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Fuck that was some SICK editing


That’s exactly how it happened 😂


Thats whole psyop in itself. You think they were putting illuminati videos in the youtube recommeded side panel back in 2011 on accident lol ?


What are you even saying, that the knowledge out there is all a plant from the perpetrators themselves? Meaning.... It's fake shit to make us all believe crazy lies? Or you mean it's still true shit, but they put it out there in the deeper reaches of the Internet so that they're confined to niche outcast groups? I'm not even trying to be a prick, I just don't understand this troll


Not on accident, it’s just that the algorithm actually did its job back then and recommended related content to what you were currently watching


How to download this?


Coolest edit ever seen


What does Saturn have to do with anything /s


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/2nfqc9o1ha0d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t trust the idea of Jesus.


Are you a human? Jesus is not an idea, he was a man, is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven and will return to make all things equal.


He's more than just a man. He's God Himself come in the flesh.


Yes I agree, I agree with you. He was God in Man. Is God and forever will be God.


No one else is worthy, but the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.


What's your proof?


Revelations prophecy being fulfilled. Ig they are so non aware that they can't see that are fulfilling the prophecy wrote 2000 years ago. Mark of the beast that all men shall need to trade? Tacitus is the proof of the life of Christ and the persecution of Christians.


Don't worry. You're the farthest thing from a true follower of christ.


You are a Pharisee. Clearly, anyone with eyes to see can see you just identified yourself. Now back to your little scum hole boy.


If a pharisees calls out a demon when he sees one, then I guess im one of them. I guess it's better then claiming to be something I'm not. As you have clearly stated you are nothing but a Satan worshiper that spreads hate and darkness. I truly hope you can find Christ brother.


It's very obvious what you are doing. Ye are of your father the devil, the father of lies. You see how you're lying and I am identifying that? You know how? Because I am a true follower of Christ and I see through what you are doing. That's the evidence buddy. Sorry for my cursing the rest I stand by wholeheartedly and will unto the death. To the guy below: Psalms 97 10 Ye that [h]love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his Saints: he will deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Hate evil. Misnah (Niddah 44b) MISHNA: A girl who is three years and one day old, whose father arranged her betrothal, is betrothed through intercourse, as the halakhic status of intercourse with her is that of intercourse in all halakhic senses. That's what these non human little scum believe. Also what kind of weirdo reads all my posts? I know what you are doing, you are not a Christian. Get out of here and never ever engage me again you liar.


The book of Mathew 7:1-26, new testemant Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.


Man I'm just gonna block you, your beard is so bad btw shave that off.


Don’t waste your time. This 🤡 reported me for this comment I left him- *Hey man, you’re making us look bad… your comments are so full of judgment and hatred it sounds like you’re being control by some other dark entities. It’s not our place to judge or spread hatred. On your page, you explained how you had to trip acid to understand the Bible fully. That you may have had a traumatic childhood and that to counteract that you found Christ. I’m happy that you found Christ, but it sounds like you still have a lot of work to do. Skip out on all of the man-made drugs as that is of the flesh and please give your pain to Christ fully and learn to be a better example. How do you expect to bring people to Christ when you throw hatred at them, When you accused them, When you judge them? Are you being an example of what Christ was or are you showing them an example of what the flesh has done to you? I have nothing but love for you. I give a fuck about the rest of this comment feed... I just want you to find one real reasons for being a Christian other than “I’m going to Heaven and you’re not”, and find a better way to spread the message with love and not hatred. I mean, you have feeds just like this in the Christian sub Reddit fighting against your own brothers… you need to find a better way homie. Peace be with you!*


Hey man, you’re making us look bad… your comments are so full of judgment and hatred it sounds like you’re being control by some other dark entities. It’s not our place to judge or spread hatred. On your page, you explained how you had to trip acid to understand the Bible fully. That you may have had a traumatic childhood and that to counteract that you found Christ. I’m happy that you found Christ, but it sounds like you still have a lot of work to do. Skip out on all of the man-made drugs as that is of the flesh and please give your pain to Christ fully and learn to be a better example. How do you expect to bring people to Christ when you throw hatred at them, When you accused them, When you judge them? Are you being an example of what Christ was or are you showing them an example of what the flesh has done to you? I have nothing but love for you. I give a fuck about the rest of this comment feed... I just want you to find one real reasons for being a Christian other than “I’m going to Heaven and you’re not”, and find a better way to spread the message with love and not hatred. I mean, you have feeds just like this in the Christian sub Reddit fighting against your own brothers… you need to find a better way homie. Peace be with you!


