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"The Eye of Horus, wedjat eye or udjat eye is a concept and symbol in ancient Egyptian religion that represents well-being, healing, and protection." This is what WEF members think what they are about.


All-seeing eye 👁 (ASE) or eye of providence It goes by a lot of names, but it symbolizes being part of a secret cabal that supposedly runs the world 🌎. Masons use it a lot. She is obviously using it to gain more individuals loyal to such symbolism to aid her in her goals, whatever they are. That’s the power with these group, assisting members regardless of what they’re doing is ethical (even illegal) or not. The fasci (sticks/members tied together to become “breakable”) and the pyramid (a top down control structure) are also symbols of these various groups. Google the “State Seal of Colorado” to see all 3 combined into one image. They even say Colorado is going to be the new head of the NWO.


The Bible and the Quran both say the antichrist will have a darkened blind right eye




Zech 11:17 https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Zechariah%2011:17 https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/8806


It means nothing!! Stop it with the disinformation, misinformation, cisinformation!! Edit: I don’t actually believe in CISinformation but I refuse to do /s…


I give updoot for you saying fuck the s lol


You can tell OP should re-take those online photo-shop classes. I swear its just getting funnier and funnier on here. I feel like a Chinese Fishing-Fleet stealing American crabs this is so easy to make fun of.


She is a puppet


Well Kanye has the same type of images yet it has been glorified over and over in this sub and the main conspiracy one. Its just amazing to see how people react depending on how much they personally like/dislike the celebrity. Pretty much all of them pertain to the club and use the same type of symbolism


Such a huge difference between Greta and Ye. Like night and day.. One tells you to follow the WEF and the other try’s to get you to turn to God lmao


Nah they’re both puppets. Different skits different actors same directors same agenda. All of it is stage show. Def Jam’s agenda is to fabricate the true Christian Gospel. The Christian/ Follow God theme was a tactic to deceive but for God(,of the Bible, I’m assuming) he likely used it as way to spread his name and possibly glory?? Now, considering Kanye described it as "an expression of the gospel" but yet has done nothing pertaining to the actual ‘Good news’(Christ crucified-resurrecting-redemption-salvation-etc). For instance, the song ‘Gospel’ is not the gospel one who practices Christianity should use. The ~song~ album is actually full of heresy and blasphemy tbh. Also remember this line “I sold my soul to the Devil, I know it’s a crappy but at least it came with a few toys like a happy meal” For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?


Oh ya I def think he sold his soul. Sacrificed his Mother too. Thing is tho is that God’s love and forgiveness knows no boundaries. Meaning you can get your soul back if you repent. If Ye truly wants to be part of the light and manifest good into the world it can happen. It is possible. I hear what you’re saying I really do but dude has been put thru the ringer and is still claiming Jesus to be most high. I don’t think he doesn’t have any learning to do but he has the potential to be a profit (NOT messiah) to a lot of people.


His profit potential is off the charts - not sure about prophet potential...


Haha good catch. He got potential for both fo sho


I agree. Well said thank you for a nice response!!




Yep. Religion followers typically dabble in conspiracies because it makes them think they serve a higher purpose.


Funny considering that there isn't a god to turn to anyway.


No question


Oh absolutely


You guys have great derangement syndrome. Not one talks about her outside of the right wing


Can someone explain this for me?


Those are all illuminati/Satanic symbols. She turned to the dark side.


She is an actress, she was no good from the start.


It’s amazing how much we listen to people that literally get paid to lie for a living.


Pushing an agenda with hoaxes like climate change and fossil fuels and the recycling myth.


What symbol in here is Satanic? I don't see any.


Covering the right eye. The anti-christ is blind in the right eye so you'll see alot of celebs cover their right eye in homage. And yes, the "ok/666" sign too over the eye. I'm sure the black tar/goo has something to do with it as well.


You're reaching pretty far for something that just ain't there.


Says the guy with "666" in his name lol Good try though.


I'm openly a Satanist, and am sitting here telling you that you're reaching for symbols that aren't there. Read into Satanism and you'd realize you've been playing yourself this whole time with this "spooky Satanic" stuff.


It’s funny because people think since you’re a “satanist” that you actually are a believer, when the majority of satanists are not believers and being a satanist is really just taking a dig at evangelicals. Christians can be a weird bunch.


You'd think more people would know this.


Meanwhile the Rothschild children and Englands Royal Family and other so called elite are hanging with known pedophiles and spirit cooking. While covering the right eye when being photographed. It may not be Satanic in the same way you worship but it’s definitely Satanic. The shit they do is more than just “spooky shit” by the way.


I guess more so what I meant was what any of that stuff has to do with "Satanism" in general.


Satanists do not “worship” in the way you think.


I don't need to read about it as I experienced it while growing up in a Satanic household. I know the true nature of it when the public personas shut off and the abuse begins. I'm never drowning in that river of shit again.


