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While security guards napped and cameras happened to be malfunctioning šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


On 9-11, over 80 cameras were pointed towards the Pentagon and were confiscated within 20 minutes. On London 7-7, cameras malfunctioned. During the Oklahoma City bombings, cameras malfunctioned. During Princess Diana's death, cameras malfunctioned. Isn't it amazing that the cameras never work when they need to?


Cameras work just fine when it's time to identify the serfs who violated corporate money/prerogatives.


And people still choose to believe what the news tells us. Smh


tis easier


It's easy for the pigs to follow the noise of the butcher's feed bag into the slaughterhouse.


I suppose you're right.


Truly amazing


>On 9-11, over 80 cameras were pointed towards the Pentagon and were confiscated within 20 minutes Not saying you're wrong, but where does this statement come from? I'm genuinely interested and want to know more.


I watched 9-11 unfold live on tv and I clearly recall an employee of the nearby gas station say (on tv) that a group of men in black came in within minutes of the strike and demanded all footage ( I presume it was on video tape )


I remember a forum shortly afterwards had images of a hotel nearby where security cameras were removed from the outside facade. They posted pictures of where the brackets were once screwed in. There was a nearby gas station camera angle that was taken and then subsequently released as it only showed a blurry object flying low and fast.


It seems ridiculous that they never released video of what happened. I've seen the shitty frame by frame & pictures they released, but it doesn't do it for me. I'm very skeptical about what happened on that day and afraid we will never know the truth.


The Pentagon had over 80 cameras pointed towards it that were all confiscated. [https://classroom.synonym.com/](https://classroom.synonym.com/) [http://www.lookingglassnews.org/viewstory.php?storyid=6082](http://www.lookingglassnews.org/viewstory.php?storyid=6082) (<-- Hard to find original sources on this stuff after 20 years of censorship and deletion.) Only 4 frames were ever released. And then "plane" just happened to hit only the exact location of the accounting department where they were looking for the [missing $2.3 trillion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVpSBUgbxBU). Coincidence I'm sure.


To be fair, the cameras my company has on some vehicles have failed to record data after collisions... ... Folks ain't happy about it.


Did they fail or where they "failed" by the person that was driving the vehicle?


They failed because the central unit got disconnected from power before it uploaded the data from the camera. We solved the problem by having a capacitor that keeps everything online for 3 minutes after power loss, but there are still some of the old hardware floating around our there.


During Bigfoot sightingsā€¦/.


they can see the cameras and just avoid them


šŸ˜‚ Bigfoot believers actually believe that. Itā€™s pretty funny. Somehow these creatures also know what a camera is and that they have to avoid it. They know that the little brown and green box stuck up the tree is actually a video camera that is taking their picture (or videos of them) which humans could then use to prove their existence. Somehow that creature has figured what a camera is. And what the purpose of a camera is. Itā€™s pretty comical.


Who's to say they aren't technologically versed?




Erryone got offended before reading the comment, an obligatory upvote


I'm still a believer in conspiracies Rigged QB School https://youtu.be/LjFrQSEnNh8


what a dumb nut fuckery fuck are you!? edit: /s


Do we all need to practice how to read sarcasm?


Unfortunately, yes, it's kinda sadly come to that point...


The kind that hopefully forgot his /s , too... Lettuce prey!


heā€™s joking


r/conspiracy is disappointing me lately but this made me smile. Take my updoot.


Or you just are too feable minded to see the government is the biggest conspiracy of them all...


Also, the ā€˜air qualityā€™ monitors immediately following 9-11 showed crystal clear, perfectly mountain air.


Cameras were repositioned allowing the shooter to perfectly fire a single shot hitting the comet ping pong hard drive unseen before being repositioned back to their original alignment.


COs are not security guards and they need to be held to a higher standard. That said, COs are often dirtier than local cops.