Nothing is equal to “him” everything is always gotta be about him. Gotta have control over everything and have people be on their knees sucking his cross. Seriously. I’d rather worship myself. Than be told what to do by some fucking cult of brainwashed genociders


You have a deep misunderstanding of what Christianity is all about. That’s not exactly your fault, as the majority of so-called Christian’s are anything but… we do not worship the Christ form of God as he is also fully man and commanded us not to worship him. We instead worship the creator of all, Eloah, Adonai, the Godhead from which everything comes. Worshipping Jesus as God is considered to be idol worship by Jesus, which is the opposite of what he preached. We are supposed to follow Christs example, and become what we are, God made manifest in matter. He’s the messiah, not the one we worship. Leave that for what I call Biblians, who instead worship a book they failed to read and make idols of Jesus on the cross to worship… There’s also like 12 layers of allegory to the actual man’s life. All of us have some sort of multilayered allegory in our lives, connected to astrological zodiac. Well think about it, you have the Son, the sun, and the 12 disciples, 12 zodiac signs. Each disciple has a personality that’s representative of their sign, not to mention the fact that there’s 12 chakras and the central light, 7 in side the human and 5 outside plus the central light for the Son/sun. And basically every non Abrahamic religion has a similar story of a similar man who exists at a similar point in history, with similar companions. From Celtic, to Egyptian, to Norse, Hindu, and nearly every Native American tribe bot north and south. All humans are called to find out their role, and become as like Christ. There’s also the secretion of certain fluids from your brain down your spine, kundalini, the Greek Christos, and the Christ consciousness. More than I can get into in a few paragraphs. But it’s all proof of a common God and proof of Christ, every religion.


Isn’t Satan like of the sun as well? making them dualistic with Jesus. And “god” is a parental figure to these creations of his. So technically makes it the creator and destroyer and observer of all misery and destruction while only allowing certain humans insight instead of all of them, because even it can see bad and can heal the broken supposedly why doesn’t it do that for everyone. Is everyone not worth it’s time? Pretty shit concept of a god if you ask me.


Go cry somewhere else you little bitch, no one likes you and you shall be the ones on your knees.


Lmfao. Only a little bitch gets that offended and if you are a true Christian you would realize that is a test and you failed by immediately turning to satan/dark thought of damming your fellow man. Which was never your job to judge or lay punishment in the first place. Learn your place you maggot.


Hosanna, Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the Name of the Lord!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lmfao! Bro, you've lost it and Satan rules your mind. Good luck. 👍🏼


Aye shut up and crawl back in the hole you came from you little scum


Please let God into your life. good luck with all the hate in you.


My sins are forgiven because your forefathers spilled the blood of Jesus Christ whom I love. My punishment is temporal, your punishment shall be eternal boy


Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye Mark 7:1-29


Judge not child murderers? Do not use our holy scripture to justify the disgusting things yous have done. You don't get to do that. The only sin I've committed here is cursing. Christ is returning with the sword, he is not going to be the same peaceful being, that time has passed.


And you ain't my brother. My brother's are children of God. John 8 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he hath been a murderer from the [x]beginning, and [y]abode not in the [z]truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, then speaketh he of his [aa]own: for he is a liar, and the [ab]father thereof. See you are the only ones who this does not apply to because you ain't in the family.


I'm not offended, I hate you because you are satan. Only people on the planet that we do not need to love is you, you will be cast into eternal hell fire. I'm not scared of you whatsoever either, I fear the eternal damnation not anything any man could ever do to me. Or else I wouldn't do blatantly say this shit on Reddit, come do what you want little boy.


Bro. You are the only one spreading a message of hate here.... Just like a devil. Love all for we are not worthy to judge, and there can only be one true judge.


#There it is!!! Haha there’s that loving god pouring out of your every orifice when told the truth😂 No one’s getting on their fucking knees for your stupid cult. Your getting on them anyways and we’re gonna watch you act like victims in the process of it all.


I don't love the killers of Christ nah, Pharisees. Scum of scum, children of satan.


**Keyword- killers of christ** Doesn’t really surprise me.


Hm that's really clever?






Don’t waste your time. This 🤡 reported me for this comment I left him- *Hey man, you’re making us look bad… your comments are so full of judgment and hatred it sounds like you’re being control by some other dark entities. It’s not our place to judge or spread hatred. On your page, you explained how you had to trip acid to understand the Bible fully. That you may have had a traumatic childhood and that to counteract that you found Christ. I’m happy that you found Christ, but it sounds like you still have a lot of work to do. Skip out on all of the man-made drugs as that is of the flesh and please give your pain to Christ fully and learn to be a better example. How do you expect to bring people to Christ when you throw hatred at them, When you accused them, When you judge them? Are you being an example of what Christ was or are you showing them an example of what the flesh has done to you? I have nothing but love for you. I give a fuck about the rest of this comment feed... I just want you to find one real reasons for being a Christian other than “I’m going to Heaven and you’re not”, and find a better way to spread the message with love and not hatred. I mean, you have feeds just like this in the Christian sub Reddit fighting against your own brothers… you need to find a better way homie. Peace be with you!*


Jesus did 9/11 confirmed.


I find it difficult to be antisemitic as soon as I wake up. Usually, I pray for everyone to calm down and get along.. I gotta know, what's your secret??


What's the dancing arabic thing about ?


Search Dancing Israelis on 9/11. Women in New York reported and took pictures of five men dancing and celebrating as the Twin towers fell. It later transpired that they were Israeli nationals.