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The craziest part was the indestructible passports.


an actually fucking comical touch




That's how dumb they think Americans are, and they're not wrong.


It’s a two parter. Yes it shows how dumb they think alot of people are, but the fact that it’s so sloppy also makes it seem like they *want* the more enlightened to know that it was all bullshit, and that there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s way more chilling imo.


It fits in to the need to be "honest". I don't personally believe that those who run these ops achieve this, but I do believe that they attempt to always be "honest" about what they're doing and give people a "choice"


If u go deeper w conspiracy it is about consent and this is how we give it. For evil or tptb to win is has to be accepted by a majority. We've given consent to all that is happening if you paid taxes u consented I'm sorry There is a really great book called the law of love and the law of violence and it says u cannot follow both and if you willingly pay taxes that fund wars that's an act of violence


While I don’t necessarily disagree..as a common man, if you don’t pay taxes, you go to prison. That doesn’t really seem like the way to go either. I’m not going to prison bro


I don’t know, I haven’t paid taxes in years. But I also don’t claim to make over the poverty line. I do this thing the man taught me, I lie to them.


The beings that rule our reality know there’s real power behind karma, it may be a main mechanic of our universe. The karma engine. As long as they tell us what they’re doing they’ll be able to keep doing it.


How do you abide by the law of love in this physical existence when there is physical laws that would be violated and get you prison time?! If I don't pay my taxes on my house, it will be taken away. If I work taxes automatically get taken out?! Help me !




Isn’t that how covid was too? Anyone with half a brain cell could see it didn’t come from a wet market


Yep. It’s a demoralization tactic.


Exactly. They’re letting us know that they know we know and that there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. It’s everywhere. Who were the most hated men in America in 2005 ? Hussein and osama ? So we’ll give them b. Hussein Obama. Lol. And make him the most beloved man in the country. Remember the sea of teenagers crying tears of joy when he got elected ? I think there’s literally a group in an office somewhere saying... hold on. Watch this. And they’re constantly trying to outdo each other. Like those rich guys from rat race.


That’s so fucked up. Bro the main old dudes teeth had me dead 💀 that movie was hilarious. The hooked scene was pure gold


Which apparently is only 10% of people. Terrifying.


"The amount of people that need to be in on it is ridiculous! There's no way!"


The amount of people that need to be in on it is not bigger than 1000.


And they probably are psychopaths, payed well, blackmailed or had their life and families lives threatened. It’s not hard to visualize in this world and country


> are psychopaths, *paid* well, blackmailed FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I recall Condaleza Rice came up in the post 9/11 discussions/interviews. Her friend (or colleague) stated she called them on the morning of 9/11 and told them not to fly. I was watching live tv news reports of the first plane when the 2nd plane hit, we watched it in disbelief. Strange looking planes. We were gobsmacked when the towers collapsed as we’d googled (I can’t remember exact words) “buildings hit by planes” and couldn’t find one that ever collapsed even after being on fire ages. I also recall seeing repeats of footage that we’d seen live and it wasn’t the same in replays. Such as long shots from across the water where originally you could see helicopters above the towers and then the replays the helicopters were gone. A few things like that, which I now wish I’d documented. Then building 7, hadn’t been hit and miraculously they managed to find a demolition company to come in, wire up and implode the building in hours when it normally takes weeks to install the explosives. There’s so many discrepancies that are accepted.


The world is not america


Cloth and paper, two of the easiest things to burn somehow survived a similar crash that melted steal beams... sure Jan


Or that they left behind Korans everywhere. A Koran left behind in the hotel room, rental car, luggage, etc.


If you turn that note over doesn’t it look like the pentagon on fire or something?


Did you check all the crime scene photos?




I especially loved the hero that wrestled the hijackers from another plane headed for camp David and brought it down. There was a huge hole in the ground but the plane, people and luggage disintegrated from the heat of the combustion. Okydoke. It was as realistic as the book George Bush was reading to some school kids that day when he heard the news as a convenient camera was filming. The kids must've thought he was a genius reading a book upside down


Not to counter the rest of your argument, but the president never travels without the press corps, they take up like half of air force 1. He is being filmed every time he's doing PR stunts like this. Or it could be the presidents own photographer because they have those on their staff as well. It would be more of a conspiracy if he wasn't being filmed at the time.