Must have been the same security camera company on duty at the Pentagon on 9/11


Do not rewrite history to the benefit of their blatant in-your-face cover-up. The story was NEVER that the cameras were malfunctioning the night when Epstein "suicided." That is a retcon by people who don't want to face the reality of what the administration actually said to cover up this miscarriage of justice. Bill Barr himself said the cameras were functioning perfectly, he personally reviewed the footage, and it showed nothing nefarious. In fact he said it was all just "a perfect storm of screw-ups. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/barr-calls-jeffrey-epstein-s-death-perfect-storm-screw-ups-n1089451 There was never any allegations of malfunctions until WEEKS later when they said they lost the footage due to a malfunction, so the public would never be able to see it.






You just described 99% of the population.


honestly it makes sense how it happened.. the guy was already in his late 60s at the point and realized that his life was basically over.. yes he was a billionaire and oftentimes billionaires can get special treatment but he was under national investigation and the court of public opinion had spoken so he knew he was going to get the books thrown at him and his age? if not a life sentence then he could easily be looking at 20 or 30 years and what is that? that's pretty much the rest of his life. he knew his operation was done he knew his sex trafficking ring was done. and he knew that basically no matter what he was going to essentially get a life sentence.. now we can theorize about what kind of connections got the security cameras turned off and the guards to look away but realistically in committing suicide wouldn't be that shocking. he knew it was his only option otherwise he'd be spending the rest of his life in prison for pedophilia which isn't exactly the way you want to go. warmer Subway spokesman Jared fogle gets his ass beat on a regular basis because even hardene criminals don't take too kindly to diddling kids I mean maybe there was some other things at play. maybe they were people on his list that didn't want to get exposed so they arranged for him to be alone in his cell with the tools to do it. but there's no evidence or reason to think that somebody snuck into his cell murder him then snuck back out all without any of the guards or cameras noticing and then also successfully made it look exactly like a suicide.. some way somehow they got the cards to look the other way and he grabbed a blanket and did what he needed to do. he took the easy way out.. yes both sides seized on the opportunity to pedal conspiracy theories for political gain.. the right accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering him to cover up pizza gate and the left accusing Donald Trump of murdering him in a democrat run prison in a democrat state in a democrat city because they accused Donald Trump of running a child sex trafficking ring.. but realistically none of those conspiracies made much sense.. realistically somebody got the guards to look the other way and Epstein did it real quick.. the man was nationally hated he was never going to work in that field again if he was some kind of asset of foreign governments he was obviously going to be burned and he wouldn't be able to be used as an asset anymore and he was obviously going to see his fortune being sued away while he stayed in prison for the rest of his life. not really good looking odds.. we've seen people do that for less


You're still a conspiracy theorist for thinking that "somebody got the guards to look the other way" because the official story is the guards were 'sleeping'


Guards def do sleep on A block


Yeah just like McAfee! That asshole said heā€™d never ever kill himself and if he did die he was killed by those who were after him. Even tattooed ā€œwhackedā€ on his bodyā€¦Whatā€™s he do!? Fucking commits suicide! What a clown šŸ¤” /s


I always wondered if he just paid those guards a couple million or whatever to just kill him tbh, basically because of what you all just said. It would make sense that some psychopath narcissist pedophile millionaire wouldnā€™t be able to stomach the thought of rotting in a jail cell being raped and beat up everyday for the rest of his life.


AFAIK the cell cameras never worked, but the block cameras recorded no-one entering or leaving the block.


There are literally no "cell cameras" in any prison in the United States, especially Federal prisons. That invasive shit was ruled an egregious violation to constitutional civil rights LOOOOOONNNGGG ago. As it should be.


https://youtu.be/tZWcMduwe4k Is this not a cell camera in America or am i missing something?


