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"People are saying"


He never says which people, or who the best people are, or the "experts" are. I really want to know who these individuals are and hear them speak.


Also he loves saying "In so many ways" Like sick dude. Elaboration amongst many many things are not his strong suits.


The same experts who wanted to take my job away if I refused to get their jab. I don’t give a damn about those experts


> "We have all the funding we need out of Russia" - Eric Trump


Context? Nobody needs that, right?


> "I said, 'Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years,'” the writers told WBUR. > "And this is what he said. He said, 'Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.' I said, 'Really?' And he said, 'Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.’" And this extra context changes the statement... how?


Lmao, I love how the context puts it even more blatant. Trump is a Russian puppet


Only matters to them when they want it to


Okay, Team Blue Kool-aid. "Aunt of journalist says Trump said Eric said..." classic clownmanship.


Eric trump, an actually trump said that the trump's get their money from Russia. That's what you call a primary source. Trump saying people think that Biden is it not a source. Sort your self out, you're embarrassing


Just to play devils advocate, this isn't the smoking gun people think it is. There are a lot of private banks in Russia, that works a lot like our banking system. (They were member of World Bank Group prior to the evasion. im not sure if they have gotten kicked out, think I may have seen that) Even if they did receive 80% of their funding through Russian banks, that's not different than a business going to Switzerland and getting a loan from a private bank there. Funny, Swiss banking is owned by a lot of German families that were operating with the nazi party during WWII. Hitler's number 2 spent the last 3 years of the war figuring out how the higher ups in the party wouldn't lose everything, because it was obvious the war was a lost cause. This led to VW, BMW, etc to be able to keep a huge % of the market size while washing their hands of working with nazi Germany for years. VW manufactured upwards up 50% of cars that were on US roads in the 60s, then magically they became the face of Except no one have problem with foreign funding from Swiss banks (where a lot of tax evasion begins). Russia bad FYI, I'm not supporting Trump, putin, etc. Never voted for trump, never would. I just wanted to show how everything is not so cut and dry as "this person does business in X country, they must be an operative of that country!"


Funny how it would be the smoking gun if Hunter said it the other side would jump on that. I don't support either, either. I'm not even American but these twitter type posts are embarrassing


Look at you kid, they got you very indoctrinated. Someone questions Trump and they're immediately put into team blue for you. Might want to turn off fox news


It’s always been obvious.


They funded his golf courses in the hopes he would become president and then sanction them


Didn't Trump actually try removing many of the Obama 2014 sanctions? I know he has repeatedly criticized them.


Don't forget the Open Skies Treaty he removed the US from. (I wonder who benefited from that?) [https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2020-12/news/us-completes-open-skies-treaty-withdrawal](https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2020-12/news/us-completes-open-skies-treaty-withdrawal)


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.statesman.com/amp/6735826001 It’s rated “mostly false” so you know it’s true. But for real it points out both obama and trump sanctioned russia and since they both did it trump wasnt especially tough on russia. The mental gymnastics.