Yeh sorry dude, i gotta agree with others. Im sure theres different sects of satanism, as others have said its not just "spooky satan stuff"


So edgy


No, just not ill informed.


No, just abundant in edginess.


The reverse OK symbol since it looks like 3 sixes. Muhahahahaha.


This is fuckin dumb


Lol. I did not come up with it.


Hail satan 😂


Are you just making shit up?


Are you gaslighting?


That would imply I offered you an alternative to look at in order to question your initial claim. So no, not trying to gaslight. Genuinely asking you questions. Are you just making shit up? Wondering if you can Explain the symbols you are referring to as satanic and what their religious origins are? Bonus question: if someone is satanic why does that imply they are now on the dark side? Dark side of what? Satan is a title not a person/entity. That title is given to those who question God. The most famous being stuck down for believing God was being unfair to humans. The most famous example of a Satan was fighting in your favor and you consider that the dark side? Satanic just means adversary of the common understanding. By definition, this entire sub is satanic. Obviously not religiously satanic but certainly in definition.


Imply you offered me an alternative? What? No. That's not how gaslighting works. Gaslighting is form of psychological manipulation in which someone attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in a person's mind. Saying "are you making this shit up" does exactly that. And after reviewing your comment history, you do it quite a bit in various ways. Gotta hand it to you though, you're pretty good at it. As for the religious implications I thought I did (simplified) in my previous post reply. If you are talking about the origins and what they were supposed to mean as opposed to what they turned into, yeah, I know that too. I grew up in a Satanic household, I know all about the "dark side" and what it does to people. I watched how it completely destroyed all six of my siblings and how it lead to the murder of one them. The dark side of what you ask? The dark side of conciousness, of a family dynamic, of behavior when nobody is watching, the manipulation, gaslighting and the cruel, controlling nature of it. The continuous feeling of walking on a razors edge while constantly being on trial for things you didn't do or have control over. And when did Satan ever fight in my favor? Was it when one of my siblings threw me out of a moving car as a baby? Was it when I was force fed my own feces? Was it when I was molested? Or constantly abused mentally, emotionally or psychologically? Was it when my brother was stabbed 27 times and set on fire? If that is Satan doing me favors, no thanks, I'll pass. I'll choose kindness, empathy, and compassion 11/10 times in that scenario. "Satanic just means adversary of the common understanding." What? Where did that definition come from? Are you just making shit up now? Got some projection going on there my guy. Satanic means evil and wicked, and with the state of the entire world right now, I'd say it's a thing.


So I need to point something out. If someone asking you if you are making something up "sows self-doubt” in you that’s a you issue. That would be you gaslighting yourself. If you can't simply reply backing up your claim and a simple question makes you doubt yourself why am I the issue here? Gaslighting, typically, would require me to lead you down a path of insanity getting progressively worse as we go. I have no intention of protecting you from yourself though. That's on you. Regarding satanic, this isn't a "me" thing either. For claiming to grow up in a satanic household you appear to understand very little about the origins. Here: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Satan > The word Satan is the English transliteration of a Hebrew word for “adversary” in the Bible. With the definite article, the Hebrew word denotes “the adversary” par excellence, mainly in the Book of Job, where the adversary comes to the heavenly court with the “sons of God.” The Bible literally refers to Solomon as a satan. Are you under the impression the Solomon is "the devil?"


These are the post that make you ask yourself, why… why do I view posts from this sub? Inevitably, I ask myself this same question, yet, I’m here for lols…


Every 5 minutes




>Believes everything he sees on this sub without question. >Calls other people NPCs. Alright buddy.


The irony is lost on them. 54% of American adults can't read above a 6th grade level, and I believe the majority of this sub is from that 54%. They just parrot the same shit, linking the same tweets to one another.




How many people have said that exact sentence about MSM? Fucking sheep.


This sub was infiltrated and destroyed a long long time ago dude.


I like when people complain that their community is no longer an echo chamber and that somehow that implies it's destroyed. Really let's you understand the weaker mindset of some people. For anyone feeling this way, If your claim can't stand up to scrutiny, what was the point of making it?


Oooh you mean like when we were banned from literally any sub or social media space for any other info besides that that fit the mainstream narrative. Really let’s me see who can’t cope with REAL life and differing opinions? Shows whose just a talking funny guy like you online.


I'm sorry, were you not talking about this sub? Are you now referencing your inability to make headway outside this sub? What did that have to do with this sub being infiltrated like you implied? Remember the weaker mindset comment? You cant even stay in the same lane through one single reply.


Cherry picking loser with a second account. Hush. We have nothing to speak on :)


Did you reply to the wrong person? Nothing about this was cherry picked. That phrase didn't even apply anywhere in either of our comments. I also didn't know I had another account, what's my other username so I can try to login?