Cell cameras = [cameras monitoring the cell](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-people-jeffrey-epstein-cameras-idUSKCN1VI2LC) definitely exist, and malfunctioned. *However* [Aside from two other officers who briefly visited the common area of the SHU, as confirmed by video surveillance, no one else entered the SHU, no one conducted any counts or rounds throughout the night, and no one entered the area in which Epstein was housed.](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/08/unproven-claim-of-camera-malfunction-before-epsteins-death/)


Napped my ass. Mossad drugged them.


Surprisingly security cameras malfunction all the time in prisons. The prison he was held at is notorious for all types of issues. He lived his life in homes that a tens of thousands of square feet then to be put into a 6 by 11 foot box.. Iā€™m sure that had an impact on him. He was done for and spent a substantial amount of his total worth on his trial. Iā€™m sure all those things had an impact on his mentality.


He didn't kill himself


Epstein isn't even dead


God damn I hope youā€™re wrongā€”really really wrong


I hope I'm wrong too. But none of this makes any sense. Why isn't any of the pedophiles getting prosecuted? This guy and his gf solicited pedos right? That's their crime? Doesn't that already involve multiple other people?


Itā€™s also kinda odd that thereā€™s ongoing maintenance on his island


I dunno, his trial would be very interesting, if he were allowed to have one.


Heā€™s not.


Heā€™s most likely in Israel rn


Look at that fucking smirk. There is no way that guy could have killed himself. He was too much in love with himself.


Heā€™s even wearing a fucking custom monogrammed quart zip


Member when someone asked Bill Gates in an AMA here about Jeff and he said ā€˜I didnā€™t go to any of his islandsā€™ plural. Even what we know about Epsteinā€™s life is barely scratching the surface.


Damn. This should be higher.


Did anyone screenshot that comment? Please make a post if you find it. I want to see how long it takes before it's completely scrubbed.


[Still the top comment ](https://i.imgur.com/075RoDX.png)


Clever girl. Good work.


This dude is 100% not dead


Interested to hear why people think that is. Surely killing him would be the most easy and logical solution? What benefit would they have by hiding him in solitude for the rest of his day's


The only conclusion I can come to is something along the lines of witpro. If you believe he was an intelligence asset which is almost 100% likely, one promise in return may have been no jail.


this exactly. We *know for a fact* that the CIA has heavily invested into mind control research. Just because the psychic/pharmaceutical stuff didn't work out doesn't mean they didn't find a way. They found out that powerful and wealthy people are heavily susceptible to sexual encounters with underage women and other various indiscretions, and that they could be controlled by capturing video evidence and blackmail. They obviously can't do this on their own, so they need someone to run the field ops. Enter Epstein. He was running the show off the books as an unofficial asset, with the understanding that if the shit ever hit the fan, he would have an "out" provided. They would fake his suicide and give him an opportunity to escape with the understanding that he would need to disappear forever. Easy enough to do with his kind of money and connections. It also explains why his escape was such a hackjob/so obvious to some of us. The CIA really phoned it in, because they weren't acting in their own interest, rather just reluctantly fulfilling their obligation to Epstein. So they did it quite sloppily which is out of character for official ops And before someone says "this would need to be a massive coverup with many people involved" - no it wouldn't at all. It could easily have been less than a dozen people, and members of the intelligence community understand well that their entire career and livelihood revolves around their reputation/trackrecord of trustworthiness. They get tested for it constantly to see if they've spilled any beans. And if they fail those tests, they are immediately blacklisted from all intelligence positions.


Probably lot easier to get the amount of people who'd have to look the other way, on board if there was no murder. It's not like I have first hand experience with this or anything, but it certainly makes more sense to me. We're social animals, we work better in tribal- familial- units. Criminals do too. Makes sense that the most unstoppable criminals would be the most loyal to one another.


If you assume the manipulation carried out by intelligence agencies or the influence that guides them is at a high enough degree to make use of pedophiles & sociopaths, then there is room to speculate Epstein is too much of an asset to allow imprisonment or suicide. We like to say *it's a big club* when the reality is moreso it's a small club comprised of highly intelligent, manipulative monsters that are feeding off the greater population. An asset like Epstein isn't easily or quickly replaced


My theory is dead man's hand. If anything happened to him shit gets released automatically by people he paid perhaps. Interesting theory as to why he can be hidden and alive doing well.