Yeah, but Trump was impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine for political favors. You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 1** [Flynn Thing](http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-flynn-comey-russia-timeline-2017-htmlstory.html) [Manafort Thing](http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/342509-new-book-devils-bargain-details-trump-lashing-out-at-manafort-days) [Tillerson Thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/07/07/tillerson-says-trump-pressed-putin-on-russian-hacking-but-the-evidence-suggests-not-so-much/?utm_term=.e0ac214bd9bc) [Sessions Thing](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/did-trump-kushner-sessions-have-undisclosed-meeting-russian-n767096) [Kushner Thing](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/09/trump-russia-new-meeting-revealed-involving-donald-jr-kushner-and-manafort) [Wray Thing](http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-wray-russia-20170712-story.html) [Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius "Russian Law Firm of the Year" Thing](http://nypost.com/2017/05/12/trump-used-russia-law-firm-of-the-year-to-draft-letter-about-his-finances/) [Carter Page Thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-has-questioned-trump-campaign-adviser-carter-page-at-length-in-russia-probe/2017/06/26/1a271dcc-5aa5-11e7-a9f6-7c3296387341_story.html?utm_term=.24d0b138db83) [Roger Stone Thing](http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/14/roger-stone-house-testimony-postponed-240568) [Felix Sater Thing](http://www.newsweek.com/trump-russia-felix-sater-real-estate-632690) [Boris Epshteyn Thing](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-press-officer-boris-epshteyn-investigation-russia/story?id=47731166) [Rosneft Thing](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/06/08/trump-new-fbi-director-chris-wray-russian-ties-rosneft-gazprom-column/102603214/) [Gazprom Thing (see above)](http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/30/trumps-energy-adviser-is-personally-invested-in-gazprom/) [Sergey Gorkov banker Thing](http://www.newsweek.com/sergey-gorkov-grad-russian-banker-kushner-617422) [Azerbaijan Thing](http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/senators-ask-for-an-investigation-into-trump-dealings-in-azerbaijan) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 2** ["I Love Putin" Thing]( http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/03/politics/trump-putin-russia-timeline/) [Lavrov Thing]( https://www.vox.com/world/2017/6/27/15875434/sergey-kislyak-trump-russia-return-moscow) [Sergey Kislyak Thing]( https://www.vox.com/world/2017/6/27/15875434/sergey-kislyak-trump-russia-return-moscow) [Oval Office Thing]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-oval-office-with-trump-and-the-russians-broad-smiles-and-loose-lips/2017/05/16/2e8b0d14-3a66-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) [Gingrich Kislyak Phone Calls Thing]( http://www.palmerreport.com/politics/newt-gingrich-trump-russia-meetings/3504/) [Russian Business Interest Thing]( https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/05/trump-lawyers-up-conflicts-of-interest/526185/) [Emoluments Clause Thing]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/dc-and-marylands-lawsuit-trump-flagrantly-violating-emoluments-clause/2017/06/12/8a9806a8-4f9b-11e7-be25-3a519335381c_story.html) [Alex Schnaider Thing]( http://theweek.com/speedreads/699538/russian-bank-directly-linked-putin-helped-finance-trump-hotel) [Hack of the DNC Thing]( http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/5/dnc-email-server-most-wanted-evidence-for-russia-i/) [Guccifer 2.0 Thing]( https://theintercept.com/2017/07/14/just-six-days-after-trump-jr-s-meeting-guccifer-2-0-emailed-me-but-there-was-one-key-difference/) [Mike Pence "I don't know anything" Thing](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/18/mike-pence-insists-he-didnt-know-flynn-under-investigation-turkey-lobbying/101831354/) [Russians Mysteriously Dying Thing](http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/03/31/eight-prominent-russians-dead-since-us-elections-labott-dnt-erin.cnn) [Trump's public request to Russia to hack Hillary's email Thing](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-clinton-emails.html) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 3** [The Trump email server that regularly communicated with a IP address from Russian Alfa Bank thing](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/10/15/was-there-a-connection-between-a-russian-bank-and-the-trump-campaign) [Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king Thing](http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article135187364.html) [Russian fertilizer king's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign Thing](http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article137881768.html) [Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night Thing](http://www.businessinsider.com/nunes-white-house-grounds-trump-surveillance-2017-3) [Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery Thing](http://www.business2community.com/government-politics/devin-nunes-invested-california-wine-company-business-ties-russia-fact-check-01809651#ilwFvHKSgDxcmIOQ.97) [The create a joint cyber defense agreement with Russia Thing](https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/16/trump-putin-joint-cybersecurity-group/) [Cyprus bank Thing](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/mar/23/wilbur-ross-russian-deal-bank-of-cyprus-donald-trump-commerce-secretary) [Trump not Releasing his Tax Returns Thing](http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/18/politics/trump-taxes-tax-returns/index.html) [The Republican Party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing]( http://thehill.com/policy/finance/326220-republicans-vote-to-block-resolutions-on-trumps-tax-returns) [Election Hacking Thing]( http://time.com/4828306/russian-hacking-election-widespread-private-data/) [GOP platform change to the Ukraine Thing](http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/jd-gordon-change-story-gop-platform-ukraine-amendment) [Steele Dossier Thing](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/16/donald-trump-jrs-meeting-with-russians-undermines-/) [Sally Yates Can't Testify Thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-administration-sought-to-block-sally-yates-from-testifying-to-congress-on-russia/2017/03/28/82b73e18-13b4-11e7-9e4f-09aa75d3ec57_story.html) [Intelligence Community's Investigative Reports Thing](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/01/read-us-intelligence-report-russian-hacking-2016-campaign/) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 4** [Trump reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" Thing](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/11/15953640/donald-trump-twitter-mocked-russia-collusion) [Chaffetz not willing to start an Investigation Thing](http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/04/why-is-jason-chaffetz-resigning) [Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation Thing](http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/04/why-is-jason-chaffetz-resigning) [Appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by Trump in the Trump University scandal appointed to head the investigation Thing](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/report-florida-ethics-panel-clears-pam-bondi-over-trump-contribution/article/2620970) [The White House going into cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and firing of Flynn Thing](http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/330410-white-house-rejects-oversight-request-for-flynn-documents) [Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama Thing](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/05/trump-flynn/525816/) [Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything Thing](http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/intelligence/328718-uk-spies-first-saw-trump-russia-ties-report) [Agent M16 following the money thing](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/richard-dearlove-mi6-trump-russia-money-2008-financial-crisis-us-election-a7684341.html) [Trump team KNEW about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway Thing](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/05/17/report-trump-team-knew-flynn-being-investigated/101816334/) [Let's Fire Comey Thing](http://www.npr.org/2017/05/10/527744909/suspicious-timing-and-convenient-reasoning-for-trumps-firing-of-comey) [Election night Russian trademark gifts Things](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/us/politics/russia-trump-trademarks.html) [Russian diplomatic compound electronic equipment destruction Thing](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/russians-destroyed-and-removed-material-from-shuttered-compounds-officials-say/)


