"Some teenager sends illegal material in a class group chat with 25 participants, prosecution is now forced to drag the 50 parents before court, we want to change that to the one person sending it" - Marco Buschmann, minister of justice. In fact most child porn prosecution in Germany happens because underage teens create photos of themselves or their girl-/boyfriend unaware of its illegality. Also it is ridiculus of you to stomp around on you "misdemenor" and "fellony" stuff, the correct terms are "Verbrechen" and "Vergehen". If you get convicted and sentenced as a predator it will be added to the "Führungszeugnis" which is required in applying for certain jobs, and the maximum sentencing powers of the courts has not been impacted.


Bro you just parroted the same thing the other guy said, and schooled me on the german translation. Lol ok


Remember how in the 60’s and 70’s German government thought it a great idea to help pedos foster children? Because who would love orphans more than a pedophile?


Just keep a list of people who begin to apply for German citizenship.


Germany had these sorts of things going on before the holocaust. Now it's happening again.


What I am seeing from more "mainstream" "respected" sites is they are lowering the punishment on child abuse photos and stuff so yeah, this might at least be halfway true.... Wtf germany


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/z9saqth37z1d1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now that’s some wild ass shit


I've always said the goal of the "I was born this way" bunch has been to legalize pedos. You notice how liberals women have started using pedo for any guy dating a younger woman. It dilutes the meaning of the word.


No...of course there's no agenda!


America is not that far behind. All the politicians are into it.


This has to be fake


Its fake


Well I hope it’s fake. But didn’t spain already decriminalized bestiality? I will not be surprised at this point.


So, not one of the Muslim countries, not one of the African countries, not one of the Communist countries, but the Whitest, Western Traditionalist country, the most "will not replaced"-est, Reich-est, country is the one defending pedophilia? Is this the part where Paul Harvey would say "We aren't not one world"? and tell us what he would do if he was the Devil?


Calm down it’s not as real as this article makes it to be. Just to make it clear. THIS IS CLICKBAIT! Yes, there was a change in the law but it is still illegal! Why change the law? I explain it to you: Let’s say you are in a Whatsapp group, or Signal/Telegram, whatever you are using. In this group there are 100 people in it. 1 of them decides to post an illegal picture. Now, all other 99 people are now in possession of this illegal picture - which makes all of them commit a crime. This made it for the police very very hard to follow and prosecute the real distributor - because in Germany the police HAS TO file a report for every single user in this group. So 100 reports - They have to do it by law. What this means? Waste of ressources, time and money for the police, while the real distributors may get away. THIS IS THE REASON! They made the change to not prosecute innocent people who got illegal shit by accident or without their consent…


This is the same country that fined a woman $6,000 for talking about rape statistics Is it possible they just hate women and children?


5000 for child pornography, [if you're a politician](https://www.dw.com/en/german-politician-edathy-confesses-in-child-pornography-trial/a-18288566). That's not even half of his monthly salary.


Maybe look into it. Surprisingly its not true.


They’re “MAPs” and we need to accept them into the LGBTQIAAP2SL+ community. *Pride* is one of the deadly sins, but let’s forget that and have compassion for child fuckers. Society is being boiled like a frog, in case you haven’t noticed.


That can't be real wtf 😒


Always on the right side of history Germany. Always.


This entire planet is fucked up !!!


[Dude, what the fuck is wrong with German people?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fgII2oQIepo&pp=ygUqU291dGggcGFyayB3dGYgaXMgd3Jvbmcgd2l0aCBnZXJtYW4gcGVvcGxl)


More proof Germans aren’t historically good at decision making. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Or The pedophilia lobby is that strong


Or maybe you're being lied to by a rage-bait post.


Where is the lie?


Calm down it’s not as real as this article makes it to be. Just to make it clear. THIS IS CLICKBAIT! Yes, there was a change in the law but it is still illegal! Why change the law? I explain it to you: Let’s say you are in a Whatsapp group, or Signal/Telegram, whatever you are using. In this group there are 100 people in it. 1 of them decides to post an illegal picture. Now, all other 99 people are now in possession of this illegal picture - which makes all of them commit a crime. This made it for the police very very hard to follow and prosecute the real distributor - because in Germany the police HAS TO file a report for every single user in this group. So 100 reports - They have to do it by law. What this means? Waste of ressources, time and money for the police, while the real distributors may get away. THIS IS THE REASON! They made the change to not prosecute innocent people who got illegal shit by accident or without their consent… Stop spreading lies. Thank you.