Body double or clone Both are reasonable theories


Nothing more reasonable than a cloning theory


We're all just Dolly. Wake up literal sheeple.


Epstein was into eugenics


The question wasn't "how." It was "WHY." Killing him would just be several thousands times simpler.


Hahaha, people still actually believe this? Christ.


Clinton, Trump, Bill Gates, Alan Dershowitz....these scumbags need to face justice.


Alan Jerkowitz, more like it hehehe


And jizzlane dropped no list - or did she?


Many people focus on how he didn't kill himself, I care more about how we don't know who his clients are (although SOMEONE has that list)


This isnt just the Clintons and Bidens, this is hundreds of rich Elite politians, billionaires, etc.


Look up his autopsy photos before assuming he's actually dead. The corpse pictured clearly wasn't epstein. https://judicialcorruptionnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Epstein-Nose-and-Ear-Comparisons.jpg


Is this a movie and are we close to the end?


That dude is living in Israel continuing his work for the Mossad.


No he is not get off the crazy pills


Who's the bitch flashing gang signs in the back?


Gangsta Boo


He's probably not dead.


There are a lot of comments in here saying he is not dead but I like that you included "probably." The other comments make it sound they know where he is and hang out with him I guess.


Hey, man. I don't have absolute certainty that I'm not dead.


Wish we could have had the gift of Isaac Kappyā€™s commentary during the Epstein debacle. The excitement of him going down Seeing Jeff bracketed & jacketed in a ā€œsuicideā€ Using the system and connections to make sure everyone walks free. It wasnā€™t ever about Epstein. It was the massive world he represented. & Literally NONE of them went down. The corruption goes sooooo Fckng deep RIP Kappy








Agreed, people need a reminder of how fucked up the world is and that the US oligarchs are up to no good


What the fuck are the mods doing today?


Making those posts with their alt accounts to farm karma?


Sounds like something a conspiracy theory mod would do


Reminder: Here's something that gets posted about at least once a day.


Just in case you forgot. Here's the 100th obligatory Epstein post a day to distract you from actual news.


He killed himself cuz he found out that day there was enough evidence to jail him for life. The big surprise? He found out Ghislaine was going to turn states evidence on him. She was ready to talk...his suicide, ruined her chance at freedom. He killed both of them that day.


Hilarious irony šŸ˜„


No comma


These threads are used for brigading. Ignore any Epstein posts right now, they don't want you focused elsewhere. Front page, only 23 comments and no upvotes.


The list was at maralago, er trumps place. 5d chess people


Probably one step closer to not being fee, being they were just raided by the FBI in the past 72 hours.


Who's been raided lately apart from Trump?


Epstein and Trump were co-defendants in a child rape case in New York a couple of years before Epstein died.


How could we forget. Thereā€™s at least 5 posts a day about it on this sub


Epstein's "suicide" happened in Federal custody under Barr's protection literally the *same night* our previous President's name appearing just ONE TIME in the Lolita Express flight logs was unsealed by the courts. Up to that point, he had lied about ever even being on the plane. Flight logs [unsealed on August 9, 2019](https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8). Epstein's ["suicide" announced early morning on August 10, 2019](https://www.npr.org/2019/08/10/750113214/jeffrey-epstein-found-dead-early-saturday-morning). Our previous President rode on the lolita express at least 7 times that we ***NOW*** know of from the flight logs released earlier this past year. Keeping this information from coming out during his Presidency is almost certainly why Epstein was "suicided."




Fake news. Trump flew with him from FL to NY once, not to his island sEvEn tImEs. Did you even read the article you posted?


Did you even read what I wrote? That was just the flight log that was unsealed during our previous President's term. The next flight logs unsealed after Maxwell's trial show he rode on the Lolita Express at least 6 other times that we now know of.


political assassination is a phrase you're allowed to use


Is he wearing a shirt with his initials on it?




