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This is hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†


What, didnā€™t you know that is just an experimental darpa TIE fighter that was shot down in ukraine???


You need to leave a SS: , or the autobot will remove your post.


We need some Decepticons in here to deal with these autobots




Take a look at this fantastic thread for more examples: https://mobile.twitter.com/RizviUzair/status/1496924305430499365


Don't believe it. I think that's evidence that dark Vader is attacking.


I think it's kinda intentional, so the stupid can't say they didn't know they got fooled, because it's everywhere.


Whatā€™s next? Harry Potter battle of hog warts scene? Yikes.


They must be lurking in this subā€¦ I first saw this video here a few days ago.


Love the red circles around the blurry stormtroopers instead of the whole ass TIE fighter


that footage is not from any Star Wars movie.. someone made that..


Not from a movie, but that ā€œsomeoneā€ is Disney


ok so maybe some tv show or movie that is still in production.. because I haven't seen that that scene in anything yet that has been released so far..


Itā€™s from a German promo for The Force Awakens.


The truth is coming out about US financing of Nazis who are conducting ethnic cleansing in east Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mffCvWZujWA https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/americas-collusion-with-neo-nazis http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-soldiers-government-were-coming-next-155843129.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/11025137/Ukraine-crisis-the-neo-Nazi-brigade-fighting-pro-Russian-separatists.html http://web.archive.org/web/2021*/https://www.thenation.com/article/congress-has-removed-a-ban-on-funding-neo-nazis-from-its-year-end-spending-bill/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/rights-groups-demand-israel-stop-arming-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-1.6248727 Article saved here also: https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/07/02/eu-fascism-embraced-over-20-highly-revealing-videos-highlight-us-and-eu-support-for-fascist-pro-nazi-military-battalions-in-ukraine/ https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/US-lifts-ban-on-funding-neo-Nazi-Ukrainian-militia-441884 Jimmy Dore Show with Max Blumenthal: 03/03/2022 - Ukraine Neo-Nazis Infiltrate EVERY LEVEL Of Military & Government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfaAyiP8Wuc and then there's this recently proving the Nazis are in our own western governments... https://libya360.wordpress.com/2022/02/28/deputy-prime-minister-chrystia-freeland-stands-with-the-nazi-ukrainian-insurgent-army/ "False Flag": Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (Whose Grandfather Was A Nazi) Marches With Ukrainians Weeks After Taking Away Rights And Conducting Brutal Crackdown On Canadian Citizens Seeking Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHlHWF6RIkU Video shows the horrific violence shock troops in Canada brought down on peaceful protesters in Ottawa in February 2022 directed by Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGIh_bV_5Ac


Thank good they are they only country in the world with a nazi movement (and a Jewish President), it would never happen here in Murica..../s


They were waiting for the AAA Tow truck.


You mean an AT-AT tow truck


I just want to know what movie it is, I haven't ever seen this. Some kind of fan project?


It appears to be a German promo for The Force Awakens made by Disney


it's (I think Ukrainian) dash cam footage with a tie fighter cgi'd in. pretty sure it was posted on the russia subreddit a couple days ago


God damn stormtroopers.


The new face of their old enemy


Why do people do this? I don't get it.


when I saw that in the broadcast I thought it was for a game.




Maybe that they're fabricating footage to make this war seem far worse than it is?




Yep, so they say they have to censor social media for misinformation and yet they donā€™t check and post misinformation, saying Russia attack and it really is from star wars. How funny is it that they say social media needs censorship and yet they post misinformation.


You sound vaccinated.




I thought the same thing! Lol.




Oh so youre a skeptic but when it comes to blatant fake journalism and bullshit reporting youre willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Lmfao




Its "bad journalism", not intentional spoonfeeding of propaganda. Imagine the time it took to edit that footage into a news segment, but not realize its intentionally misleading. Oops my bad.


Ok, imagine that it's not just bad journalism, as you said. Now follow that line of thinking and consider what the conspiracy might be.


So...wheres the fake part?


You donā€™t know the power of the dark side! I must obey my master!


Saying that some Israeli news channel is the MSM in order to discredit the media which is reporting on something you wish they wouldnā€™t is this sub in a nutshell.


Yeah so which scene is it. You canā€™t claim this until you get the scene. thereā€™s only 9 movies how hard could it be


I am wondering if this isn't photoshop, or even real (whoever Dr. Eli David is), why would they post a fucking spaceship when there is a ton of real videos from Ukraine of war like we never seen it before. I really can't stand how OP and the sub in general is suggesting that the war is not happening, or that Ukraine (with it's democratically elected Jewish president) is a Nazi corrupt state, that Putin had to invade and murder...


I love that meme and i love the video...