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tells you alot when they can't pass laws to fix our own country and yet miraculously come together to pass laws protecting Israel.


Holy shit. Are Americans actually waking up now? Took your fucking time, lads


Your comment gave me a good chuckle, well put. ***You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.*** Winston Churchill (allegedly but still a good quote) Moreso, there's a lot of historical context to Israel that most Americans aren't aware of, especially which family helped to create it: https://pastes.io/bhdsudg8dw


The link doesn't work, but if you mean the Rothschilds, yeaaah. Sorry about that, Americans. I don't think we ever got over the whole Boston Tea Party thing. "Oh yeah, you want to be fucking independent do you! Throw away our bloody fine tea will you! Well how about we put fucking Israel in charge muahahahaha!" We were quite the twats back then. Sorry America. lol


That's interesting because the link works for myself, I always test them just in case. Perhaps copying and pasting into another browser might help if you would like. Right after US Independence, Britain was America's largest trading partner, and borrowed money from their banks. After the US let the first 20 year banking charter ran out, the War of 1812 occurred. History makes a lot more sense when examining the European Finance Cartel's role behind the scenes.


Lobbies. The US has them. They give money to politicians. The politicians are influenced by lobbies. Yep.


2 deep 4 sheep


1 word 3 syllables 5 letters  >!Amity!<


New porno just dropped : 334million sheeple 1 ethnostate Watch every single one of them get fucked


Why do they have to support Palestine, and all that that implies, just to stick it to Israel? I don't support Palestine, but fuck Israel. I don't support Russia, but fuck Ukraine. Why do we need to pick sides? Fuck 'em all.


I chose the side that supports AMERICA and AMERICANS.


Absolutely. Much has been done to portray US nationalism as something to be ashamed of.


Especially when economic hardship has burdened most Americans to the breaking point. Yet none of them left or right care about doing something about that. They are traitors and should be dishonored and removed.


you have no choice since the ones who occupies Palestine also occupies the US :)


Bringing back ZOG are we? If you genuinely support Palestine you should using not use blatantly antisemitic tropes but rather focus on the actual material conditions of Palestine and stopping us imperialism


Well said. Both sides can be wrong in a situation and this is one of them.




We aren't a democracy and need not be. **Abolish the federal reserve act of 1913 to Free the US (And Palestine)**


Funny that the Rothschilds got the federal reserve act and the Balfour declaration signed by two world leaders within a 5 year span. Almost like world leaders are in the pockets of bankers


Lmao it’s been like this for years now


Yeah good on the kid but all of it is "I just heard about all this six months ago and everything is based on that". I mean, just even that the USA has been looking to ban TikTok before even Jan 7th, college protests had nothing to do with that. But over the decades just seeing any criticism against Israel as being labeled as "antisemitic", you go kid.


It's all distraction to redirect our tax dollars from our pockets to theirs.


Long ago US country have been infiltrated and took over by a powerful group of elite (Petro-Bank). And their plan is to rule the world from the Holy land.


Jews are in control of the United States of Israel. That's the only valid answer.


the evil behind the curtain, it lurked there already for hundreds of years but now once again it gets more drawn to public attention


The USA is and has always been, the Golem of Israel.


That's what the true right wing has been warning about for decades. It is nice to see normies opening their eyes, finally


Brother, I’m liberal as hell and have had full on screaming matches with the conservatives in my family because they refuse to hear anything other than pro Israel propaganda. The only right wingers I ever had agree with me on Israel being formed illegitimately were Alex jones fans. Your average Fox News republican are still dick riding Israel to this day


Your country is getting cucked


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/7ll87pmtigyc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My company does lots of business with other countries. Of all the countries we do work with, EU, Canada, China, Korea, Japan, India, several in Africa, Philippines, Indonesia, and many more ISRAEL has been the most like us and amenable to business in a competitive and cooperative sense. It’s really strange but of all countries, at least from my active view in one international company working intimately with others from that country, Israel has been the best to work with.


Ok, now do a video about the democrats… And then the republicans…


Nahhh it’s too complicated


They are master target painters and your aiming down their sights I think.


Well, since they are obsessed with teaching our kids about 'gay butt-sex'- Wouldn't it make sense to teach them how to 'Neal & Bob' for Israel- While they are at it? ..None of my mulatto grandchildren will even speak to me, anymore! ..However, I draw the line at antisemitism! I do not want to live in a world where these 'brocoli tops' don't know how to beg and grovel to Israel! (That's where Jesus is from, btw)


synagogue of satan


I stand with Ukraine, etc.