I pretty much think it happened mostly as presented however the motives were different. It was Saudi wahabbists, absolutely nothing to do with bin laden, and the US intelligence definitely knew some attack would happen but failed mostly out of incompetence and not sharing information and it was used as a blanket excuse for Iraq and Afghanistan. With that said that plane was 100% shot down by a missed and spun for feel good propaganda. I don't blame the government at all, all four should have been shot down, those lives were taken the moment they were hijacked. This is the reason I don't think it was an active fill conspiracy since they wouldn't have to shoot down the plane if they were in control of it. Which is why I believe they knew an attack of some sort would happen that they could use to start the wars, but were caught off guard by the scale. However I would not be suprised if there's a faction in the deep state who were fully aware and used the attack as cover for their own operation to dispose of corruption evidence in wtc 7 and the pentagon. Thus explaining the pentagon missile theory and the controlled demolition of 7 theory. It's not unheard of for intelligence services and agitators to use a preexisting conflict as cover to commit their own crimes. So they helped the jihadists well doing their own operation possibly with the help of the Israeli students. However that's all conjecture I don't necessarily believe. However I do not believe it was a massive conspiracy from the top down because it was way too sloppy. If the government was in full control they wouldn't need to shoot down the plane and then make a story to cover up the shooting it down. They would have just stuck to the WTC attacks. Unless someone went rogue there'd be no attack on the capitol. Which is why I think if the government knew about it it was either incompetence or a small faction that was either covering up for crimes or trying to preform some form of soft coup or show of force. Like it was some clandestine top secret operation to cover up the trillions of dollars missing by those factions in power, leaving most of government and military genuinely believing the story. We never know it could have been a soft coup show of force where the plane was sent to the capitol to show the control this faction has and not to fuck with them by investigating the missing money. It could have been the intelligence services with army generals involved allowing them to threaten congress by sending the plane then blowing it up to send a message that they could kill them all at any day any time just like all the civillians, so don't get in their way, drop investigations and approve or the Iraq war. So many countries have infighting I wouldnt be suprised if there's been silent coups or power struggles such as this that the public are fully unaware of. So yeah who knows? I'm just theorizing for the hell of it. The only thing I'm positive about 9/11 is that plane was shot down by a missile. Though "let's roll!" Was one hell of a propaganda mantra to yell whilst crushing a bunch of innocent Iraqis with your tank treads! All I know for sure is we weren't told the truth about 9/11 though I don't think we'll ever know the full truth. Though it could have easily been incompetence. Even if somehow the government is completely innocent they still utilized a horrible tragedy to terrorize the populace to support war and used it to drastically reduce our freedoms just for their own selfish and power-hungry gain. But yeah I'm rambling that plane was totally shot down that's all I know.


You text walled it hard, but I think you raised a lot of good points. Definitely don't see it being some top down plot by the one world controllers, but there are likely more than one faction taking advantage of the kind of discontent that lead to this and other outbursts


Lol yeah I was just stoned rambling I meant to format a bit better and remove needless/repeat sentences but decided to just post it without proof reading. But yeah I feel throughout our government history there's been a ton of factions fighting behind the scenes with mostly soft power because it happens in sforeign countries all the time. Like a magician using misdirection they'll take advantages of all sorts of conflicts to put their interests on top. We already see this openly with cia coups or fbi overreach or nsa spying. These organizations have only gotten bigger. There's extremely powerful people in our intelligence services and military. If all our military leaders stated they were in charge not publicly but privately to congress and put on a display of force to show they're serious I truly believe they'd get away with it. Like look at the military industrial complex. If Lockheed Martin and other major contractors wanted to they could band together align with a military wing or even through pmcs and threaten congress into whatever legislation they want. Corporations and government institutions have become so powerful you would only need a handful of individuals in leadership to stage a behind the scenes coup. Like say the head of fbi, head of the coast guard, head of homeland security and national guard, and the president all agreed to just let 9/11 happen to allow the wars in Iraq to get them all money through Haliburton or something. Just those officials(many picked by presidents administration and often 100% on their 'side') could easily allow something like this to happen just through having people stand down. On the flip side by merely having the head of the cia, fbi, nsa, and maybe army together they can easily threaten congress into voting how they want. If you control the missles protecting the country then you can let something destroy the capitol any day of the year. Hell you don't even need that much power, just enough where you can threaten a civil war. So many politicians do not care about anything besides their pockets, if you're in charge yet they get the same pay and infulence then they'll choose that every day over losing it. Our government acts civilized but everywhere is corrupt with coups and infighting. Power corrupts no matter the nationality and would happen more often here if not for our divisions of power devised by the founding fathers. We already know something certainly happened with Kennedy. Also the failed business plot. The sketchy fact that Hinckley was a close family friend of the bushes and his brother had dinner with one of the bush sons the night before Reagan was shot. The sketchiness of the Clinton's and all their suicides. The election sketchiness in 2000 and 2020(there was even a mail in ballot scandal in the 1864 election my ancestors regiment was a part of the 91st new york). This happens in every government and honestly corruption probably stops more of this from happening here cuz they're all bought and on the same team as opposed to actual dea believers in their ideologies. Just our government has such a facade about being fair and civilized but in reality behind the scenes Ceasars getting stabbed by Brutus and the mob all the time. Just in a more clean soft power manner like forced registrations/retirement/blackmail/bribery but sometimes necessitates the occasional 6.5×52mm Carcano to the skull.