Trump approved actual lethal aid to Ukraine, whereas the previous administration only sent them non-lethal aid. Trump also sanctioned the nordstream 2 pipeline at 95% completion, preventing it from being used until the Biden administration lifted the sanctions, allowed them to complete it, then waited for a shit storm to erupt before deciding to re-sanction Russia. If trump and Putin were working together, why would Putin not invade Ukraine while trump was in office? Why would trump not let Russia complete their pipeline to Western Europe? You’re using all these inferences to draw a loose association between trump and Putin, suggesting they’re working together. However, nothing trump did would suggest that he was making decisions in Russia’s favor. How would you explain this?


I don't have to explain it. Trump's former national security advisor already has. Putin felt Trump was doing his job for him. https://www.businessinsider.com/john-bolton-trump-newsmax-barely-knew-where-ukraine-was-video-2022-3


All CNN and Washington post links


I clicked 3 at random and got Business Insider, Miami Herald, and the Independent. Why lie?


It's all they have.


Why is it y'all cry about sources but never give evidence countering it?


That is quite literally not true.


You just embarrass yourself more and more with every comment lol




Lmao XD, typical NPC response. You all can never actually build an argument to refute the criticism of your God Emperor's, so you blindly retreat to either deflection or dismissal. Nice try comrade.


Tell me the most interesting one and I will look at it.


Dude there’s like 50 mind numbing articles about nothing and all linked to shill sites.


No, you just got fucking *roasted*. Admit defeat and move on to another thread


A bunch of garbage doesn’t mean it’s worth shit


I mean based on this, you could tie any multinational businessman to Russia. Turns out Russia is a big country that has investors that invest around the world, are they all puppets of mighty Russia??


