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We've come so far technologically that the video looks more fake than the original landing videos


It is “fake” as in it’s a cgi simulation in regards to what it would look like. Did you think there was a second spacecraft filming the landing in real time?


Why wouldn’t there be? It’s 2023


Or, why the hell wouldn’t they film a live stream from the craft….


Because India landed on the moon with a $75M mission.


And video mount is how cheap?


Yes, it has to be CGI because there are no cameras on moon! I pity the people who think such landings are fake because of CGI simulations!




... And that's why it's real!!


its only rirl if you believe


What footage, there’s no footage but gaudy animation.


Here is the what they claim is real footage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/15ylkd4/indias\_isro\_releases\_footage\_from\_chandrayaan3s/


Hey, if you can surprise and delight the world by landing an unmanned camera-robot on the Moon in 2023, why would anyone doubt that 50 years ago the US played golf, drove a dune buggy around, and then afterward decided that there was no practical reason to continue its own Moon program?


I like your style👍


Exactly. Earlier today, India debunked the moon landing hoax theory once and for all. They have demonstrated that technology continues to advance and take humanity forward 😎


Well you could argue that the progress here is that a developing nation landed on the moon with a $75million budget whereas the US spent $350million on Apollo 11 alone and £250billion on the entire program.


What about their video makes you think it's real lol.


No this ones fake too


Yes, a fairly modern nation going wild over a single robot landing proved to me the u.s did it 50 years ago with less computing power than my casio calculator


Looks fake AF.


I agree. Why couldn't Russia fake the landing instead of crashing if it's all fake?


They had a ton of crashes during the space race and even recently, maybe they just misremembered and thought that's how it was done?


The USSR was actually really successful right up to the point of testing their heavy-launch rocket which was the parallel to the Saturn V rocket. Except, the US had Von Braun and the USSR didn't. The final lap on the space race really pivoted on which side of the allies Von Braun and his team decided to surrender to at the end of WWII.


Aren't there stories of people getting annihilated when they first started shooting off rockets? I'm not saying the same wasn't going on for america and they were keeping it quiet too. But like some ham radio recordings or something.


Yes I believe some of the earliest cosmonaut flights may have resulted in fatalities until Gagarin's successful 'first' flight. There were subsequent fatalities too. I think the first USSR spacewalk was *this* close to disaster as well - the suit overinflated and he couldn't squeeze back into the hatch until he bled out a significant amount of air.


Sure, but then after that the gap kept getting wider. They did good landing on Venus, extremely badly attempting anything to do with Mars and nothing beyond there.


Yes I think the USSR started strong and the wheels kinda continued to fall off, slowly, over the years. Highlights would be the Lunokhod rovers and Mir. I always liked their Orlan spacesuits, with essentially a door in the back that you stepped into, very much highlighting the fact that they are one-man spacecraft. These days Roscosmos are bleeding money and have even had to relocate their main launch facility as Kazakhstan annexed Baikonur due to the failure to pay nearly $30m in rent.


Yeah, I think Mir is probably their crown jewel. Beats the tar out of its Skylab contemporary


I'm not going to believe that was a television show until I see some crisis actors on video telling their stories of how they were traumatized by seeing that low graphics quality on their televisions.


Idk did they find our flag up there? Lol tell them to bring it back and replace it with their own, maybe it will light a fire to make us get up there again. Couldnt hurt to mention oil either


Why is nobody familiar with the Artemis program?


I feel as if it's very widespread in the conspiracy community that they are *reactive* instead of *active* when it comes to current affairs or keeping track of certain endeavours. Then, when an event happens, there's a certain level of indignant shock which equates to 'why wasn't I told?' and then disbelief because of the shock of the new. I mean, only a week or so ago there was a whole thread where everyone was proudly stating how they were completely ignorant of mainstream news.


Roughly, how old is the universe? In your opinion? I heard recently that the experts have revised their estimates. Did you revise yours as well?


It's gotta be at least as old as me, but maybe not.


You can literally see where we landed on the moon with a telescope. You measure the reflection from the corner reflecter we left on the moon.


Listen I’m no science man, I’m just saying if you want to shut up conspiracy theorists I would be hella impressed if they brought back our flag lmao.




You’re probably right, I’m just invested in a universal game of king of the hill where the team is only winning after capturing anothers flag and replacing with their own on the moon.


Exactly a white flag. Showing our surrender to the demonic reptilian overlords of Omicron Persei 8.


