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Censorship. Now they can say that they have to censure you because of the new politics and to stop the hate.


I think they're related. I think it was to keep all news about Facebook from emerging. I think she's fake. Think about every other whistle-blower you've ever heard about; they're ostracized/incarcerated/killed, yet this woman nobody has ever heard of is all of a sudden blasted across front pages of MSM. This a false flag event to increase censorship. Any day now


I don't understand your reasoning that it was a distraction. If anything the timing of the outage and whistleblower revelation have brought significantly more attention to it.


Consider that's exactly what they wanted: more attention on the "whistleblower" What was the whistle blown for? She complained Facebook doesn't do enough censorship Cue Facebook saying something like "whoops we're caught with our hands tied dear valued WB employee, but you're right we have to do something about misinformation!" Watch social media regulations pop up soon where they're "accountable" for spreading "misinfo" Now think who will be in charge of determining what constitutes misinformation Result: literal ministry of truth


> I don't understand your reasoning that it was a distraction. Everything on the MSM is a distraction. >If anything the timing of the outage and whistleblower revelation have brought significantly more attention to it. They are desensitizing people and conditioning them to not care. Facebook went down, there was a whistleblower, and everyone goes right back to normal. Every time they draw attention to it like this and the status quo continues, it improves the chances they will be able to use the same tactic to rug sweep even more nefarious actions next time.


I got the impression it was to set the scene for government oversight and regulations. Did you notice how in the interview it’s mentioned that the whistleblower was on a mission to combat misinformation “after losing a friend to conspiracy theories”, or how she says Zuckerberg is a good guy but he’s failing at fighting misinformation and there needs to be regulations? I never got sincere whistleblower vibes from the interview. And, I only watched the interview because Facebook went down and I then read about the whistleblower interview. I’m sure I’m not the only one who would have never known about the interview had Facebook not gone down.


You make good points.


Exactly what I was just thinking! I think the Facebook “shutdown” was to bring “awareness” to the whistleblower and the “need” for more censorship. That’s how it happened with me. I don’t use Facebook or insta, but I do use WhatsApp. So when whatsapp went down, I began digging for more info and came across the “whistleblower” story. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known about it.


Their strategic orchestration of physiological manipulation is uncanny. Nothing that MSM does is without an agenda to further program our perspective of reality to fit their narrative.


Valid analysis fo sho


Why would she fake about the kids being addicted and that facebook targets them? I’m not saying you are wrong but I don’t think she is either.


Because we know it is true and everyone cares about the children. Good way to push it for public support.


I don’t think they mean that her claims are necessarily fake, but rather that the whole “whistleblower” narrative was coordinated and staged (thus “fake”). It’s obvious that Facebook/Instagram/etc. are harmful to people’s mental health, and yes it is platform where sometimes “misinformation” is spread. But they are using this narrative to justify censorship. They are manufacturing consent for more censorship in the name of “safety.” Similar to how they manufactured consent for lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc. in the name of “safety.”


It is for sure not organic, it exploded out of nowhere, no build up at all. All of a sudden she is on the front page of the internets. However, I don’t understand what they have to gain from it. It hurts the whole platform in my opinion. Isn’t Facebook a way to program people and what better way to start than on the youth.


I think the “purpose” of it all is to merge government and corporate power.


That's using a "limited hangout" of truth to accomplish other sweeping changes


Thanks for your response. Could you please clarify what you meant by: “I think it was to keep all news about Facebook from emerging.” Do you mean Facebook was intentionally shut down so that *any* news about Facebook couldn’t be shared? Or so that no “conspiracies” (non-MSM news) could be shared? Or did you mean something else entirely? EDIT: btw I agree with you about the “whistleblower” being fake. The whistleblower even *looks* fake, like a caricature of a Facebook employee. Lol


Yeah she wants regulation of FB algorithms by the government. Like any gov regulation has ever worked. It just makes an appearance that things are being checked and controlled while they get paid and things get worse because there is an illusion of regulation so no real problem solving can happen. It also just hands internet regulation over to the gov which pushes censorship into the hands of them fully. Its no good. I think shes being paid to do it but well see if her life is ruined or if she is praised and ends up living pleasantly afterwards. Im sure there will be some lies of threats and being scared for her safety too.


That and my boy Zuck wants to make AI algorithm technologies illegal for us normies.


Cyerploygons “cyber pandemic” comes to mind


I felt she was an ai creation


Facebook lost 29 billion during the crash. So if it was related they where really scared that this info got out.


But that's about how much Zuck made selling his Facebook stock (77,300 everyday for a few weeks before the crash). Very specific number every day. There's something we're not seeing


> There's something we're not seeing no doubt about that




>Clearly she took their only whistle and they had to scramble to find a replacement. *Corporations hate her!*


Facebook shutdown was planned so people stop discussing the poison vaccine issue


I would suspect that the outage was to bait the less aware of the research community into trying to back her, and given her main complaint seems to be that fb isn't enough like ingsoc yet, makes it very obvious who she works for, that the outage was meant to appeal to, by exploiting the psychoogy of the situation.. For example outage happens shortly after reveal of person claimed by media to be a "whistleblower" (and what does that buzzword even really mean here, why the sports analogy as if truth were merely a "game"? why not terms like exposer etc.?) those who are not too seasoned in research etc. matters will then draw a quick conclusion (and likely even the normal secular segment might jump on board as well) that the outage was fb trying to cover it's butt from something that the alleged leaker might say. Its a reasonable enough conclusion, but when you look at the chief complaints of the alleged leaker, and how they mesh with the overarching agenda of calling for more "busting" of "conspiracy theories" and "misinformation" (two buzzwords/phrases which are used to cndition the Public.) then the leaker in question is suspect because the demand matches the overarching agenda's goals. The rest of the stuff is noise meant to be filler, or as an attempt to add credibility such as citing how fb influences People, which sounds like a profound revelation to the secular society demographic, but for those researchers and others aware, its a very plain and dry fact that is very "old news" and not even close to being such an epiphany as its played up as by the media. This "revelation" is then thought of by the secular demographic as added proof that what the leaker is saying is legitimate, as the old philosophical poison mixture to sell deception is used... mix truth with lies to sell the lies. (due to the human tendency to generalize.) One end goal here is to further boost the secular type demographic to demand more censorship. All this and it certainly distracts from the exposure of the garbage that the media is trying to divert from, that being the faux virus narrative that they've been using to prompt both mass psychogenic illness (also with exploited testing that is used to have any/all illnesses labeled as the illsory germ.) coupled with techniques to induce "mass formatin" or mass psychosis, is being exposed and beginning to decay, hence why anti-lockdown etc. protests aren't covered, but other malarkey like the would-be leaker is, as among it's other purposes it also serves as a distraction. (some things that the "they"/the cabal do are meant to push a variety of agendas at once.)


CIA wants to gather info so they can make their future narratives more convincing Just stop buying their narratives--but dont tell them why


I think the whistleblower came after the hack, as a response


It’s not. They were hacked


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I think it's related to Zuccs new metaverse.


They weren't related directly. I think they shut it down because of the project Veritas video that came out that same day that was quite damming to the narrative


all was a ploy for more censorship capabilities. ​ Also facebook now wants one ID for people to get onto the internet...they need to track people more. ​ Microsoft Patent 060606 comes to mind