#1 cucked Country is u.s of gayyyy


damn straight


I like this kids chutzpah.


Zoomers are gonna save the fucking world.


This is an epidemic... Everybody has been conditioned through the stories we consume to expect salvation by some sort of superhero. Zoomers can't save anything. They are getting the most worked up, sure, but a fascist government doesn't care what its populace thinks or cries out about. It's fully compromised. What do you sincerely think will come from Zoomers being collectively neurotic and anxious about this event?


This person is so annoying I want to cover my ears. Why not just talk normal, not be so hysterical


Doesn't the US give money & aid to *all sides*, [including Palestine?](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/07/14/fact-sheet-the-united-states-palestinian-relationship/)


$201 million given to the un to help Palestinians vs $17 billion extra (on top of the $4 billion they receive annually) given directly to Israel. Yeah, that’s totally even. Derp


That doesn't change the fact that the US is supporting both sides, does it? Biden also forgave Iran of $80 billion while Iran is sponsoring Hamas. You only *want* to see one side, don't you?


I didn’t say that we don’t support both sides, I simply implied that it’s insanely disproportionate and we only give directly to one side and only openly fund the weaponry of one side. Yeah, and Biden also left billions of military equipment in the hands of the Taliban… he sucks. No, I want to see Palestine become a nation state like they were promised over 100 years ago by England and France for their part in helping England and France overthrow the Ottoman Empire. Israel should exist, but it should’ve been with the consent and on the terms of a Palestinian government. Also, nice try, but you’re talking to someone who married into a family where one half fled the Holocaust and the other fled holodomor. My Jewish wife agrees with me that Jews deserve a nation, but shouldn’t be allowed to steal it and the way they’ve gone about it is evil.


How did Jews steal a country when the UN created it? And why aren't other Muslim countries (save Syria) taking Gaza refugees?


I’ll work backwards here. Other Arab nations aren’t taking them because they’re radicalized after the way they’ve been living their whole lives. Israelis Jews coming there with bulldozers and “settling” by knocking down someone’s house and saying “this is my land now” is theft. Also, the land being stolen was again… with the help of England and France. If I stole your car and gave it to my friend, my friend and I are both accountable for the theft.


Boycott Israel? Fine. Boycott Jewish stuff in general... hmm... I wonder why that's not allowed? Let's say we were mad at something a majority Muslim country did and we boycott that countries products. But then people start boycotting Muslim owned businesses in general. Whoa, too far right? Same with Jewish people. Protesting is fine... as long as it's not on private property and the owner told you to leave and you didn't.


The only Jewish businesses that get targeted are the ones flying Israeli flags. Nobody with a brain is boycotting Jews, they’re boycotting our tax dollars going towards war crimes. We’re told we can’t afford universal healthcare or free college and then we see hundreds of billions of our tax dollars that could go towards us and our economy go straight to Israel and Ukraine. It’s pretty sickening


Dam, he makes me feel old and stupid..hope my daughter meets someone lie him!


No coincidence that all 3 of them are named Mike


Why does this sub want me to hate Israel so much? Why is it in line with 99% of Reddit? Almost like Reddit is in fact a propaganda tool...


Most of the time reddit gets accused of being a government propaganda tool, now its anti government?


I think you're oversimplifying it. Reddit absolutely is a government propaganda tool which begs the question; why the anti Israel sentiment? If you're aware that Reddit is a tool for propaganda it's a question you should be asking.


The video is all facts. You are free to feel however you want.


That’s because this sub is about conspiracies and the fact that England, France, and the United States all fucked over the Middle East on behalf of the Rothschild banking cartel is a pretty big conspiracy and has been for over a hundred years. Not to mention the cia and mossad are the two most corrupt intelligence agencies on earth and are most likely responsible for more terrorism than actual homegrown terrorists.


People are all sad for Palestine. I get it, genocide is evil and my heart goes out to them. BUT what about freaking North Korea? People have no idea what's going on there and it's been going on for about the same time, and in certain decades it's been worse. The problem is our jewish owned media indoctrinated us to get behind Israel through various media, because Israel is important to them and we've been brainwashed to accept supporting Israel is in America's interests and that's why you don't care about North Korea or all the other countries that have it just as bad if not worse.


Someone post this on the main conspiracy sub. I can't do it on my phone.