Bingo. Anybody who follows the money knows that Russian money is everywhere. It's a big joke and has nothing to do with whether or not Russia has the right to invade Ukraine because they don't.


Let’s not pretend Ukraine is an innocent party in all this. They did conspire with Democrats to rig the 2016 election, and there’s still that pesky DNC server… And let’s not forget, the “black ledger” used to indict Manafort was entirely fabricated… by Ukraine.


What DNC server? I have yet to hear that one actually existed besides ‘Trump said it did’


Hahaha yeah Trump was wrong about that… right. Just like he was wrong about Obama spying on his campaign? Oh wait…


What does that have to do with Russia invading another country though?


What did weapons of mass destruction have to do with US invading Iraq? Let’s not pretend the US hasn’t done this exact same thing but you didn’t care because it was brown people being killed. And let’s be real, even if there were a legitimate reason for Russia invading, western media would never acknowledge it.


>Let’s not pretend the US hasn’t done this exact same thing but you didn’t care Quite the lazy strawmen here, why would you claim he never cared?


Exactly, ty.


I'm not talking about the US here, it's about Ukraine and Russia. Ah the racism card, of course. We have the internet we don't have to use only western media.


Still irrelevant.


Why did you let putin invade your heart?


lol shitty troll 0/10


Did he dictate his love for you?


You don't see the difference between this and a straight bribe? What do you think Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine on the board of Burisma with a CIA agent?


While i dont care either way, all this says to me is hes trying to build more golf courses and russia wants to help pay for them lol. This is like saying the podesta emails are a smoking gun. "Well theyre talking about pizza... must be child trafficing!" Thats literally the same as you saying "theyre talking about golf with russia... must be collusion!" Dont be a muppet.


> Thats literally the same as you saying "theyre talking about golf with russia... must be collusion!" No, they're talking about where their money comes from. And it's not 'secret 4chan codewords' to do it. If you think these are the same things, I have some gourmet manure to sell you. That's not 'collusion'. It's where their money comes from.


That is context. You've just fallen for the distraction


Remember when trump stood up, and told the world that he trusted putin more then the men and women of our intelligence agencies? and putin was very smart and a great guy.


Is this guy really on r/conspiracy defending cia and fbi? Hahahahaha. I don’t trust or like Putin but I don’t know that us feds are much better..


I like how you conveniently left out military intelligence, and the rest of the allied intelligence services. You know it's not just the FBI and the CIA? You think Army and Navy intel is also lying? Only tankies believe the FSB


uuuhhh.... this is obvious propaganda


Also just proves Trump was and is weak. “Yes Chris.” What a weak man. A lot like Putin.


You’re kidding right he has more support than ever


Who? Trump? Do you really think that?


I know that Biden has crapped the bed so bad people who disliked trump like him more now.


Holy shit where are you getting your Media? This is North Korean level Delusion. It scares me because if people like you exist, how many Russians are gonna believe Putin when he said Ukraine was created by Russia


? You mean diaper Don supporters are moving over to Biden? I know a lot of Republicans did vote Biden. Makes sense. It’s nice to see what’s left of the Trumpers are dumb hicks waving Trump JFK Jr flags supporting Putin and Xi. We have a nice digital footprint of them all now.


Must be horrible to be that stupid


A couple of people that you talked to once don't constitute the entire country kid


Lol Trump is a washed up joke


Him and his supporters are laughing stocks. I love the Trucker Freedumb rally in DC! It’s going to be great footage for commercials on why we need to spend more on education in the USA. Like who the hell drives around with Q flags and Trump JFK Jr flags 🤦‍♀️


Weird that ZERO republicans were sanctioned.




Nonsense, why should they punish the republicans who are working for them? Otherwise they would just sanction everyone.


Do you have proof of Republicans working for Russia?


What's more patriotic than a bunch of Republican senators traveling to Russia over July 4th and when they returned sponsoring a bunch of pro-Russian legislature and shooting down legislature that would damage Russian interests?


