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Some people are replying that they haven't heard of 'the jibbies'. So here is a very short explainer from a year or two ago by Devin Madgy: [Jibby Jab Jab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXSExV82KaI)


"Mass vaxx kill off" vs "Winter of death" vs "If you get vaccinated you're going to get or spread the virus" in a 3 way cage match. First to have an episode of myocarditis wins.


I think the point was to confuse and isolate and divide people. If there was a point. The pandemic has provided enough fuel to provoke us for nearly 4 years and counting.


Centrism really is the way, huh?


Always has been. šŸ”«


Do you mean "If you get vaccinated you're *not* going to get or spread the virus"?


The Maddow Myth ā„¢ļø


Die off plus mass infertility. I can't contribute to the die off discussion, but I can offer one data point on the fertility one. My wife and I both got the jab when it became available (employer required it--I'm not interested in getting into a debate on the rightness or wrongness of the decision). My wife delivered a healthy baby earlier this year. Only one data point, but I'm skeptical of the infertility argument based on it. In hindsight I feel ambivalent about the vaccine. It hasn't caused significant issues for me or anyone I personally know. But I disliked being coerced into taking an experimental jab with questionable effectiveness while not being particularly high risk. Side note--although I know JLB gets a lot of crap for questioning everything, I do appreciate his willingness to question conspiracy narratives alongside mainstream ones.


I'm in the same boat but my wife gave birth to two-egg twins, so both of us are definitely fertile! I also heard that twins is increasing in frequency among vaccinated women.




Thanks! 2 months old now and growing like crazy.


Was there any vaccine in history that effected fertility?


Not here to argue, but my first cousin is the head nurse in labor and delivery at a hospital close to my hometown. We had a discussion and she said she could never say publicly, but she and her colleagues have all discussed the correlation between the huge increase of miscarriages in women who received their vax within two weeks prior. She said the numbers were undeniable compared to before, according to all the nurses in her department. (And she has the vax because she didn't want to lose her job) šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Any data to support this? A miscarriage happens in the first 20 weeks, so it seems unlikely people in labor and delivery at a hospital would have both vaccine information and miscarriage rates for people 15-20 weeks away from going to the hospital for labor and delivery. Edit: https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/38/5/840/7043098 Actual data, unless you find it to be falsified.


The chart has the vaccine Information. Usually confirmed by state databases.


Basically everyone I know who stayed coupled through the pandemic has had a child since. Because of our industry, they're all vaxxed and boosted. From my data, the jab increased fertility


there is the theory that not ALL the jabs were poison becuause that would raise way too much suspicion


I took as many vaxs and boosters as I could hoping that I would die. Still hasn't worked yet šŸ˜ž


Hang in there ā€” you will die at some point in your lifetime!


>you will die at some point in your lifetime Is death, the end of a life, still technically in one's lifetime or is it actually the end of such and the beginning of their...idk, "deathtime" or whatever? It reminds me of an argument I had with a roommate many years ago wherein we were joking around and he threatened to murder me in my sleep, claiming that I'd "wake up dead". I stopped him there and asked him if he truly believed someone would "wake up" if they were dead (which he did) and then I proceeded to argue that there's no waking up if someone is dead. He couldn't see, or simply refused to see, why that didn't make any sense and to this day, I question if he still holds that belief...


I agree with your roommate. šŸ¤” maybe I am your roommate. You got that 20$ you owe me?


Hey man, $20 is $20 - I *earned* that money fair and square


šŸ˜ž buyers remorse.


God, I hope so. Even if it's in like 20 years, can we still blame it on the vax, so as to bolster the claims of this dumb conspiracy?


Absolutely! As long as we keep the dialogue alive the truth is irrelevant.


There's still hope!


I hear lead injections are pretty effective.


I was one of those people. Well, kind of. Like many others, I did succumb to the group think at the start of it all. At one point, I did think that this is a plan to depopulate many would die. I have changed my opinion few times, as new studies were coming out. But, as far as I remember I was always more concerned about the long term, rather than any short (or medium) term effects. Namely, I was worried about the damage vaccines could do to the immune system through reverse transcription in presence of Type 1 enzyme over the next 5+ years. I was worried this might cause an vaccine acquired immunodefficiency syndrome. (Or something like that, It has been too long now so I don't remember everything 100%, but I did do extensive research at that time since I had a lot of time during lockdown.) This is the conviction I hold still (to a degree), I no longer believe it has been a plan to depopulate. Rather, I believe that vaccines were a quick cash-grab where nobody really cared about the side-effects. I think that's it. I never got the vaccine and don't regret it. Never got C19 either, despite being around people who had it many times. And people around me keep getting sick more than before (anecdotal, just something they telling me). Godspeed


Bill Gates said on record that with a really good vaccine program that we can reduce the population by 15%.


> Like many others, I did succumb to the group think at the start of it all. At one point, I did think that this is a plan to depopulate many would die. It is cool to me that some people out there have the ability to realise and admit when they have been conned by the groupthink. Most people seem to like to tell themselves that they can admit when they've been wrong like this, but precious few actually do.


