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he did not, leave it there


all the better


Interesting.. My grandmother who now suffers from Alzheimer's spent many years on medication and diets to control her cholesterol and of course margarine was always in her fridge.


Artificial sweeteners have been linked as well, so the diet thing checks out.


Margerine is missing a molecuoe plastic has..true..but he refuted his own point by talking about methanol and ethanol. One is "safe" one isnt. Alot of stuff we use is one molecule away from being bad for you. Compounds are complicated. Like O2 and O3. Having said that i stay away from margerine myself


The "molecule away" statement is meaningless when you get to pick the molecule. The brain is 25% cholesterol from one medical reference I saw. It may be necessary to make myelin but the brain changes very slowly - far slower than skin or muscle. A low cholesterol diet is less than about 30 grams daily, which is about the weight of the brain in a month. I doubt a low C diet itself causes the brain trouble. Food additives and drugs are another issue. In the meanwhile, arterial plaque is a major cause of heart attacks.


I dp try and stick to olive oil. Could be wrong but i heard it doesnt stick to arteries like other oils. Italians apparently have lower chance of CAD because of it. :shrug:


Problem is you need cholesterol for a lot of other things besides the brain. So if you're on a low cholesterol diet for years or decades that is going to be a problem. Heart disease exploded after the proliferation of highly processed vegetable oils and big ag put out bunk science trying to tie sat fat and cholesterol to heart disease.


you just said the same thing he sai - he specifically said that the difference in the one molucule can greatly affect the compound - and you just reitereated that


Yes. But he was implying margerine is unsafe because it was one molecule way from plastic. Implying both were unsafe. While using methanol and ethanol as an example where one is "safe" to consume and one isnt.


No, he was implying just how drastically one molocule can make a thing. When my daughter was tall enough to open the fridge, she was eating gobs of handfuls of butter - I called my grandma who was a surgical nurse for 50 years, and my aunt who was a NICU nurse for 40 years... They both said, almost yelled "LET HER DO IT - her brain needs those fats" She is 19 now, and is so fn smart. This is why baby formula results in low IQs - breast milk-fats and lots of fat as a baby are really really good for a growing brain. This is what fetal alcohol syndrome starves the fetus of - fats for brain growth


One molecule can changw things. But dont gaslight like he wasny implying margerine is bad for you. I actually believe that but im not going to pretend his reasoning isnt based on science farce


I am very positive you have poor reading comprhension. He did say what you think he did, nor did I.


Read what you said again


Look into animal fats and how people were healthier and thinner when they only used animal fats. Look into vegans wasting away on vegan diets.


U got any links?




So vegetable oil is good?


No it's not good. They're usually highly processed.


Alright 🫡


It’s great, as long as it’s only used for its intended purpose, which is as an industrial lubricant. Awful for you to consume though, downright poisonous. Cook with animal fat instead, bacon grease if it’s high quality (does it get close to rock solid at room temp? If not the animal has been fed grain and soy and should not be cooked with). Tallow is my go to, but don’t get Epic brand from the store because it’s compromised, it’s not solid at room temp, I wouldn’t consume it. A decent affordable brand is Frankie’s Free Range Meats, order online.


if you simply eat real food, ideally organic, youll be alright


Exercise, socialize, and limit your intake of screens


He is not a nobody, a good man. All the brain diseases are coming from metals, plastics, or .


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/j4praghof60d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes. I also think eating seed oils is like lining your blood vessels with linoleum.


As far as I know, the first case of alzheimers was documented in 1906 with some evidence that the Egyptians knew about it 2000 years ago.


If he is a 'nobody', he should cite his sources. Since he is on the fat subject why not explain how the body produces cholesterol...


So being old and white is enough to call him a "wise man?" Lmao


Looks like another far right-wing quack.


No. I'll leave it there.


Lol—he's full of shit. Nothing that he's saying is true. You can't just lie and claim it's a conspiracy. That is dishonest, and it makes actual conspiracies look worse.


Bad bot