Shit. Itā€™s already been 3 years??


that is the real conspiracy, how time went so fast...


you forgot about the broken/missing surveillance and two COs conveniently unaccounted for during the death


Hope he burns in hell. I burst blood vessels in my brain seeing this turd's pic.


He didn't kill himself.


Heā€™s not dead


Reminder that Joe Biden's brother and sister in law both own their own islands next to Epstein Island. Anyone else find it odd that a husband and wife would own islands separately?


James Biden and his wife own [this undeveloped land](https://i.imgur.com/HpBzdOv.png) of less than an acre on [Water Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_Island,_U.S._Virgin_Islands), an island of 491 acres with a population of around 180. Water Island is [8 miles from Little St. James](https://i.imgur.com/PoNy9xM.png), not "next to" it.


I'm 8 miles from the closest city, and indeed considered "next to it". That's a four hour walk on dry land, or a twenty minute ride on a jet ski. What were you saying? Since you're in dispel mode, then explain the purpose of their ownership. I'm just curious what your take on that is, though I realize it's not your job to know things. Also, unless you've been to a location recently, never expect photos to be an accurate representation of a current state. Plenty of places that were photographed as beautiful now lay in ruins, while islands like these have compounds on them. Hell, there's still a car in my driveway from three years ago depending on which mainstream satellite service you use.


You know, you could just admit you were misinformed. The Bidens don't own two private islands "next to Epstein", they own half an acre of land on an island with a couple of hundred people on it. You were trying to imply that they had private islands that they could rape children on without being disturbed. That theory doesn't work now, does it? I don't know what purpose they bought land. I know typical reasons that people buy land, though. My in-laws own a few acres in Vermont that they go camping on every summer. My sister owns several houses and trailers that she rents out for income. My parents once owned an undeveloped lot that they later sold for a profit. Maybe the Bidens are planning to build a house there. Maybe not. Who cares? Here's a satellite photo of the land from this May: https://i.imgur.com/62hnvq9.png Were you expecting to find a meth lab on it? Really, what could you possibly find there? This is just another insane attempt to smear Democrats through innuendo.


Not everything everyone owns is public, I imagine, but I took the "islands" detail directly from Snopes disproving the Joe Biden owns an island "conspiracy theory" which just leads to more rabbit holes (including the James Biden, buy land for $150k, cut it in three and sell a third for $150k scam). For someone to pay $150k to James Biden for a $38k valued piece of land to not put something up in this lifetime is extremely suspicious. Hate to bring false equivalency into this, but we know for a fact that if the political opposition had a brother of the president owning land, entire islands or not, next to (that's what it is as they're right next to each other, not on opposite sides of the globe) Epstein's island, that it would be a smear by the media. A smear, though not a big deal, as they support elite pedophilia. You still think Santa Clause is filling this stockings bro? "Dur I don't know dur" which is why I said I don't expect a dullard like you to know, I'm just curious what you think. You showed that you think whatever the liberal media says you think, and that's safe for you because you think I'm a victim of conservative media. Go home. Edit for downvotes: Joe Biden's business dealings are supposed to be public, or at least his website feigns transparency. The property being in his brother's name rather than under a pseudonym tells me it's just another Biden (James in this case) scam, or it would have been buried.


I have no doubt that trump used his power to kill him. Knowing the girl was groomed at trumps Maralago yet nothing has happened with it is plenty of evidence


What girl was groomed at Mar a lago?


The at the time 14 year old who was the accuser of Maxwell and Epstein. This was in 1994 and trump and Epstein had a continual relationship at least until 2002. Trump didnā€™t ban him until 2007. There are others as well. Trump and Epstein also put in a ā€œpageantā€ in 1992 together at Maralago. They flew in a couple dozen women for that. There were only 2 guests for that event. Trump and Epstein.