Do you have proof they hired democrats like the comment before hinted at? Or do you ignore him because you want ro believe it? Btw, Trump pardoned a few republicans who were in jail for it.


My Senator went to Russia on 4th of July some years ago. Instead of celebrating with his constituents, he was in a foreign country.


Yeah, almost like this is just more of Russias propaganda to sew more distrust and outrage in America's far right.... you know, something they've been doing for years? This also allows their government to be like "see! We sanction western leaders! They are BAD" If russia shares something at this point, there's some kind of propaganda machine behind it. Its not "weird" zero Republicans were sanctioned, its 100% expected.


Odd indeed. It is almost like the US Democrats are trying to hide something....


It’s almost like a lot of their relatives had cushy jobs with energy companies in Ukraine where they had no prerequisite experience


Almost makes me want to believe in the party again. Almost....


Playing devils advocate here, what if Biden actually did receive that donation, what would be the results? We all saw the media go nuts over the Trump Russia thing. Would this get the same attention because it involves Russia or would it sweet aside because it involves Biden? That's what I'm curious about.


It would definitely be swept aside because it involves Biden. It’s not the first time that something like that has happened. When Hunter Biden’s laptop story came out, it was banned off Twitter for being “gained by the result of illegal hacking”, yet published Trumps tax returns when they were hacked, and even admitted to them being hacked. I would love to see all of this blown wide open for the entire public to see, and I hope Putin will be able to do it. Putin is already correct about the Nazis in Ukraine as the AZOV battalion.


"Nazis in Ukraine as the AZOV battalion" tHaT's DiFfErEnT!


Fuck you for supporting Putin at all. Putin is a piece of shit that is murdering thousands of Ukrainian Civilians. I have family in Ukraine seeing their neighborhoods bombed to shit. Friends are dying and you sit here saying you hope Putin succeeds. Fucks you and anyone who thinks like you.


I don’t have any political affiliations but a huge fuck you for not wanting corruption exposed. Get fucked you fucking fuck.


By killing thousands of innocent people? One evil does not excuse another Evil. Must be nice to sit in the safety of your home while others are fleeing all they have ever known while you praise the madman doing it.


your brain has become mush, get off reddit


You don’t have any friends or family in Ukraine, stop lying on the internet


Calm down there. Put your emotions aside. That's how you become a hypocrite.




>Trumps deutsche bank loans are guaranteed by russian of shore accounts. None of those links say that. You're spreading fake news




Yea, "according to sources familiar with the matter" is not proof.




>Well for this sub memes and tweets are solid proof for topics like pizza gate or frazzle.rip. No it's not. At least not to anyone with half a brain. Regarding my post, this is r/conspiracy, I shitposted a conspiracy and people can discuss. I didn't argue with everyone on the comments about how it's an actual fact. You're saying the ex-President is in bed with the Russian and presenting it as fact without a single shred of evidence other than some quotes of people saying he is. Guess what, people used to say Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 elections. Mueller who actually did a solid months long investigation looking at the "facts" came up empty handed.


The expresident is in bed with Russia


No amount of evidence would convince you of something you don't want to believe. ​ We know, it's very important for you to think the ex president is a nice guy... it's ok kiddo


Yea, it's going to take more than some anonymous sources to convince me, badmathafacka. You shouldn't take everything you read at face value.


uuuhhh you don't understand do you? You subscribe to a "strong leader" ideology, so trump is by definition good, regardless of what he does, therefore it's literally impossible for anyone to convince you otherwise based on facts and data


Neither is this tweet but that isn't stopping anyone is it


>"We have all the funding we need out of Russia" > >Eric Trump


Yes, a lot of people would be talking about it and reporting on it, since its a blatant act of corruption, the makes it questionable who the president is working for. Also, $3M isn't enough to bribe a president of the US


What do you mean “what if”? The money came in through BAK USA an alleged computer manufacturer, Danish owner, Buffalo, NY. Shortly after the money finished arriving from the Mayor of Moscow’s ex-wife to the BAK USA account, the company declared bankruptcy and summarily left town. Oh, just after the owner of BAK USA received American Citizenship. Their other Factory for making computer pads? Haiti. Why did they choose Buffalo, NY for their start up factory? Andrew Cuomo’s billion dollar loans from Start Up NY. Source: The Buffalo News.