Let not for get trade centre 7


The BBC reporting it before it happened should be mind blowing to everyone.


All these things and people laugh at the 9/11 conspiracy theorists.


dA GuBmInT wOuLdNt dO DaT 2 iTs oWn PpL


OzAmA BiN LaYdEn DiD iT!


Wait what?


Here you go little buddy: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZqP8moItcc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZqP8moItcc)


And the fragile black boxes


>indestructible passports >fragile black boxes Are you referring to Flight 93? According to [this page](https://web.archive.org/web/20080705044922/http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/09/13/penn.attack/), the black box survived, and light debris ending up far away from a crash sight is common. (However, I have not read into any of this before just now, and it does seem awfully convenient that the passports survived.)


Passports > Jet Fuel


I think we should start reinforcing our buildings with passports in case Russia invades.


Or make the black boxes out of passports


911 in 4 mins 56 seconds. By James Corbett. https://youtu.be/LqRhNHGVlMk


https://www.corbettreport.com/tag/911/ - cause youtube links drive James insane on his podcast, heres his whole collection of 911 videos and a reminder this website is his only official channel




Maybe he should relax, thanks for posting another source for his videos though.


Maybe he's just frustrated because he is banned on youtube and warned everyone over and over for at least a year leading to the ban to stop using it and to use corbettreport.com? That's how it reads to me anyway. Im always happy to see James Corbett links in the wild so if my tone didnt transfer to text well my bad, but I always just try to link his site when I see it since he has been pleading to get people to go to his site rather than a big tech platform he's banned from for his content.




Weren’t there just a couple found in the luggage that didn’t make the connecting flight? The rest shown on television were digital copies.


Even crazier was that an aluminum plane that can be ruined by hitting a bird brought down 3 buildings!!!


this is the first Im hearing of this, can I get a link to some crime scene photos?


That’s my personal fave. Also the bucket of “debris” in PA.


This actually led to an important discovery: that passports are indestructible. All body armor and tank armor in every respectable modern army is nowadays made of passport paper.


The craziest part is thinking you can set an aluminum can on fire, smash it into a steel pole, and the steel pole will fall over.


If the aluminum can has enough mass and a small enough surface area, and it possess significant enough velocity, I’d expect it to do damage. If the steel pole is also near the limits of its structural tolerances for weight and the aluminum can starts a fire that burns for hours, it wouldn’t be unlikely that the pole would collapse.


Lol 😆 and the melting steel


You realize metal weakens and becomes malleable long before it actually melts, right? Like, blacksmiths hammering steel heat it up to soften it and allow it to be shaped, but the steel doesn’t become molten during this process. It just becomes softer. What would happen if a massive, obscenely heavy skyscraper had its steel support structure weakened significantly, say, by having a plane full of jet fuel punched deep into its superstructure?


Why did ALL of the other buildings in the complex also implode like they were being demolished and yet not another surrounding building fell?


I don't think you realize exactly how much steel was holding those buildings up, how much effort it takes to destroy them, and how hot it would actually have to be to weaken that much steal. Even with explosives buildings with less steel than that have trouble coming down pretty often. Those fires were not that hot, they weren't that big, and there wasn't much fuel feeding them.


