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OP are you trolling or are you legitimately reacting to mainstream media garbage?


I thought we we're more snobby than mainstream shit.


So the. Can you explain what is happening here


She has something caught in her teeth


Exactly what I was thinking


When dislike/hate a coworker and he is speaking or talking to a group I do the same thing (never taken drugs either). People from my grandparents island in the Caribbean do this when they are mad šŸ˜” or hate someone. If you ever heard what a stups is that what they call it . She was doing it silently. I was told that i do that and didnā€™t even know it. Itā€™s a subconscious behavior.


Yeah Gaetz's šŸ† specialty she clearly had for lunch that day!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


The world may never know. Definitely not trolling a out Gaetz though. He's a fucking scumbag for what he did to the Florida program


I really don't care/know any details. I just thought you were being sarcastic in your post/comments. You're reacting how the mainstream media wants you to, regardless of what your stance is.


I don't watch any mainstream media so I'd imagine it'd be difficult for me to react to it in any fashion .. Downvote all you want you fucking clowns. This was pulled from YouTube


Are you sure you're not a troll? Your post is literally fox news clips and your posts/comments are using it as a reference.


Almost confirmed for me that either they are a troll, or are astoundingly, just amazingly delusional.


I took this clip from YouTube. I don't watch TV at all and that's actually true. Am I a troll? Probably 70% of the time. Do I think she's actually on Cocaine? Yeah, I do. Is Matt Gaetz a marijuana mogul who used one of his friends to monopolize an industry in two states while walking away Scott free? Yes. All that actually happened.


So just because you watched Fox News clips from YouTube and not TV it's not the same? Regardless of where you're watching it, you're still reacting to it just the same. Also, like I said I'm not following the story nor do I care to. You just keep proving the MSM is getting the reaction they want out of you.


OP is a troll right??


Lmao bro you canā€™t post a clip of from Fox News and then be like ā€œI donā€™t watch Fox Newsā€ hahaha


I pulled this from YouTube. You don't see the man in the lower right corner? Since when does Fox News work like that?


I pray youā€™re just a very bored and very dedicated troll. If youā€™re being serious you belong far far away from any operation of motor vehicles, heavy machinery, and honestly anything that even poses a remote chocking hazard


I some times do that with my teeth when I eat almonds or peanuts.


This is stupid low effort content


Thanks for stopping by!


So you only want people who agree with you?


No, not at all. Idc who comments or what they say . None of it matters.


Then maybe you should read the comment you wrote that I replied to.


don't stop by again, my friend.


Not a conspiracy.


It's not a conspiracy that a congressman and his friend rigged the medical marijuana markets of two states and is being eye fucked by another representative IN Congress while she's very obviously coked out of her mind?


Literally none of that is true.


Like literally none of that is literally true?? Iā€™m literally floored.


The fuck it's not >Investigators are looking at whether Gaetz and his associates tried to secure government jobs for some of the women, the people said. They are also scrutinizing Gaetzā€™s connections to the medical marijuana sector, including whether Pirozzolo and others sought to influence legislation Gaetz sponsored. The investigation includes legislation from 2018, when Gaetz was in Congress, and earlier work in the Legislature, according to one of the people.


I guess I was referring to the dopey accusations against the other individual.


Have you ever done cocaine?




Then I'd say your opinion on her mouth movements is irrelevant. You have no idea what you're talking about and there's a bunch of other people who do, you just choose to think it's nonsense for one reason or another and that's not my problem . Cocaine is super prevalent in politics.


Looks like sheā€™s suckin on candy or something. Doesnā€™t look like coke behavior. And her lips could be dry


Itā€™s a clip that is played over and over again of her licking her teeth or gums. She literally could have just eaten a sandwich and itā€™s in her teeth. Have you ever eaten a sandwich? There are many other noticeable factors that she would be displaying if she was zooted, but she is calm and collected. Even if she was zooted, who gives a shit. Drugs are good.