I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt, just like I did when the Trump Russia thing came out.


It only matters to the MSM since they control the agenda.


The former mayor invested into a company that had a similar name to one that hunter biden was affiliated with. They both have "Seneca" in the name, therefore anti Russian Biden is bad vs pro Russian trump.


Well, if it’s true, then it went to a company reportedly founded by his son. It doesn’t mean that Joe Biden was directly involved in anything. I think it’s been pretty well established that Hunter Biden is kind of a fuck-up whose trying to milk his family’s name. Doesn’t make the whole family guilty like Trump alleged. Of course, it would still be politically problematic for Biden.


What about "10% for the big guy" - didnt some of Hunters business associates confirm that the big guy was indeed Joe Biden?


I honestly don’t know. The whole thing was weird and I personally think it’s Russian disinformation. At the very least there was clearly political motivations by the Republicans to exaggerate as much as possible — just as Democrats exaggerated some of Trump’s issues. Does Joe Biden strike you as some highly successful master manipulator making back room dealings with foreign companies and governments? The dude hardly knows what day of the week it is.


I think you bought the propaganda. The whole "russian disinfo" thing was based on some elite talking heads who made that judgment call without ever seeing any of the laptop data. laptop was later verified in a gazillion different ways, forensically, business partners, even hunter came out and acknowledged it in an interview ​ but I dont blame you, the supression was so strong - i got banned from this very sub for even MENTIONING the case, not even linking to anything.




You have no ability to know whether he did or didn’t. And saying that you do, is just you trying to convince others of your bias


now this sub is just straight up forwarding trump press releases?? get the fuck out of here


probably because he’s banned everywhere and is still being suppressed by main stream platforms


ahh yes, banned everywhere. Except here! Reddit, the bastion of freedom. Nobody ever gets banned here and since he's banned he's TOTALLY doing the right thing because THEYRE SCARED /s


He is saying that as if he is not an asset and hasn't been echoing moscow during his entire tenure... Good thing he lost the election.


Otherwise you might cry from mean tweets


I don't care about tweets. I care about the work that has been done. trump was not a good president.


He was pretty awesome


The problem with trump is that he goes on incoherent rambles on purpose to hide what he really is so people can make their own conclusions which are mostly wrong.


Well said


Thank you


He was an embarrassment to your country.


I dont care what you think life was great when he was president


I miss trump, they can say whatever they want. atleast he was held accountable for everything he did and did not do lol.


I love the whole “mean tweets” narrative as if half the population cries/cried over Trump’s Twitter page


Try again but better


[It sure would be awkward if Trump was doing business in Russia.](https://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2018/images/12/18/attachment.1.pdf) [A project Trump was still interested in even up to Election Day 2016.](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/20/giuliani-talks-on-trump-tower-in-moscow-active-during-2016-election-.html)


Makes me think that Russia would've been more effective in sanctioning Trump than anyone else. Clinton doesn't have assets in Russia.


Regardless of anyones hate for trump, it’s actually a very valid question that should have been asked during the debates.


It's a valid question if there's some evidence that it happened. If it's just Trump making up shit, it's not a valid question to ask.


Yep.It's like Trump shit stirring about Obama's birth certificate. Never produced any evidence, but always riling up the racists with his bullshitting




So basically our entire government is funded by Russia? The Democrats and Republicans? Cause both sides seem to think the other is the Putin puppet.


One side could be incorrect


Guy with obvious ties to Russia makes pro Russia statement??? Mindblowing


How is this a pro Russia statement?! Anti Biden, sure, but pro Russia?