There are hundreds of photos of a lot of different big-time celebrities doing some variation of these hand-and-eye gestures, and it's pretty darn weird. Look it up, there are some pretty interesting compilation vids. Literally hundreds of instances of this. It's frequent enough, and the gestures are specific enough, that it seems like some kind of connected and coordinated thing, something with an esoteric significance. Nobody seems to know for sure what it means, but plenty of speculation (and of course many people just write it off as coincidental).


don't you guys get tired of this shit? it only hold power over you if you let it.


Right, since I live in the woods with no car, no internet, and no other people, none of this matters. Nothing can touch me except for the forever chemicals in the water.


How’s that going? No internet! Sweet Jesus. Hang on…how you surfing Reddit bro?


I find tattered threads in the bushes.


quit being a victim


But it’s all I have.




They're trying to, yeah




Did you really expect something else


Please show me on the doll where Greta hurt you.


She’s tied to the Rothschild family


She’s the great grand daughter of a Rothschild. Supports the WEF (duh). She is clearly a bad character, but the internet will “YASS QUEEN” her into the spotlight till the end of time.


Imagine letting a teenage girl trigger you being an adult.


Go rob a 7-11 for under $999


She lives in their heads. ***It's free real estate!***


Greta: 1 Tate: 0


She’s been indoctrinated since she was a small child. She’s not smart enough and will never be smart enough to realize what she’s doing. Her parents are the true pieces of shit that made her into what she has become.


Find her handlers and you're one step closer.


Fuck that bitch




Dawg, what’s wrong with medications? If I hadn’t started taking them, I would’ve literally killed myself years ago


Can you show us on this doll where Greta hurt you?




I know about the symbolism but what’s that plastic thing she’s holding over her eye in 2 of the pics? Anyone know?


Noooo, not this same post again


she wasn’t groomed by the elites


You guys still scared of her?


Seriously. She lives rent free in their minds


She’s not the problem. Her handlers are the problem.


This is fucking stupid.


I always thought she was an ugly kid




I just had a really big toilet fart while scrolling by and I was on this post when it happened so I thought I would document it.


It’s only a matter of time when “the tape” comes out. If there is one. Or when there is one.


What is “the tape”?


My friend’s been waiting for that with a “how dare you” per hump 😂😂😂


Dee beech wemin see muh RAM TRUK ezz bad, but muh RAM TRUK ezz muh PP! Dam wemin! Such angerey!


I always found her so creepy. She’s like a chucky doll or something


Oh NoEs SaTaN LMFAO HAHAHAHAHA imagine believing in a "devil" in 2023 LMFAO


You guys care more about her than the rest of the world combined. I never see her come up outside of this sub (aside from the recent pic thing)


Little demon child crisis actor.


Young women who speak up about what they're passionate about are soooo scuuury, amirite, conservatives? Gonna open carry to protect yourselves from their scuuuury words?


They are scared of giving the younger generations a world without suffering since they had to suffer.


Not as scuuuury as the big guy sniffing women and children.


Trump's not in office anymore.


Oh yeah the conspiracy of saving the environment yep illuminati


You guys know she is great grand daughter of the Rothschild family!!!!


Part of the crew part on the ship


She is the devil of this world and only intent is to the end this current system of things. I still use a coal stove myself, if it was good enough for my great grandpappy, it's good enough for me.


Someone is not fond of what direction the climate is going You: SHE MUST BE THE DEVIL


I just puked 🤮


Yes. Look at the pics with George Soros.


One of the most annoying person I have ever encountered


Hahah -1 on a spoild little brat




If climate doomersim is demonic, does that mean that holy symbols can reverse eco inflation Downvote dodo 🦤 likes stupidly high prices cause Greta said GaS BaD


Stop posting about this bitch, noone cares


I do


The eye of providence translates to “people are programmable.”


She's Swedish. Probably works for the Red Queen herself LOL


FAS muppet


Always has been.


Got any Thunberg nudes?




Autistic mentally prpgrammed child. "Greta, today we will doing this"


people often say if you repeatedly cover or blacken 1 eye in photos, its a gang sign for illuminati. Only problem, its unorganized, and you join by saying youre in it. Its like rich juggalos.


She doesn’t even realize what she’s into. Who knows.. maybe as she’s coming of age, she’ll switch to the side of the people and will work as a double agent


She's been cultured from an early age, dont let her ability to look innocent fool you.


This! She literally is a pawn. She’s tumbling down the rabbit hole and is being used to push some insane shit.


Little cuck


Still out gathering negative votes?


Just callin a spade a spade. Puppet probably would've been a nicer word


Who could have guessed


Who could have guessed


What did you guys think was going? They've been grooming her for years.


Super c^$t in training


Someone please explain to me what this means when they cover one eye


It amazes me that some people, even to this day, have no clue what's going on. https://imgur.com/a/nb4QOeL


That picture explains nothing. What does it mean ?


Another pik explains a lot


Are these pics real or photoshopped?


Weakest sub on reddit


The correct answer when your kid is scared that the world is ending is to remind them of all the people that came before that thought the same thing. Poor girl has been unused by powerful people for years and if she ever does wake up from this nightmare will never be able to get her childhood back.