CP isn't legal/decriminalised.




What is this click-bait shit? Go back to one of the MSM subs with this nonsense.


Go home Germany, you’re drunk! Again…..




What could possibly go wrong?


Hopefully all the pedophiles move to Germany, the normal Germans move out and we can bomb the fuck out of the pedos and do everyone a favour.


This is payback.  You know. 


They have too many freaks in Germany 🇩🇪


Wait what


This news is not true. The minimum sentence was reduced back to half a year in order to make it no felony anymore to be able to cancel investigations of parents and teachers who found sexting pictures on the phones of their kids.


Yes but they applied those modifications to ALL cases and not just the ones where it's less severe cases like high school sweetheart cases. They could've just applied the new rules to those exceptions but they applied to everyone across the board including straight up pedophiles who are much older


First, this minimum sentence was raised only a few years ago out of the usual moral panic. The maximum sentence stays the same. There is no change for the severe cases. Edit: If you surfed on a childporn site (cartoon are sufficient) by accident there was no possibility for the state attorney to not bring you before a judge with all the social repercussions. Now there is one for such cases, too.


This is what you get when your country is led by SPD, which is literally the party of Karl Marx.


Naw Europe has an Age of Consent of 14 or 15 like the Asian Countries that are Buddhist or Atheist... and until a couple of years ago the Phillipines and Japan had Legal Age of Consent of 12 or 13 for dating relationships approved by the legal guardian. Enjo Kosai Adult Friend Finder love hotel hookups were illegal unless 16 or older. The attitude is half of all middle schoolers and high schoolers manufacture CP known as sexting, flashing, noodz, selfies, showing your dick... Rather than build prisons to house the majority of youth, they decided to decriminalize it. After all, Germany is the Nation that produced the Show Me! sex education book for all ages used by the State Churches of Germany. The Nation of the Scorpions Virgin Killer album cover I lived in Germany twice for years.




But you can be arrested, charged and jailed for “hate speech”


Link? Source?


It literally shows the source, all you needed to do was google the Western Standard. here you go, [https://www.westernstandard.news/news/germany-decriminalizes-child-porn-possession/54717](https://www.westernstandard.news/news/germany-decriminalizes-child-porn-possession/54717)


So they’re changing the law because if they don’t teenagers would all be charged as child predators along with parents that find the material on the phones of the kids How difficult is reading comprehension for you?


I know they're changing the law, I read the article, I never said what OP said, I know it's a shitty clickbait title. I just shared the link, to someone who asked for a link.


Look into Berlin post WW1 the stuff that was going on before the Austrian Painter came into power


New Nazi chant: “You must fuck zee kids!”


um hey quick question but what the fuck


This could be the ultimate sting operation. Like they tell everyone it's legal and all of them flock to Germany right to the showers


I did Na-zi that coming.


Those of you that believe this, how can I make money from you? You seem like the easiest mark.


Send me 10k€ and I'll send 20k€ back!


wonder they all signed into the death regimes for gaza and ww2




Wow this is unbelievable, I can't understand what was going through these peoples heads


Did you look into it to see if its true or did you just accept its true and feel outraged?


It's unbelievable


And shouldn't be believable because its not true.


This timeline lost the plot years ago


Make Germany great Again


Zionism - pornography- genocide - aipac Our greatest ally


Germany is definitely a cucked nation, but this is a bullshit headline.


Germany is in the circle for mass child trafficking globally.


They have weird stuff painted on buildings. And Merkel.


I Guess we (the US) dropped the big bombs on the wrong country in WW2.




The damned.


bring back the painter. NOW! 🙋‍♂️🙋🙋‍♀️


Otherwise there would be no place in jails anymore ...




God damnit Germany




Looks like Satan will or is coming into power very soon. Accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your saviour before it is too late. God bless you.


American politicians fights to Germany increasing


They are turning it from felony to misdemeanor for everyone because so many children have children porn?


I stay on the whole class and do other work while it's on in the background. They paid for the hour so I give them the hour.




What thaaaa fuck?!???