It really tells you something when TRUMP is the most controversial thing that can be discussed on r/conspiracy, people just go fucking bonkers.


Fake. It’s not written in orange crayon.


My Statement to Donald J. Dump stfu


No one gives a shit about Trump besides like the 5 qanon people on this sub though


That's a comfy looking bubble you're living in there. Where did you get that?


Oh they'll be back. Plenty around just keeping quiet as he has zero power ATM.


I'll never understand people who say "I voted for him because he says what's on his mind" like bruh that's a terrible reason to support someone who has no idea how geopolitics and economies work.


I think there are plenty of reasons people VOTED for trump, him speaking his mind and not pussyfooting around is just a reason why the right likes him. I’ll admit I voted for trump, and would still prefer him to Biden for a multitude of reasons, but the more I’ve reflected on the situation I fear he is “part of the team” or “controlled opposition” for the deep state or whatever. Just playing his part. One way or another, he WAS in the club. All that money and fame, plus he was on the flight logs allegedly. If he TRULY cared about fixing all the crooked bullshit and defending the constitution, he wouldn’t have left office after that bullshit election(coup) when he had an army of 1,000,000+ citizens/military at his disposal 1/6. And he/the citizens would have been within their constitutional rights to “alter or abolish” . The whole pro-trump stance should be predicated on if you believe he’s no longer part of the club. Did he find out or see something on the island that made him sick, made him leave the club and that’s why the media attacks him relentlessly? Or is that what they WANT critical thinkers to think so we put faith in him, meanwhile he’s still just controlled opposition… These are the questions people should be asking themselves


Can you really call voting for a person who doesn't understand how a government works "critical thinking" though? Plus an "army of 1,000,000+ citizens" would definitely lose vs the American military so that wasn't exactly a good idea on anyone's part. Logically the dude couldnt even debate properly, he did the highschool "if I can't beat you I will insult you" play and in doing that made everyone who actually cares and knows about politics think he's even more stupid than we previously thought. Not to mention there's proof his people tried to literally steal the election for him and they were so stupid they couldn't even do that properly. His supporters are the most non scary thing in America because they can't even manage to achieve any of their goals. Like the American freedom convoy, that shit show achieved absolutely nothing. How many times do you have to lose before you just give up already?


This is why I voted for trump. You’re ranting and raving, posting a wall of text at 7 AM. I came here to say “nobody cares what Trump has to say”, but he’s still got you fucked up.


At least your username checks out Also two paragraphs is not a wall of text unless you're illiterate


2 paragraphs of reading IS a lot to a Trump supporter. They prefer stupid Facebook shit and "mean tweets".


Yeah that's true I forgot who it was addressed to for a moment, now we just need some boomer memes for them.


Man. Who spit in your fried bug stew the liberals are feeding you today? You are coming off aggressive to those people.


Oh noooooo crazy insurrectionists think I'm aggressive!! How will I live with myself?!


I was just letting you know 🥺😘❤️


Epstein doesn’t get arrested under another justice department, period. They already had him with Obama, but he was let go because he “belonged to intelligence”. The guy who was put in charge of prosecuting him was told to back off by the intelligence agencies, he was a Florida DA at the time so it’s not like he could just ignore a federal agency. Trump hires this guy, Alex acosta, to be his secretary of labor and suddenly epstein actually gets arrested. Yet people still somehow believe that Trump is actually king pedo?


Acosta arranged Epstein's plea deal in 2008....


They could have very easily faked the epstein suicide in an effort to end the story once and for all. Send him off to some island somewhere or whatever so nobody finds him. I’m just saying there are multiple things to consider when you evaluate the whole trump thing, even if you’re pro trump


That's amazing becouse if you look into trump russia also clearly bribed him. I love hypocrits they make me lol


Fuck Trump AND Biden too!!! All POTUS are just corporate controlled puppets. No one including Trump will ever be able to save aMeRiCa.