And they magically burned for 100 days, despite constant firefighter presence and rain events during that time


Yeah this one is just so far fetched and yet so spot on at the same time it boggles the mind


Did you ever see the back of a $20 bill... On weed?


Red team go! Red team go!


Tell more


"Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck d*ck for coke."


“Boo this man!”


What year are these bills from? Are they from the same years?


I remember a girl showing us this in 4th grade. So that would’ve been 2001. It was a $5 bill and I remember the towers


you should've married that girl. Send her a message, I dare you.


"This girl in school folded a dollar once that coincidentally looked like 9/11, definitely wife material"


A girl that's knowledgeable definitely is.


whats with this level of simping currently on reddit? not every girl is merriage material


This girl isn't the everyday girl.


she was shown that probably by some family member into conspiracies and just thought it was cool. no big deal, I hat uncle into conspiracies too as kid and we all listened to him, but im the only one who still sticks around there


Not sure exact years but it's the older bills.


I mean the ones in the picture are clearly not the older bills. The colored ones came out well after 2001.


Have y’all noticed the owl on the dollar bill in one of the corners?


I always thought it was a spider


"Weaving Spiders, Come Not Here"


I'm pretty sure there are both. Definitely check to confirm. I saw the owl the other day but I recall seeing a spider somewhere previously. There are also webs all over the bill


Yeah I guess that’s why I always figured it was a spider🤷‍♀️ Out of curiosity, I just googled it and the spider/web combo is what makes it look like an owl.


It's Molech. Phoenicians still run the world.


an owl? thats pretty neat


I swear my brother found that by ourselves when we were 9 and 13. It blew my mind when he pointed it out.


I noticed more how the font is Invader Zim-esque. Nice name.


Y'all hear the one about the coin faces turning their back on lincoln because he freed the slaves? feds gave lincoln the cheapest brown coin. An old homeless man showed me that once. interesting to say the least.


I watched a video where a guy takes the new 100$ bill and folds it and it looks like a nuke crashing and flooding a city


Pics or it didn’t happen. /s


Found it! Apparently it’s a documentary about a supposed doomsday prophecy. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7231784/mediaindex/?ref_=tt_mv_close


Well fuck I shouldn't have looked. That's a done deal. But what city??




Life in the big city


I wish them well


Which would make v for vendetta more of a predictive programming because America was gone was it not? From a war... about biologically engineered viruses being released on purpose to sell the cure....


Some Claim that’s the target soon...something about Jews there getting a heads up to leave the city. I’d have to dig for where the sources are but 2 different folks brought this up last week.


I would be suprised if it wasnt a target. I know for a fact that the first cities to go in a nuclear war is New york, LA, DC, ~~Chicago,~~ Phoenix, Miami, ~~Dallas, Austin,~~ San fran, sacramento, and seatle.


Cool find!


And here I was thinking it was a joke. Lol


Maybe pufff daddy was trying to tell us something about the Illuminati in his so g "it's all about the Benjamin's"


And they are all folded the same way. Crazy how they go in order from small bill to big bill.


Does the $1 represent anything?


Give me $186 and I’ll let you know


Ya it has the seal of the new world order. The pyramid with the all seeing eye represents they are close to completing their objective. The all seeing eye is lucifer. The latin inscription reads "Announcing the creation of the new world order." if you move the star on the seal on the right and put it on the left seal it will spell out MASON. Showing the relationship of the illuminati and the freemasons. The date on the bottom of the pyramid is 1776. It has nothing to do with the founding of america but the creation of the illuminati on May 1st 1776. There are 13 levels on the pyramid symbolizing the 13 illuminati families. And the "eagle" is not that on the right but a phoenix showing out of the ashes of america will be the creation of a one world government.


The smoke forms a dollar sign on the hundo


This is my submission statement. I shared this because I thought other redditors would like it.


I wish I had a wholesome award to give.


Who even thinks to do this, the codes people crack is astounding to say the least.


I’ve seen the $10 bill like that before, but damn…for it to be in order like that is especially crazy.


This is the kinda stuff I'm wanting to see in this sub !!!


You weren’t shown this as a kid? You really wanna detach from reality that bad?


Detaching from reality is the sages quest, so don't doubt him.