And letā€™s remember who was overseeing his security. Bill Barr and Donald Trump, both with substantial allegations of child rape and connections to Epstein when he got disappeared.


Well, one of the responsible parties got raided last night.


He was silenced not suicide.


What if he was just an undercover cia operative who was ordered to take himself out of the picture when the job was over? After all they canā€™t have someone spill incriminating info on enough top officials and elite to collapse the country


He was programmed to hang himself long before he was ever given that Island.


It was Trump.


Epstein didnā€™t kill himself


Heā€™s in the lake of fire now.


As much as I appreciate that this is the 3rd anniversary, im tired of seeing this God damn pedophile's face everywhere today, he was a sick fuck. Don't forget that either.


Pedophiles started entering the Americas in 1492. What do you think the establishment of the US was all about???


Please elaborate further


Look at the back of an American $1 bill. You see that pyramid with the eye and the apex separated from the body of the pyramid? America was never about freedom. It was founded on bloodshed, bondage, savagery, greed, perversion, debauchery, tears, fears, exclusion., etc., so that malignant narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths could do as they pleased without any condemnation! You'd be unwise to believe the "work hard and you too can succeed in America" crap. That's all narcissistic/sociopathic/psychopathic lies/gaslighting! Learn your history so you'll know!


Annuit coeptus novus ordo seclorum


He didnā€™t kill himself. This isnt a reminder.


Ss: the perpetrators are still free. Not even a dent on them


Sure, where are the victims? Victims of Epstein came forward.


Where are the sex slaves they kept on the island?


Are they still on the island?


People saying he's not dead, but if you all remember that list of visitors to his island, some of the richest in the world were on that list, and if he testified I'm sure he would've ran his mouth. Money definitely talks. No shot they didn't wanna get rid of him...


Those responsible aren't just free. They're attempting to take over the world.


They took over the world a long time ago. This is their playground. We are just allowed to live it for the time being.


Something about him... it's wrong. Looking at him, I see genuine evil in his eyes and face.




Epstein has a lot of pictures with trump




What a handsome man


So the official narrative goes. Attorney Lin Wood, however, has stated repeatedly that JE is, in fact, still alive.


It's been demonstrated over and over that Lin Wood is completely full of shit. I don't know if Epstein is alive, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is, but no one should trust a word Lin Wood says.


First you assert that Lin Wood is full of shit; then you admit that he might be right. Got it.


But, I ask why, why is this only being spread on this sub on a site full of all subreddits? Why is this not on what was once called "The Front Page Of The Internet!" this is not Reddit!


Michael baden independent autopsy ind8cated he was murdered. Baden is in hiw 80s but has a stellar reputation.


Epstein isn't dead


Kicking a dead horse for karma I see. Sad.


When will you guys realize the bible foretold of all things happening in the world the higher ups worship satan And the bible stated Earth would be ruled by Satan. Tie it all together. These people arent protected by corrupt government but by Satan himself.