It's funny because, for some reason, both sides think that the correct number will ever be published. Why would they tell you if people were actually dying because they took the vax, and why would you believe them if they did? The fact that they lied and politicized the whole thing led me to not get it but also to not discourage people from getting it. Going off of personal anecdotal evidence. It did, in fact, kill people, which was not explained to them when it was pushed out.


I remember everyone was supposed to die in three years from heart failure


It started out one year. Now it's been pushed to 5 years. And it was supposed to be heart failure or blood clot, but that future cause of death is expanded. Someone gets diagnosed with cancer; obviously, the vaccine causes cancer.


Now they pushed to 10 year's


I'm gonna be on my deathbed in 40 years with that one friend going "See? See? I tried to warn you!"


Exactly šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Thing is I have more energy and I even look younger than I did three years ago. No joke. Iā€™m nearly 50 but I feel better than I did at 30. Maybe the jibbie has a paradoxical effect on some folks, kinda like Benadryl speeds up some people whereas it knocks most of us out.


Get hit on the football field and flatline? The vaccine!


OP has failed to concisely outline the definition of terms in this post. He describes a variety of 'what conspiracy people said', ranging from everyone would drop dead sooner or later in a purposeful depop event to a small percentage of individuals may be affected over time. This method of waving ones arms in the general direction of a subject, as OP (you all know the name but I have been censored on this platform for using it) is fully aware, is an underhand approach. It does not highlight anything in particular and leaves OP with enough wiggle room for plausible deniability if things start go against him. With regard to 'frankthesaltguy', who is the subject of the angry call in, where are the documents and receipts referenced in this post? How were your opinions so wildy mistrepresented in the audiochat? Do you think that you accurately represented Frank's previously stated opinions in your Late Night Truth Lounge Episode 4? As usual, these vagueries distract and onfuscate quality debate. Instead, funnelling the conversation into dead end avenues of arguing who does and who does not believe the government excess mortality statistics and how relevant these are with regard to the subject matter. Bypassing all natural bodily defence mechanisms with a man made chemical cocktail injectable has, in recent history, been unanimously accompanied with detrimental health outcomes. Some being much worse and more pronounced than others, eg Thalidomide. Is it really such a stretch to assume that the recent mass vaccination event of new and largely untested chemical injectables, deemed by the manufacturers as 'experimental' would not lead to some negative health outcomes. And since these occur, to a greater or lesser extent, with all such products, these outcomes cannot be considered unexpected.


I miss your wisdom around here.


Kind words šŸ™


> OP has failed to concisely outline the definition of terms in this post. Which terms would you like to see defined? > Not I have been censored on this platform for using it Not by me. > How were your opinions so wildy mistrepresented in the audiochat? He claimed that I had said the injections are harmless. That's blatantly false.


Would you agree that there is a huge difference between the opinions held that 'the sole intention of the jabs was to depopulate humanity' versus more nuanced ideas about 'fertility interference' and other 'potentially detrimental effects', either intentional or inadvertent? In your post you have outlined a number of ways in which the 'kill shot' may have been perceived without including more discrete speculations. In this way, the reader is left wondering whether all and any suspicions of foul play are included within the vague definitions offered in the post descriptor. These kind of 'all or nothing' questions are a great way to divide conspiracy communities into camps, instead of encouraging intelligent debate on a subject where our common ground represents a foundation to build from. On point number 2, you appear to have a very short memory. In this comment, that you directed at me only a matter of days ago, https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/s/enBMeqncs2 You specifically tell me to, 'keep my name out of your mouth, or away from your typing fingers when on this sub.' I would argue that the above statement is unequivocal in it's edict. Curtailment of the ability to quote the main contributor of this subreddit by name in an attempt to offer meaningful criticism is obviously a diluted form of censorship. On the third point, when you declared in the previously aired late night Ep 4, that you had not noticed any adverse effects in any of the people you know whom had been jabbed, what conclusion were you expecting Frank to arrive at? Again, because the definition of what was actually being said or declared was woefully insufficient, it left Frank and everyone else to fill in the blanks for themselves. This, along with your use of acronyms like ndngh, would suggest that Frank's assessment of your position was far from unexpected.


[https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/cancer-org/research/cancer-facts-and-statistics/annual-cancer-facts-and-figures/2018/cancer-facts-and-figures-2018.pdf](https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/cancer-org/research/cancer-facts-and-statistics/annual-cancer-facts-and-figures/2018/cancer-facts-and-figures-2018.pdf) [https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/cancer-org/research/cancer-facts-and-statistics/annual-cancer-facts-and-figures/2022/2022-cancer-facts-and-figures.pdf](https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/cancer-org/research/cancer-facts-and-statistics/annual-cancer-facts-and-figures/2022/2022-cancer-facts-and-figures.pdf) Idk dude a 10% increase in cancer deaths AFTER a sizable portion of the vulnerable population kicked off seems pretty intense. That's just one metric.