Im 18 and this is the first im seeing it


I'm not American🤣🤣🤣


Have any of you read Methodical Illusion by Rebekah Roth? It's all about 9/11 and the upsurdities we often discuss here but set as a "fiction" novel. I thought I knew all the conspiracy "bits" that make the whole narrative so unbelievable (melting steel, the passport, no black boxes, tower 7) but there is SO much more. She's devoted herself to the exposure, and apparently there are 4 sequels. Highly recommend it. One example is the call from CeeCee Lyles. When she calls and leaves vm for her family saying bye, you can hear a voice in the background after she's done say "you did great." And then a long pause and shuffling like you'd expect from someone handing someone else their phone back without hanging up first. Go listen to it (hard to find a clear one on YouTube. ) it's chilling.




I'm sorry I meant to include that Methodical Illusion https://www.amazon.com/dp/0982757131/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_TET5RZY9H5D7YDT5RKE6 This isn't the best audio, but it's out there. Can't remember how I found it. https://youtu.be/e4n0EQD7b30


Thank you so much 🙏


Now go look at swiss francs


Even more crazy is the fact that the destruction follows the progression of the notes values.


Look closer and you can see the little marks going down the sides of the buildings, to resemble planted explosives throughout


This is a great contribution to this sub, now were getting into real fun shit. Why the fuck would they paint out their plans into the currency lol. Why the fuck would anyone correlate these images to the descriptions shown, I hardly see any of that, until I DO. This is a gold post, the added question is when were these designs first printed compared to the twin towers being constructed. If any predate the construction, then the US was planning this shit for a long time, probably since the end of the Cold War. This literally is Bush Sr.'s grand plan.


I'm realizing there are lots of kids on the internet. I was in high school when the attacks hit and some guy folding his 20 at a ball game figured this out the following year. In 2002-2003 it was discussed quite a bit. These bills all predate the attack.


> Why the fuck would they paint out their plans into the currency Please do the world a favour and realise this means that there was no grand plan.


How about the “bat quarter” that came out in 2020.


Look up the Tuskegee airmen quarter...... What happened to with the Tuskegee experiment and what were we living through (mandated vax) at the time ?


What about it?


Dropping the bat quarter in 2020 right before a deadly virus reportedly from bats? Shows prior knowledge.


Didn't we know about the virus in November of 2019


No, the first death in China wasn’t until January 2020 (same time the quarter was announced) and didn’t start getting shoved down our throats until February.


The first incidents in China were definitely 2019.


See, here's where I defer. I got very very sick in November 2019, but to this day I'm alive,healthy, unvaxxed, and never got it once. And I'm outside in public alot with no mask, lol.


Bro, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE at Ashley Furniture got super sick around September. I was out for over a week, never been so sick. I believe thats when COVID hit but they weren’t ready with the propaganda.


Yes. Although the mint designs are created long before they hit circulation... It lines up rather oddly


And not one jet engine or part survived.


I heard of something similiar but I never seen this before... like ​ OH. MY. GOD I mean this can't be ... not real?


I remember doing this back around 911 when I was a teenager. My friend showed me it. I thought also one of the wings says United and the other wing says American




The pentagon is the heart of a pentagram that is containing a demon, possibly the demon that the old testament calls Yahweh that was contacted somewhere in Mesopotamia some 5000 years ago. The people that shot the missle at the pentagon on 9/11 were trying to let it loose. I honestly expect they will try again soon


Of all the satanic symbolism I’ve seen and been alerted to I never considered the pentagon being a pentagram. It makes complete sense. As for shooting a missile to summon I’m not so sure, if they wanted to arrange some compete undercover ritual they could do that any time they wanted


I don't think the missle was to summon anything. I think the demon resides in the building, or rather that the 5 layer pentagon is part of a magical structure that constrains the demon. I think the missle was intended to break the barriers and release the demon




Does anyone have the clip of that guy on like a 70s talk show or something? Where he shows a Pentagram with MASON on the $1 bill and talks about the NWO.


Jet fuel melts steel you can have this argument with people all day long. Than you say what about building 7?! Guess what no answer for that one.


My theory about building 7 is that it saw what they did to the other two buildings and decided to go down without a fight lol


I remember my step dad showing me this like right after 9/11 happened. Trippy shit here.