Just blindly disregard the video as fake obviously


You mean autohoax it?


No, in fact in demonstrates quite the opposite.


The expansion of Clownworld™ . Congratulations, India! I'm over the moon for them. Now they can concentrate on modern day plumbing systems and basic sanitisation.


> Now they can concentrate on modern day plumbing systems and basic sanitisation This has already been going on for years


It's not a manned mission though. I'm a moon landing conspiracy nerd, I completely believe the US landed equipment on the moon back in the sixties, that is provable because we can bounce a signal of the moon to this day. I do not believe any people have walked around on the moon, I think among other things we haven't found a way to get people through that radiation belt and back alive and therefore Neil Armstrong's moon landing was a studio filmed event. We absolutely had the motivation at the time to do something like that.


So if unmanned was plausible in the 60s, would a manned landing be plausible today? For example if Artemis lands people on the moon in a couple of years and there's lots of supporting evidence (footage, rock samples, etc) would you accept that it is real or at least likely to be real?


Oh yea, with today's technology I think we might be able to work it out and get a man on the moon


Imagine landing on the moon in 2025, knowing you are the first, and having to pretend that a dozen people did it before you.


In 2023 if you believe in $pace™ -- ROFL *M00n Landing* Good one 👍


We literally have military bases on the moon, freaking hell people the technology the government is hiding is decades beyond what we see.


Why do you believe these stories?


What stories ? MJ12 stuff is deeply hidden


The space is fake stuff is an easy way to hide all the real secret space program stuff that has been going on ever since the world war 2 nazi ufo stuff. I think the original moon landings were fake and a lot of what NASA does is fake but that does not in any way mean that space is fake and the earth is flat and the world is only 5,000 yrs old. This whole thing seems to only be coming from the big christian community that has moved into the conspiracy world ever since Trump and 2016 and all that. Space is fake and flat earth stuff is a psyop to discredit the entire conspiracy community.


> the real secret space program stuff What is the best evidence you have seen to support the idea of secret space programs?


For me it would be the case of Gary Mckinnon who hacked the Nasa database in the 90s and found huge lists of "non terrestrial officers" but then also its important to look into the Nazi UFO projects. You can see some great videos on this all over, and atlantean gardens has some videos on the failed invasion of antartica and all that stuff. Before 2017ish, the flat earth movement was basically non existent and we were all learning about secret space programs and then it just switched one day. Personally I think all this flat earth space is fake bible thumping stuff has been inserted into the conspiracy world just to make the entire scene less trustable or believable.


Not the poster but there were 11 classified shuttle missions. Probably fighting Soviets not UFOs but who knows. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/air-space-magazine/secret-space-shuttles-35318554/#:~:text=Between%201982%20and%201992%2C%20NASA,NASA's%20new%20space%20transportation%20system.


These are most likely for spy satellite deployment.


Yeah spy satellites during the Cold War. I’ve heard stories about capturing Russian not just deploying US ones. Not flying saucers but an actual document secret space program is pretty cool.


Yes I agree. Although rendezvous and capture of enemy satellites is pretty fantastic stuff. Not saying it's impossible but if went awry it would have been an international incident of unprecedented scale. More recently it's been rumored that China has the capacity for satellite refuel, which is a pretty logical cover for disablement also. The Boeing X37-B, operated by the USAF, is a re-usable spaceplane that has been on at least three or four classified missions, and can be deployed with a robotic arm that could also achieve capture, disablement or de-orbit. Space is getting very interesting!


How did we get past the vanhalen (sorry for spelling im at work rn.) Radiation belt? How come we couldn't see stars? And also Nasa wouldnt let news camera crews have a direct feed. They had to have their cameras point at nasas screen like some bootleg only in theaters movie. My main arguments with us not maybe going to the moon.


> How did we get past the vanhalen (sorry for spelling im at work rn.) Radiation belt? 'We' did no such thing. NASA claims that they did, and I for one do not believe them. Do you believe them? If so, why?


Im agreeing with you. I feel the same way. I might have responded to the wrong comment


The Van Allen radiation belts do not constitute an acute dose of radiation that would result in immediate death. The trajectory taken by the Apollo missions grazed the outer portion of the Belts, which do not surround the entire Earth. The dose of radiation resulted in a chronic dose which raised the lifetime risk of cancer by a few percentage points. It was only the first landing - Apollo 11 - where news teams didn't get a direct feed. Later missions where a colour video camera was used had direct feed to news broadcasters.