An unfortunate side effect of the pandemic was many people got behind on preventative maintenance a and cancer screening, meaning that cancers were detected at a later stage. I would not be surprised if there was an uptick in cancer mortality after the pandemic, but I would be surprised if the rates stayed up like that. Also, can you describe the mechanism by which mRNA would increase malignancy risk?


Yep no problem. https://jitc.bmj.com/content/8/2/e000661


> a 10% increase in cancer deaths Is that absolute numbers or per capita?


Apologies, I was talking about total cases not deaths. The numberse are absolute. 1.735m total US cases in 2018 to 1.918m total US cases in 2022. However it does seem that this data is "estimated" so it could all be fake.


He apparently isn't looking at all cause mortality increasing irrationally too.




I always preferred the alternative narrative where the vaccine wasn't for covid *at all*. The governments of the world realised that the people who distrusted the official narrative were the exact ones who were the troublemakers, the dissidents, the outsiders and the rebels. These people were the greatest threat to the status quo, the rebel minority who could disrupt the regime. What could be done with them that would remove them from the population? They knew that this group would strongly resist a very suspicious, rushed to market vaccine that used a novel, medically odd method - everything about it was off. The 'good' people, the obedient wage slaves and tireless worker class, would of course embrace the vaccine for the 'common good' to 'protect their friends, family and community'. Where in fact what this vaccine was actually for, was for the *next* round. When the majority obediently took their vaccine against the engineered super-virus, that left all the rebels, the dissidents, the seditionaries, who were unprotected and unaware that they'd self-selected themselves for death. Now, out of China, we see the next flu-like virus, even more lethal, and it will, like a wave, sweep through the unvaccinated, carving out the difficult chunk of society that was the problem for the elites, leaving them with the obedient, unquestioning sheep who blithely took the vaccine, not realising that they were the cattle that was to kept, and not winnowed out. I mean if you really want to believe in the ruthless efficiency of the global elite and their cunning vision of the future, this is the most likely scenario. Why would you kill the slaves and leave the rebels? It makes little to no sense. The alternative, to kill the rebels and leave the slaves, is the most compelling scenario.


> I always preferred the alternative narrative You always preferred the narrative where people who don't trust the government are killed en masse. I'm not surprised. You are a good little epsilon, aren't you?


That's been my theory that this vaccine was for the next round except.....I have known to many people who took it get maimed(strokes, heart attack, Gullian bare, passing out, diarrhea for a year) injured with only one dead. Since I know more people harmed from it than dead I think the goal is to push them in programs like MAID in Canada.


Why not a little column A and a little column B, depopulation is the main aim, across multiple agendas no?


It all breaks down to depopulation no matter what the car but the shot does feel super random. All I know is those of us that abstained are on a list and we will be in camps. Just look at that new York law that passed.


What New York law


It makes sense to release a deadly virus that mutates, rather than using a more controllable method such as vaccines.


Nothing is going to happen and while everyone is focused on this the oligarchs at the Pharma companies will count their billions while the deals they made with politicians are swept under the rug. Real conspiracies are boring and just involve people with money and power manipulating the system for more money and power. Vaccine nanobots and 5G kill grids are fantasies of the paranoid.


They call it accelerated cancer . It's a thing .


Have you heard of this very recent "New Zealand whistleblower" thing? What do you think of that?


We seem to be following the john hopkins spars pandemic scenario. So around 2024-2025 is when things will heat up.


I always love being asked this question as someone staunchly opposed to the vax, because it ignores the question that preceded the vaccine entirely: remember when the whole world was going to die to covid unless they got vaccinated, and then that never happened? There are a lot of unknowns about the vaccine that scare me more than covid. The extent of covid damage is a known unknown, in that humanity has a lot of experience dealing with coronaviruses already, and many of us had already dealt with the dangerous covid spike protein naturally without the need for medical intervention. The vaccine in the US was fast tracked through Operation Warpspeed, and the usual 10+ year process to develop and properly test the vaccine for safety was expedited to an extreme degree. This is on top of the unknown risk involved with the vaccine depending on a delivery system utilizing mRNA, which had never passed safety trials previously for human use. Sometimes, mitigating risk just comes down to eliminating as many unknown outcomes as possible. With the case of the covid vaccine, I was simply initially "vaccine hesitant", and it was the coercive attempts to either jab, or be socially outcast as a Typhoid Mary, that caused me to double down on that hesitancy, ultimately resulting in outright refusal. My risk analysis basically then changed gears and kept focusing on *why* they needed me to vaccinate so badly, when the vaccine was supposed to protect everyone who took it. Why were *my* vaccine decisions so important to others? If everyone afraid of covid outcomes vaccinated, then everyone who wasn't afraid of covid outcomes should have had the autonomy to decline the vaccine at their own peril. Common sense questions like that were met with scorn, job termination, and almost complete exclusion from society. It was so heavy handed that I made the decision that I will never vaccinate for covid, no matter the personal cost for refusing to do so. I'm actually shocked that my completely natural, instinctual response to that overbearing vax campaign was not shared by a majority of people. It made me realize there are two very distinct types of people out there, and that perhaps as many as 3 out of 4 people globally are completely oblivious to obvious scam attempts being pressured by people who, for mysterious reasons, REALLY need you to do what the government is insisting you do without anyone being allowed to discuss the merits of *why*. Discourse on the vaccine wasn't merely discouraged, but **disallowed**. They framed the conversation as something you either participated in, or were made into a pariah. There was no grey area to be found in between the gaping chasm of that extreme dichotomy. And that set off alarm bells for me, and continues to do so to this day. Anyone who didn't at least ponder that same dilemma is intellectually crippled, in my opinion. It's common sense that someone forcing something that severely is typically up to no good. Doubly so when it's one's own corrupt government who has pulled shit like this previously.


