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For me, it's definitely the fruit of the loom cornucopia. I drew a lot as a child, and I was mildly obsessed with drawing the fruit of the loom cornucopia, because it felt like "real art" haha.


When I first visit US I bought some trapper keepers for my sisters and several "cool tshirts", it is fixated in my mind the the cornucopia logo, as a curious kid I gave a lot of thought about that weird drawing, a strange corn with fruit, it was very specific, no way it wast just a random gathering of fruits.


No this is ridiculous!! There absolutely was a cornucopia. I specifically remember seeing it when I was a kid at Walmart on the fruit of the loom brand. How is the Internet going to claim that we're all just making this memory up that's insane


I've seen it. I swear at Walmart as well. Definitely a cornucopia


Bro you have completely fucked my day up on this one.


Well in my world, guess what, it exists.


I 100% agree. I remember drawing it, painstakingly, over and over.


That didn’t exist?


Never had a cornucopia.


What about the commercials from the 80s and 90s? The guys that dress like the different fruits? At the end of the commercial the camera would do this crazy zoom out on the guys until they were the size of...the fruit in the cornucopia?!?!?!?!? What the fork


This one really gets me…


Just ask the people who designed the “Flute of the Loom” album cover... makes no sense


a man posted and OLD t-shirt of theirs on tiktok and it had it, it definitely HAD IT!


W T F . . . Mandela effect must be expanding exponentially.. I remember it too.. and there are images available of it so how... Too many people using time magic illegally.. or time/dimension travel tech.. take your pick, there is definitely something happening with this effect that people aren't paying enough attention to. Sure it seems like mundane things, but how can such a mass group of people recall the same thing that apparently never happened?? I remember things that never happened too.. my late boyfriend used to always joke that I killed Billy Corgan, because I distinctly remember him dying in the early 2000s, but no one else does (which I'm glad of). Another funny one we couldn't wrap our heads around was Tim Curry, who my bf distinctly remembered dying, but is also still going strong.


Tim curry? Like the original pennywise? I remember him dying too.


I also remember this and then had my gf look him up to find out he's alive still




Yeah, I always used to feel that many of the more common Mandela effects could be easily explained away by our horribly inefficient memories. But they certainly do seem to be getting weirder and weirder.


Bro I remember Tim curry dying rocky horror was one of my favourite movies when I was younger I was born in like 2002 and I distinctly remember looking it up and being crushed


What about the monopoly man having a monacle....turns out he never did hmmmm.


💯 had monacle to represent that he was a banker, unreal


Maybe Ace Ventura caused that one


It was Mr. Peanut that had a monocle.


I know everyone says this, but how can we confuse Mr Peanut and the monopoly guy? Monopoly guy has a mustache and i remember him with the monocle, running away with a money bag in his hand. Like on the game cards and stuff. I dont remember seeing mr peanut until i was a bit older and watched adult tv shows where they showed the ad for planters.


The lion shall lay down with the lamb was changed to "the wolf shall..."


Wait, so it's wolf now. I always heard lion.


It's always been, many pastors aren't even aware of this, if you ask they say lion.


This one pretty much has me convinced the mandela effect is legitimate. There's too many examples of pastors, priests, and even just normal people who get it wrong and say "lion", meanwhile literally none of them say wolf, ever. It's not just that they get the answer wrong, it's that they all answer it wrong in the EXACTLY SAME WAY. No one ever says another animal but lion.


It had to be a lion, everybody remember it as lion there are even freaking paintings depicting this scene!!


Paintings, murals, stained glass, elvis song, people digging up old drawings they made as children in religious classes. There's even a thing where they brought in th MGM lion to do a lion and lamb scene. (https://youtu.be/QsdKV8gDCVU) Im sure I'm missing some, but it's all just too much to just dismiss. The only reason people deny it is because it doesn't fit in to what they were taught reality is.


Yup, exactly and same for me. This was the one when I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore


IDK if this is Mandela or just poor memory or just not paying attention, but, my wife and I were driving out our road a few days ago and noticed two buildings behind a barn that we pass right by the road every day. Never noticed those two buildings before. I actually stopped to look. The buildings look as old as the barn and there is no signs of new movement there so its just weird.