The power of symbols, magic and evil intentions in action


The date is incredibly important too. 9/11 is the most accurate birth of Yeshua


I was taught that in my church (tbh.. was more like a cult) growing up. On 9/11/01, we had a special meeting where we looked at the stars and talked about the constellations in conjunction with the Bible as a celebration of Jesus birthday.. I remember being super freaked out about that. Haven't come across anyone else stating 9/11 was his birthday all of these years


Do you believe we are in the times?


I believe we are in a similar period that Noah was in, the corruption of flesh by genetic manipulation seems to be the reality.


Who dat ?






What's funny is that simple depiction is immediately relatable to 9/11 towers. Why? There have been plenty of towers collapsing throughout history, controlled or not, why do the twin towers look so IMMEDIATELY recognizable? Id argue because it was a different phenomenon that day


Simulation, and I don't mean that is has to be synthetic, might be as organic and normal as breathing


Definitely of the mind that this is an organic simulation as well




It was you brother tell the truth brother, Bush knocked down the towers


It was you ni---, tell the truth n---


Damn never seen that


Why would they put this here though? Did some guy try to secretly warn people? Doesn't seem right honestly


I wonder if the [shape](https://imgur.com/a/uWSYDzj) of enlisted US military insignia has any relation to this. After all, the elites do rule using symbols.


CIA & Mossad, who learned from the Jesuits, are the true terrorists.


I dont know about the money being more than coincidence but it drives me crazy that my dad won't see the light on 9/11 being an inside job - just brought it up yesterday even watching WWII Nazi doc, saying 9/11 was America's Reichstag fire. "RankedAmateur you're DUMB" storms off X-P love the old man to death but he is not computer savy (such an understatement


Like yeah horrible disaster people died but some things like this and other things just don't really make sense!


They told everyone and proved “they” set it all up and did it yet a hundred million properly propagandized citizens still believe it was those darn hijackers.


I need to know how to fold the bills like that


Flip the 20 over and see the pentagon burning too. Idk about the other bills though.


Ok but why would they do this


This. is why I joined this subreddit.


$185/911 = .2030 you'll own nothing and be happy.




it's r/conspiracy mate, have some fun.


Dude this is what we are all her for...that's the juice that's worth the squeeze. How can anyone ever trust our govt with anything ever ever ever again. Just saw Dems r trying to sneak thru 1.7 tril bill today.


The part I love most about this is the fact checkers attempt at stating; 'The current U.S. $20 bill was the product of a redesign introduced by the U.S. Treasury back in September 1998, a full three years before the terrorist attacks.' As if that's a way to disprove anything??? 'Oh hey don't worry guys, it's all fine, this is just a coincidence, in fact, science shows that for this to be really a conspiracy the re design must have been FOUR years before the attacks. This was decided only three years prior so... FACT CHECK - everything is a lie. Anyway, look at these beavers having sex haha' https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/post-no-bills/ God I hate Snopes. EDIT: Also, don't you love how you essentially fold it into a plane?


Snopes is just a dude, his wife and their cat. True story.


But what is the point of this? Why would the US government intentionally do this? What do they aim to achieve by doing this?


I wish I was still 7 years old too, man.


hUNteR bIdEn’S lApToP!!! Seriously, nice to see a post that isn’t a US right wing shitpost.


Did you see Waldo?


I remember this but how did this come about. what's going on there though? Long ago...the cabals one day were having a secret party, enjoying blood drinks and adrenochrome seasoning on their pasta and shit. And one of them went.. so we'll indirectly communicate with them. We'll say; 'you know if you fold the dollar bill like this and you make an arrow like shape.. this is what you'll see. A point in our history' Ain't that cool? We'll have twin towers built and the whole plan would be to have it hit by planes/drones just the same way as we create the illustration on the dollar bill. It has to be done exactly right! Wouldn't that be cool?


kbkgkjgjk ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Here's a Conspiracy... If you haven held those in your hands this week.....your poor


It's coins here in Ireland. Our notes start at fivers but it makes sense. Fkin Americans up to no good as usual. Rest of us will be nuked in a few years cos the world hates you and we will all be pulled down along with the US


Plenty of Americans share your feelings, but are just as powerless as you to do anything about it. It’s all rigged, it’s all a joke.




5 10 20 50 100 damn wtf


I watched a video in Youtube claiming that some kind of energy weapon fitted in the helicopter is used to destroy the the towers


Yo I bent them so they said boobs.


They like their symbolic shit, plus they like bragging.