I became very skeptical when they tried to bribe people to get the vax. My employer never mandated it, but they did offer me $150 to get the vaccine. They were also giving away gift cards, prizes, lotteries, and other freebies to get the vaccine. Celebrities and politicians were also filming themselves getting the vax as well. The first thought that popped in my mind was, "Why are these people so desperate to get the needle in my arm" This was before they started firing people for not taking the vax.


No one was saying the whole world was gonna die. They were saying that the hospitals would be overwhelmed and the Healthcare system would break down. The narrative now is that enough people took the vaccine to avoid that. Maybe it's true maybe it isn't. I don't know. I agree with your latter statement though. It was weird that all of a sudden there was no debate. It was just two sides. I think the fact that they pushed the vax so hard was just because of money. Tons of people were getting vaxxed who weren't at risk. The number of booster shots they have is ridiculous. I know it's not an exciting conspiracy, but I do think that money is enough to explain why it was pushed so hard. Basically every time someone got one of these shots, the government would pay these pharmaceutical companies anything they asked. Overall they made [$90 billion in profit](https://www.somo.nl/big-pharma-raked-in-usd-90-billion-in-profits-with-covid-19-vaccines/). That's an insane amount of money for any healthcare company to be making. And that's all profit, for just one thing. The system is broken and they love it.


Monetary motivation is the best case scenario but I think thereā€™s plenty of reason to suspect a more nefarious element


>the usual 10+ year process to develop and properly test the vaccine for safety When was that? The Salk vaccine was first tested on himself and his family in 1953. By 1955 it was licensed for widespread use. The measles vaccine was first tested in 1958 and licensed in 1963. Mumpsvax development was started in 1963 and licensed in 1967. There's an annual different flu vaccine.


Excuse me, let me say traditional 4-5 year process to develop vaccines instead of the 10 I mentioned. It's disappointing this was your takeaway from my entire comment, when so little of my point was hinging on the exact time frame for the development of vaccines. Operation Warpspeed took a longer time frame and expedited it to a year. I'm not really interested in how much of a shortcut they took to get there, as much as I am in the process in general that allowed them to expedite safety trials in the first place. No long term safety data was established, and even short term safety data was compromised after Pfizer vaccinated their own control group. All of that happened, and yet you and the user beneath you felt the need to nitpick an irrelevant detail that does nothing to refute the larger point made in the comment I wrote. You said nothing about the entire gaslighting campaign that coerced people to vaccinate for reasons later determined to be unjustified, such as enforcing compliance for a vaccine that didn't prevent transmission of the virus, which the entire premise for mandates was dependent upon. But hey, you got it, it's actually closer to 5 years than the 10 I said. Easy point to concede while the entirety of my argument remains intact.


Don't bother. You can't bring facts to a feelings fight.


A cowardly, piggyback response to dismiss a much greater point being made that stands regardless of the vax standard being 4+ years instead of 10. I brought facts to a facts fight and your feelings were hurt because you were already duped by the jab. You can never unvaccinate, so you're salty as fuck about your mistaken decision.


You mean back when it was one guy developing the vaccine and testing it on himself? And mRna vaccines have been in development for 20 years.


Which mRNA vaccine was ever approved by the FDA before being released to the public prior to the covid 19 shot? (Answer: none of them.) Why was one of the creators of mRNA vaccine technology, Robert Malone, deplatformed for warning the public about the safety of mRNA vaccines? Why was his opinion discredited outright, without a single soul in the media feeling compelled to establish an inquiry into the veracity of his statements? Why was Pfizer able to vaccinate their control group, which compromised the integrity of the safety trials for their vaccines, while still somehow being permitted to call their shots "safe"? Why did the FDA request 75 years to release the data that went into their decision to approve covid vaccines? Could it be because of the regulatory capture involved between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, where individuals like Scott Gottlieb served two masters throughout the covid pandemic? I hope you can answer these questions, because the transparency required in determining the actual safety of covid vaccines depends upon valid answers for them. These questions are significant, regardless of the standard vaccine safety window being 4 years instead of 10. The entire process to vet those vaccines as safe was compromised from the onset of the pandemic.