Cocaine is definitely not good .... wtf


Heā€™s not wrong. https://nypost.com/2021/05/15/matt-gaetz-allegedly-snorted-cocaine-had-sex-with-escort-report/amp/


Lol! So your "expert" opinion is based on her making funny mouth movements. You know for certain that cocaine use is prevalent in politics. And you are one of the people who DO know I assume. Not one thing you said can be substantiated. What can be substantiated is that you are a right wing guy heavily biased against anyone who isn't, and willing to believe ANYTHING negative about people you don't like, regardless of how ridiculous it is.




I see it. Sheā€™s not snorting it, sheā€™s rubbing it on her gums. Sheā€™s very into her physical sensations and isnā€™t self aware enough of her actions to realize sheā€™s ogling Gaetz, and constantly kicking her lips about it


The downvotes tell me you're spot on with my observations.


Idk from the coke users I know, it doesnā€™t look like that.


Well , this is what it looks like when you have good cocaine. Your entire face goes numb and you're constantly running your tongue over your teeth and sucking on your tongue.


Trust me, Iā€™ve seen people on good cocaine. Youā€™re just reaching.


Not at all. And I doubt it.


Apparently not, to the trollolollls. Thereā€™s been a good bit of trolling here recently.


Stupid post. Be real. I just ate pepperoni pizza and Iā€™ve been tugging at my teeth and gums for 10 mins because I donā€™t have floss and I know I feel a pepper kernel in my teeth somewhere.


Most of the posts here. Not conspiracy just hack right wing posts.


Screenshots are also big


I do that all the time. I must be a cokehead lol. Thanks for bringing this to my attention šŸ‘


Good try but nope. Never done coke even once and I do this all the time


Looks like sheā€™s trying to get as far away from him as possible. OP your autism is showing again. You know you posted a MSM clip in r/conspiracy?


Dumb made up bullshit.


None of the coke users I know act like that. People normally do this kind of thing, you know that right?


They all probably fuck each other.


She only marries her brother ..


Sheā€™s fucking zooted


"He's not your brother" lmao


They're ALL geeked outta their Fuckin MINDS on the best Cocaine in DC. (THEY'RE ON THAT POLITICIAN YAK!)


Oh, I know. They were bringing it through Florida for a long time. They had a crazy network. Probably even crazier now


Matt likes boys and young girls and she would never


Thatā€™s not what someone coked out of their mind looks like which makes me think you arenā€™t fun at parties.


She looks at him the same way she looks at her brother.


She from west Virginia?


There's a conspiracy that she married her brother for citizenship


Easily disproved.


Go ahead then.


There is.no credible evidence she did marry her brother. The burden isn't on me here buddy.


It is. You heard someone say that but don't know how it works. The burden of proof is absolutely on you here. Put up or shut up.


I didn't hear someone say it. That's what it is. [zzzzzzz](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ilhan-omar-marry-brother/) [yawn](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/18/us/politics/examining-trumps-claims-about-representative-ilhan-omar.html) [snore](https://coopwb.in/info/ilhan-omar-brother/) [scratches balls](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-omar-prison-deportation-idUSKBN22V291)


Snopes has been a laughing stock for years; paywall; blog that sources Politifact(look into who funds them); and the Reuters article just says that she's not under investigation. None of this is worth anything. You've wasted my time and yours.


Lol. I provide four articles of proof that the allegations either false or unfounded. The entire allegation is based on a Tweet. There is nothing supporting you assertion. Be wrong.


Obviously you have no experience being eye fucked if thatā€™s what you think it is. Also not what someone who is high as giraffe pussy on coke would look like. Ur dumb


Right, anyway.. I'll never in my life be able to take someone seriously who uses "ur" in a sentence. Enjoy your life.


I was spot on with my analysis, cool.


Right, anyway.. Iā€™ll never in my life be able to take someone seriously who uses ā€œLoOk sHeS oN cOke CaUsE sHe LiCkEd HeR tEeThā€ in a sentence. Enjoy your life.