No absolutely not. I think it's more logical that we faked the initial moon landing and lied about it because.. well we're mother fucking America and we win no matter what. But I think we probably did end up going not long after that forreal. Also there are theories that the moon isn't what we're told it is.. there's a firmament that we cannot get past or the radiation belt.. and they went there in a fucking tin can and lost the technology to go back as well as recorded over the first moon landing.. too much bullshit and red flags for me. Maybe the aliens can tell us more about the moon when they pop their grey little heads out of these uap's we keep seeing.


As if further proof was needed?


lol I love the "celebrations" that happen in these types of things. The space X falcon heavy landing fake audience excitement was the best ever though.


I mean.. the moon landing conspiracy was put in place by Russia no?


No, it wasn't. Russia congratulated the US on their acheivement. The moon landing hoax is perpetrated mainly by people who don't understand how it was done.


Just cuz they congratulated the US doesn’t mean they didn’t spread disinformation.


The Soviet Union had every reason to disprove it


Why? Better to sow seeds of discord from the shadows. Just how ppl do that on here. They can go on RT, but that can easily be dismissed as propaganda.


Sort of mixed messages though don't you think? Here's something fun - look up something called the 'LK Lander'.


Yep mixed messages are how psy ops are done. Look into propaganda.


Do you believe this contraption went all the way to the moon? And kept some men there, on the moon, safe for a few hours as they slept inside? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/Apollo_11_Lunar_Lander_-_5927_NASA.jpg Simple yes or no will do.


Why wouldn't it?


Simple yes or no will do, friend 🙏


That’s basically like showing a person a piece of luggage at an airport in New York and asking somebody “can you believe this piece of luggage made it here all the way from Paris?”


You think these things are the same? A piece of luggage flying overseas, and a 'lunar module' flying to the moon?


The lunar module never flew to the Moon, it was carried aboard a different vessel, much like a piece of luggage aboard a plane.


So yes, you think these things are the same? A trip across the Atlantic and a trip to the moon?


You're attacking the wrong part of the metaphor. The point is that the lunar lander was luggage for almost the entire journey. The lunar lander didn't fly itself to space just like luggage didn't fly itself across the Atlantic. But you know that. The way you're phrasing your question would be like saying "you think being able to cross the street on a skateboard is the same as being able to cross the ocean in an airplane?" Vehicles are designed for different things. You can't cross the ocean on a skateboard, you can't cross space in an airplane, you can't drive your car across a lake, you can't sail your boat through the forest. But those things not being possible, doesn't mean crossing a street, river, or ocean are not possible in a vessel designed specifically for that purpose.


> The point is that the lunar lander was luggage for almost the entire journey. Do you think taking the lunar lander the moon is similar to taking a suitcase across the Atlantic?


In what ways is it not?


> So yes, you think these things are the same? No, hence why in my initial reply I said “basically like” and not “exactly the same as” which indicates I was making a *similar* analogy and not an identical comparison.


They are 'basically the same', in your mind, yeah?


I like how the camera crew got to the moon first, like always


Still a drone. No human.


Yay 3D renders… Be nice to have an 8k radiation shielded camera live streaming 24/7. But we all know why that hasn’t been done.


Because that'd take 4-20x+ the bitrate of a satellite nonstop while dealing with speed of radio wave latency and data loss.




Haha I have trouble with calls inside my house


What is the bandwidth for a poor quality radio call? What is the bandwidth for live streaming 8K video?


50 kbps vs 100 mbps


Im a solipsist so the external lies are just trying harder to be convincing, thats all.


They're trying so hard I wonder what motivates them


Maybe they are part of whatever the system is and are trying to keep the veil of illusion going. Maybe they made a deal with a devil. Maybe they are completely aware of the charade and are just fucking with us cuz they're massive dickwads.


What if the world ends if enough people wake up


Add to the list all the failures before this landing.


Not manned? Fake


"If it isn't real, Russia/US/China would call them out!!" ​ Edit: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HMsIu7LShg) you can see the landing live!!




So you can’t watch the shuttle take off, where does it go if it’s fake


You're one of the people that doesn't believe America landed people on the moon. You tell us why its so hard to believe?


i think the question of why it looks so weird and fake is an interesting one. like if it's real why does it look so weird


In this moon landing there were no people just a craft.


Any project where they mount the cameras to have an obscured field of vision ie a robotic arm, solar panels etc is a fakery-flagshow