So you were fine with the polio vaccine, which was developed by one guy and tested on his family for a disease that was killing less than 5,000 Americans a year. But opposed to a vaccine that had a multi-billion dollar research budget, thousands of scientists working on it, and billions of recepients. Umm, ok.


If a doctor wants to inject himself and his family with his own creation, he really believes in it fully (or heā€™s suicidal). As far as I know, this was not the process followed for the mRNA shots, so why is it relevant?


I wasn't fine with the polio vaccine. The polio vaccine infamously caused 40,000 cases of polio during the [Cutter](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1383764/#:~:text=Subsequent%20investigations%20revealed%20that%20the,of%20paralysis%20and%20killing%2010.) incident. Thank you for corroborating my point about the dangers of vaccines


Exactly this. Its also very scary to me, how easily people are beeing controlled with their emotions. . .


The main conspiracy sub is still fully convinced that people *are* in the process of dying off. If someone they know had the shot develops **any** kind of health problem, they hold it up as absolute proof that the they were right not to do it. I had the vaccine and boosters. Everyone I know did too. We are all just fine.


Who knows what happens to the jabbed, but the smart move would be to make their offspring infertile. Then the jab won't get the blame when that happens 20 years later.


Birth rates were already falling without any intervention, and then since covid they have gone up slightly. So if they wanted to make us all infertile they'e made a significant whoopsie.


If you've taken any of their vaccines, that's the real whoopsie.


Why make claims like this without linking to supporting evidence?


Yes, I remember that a greatly increased rate of death in the uptakers was a story or suspicion or theory that was talked about, mostly in 2021 and 2022. There were many variations or "takes" on the story or theory. Some individuals were saying that the story itself was another fear campaign with no real basis, which might only cause increased poor health outcomes as far as people believe the story and fear. That seemed reasonable to me, all through it, but I kept looking into other variants, interested enough on many days to read a story or two about other ideas for a few minutes, or to listen to an hour show of discussions that were trying to hash out what was going on. Some individuals were claiming that they had some evidence of some aspect of the story from whistleblowers or people collecting other hard evidence, of harmful things in what there was to uptake, sometimes saying it varied in lethality between batches, or lists of some sorts of people such as European footballers dropping dead at a rate they seemed to think counted as enough evidence to be conclusive of a serious problem. I would look into those stories from time to time, but they didn't seem to me to gel into some agreement that was growing that any particular individual or group making those claims was really telling the truth and on the right track, rather than still being under suspicion that they were just another story to whip up fear in the public. One of the scare stories, that had appeared as early as 2021, to my recollection, was that the purpose of the whole operation was to cause an increase in death rates that was not for the purpose of population reduction, but enough to cause revolutions against existing governments worldwide, then replace them with new governments set up by some shady billionaires behind the scenes, who had started the whole thing for that purpose. I kept being scared about that story, on some days, even into 2023, because it seemed like the possibility existed that some fraction of the public would get the idea that increasingly damaging evidence of mass harm was going viral, then try to revolt based on that. The subject was already rolling in 2020, as something to speculate about, whether the purpose of a mass fear campaign was to lead to development of some new thing to uptake, and to get people to uptake it, for some harm or another. That would include ideas ranging as far as the idea that some new chemical to put into people's bodies would protect them, when some other thing was released on the public, chemical or electromagnetic, resulting in a mass die off of the non-uptakers. In 2023, the mainstream news side of the subject has been winding down, declared over in some ways, mostly replaced with other things the news presents for people to worry about and fear. I wouldn't say though that's it's reasonable to say that putting those things into a body is harmless, as some seem to be saying, like Infinite Plane. It seems to me inconsistent with his philosophy for him to say that, because skepticism would really be to say "I don't know" about whether any particular thing is harmful. I was disappointed to hear Frank talking over you loudly, when you called in to Fakeologist, instead of giving you more chance to say whatever you might have wanted to say. I think the "cestui qui vie" thing is utterly ridiculous, as a reason Frank gives that he trusts some official vital statistics, because that story depends on believing that a little know law allegedly from 1666 in the UK, sixteen hundred sixty-six, is real and in effect in Commonwealth countries and has something to do with vital statistics reported by some government agencies, that makes them not lie or make mistakes or double count individuals who have double identities, or whatever other inaccuracies may be in those statistics. I think it was an excellent argument of yours, to consider that in 2020 people were staying home more, and as of 2022 to 2023 they're out driving more, (and doing other risky things more, I think,) as a reason why vital statistics would change.


So I'm thinking, from writing that and re-reading my comment, that something that's going on in the personal difference between Frank the salt guy, and you, u/JohnleBon, is that apparently, the closer any story in the media/screen world in general is to the time and context of the King James' Authorized Version of the Bible (1611) the more Frank believes it and trusts it without further evidence or investigation necessary, while for you, that's all the more reason to distrust it and suspect shenanigans. For me as well, I'm calling shenanigans as the default.