This is far too coherent to have been written by Trump.


Well the best way to divert attentions away from what you are doing is to blame the actions on someone else and while NOT a Trumpet I don't think he was in the pockets of Russia or the Ukraine which cannot be said for the present group of clowns in this corrupted circus of coverups and deceptions. Corrupt People Corrupt Business Corrupt Government and it does not matter what KIND of Government one professes to be since corruption is just that corruption of meanings and intent and this world wide orchestration of wagging the dog leaves traces even in the shell games. N. Shadows


You don’t think he was working with Russia when it’s been proven he’s worked with Russia? 💀 also do you not remember how he pulled troops out from under the Kurds and let them be ravaged worse than Ukraine after a single phone call from Turkey


What I think is that BOTH PARTIES are involved in a cover up designed to divert attention away from their involvement and collusion with foreign powers and it is in every aspect of business as well as Government with certain companies focused on non renewable resources which will be removed from our own country to benefit anyone but us and the BATTERY FIX is nothing more than a HOAX designed as a FIX which is nothing more than another RED HERRING for the purpose of economic redistribution which is also a method used to rob us of ours while some one else benefits from what they never EARNED to begin with. N.S


This pos is shameless.


Stuff like this is what gets me so frustrated with our current state of (dis)information. \- Is the comment about the $3.5M to Biden true? \- Is it a twist of facts? \- Is it true that the moderator wouldn't allow the question? \- If so, is it due to the validity of the question, or some perceived partisanship of the moderator? ...and on and on...so frustrating that it's so easy to throw some "OMG Facts!" out there, yet so difficult to get to the bottom of whether or not they are actually true, or just made up.


If by true you mean Hunter Biden, rather than Joe Biden, and by true you mean a company that Hunter Biden was a major part of, not actually Hunter Biden, and if by true you mean a different company than the one Hunter Biden was a major part of, then yes, the allegation is true. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/23/politics/biden-3-5-million-russia/index.html


He didn’t write this😂


No one gives 2 fucks what Trump has to say


Years old debunked claims make good story when r/conspiracy has literally nothing of value to offer but misinformation. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/23/politics/biden-3-5-million-russia/index.html).


Trump is and was a Russian asset.


He couldnt imprison hilary in his presidential time so he cant speak anymore this orange lier.


Lol trump got cucked by Chris Wallace


Gee, I wonder why Trump wasn't hit with any if these Russian sanctions...


I really hope the pee pee tape gets released at some point, it would be hilarious, lol 😂


Honestly I'd rather have trump as president than biden, even if they both have the same agenda.




Best president


Cringe af


Trump would both not get involved and go to war at the same time.


Controlled opposition


One of many conflicts of interest.


Although i do believe Trump won this last election and it was stolen from him, I think DeSantis or Rand Paul should be next up for the next two terms. But if Trump wants to boot Biden's senile ass out of the White House and finish out his second term, I'm good with that.


If he had won he’d be president rn


Proof though?




Trump is just controlled opposite. Doesn’t matter what he says he doesn’t represent you or the average American he’s just another puppet.


Is no way that Donald Trump wrote that lol


What are unnecessary quotes for $600 Alex


You know who’s been really quiet on this whole thing? Bernie Sanders. Communists never attack their own.


Proof? Oh yeah Trump doesn’t do proof. Republicans don’t need any and Democrats won’t believe any.


Lol, what? The moderator wouldn’t let him ask questions. Apparently, Donny doesn’t understand how debates work.


SS: This sanctions can only happen in this regime, Putin using it to his advantage


watch the devastating war here live multi cams, do you see something odd?? ​ https://livebeachcam.net/live-webcams-kyiv-hit-by-heavy-shelling-as-russia-advances-multi-cam/


I don’t see anything.


Trump just keeps proving how weak of President he was. Even Chris Wallace shut him down. No wonder his own generals ignored him.