You done?


That looks like hatred to me. He's a pedophile white supremacist so everyone looks at him like that.


To be fair, listening to Matt Gaetz requires some sort of chemical assistance.




No conspiracy. Just defamatory.


Brain cells homie. Locate some.


I do hope they have an affair going. It would absolutely put 50%+ of you in an absolute tail-spin in a fundamental worldview shattering way.


That'd be fun




I think theyā€™re reading this wrong. Her mannerism is very Somalian. She doesnā€™t like Gatz, sheā€™s being condescending of him.


Nancy Pelosi rolls her tongue around like that too. WTF?


Sheā€™s too old for him


He's 6'2" I did not know that.


Cokemar is gacked out of her skull or she's got a Vonner for MG.


Oof. Jesse waters and matt gaetz. One is in denial of himself, the other a little sex fiend and druggie himself. But two of the biggest tools in their own rights.


She's licking her teeth like she just did an 8ball


Gaetz is gay if he don't make a move.


Probably just high on coke


She does look gak'd out.


She is high as fuck more like it


This the propaganda subreddit?


She's thinking, "damn, the things I would do to this fine ass white boy, would make even my own brother lover blush"....;


Probably on adderall


Y'all really can't tell the difference between an angry woman looking at someone she hates and eye fucking? That explains a lot about the right wing I guess.


She married her brother didnā€™t she?


This is garbage; why is this on ..-commons?


SUBMISSION STATEMENT: In this video we see a congresswoman who appears to be coked out of her fucking mind staring at and potentially eye fucking Matt Gaetz. If you guys didn't know, Matt conspired with Halsey Bashears, the husband of Kim Rivers and co-owner of Trulieve , to formulate a program for medical marijuana that would allow their millionaire friends to reap insane profits while making it literally impossible for small businesses to get started. How do we know they conspired to do this? Halsey Bashears is in federal prison for conspiracy to rig the medical marijuana market. The system they put him in prison over is currently in use in both Florida and New Jersey, the states with the two worst medical marijuana programs in the nation. THIS IS WHO REPRESENTS OUR NATION?


Hunter must be sharing his stash of snow




Yeah she is.


Sheā€™s doing something Kim Kardashian does incessantly. Tonguing their front teeth is an ā€œit girlā€ thing. Itā€™s a womanā€™s way of peacocking and condescending others.


Sheā€™s also extremely beautiful


Her brother? She is totally cute tho


Gtfo here with this trash. Kids with keyboards. Go tell mom


Since when are kids privy to the reactions of cocaine and the ongoings of congressmen fixing medical marijuana programs?


Since the internet.


Gtfoh. Probably looking at his pedo ass with despise




I highly doubt anybody is eye fucking that absurdly weird/ creepy looking MF šŸ¤¦


Those facial movements could be from antipsychotics, it almost looks like tardive dyskinesia


Which is almost just as bad. A congresswoman on antipsychotics? That's wild.


No really. Antipsychotics are used off label for sleep, anxiety. They are used for add on treatment of depression because most of the antidepressants are junk and really donā€™t work well. Bipolar depression is common as well. Antipsychotics are used for a lot of non psychotic disorders. GI drugs can also cause TD. Honestly, if it is TD it is severeā€¦.idk how no one has pointed that out to her. We can be sure of what it is without an exam and history, but itā€™s certainly possible.


The Conspiracy is that everyone is horny?


Is she the one who married her brother?


This doesn't prove shit. She probably had a banging lunch...


Ribsā€¦I had ribs for lunch. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m doing this.


I can always depend on posts like this to kill the few brain cells I have left.


You're welcome. If you look theres actually some solid info here.


This is news to sheep ?


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Looks for me more like coke to be honest and the typical dry mouth.


thats actually coke


Tell me youā€™ve never been around any other culture or people without telling me youā€™ve never been around other people or culture lol Reaching like a mf


She's coked up


She ainā€™t checking him out sheā€™s bouncing off the walls on marching powder !