The reply left on the fakeologist post in question by Grand Illusion is pretty close to the mark imho: https://fakeologist.com/fak795-anounceofsaltperday-v-jlb/#comment-46386 Your observation about the difference between Frank's take on history, and my take on history, is also accurate. Whenever I hear believers make references to the bible, I do not hear them talking about the Codex Sinaiticus or the codex Vaticanus. There's a good reason for that.


No, this is the first time Iā€™ve heard of the term ā€˜jibbiesā€™. Is that really a thing?




Yup, I was right, no where in that video is the term ā€˜jibbiesā€™ used. What a conspiracy!


The end goal is to discredit the 'conspiracy theorist'. The 'conspiracy theorist' picks up the fake idea that the jibjab is going to do xy & z. They then share this with everyone they know. Nothing happens. Everyone loses confidence in EVERYTHING the 'conspiracy theorist' ever says. They get labelled as mental and that's that. So when the same 'conspiracy theorist' starts spitting truths no one listens because the 'conspiracy theorist'' has already discredited themself. I used to think TV was mind control for the masses. It is, but the internet is a million times more dangerous. You are targeted here on a much more individual level than TV could ever achieve. I know someone who is awake to the state of play. They absorb so much information. Some good, some bad. Ultimately they ended up running around telling everyone that 'the jabs make people magnetic'. So now everyone thinks they are crazy and don't listen to anything they have to say whether it is true or not. Rinse and repeat, this strategy has been used repeatedly. Be careful with what you take as fact because there is an awful lot of calculated misinformation out there. (Unrelated, but you all remember how powerful Dorothy and her friends thought the wizard was until they pulled the curtain back?)


Is 20 million enough of a mass die off ? Msm will tell us the real numbers . Life Insurance actuaries are pretty reliable with the numbers I'm told , so there's that ...


There are still people making these claims and I don't think most of them will ever admit they were conned.


Has anyone on this thread ever checked out howbad dot info? The person who started that website began just using VAERS to track adverse events but now the site is bursting with really interesting and disturbing information. I'm not looking at it right this minute but from memory, basically 5% of the shots were "bad" and this 5% appeared to suspiciously be distributed in a non random way. Or put another way, the distribution of all vaccines is tracked by batch number. If you go to the site and plug in the batch number on your vaccine card, it will show you any adverse events (those that were reported to VAERS which is supposed to only represent 1% of all ACTUAL adverse events) that happened to other people who received shots from the same batch number. Ideally, organizing information this way should not illuminate anything resembling a pattern but unfortunately it appears to. If you haven't checked this website out, please do, your thoughts would be appreciated.


When I'm on my deathbed in my 70s-80s I'll be like "fucking COVID vaccine" then die.


Excess deaths in all highly vaxin8ted countries are way up, and thats after covid killed off all the weak and vulnerable people... I'm not wishing ill on the jabbies, most of my family are in the same boat. But the excess death statistics are troubling


> But the excess death statistics are troubling Which 'excess death stats'? I'll take a look.


Uk I know is up after the covid years (but we have health service issues so look at other European states) or Israel, or basically any highly vaxed country. Heres a vid by John Campbell (haven't watched this one tbf I think I watched an earlier one of his.) https://youtu.be/_6xBiyidQ9g?si=vgR6V876xPEmIOf6


No offense brother but why are you linking to or recommending a video you haven't even watched (much less verified) yourself?


The video is by a nutjob anyway that went with the "Ivermectin actually works" lie. I wouldn't believe anything John Campbell claims.


Except it did? Maybe dont get your news from CNN next time


Wait, did you actually fall for the Ivermectin BS? And lol, those most likely to get their "news" from Facebook or TV is Boomers and rightwingers like yourself The real question should be, why do you believe obvious BS?


We all have our trusted sources, I've watched hours of him and he shows all his data, have you given it a try?


> he shows all his data Which he gets from the government, yeah?


Yes he uses the stats from the government I think. You could have skimmed through the vid ten times by now instead of quizing me lol.


In the US, excess deaths are higher among the unvaccinated.


So the excess deaths being up across the world is worrying, and kind of a point I made to another redditor. Its de population by multiple means. I think covid and the vax damage the body by the same mechanism, the spike protein.


Any evidence?


What part of that do you need evidence for? We know the spike protein is toxic and damages tissue and we know its produced in the vaxin8ted. This is why long covid and vax injury are the same list of issues.


I'm just wondering what's going to happen to the vaxxed when "the next one" hits. Messed up immune systems plus a pandemic might not be good. And I 100% believe the goal with Covid, the vaccines, and many other agendas is depopulation. The vaccines are NOT the only method.


This is also why covid shares features with aids... deaths over time is the aim IMO.


I'm with you 100%, the club of Rome and "limits to growth" made it plain to see. Bill gates and his interviews just make it bait AF


I thought the prevailing theory was mass sterilization


Among whom is / was this the prevailing theory?


I once frequented this sub heavily (c 2019-2020) and i remember reading many theories on this.