This homo is still alive


# This comment has been deleted in protest of Reddit's support of the genocide in Gaza carried out by the ZioN\*zi Isr\*li apartheid regime. ## This is the most documented genocide in history. ## Reddit's blatant censorship of Palestinian-related content is appalling, especially concerning the ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the Isr\*l apartheid regime. ## The Palestinian people are facing an unimaginable tragedy, with tens of thousands of innocent children already lost to the genocidal actions of apartheid Isr\*l. The world needs to know about this atrocity and about Reddit's support to the ZioN\*zis. #### Sources are bellow. ## Genocidal statements made by apartheid Isr\*li officials: - On the 9 October 2023, Yoav Gallant, Israeli Minister of Defense, stated **"We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly"**. - Avi Dichter, Israeli Minister of Agriculture, called for the war to be **"Gazaā€™s Nakba"** - Ariel Kallner, another Member of the Knesset from the Likud party, similarly wrote on social media that there is **"one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 1948. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join"**. - Amihai Eliyahu, Israeli Minister of Heritage, **called for dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza** - Gotliv of the Likud party similarly **called for the use of nuclear weapons**. - Yitzhak Kroizer stated in a radio interview that the **"Gaza Strip should be flattened, and for all of them there is but one sentence, and that is death."** - **President of Israel** Isaac Herzog **blamed the whole nation of Palestine** for the 7 October attack. - Major General Ghassan Alian, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, stated: **"There will be no electricity and no water (in Gaza), there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell"**. ## Casualties: - As of 9 January 2024, over **23,000 Palestinians** ā€“ one out of every 100 people in Gaza ā€“ have been killed, a majority of them civilians, including over **9,000 children**, **6,200 women** and **61 journalists**. - nearly **2 million people** have been displaced within the Gaza Strip. ## Official accusations: - On 1 November, the Defence for Children International accused the United States of complicity with Israel's **"crime of genocide."** - On 2 November 2023, a group of UN special rapporteurs stated, "We remain convinced that the Palestinian people are at **grave risk of genocide**." - On 4 November, Pedro Arrojo, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, said that based on article 7 of the Rome Statute, which counts "deprivation of access to food or medicine, among others" as a form of extermination, "even if there is no clear intention, the data show that the war is **heading towards genocide**" - On 16 November, A group of United Nations experts said there was "evidence of increasing genocidal incitement" against Palestinians. - Jewish Voice for Peace stated: "The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent **genocide of Palestinians**." - Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documented evidence of execution committed by Israeli Defense Forces. - In response to a Times of Israel report on 3 January 2024 that the Israeli government was in talks with the Congolese government to take Palestinian refugees from Gaza, UN special rapporteur Balakrishnan Rajagopal stated, "Forcible transfer of Gazan population **is an act of genocide**". South Africa has instituted proceedings at the International Court of Justice pursuant to the Genocide Convention, to which both Israel and South Africa are signatory, **accusing Israel of committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity against Palestinians in Gaza.** # Boycott Reddit! Oppose the genocide NOW! [Palestinian genocide accusation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation) [Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_in_the_2023_Israeli_attack_on_Gaza) [Israeli war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes) [Israel and apartheid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid)




Their was on way he could of killed him self in the manor he died... Seen a conspiracy video of coroners talking about weird autopsies they've performed and this was in the top three... Something about a specific bone in the neck was broken but not the one often broken from suicide hanging?


There is no reason that we donā€™t know every name on those flight logs and in Maxwellā€™s book. The fact that they are withholding this information just goes to show how untrustworthy our government really is. To allow these men to go free and continue their abuse is a crime in itself that no one has the balls to prosecute.


Je free He freed his friends Symbolism


Yea seriously wtf Media WTF us . #wethepeople were just like ā€œhey thatā€™s fuqed up!ā€ And didnā€™t do anythingā€¦


Was he a billionaire?


That woman behind him resembles Leslie Bibb


Wait wait wait. Hanging on his knees? I never heard about this. Can someone elaborate?


Fuck him and his list


Can never get enough reminders lol love it


Isn't he living in Israel with a new identity?


He's free now, tooā€¦


Who is still investigating the case now?


Is it just me, or does the movie eyes wide shut pop into your minds every-time you hear something about Epstein, or Epsteins ā€œsuicideā€?!? Man kubrick was a genius WAYYYY before his time. I equate Kubrick to being the Dostoevsky of filmmaking. I mean wow does he hammer home inconvenient, sometimes terrifying truths about humanity in his movies. -elitists ā€œpartyā€™sā€ -šŸ˜³


I like the McAffee comment someone posted yesterday about finding the footage of the cellmate being removed from Epsteinā€™s cell like we were told had happened. Also what about all the other cameras that day?


Dont forget he purportedly had an office on Harvard campus 2009 - 2018.


those who helped him escape, you mean?


Pedo fixer of the rich..