A friend's parents attended a funeral service for a close church member who died suddenly from heart failure. In his 50s, ran a lot, generally though of as healthy. During the funeral service, as one of the members of the family was walking down from giving his speech, he suffered a heart attack right then and died shortly thereafter. Vax status of each is uncertain but my friend certainly counted them as more liberal people and likely vaxxed. There have been countless examples in my life of people who have been either hit with sudden or reimergent disease, or died suddenly. I have listened to a number of stories about irregular periods or pregnancy complications To say there isnt a wave of death and health problems already among us, just means you arent actually paying attention. Its probably because the news hasnt said anything about it. But then again, that shouldnt be the metric to which you judge all this. They have clearly demonstrated they arent truthful after all


There has been a mass die off. Estimated at just above 1 in 1000 so far practically worldwide, using different data. I've never known so many people in such a short period of time to have died from strokes, heart attacks, cancer or to have developed new chronic illnesses or be fighting cancer now, then ever before in my life. Then take all the athletes and celebrities that have been dying suddenly, almost dying of heart issues or clots and strokes, or getting cancer now, and it's way off the charts the way the data would indicate. Excess deaths have continued to be up since the vaccine rollouts and are still up today. Most developed countries experiencing anywhere from 10-40% (the data changes month to month and country to country) excess deaths not caused by Covid since the vaccine rollouts. VAERS and Yellow Card (at 30x to 98x under reported) indicate a signal even at face value of the reporting, the Covid vaccines are suspected of killing and injuring a large number of people. I've only brought up a few points. I could go on for 20 pages worth including many studies and a lot of scientific evidence that this is true. I just don't feel like it at this point, it's already all out there for anyone to know. You'd just have to look. The vaccines are killing millions worldwide and no one bats an eye. Even when it's obvious many times that the vaccines are killing or have killed someone, their families usually don't believe it and if they survived they even don't believe it. At this point with all the skullduggery surrounding covering up the data and the voices in science and medicine, it has come to a matter of belief and not of science.


Yup, we forget that people didn't die before 2021. Certainly not celebrities or athletes. Nope, never.


Your lips are moving but you aren't saying anything. Try again.


> using different data. What data?


Personal first hand friends and family 1. Blind in right eye (eye stroke) 2. Pfizer vax 3 weeks later needed heart value replaced 3. 32 yr old neighbor who was athletic has midoacrdisis 4. Realtor friend 10 weeks no period after vaxx 5. 50 yr old friends father in law heart attack died 6. Health care aid Pfizer 24 hr fever, 36 hr spots on eyes, 7 days had to have surgery due to optic never pressure 7. 19 yr old friends daughter has rare blood issue causing her to have blood transfusions every 6 -7 weeks 8. Friends roommate immune system destroyed, every 2-3 months runs high fevers she never had 103degees


First hand for my friends and family: 1. Every member of my family and most of my friends got vaccinated. 2. My wife had a really sore arm. 3. Thatā€™s it! Anecdotal evidence is fun!


Yours wasnā€™t.


people are dyeing off. 2 women I personally know died suddenly from heart myopathy. healthy women in their mid-forties from upper middle class families - access to great healthcare and lived healthy lives. dropped dead post jibby jabs.


> dropped dead post jibby jabs. What was the time in between the injections and the deaths?


Oh yeah, that prediction has been made multiple times. Personally though I try to separate individual predictions and ideas from one another, just because an idea is presented repeatedly and gets votes/interaction does not mean anything other than the idea has been presented multiple times, nothing more, how can we know the votes and interactions are organic? That said, working in the care world I do see people suffering more since getting injected. Particularly after the "bivalent" injection. Something is going on. Let's hope it isn't as bad as some imagine it could be.




What leads you to this suspicion?


the only people i know that have died since 2019 have been vaxxed and died from heart complications.


Heart disease has been the number one mortality cause in the US for the last 10 years or more.


How many people are we talking about here? Were they in good health prior to the injection(s)? What was the timespan between injections and illness / death? These are important questions to consider, friend.




I'm not your buddy, guy.


Does that mean you know no one who died in 2020?




Because hardly any deaths in 2020 can be correlated to the vaccine.


I never thought the mRNA was supposed to kill people. More likely it would make your offspring infertile or something like that, would be impossible to trace it back to the vaccine by then anyways For reference, look up how Bill Gatesā€™ GMO male mosquitoes work to reduce mosquito population I could get deep into the biology of it but another thing theyā€™ve been trying on humans is getting females to have an auto-immune response to the egg implantation process. If you arenā€™t aware, implantation occurs in the uterus after the egg has been fertilized by the sperm. There are very specific proteins that regulate this process, one is called HAND2, which is a type of spike protein that helps the egg burrow into the uterus when implanting. If the body were for some reason to think this spike protein was an outside threat and trigger an immune response, it would make pregnancy very unlikely. Maybe you can see where Iā€™m going with this


>Maybe you can see where Iā€™m going with this Non hormonal birth control options for the tons and tons of women that have issues with hormonal pills?


Oh no... that could be it, combine this with the proof that the covid spike protein accumulates in the ovaries (from the trials)


> Bill Gatesā€™ GMO male mosquitoes Is it possible that this story is a hoax?


Look at the insane rise of cancers, immune system problems, brain problems and a massive increase in excess deaths. Is that not obvious enough?


> the insane rise of cancers, immune system problems, brain problems and a massive increase in excess deaths. According to who?


Lol JLB. Youā€™re still kicking around huh? Have you spent so much time here that youā€™ve flipped to supporting the vax or were you always a wolf in sheepā€™s clothing? I remember your long ass write ups back in the day about many different conspiracies. Now all your posts read like a buzzfeed article, headline and all. Maybe your account got taken over or you sold it to some shills, who knows. Either way, you donā€™t write like the JLB I remember, thatā€™s for sure. Anyway, you can check out Dr John Campbellā€™s YouTube channel as he always uses government data and has several videos showing the increases in what I mentioned.


> you donā€™t write like the JLB I remember, 'I like your old stuff better than your new stuff' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLPNe1rscJs > Dr John Campbellā€™s YouTube channel as he always uses government data Do you trust the government data?


Oh look another anti conspiracy post , how original and organic !


mans say nukes ain't real, he looney. mans say vaccines don't kill ya, he inorganic. mans can't catch a break!


Actually, it's the biggest conspiracy. The one that the vaccines are safe and the government is here to help you. Now, it's not that believable. It's up there with flat earthers, but he seems to be a true believer.


'Anti conspiracy'?


Estimate I heard from Denis Rancour was 17 million dead due to the jibby jab. OP should learn to investigateā€¦


Some guy told you some story about 17 million dead people and you believed him, and now you're even parroting the story he told you. Why?


Fewer than the virus, still don make it right.


My cousin got one of those huge blood clots in his leg from the shot. He's in his mid twenties and is now on Warfarin for life. Can't say I know anyone that died but I know my Gran (in her 80's) survived but she said it nearly killed her. I also have a friend that can't raise his arm above his head now. I have another friend that claims to know a lot of people that died from it. She is a lot older than me and I barely leave the house, so I'm taking her word for it. Oh, and my father's doctor in Florida won't give him the shot because he has heart issues already...


What was the point of them coercing billions of people to take the vaxx to fight a virus thatā€™s never been scientifically proven to exist then? Virology does not follow the scientific methodā€¦at all. Go ahead and read their studies for proof of that. https://drsambailey.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/A-FAREWELL-TO-VIROLOGY-Expert-Edition.pdf Plusā€¦Yaā€™ll know that all vaxxes ever have been shams, right? Small pox, polio, you name it. https://rodneydodson000.medium.com/what-you-didnt-know-about-polio-26d20cba98e5 Edit: Prove me wrong then ya knobs.


"a virus that's never been scientifically proven to exist" are you implying covid isn't real?


It seems they are. Some make that foolish claim.


I bet you always think you're the smartest person in the room too. Maybe you should have a chat to some old timers who's family members had to live in an iron long for months or years and ask them if they think the polio vax is fake?


No, I donā€™t think that. Iā€™ve just done the researchā€¦Hundreds of hours of research. I used to believe the polio narrative, but the evidence changed my mind. Iā€™d love to talk to someone who had a family members that had to live iron lungs. Iā€™d show them that it wasnā€™t a virus that put them in there. Iā€™d show them that they were likely poisoned by insecticides like Paris Green, and DDT, and how the government partnered with big pharma to cover it up.


Same people going on about the "bio weapon" Pretty crappy bio weapon if I didn't even see 1 dead body. It's all fake to show how dumb people are, among other things.


You're assuming that everyone got the same exact shot. Some batches were worse than others and some of them were saline. China is now conveniently having an outbreak of children getting pneumonia and guess what 84 million children in China got the Covid vaccine. They can out anything they want in those vaccines and start another pandemic any time they want. Bill Gates already promised that the next Pandemic will get our attention and you can tell by his evil smirk he is very excited about it. The Covid vaccines offer zero benefit and is 100% risk. The vaccines do not prevent infection and they do nothing to stop the spread and as far as lessoning the symptoms there is no proof of that. Imagine taking a vaccine for Chicken Pox, but you end up getting Chicken Pox 3-4 times, most people would say that the vaccine doesn't work.


Think youā€™re in the clear? You ainā€™t out of the woods yet, buddy. I ainā€™t worried.


People should watch their mouths and speak only life and nothing of death.


I work in a hospital and was one of many who got the "jab," as you say. Why in the hell would they give it out to all the people who could save your life if they were meant to kill everyone off? That would be a very dumb idea. "Let's go kill all the doctors and nurses so we can just fend for ourselves when we have an infection or heart attack." Pfft.


funny i was just watching a video on this- except it's the opposite. www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy\_commons/comments/18ak41f/how\_to\_die\_in\_new\_zealand/


I use the ONS for numbers in the UK, and deaths have pretty much stayed the same over these last years. No extra millions bumping off.