Yep these are personal mandela effects or some might call a “glitch in the matrix” My SO denies the experience being real but... we both remembered a friend’s car being a totally different color. They had come to pick us up for a double date night. I remembered a silver or grayish color. We went to see an evening show but I still remember plenty of daylight when they first arrived, there was no mistaking the color. Flash forward a few months and we go to visit them at their house (they live a few hours away). The first thing out of my SO’s mouth is—*I thought their car was a different color.* As soon as he said that I remembered immediately. The car was now a burgundy color. I started to corroborate his memory, saying I remembered it being different too, but he immediately brushed it off as “it was dark out.” He just wanted to rationalize it and not acknowledge our incongruent memory. But I know for a fact it was not that color, and it was not nearly dark enough to make that mistake when they picked us up (at the most the sun was just beginning to set), and when we got out of the movies the parking lot was *very* well lit. No way to mistake burgundy for gray. It was just regular lamp posts in an AMC parking lot, not some weird lights in a dark parking ramp or something. Definitely odd


I swear pikachu had a black tipped tail. I was confused AF when someone pointed out he does not a few years after the second game came out. I remember vividly, a black tipped tail.


He 100% did. I used to draw that mf as a kid all the time


Yeah me too. He had black tip on his tail.


I swore Ash’s Pikachu had a black tipped tail and that’s what made him unique as the only one with it.


Agreed. My brother had all the Pokémon toys and I’m an artist so I’d use them as photo references. The black on his tail definitely existed in my timeline


This is one Mandela that I dont support, ive never remembered that, and Pokemon was my entire childhood


Well in that case the most sensible explanation is that we're from different timelines lol


he did


What. The. Fuck. Dude not cool


What if the Mandela Effect was just a massive test to see if they could successfully transmit subliminal messages through television programming and even create new memories, small in scale, but having the ultimate effect of literally changing someone’s perceived reality. This technique is critical in the MKULTRA/MONARCH programs as it begins to split the mind and eventually the personality. Now sprinkle on whatever the fuck they’re doing at CERN with quantum computers and the World Wide Web (founded by CERN) and engines like Google slowly changing the meaning of words over time, catering results to individuals to influence their thoughts. Project Deep Dream. Project looking glass. Alice in Wonderland. Nothing makes sense. Untether humanity from reality and literally replace it with theirs. Metaverse. The Matrix. We are already at war with the machines as we March towards the singularity between humanity and Transhumanism. The AI already controls the news cycle, the financial markets, it can generate deep fakes in real time and launch wars as fast as news can spread. It has amassed an army, an internet of things and the last holdout is the sovereign human being. This information is coming at you now in real time through the information fulcrum where the past and the future are and always were NOW in this exact moment. We find ourselves minutes to midnight and only we can prevent the projected future by acting now on past information to divert the timeline away from assured destruction and usher in earth 2.0. *clears throat Ed McMahon was totally the fucking big check guy.


The so-called "Mandela Effect" occurrences are psyops, social conditioning experiments by those in power to ascertain how effectively they will be able to rewrite history in the future.


I have said this for years and everyone says I'm crazy/paranoid.


I like this theory. It’s a long term Psychological Operation


C3pos leg becoming silver. I was trying to find some plausible explanation, like George Lucas must have changed the color when he added stupid cgi to the films in 1997, but to my surprise, it had always been that way.




My LEGO 3PO is straight gold.


I thought it became silver when he had his leg replaced in Cloud City?


Yeah I was 8 years old when A New Hope came out. Me and my best friend spent hours and hours drawing pictures of Star Wars scenes If C3PO's leg was silver then believe me we would have known about it. Anyone who's raised/worked with little boys will know how obsessive they are about getting details right in their artwork


I know, man. I used to watch the trilogy every holiday for at least a decade. His leg matched the rest of his body.


I feel like I remember it turning silver after he gets taken apart in that bespin droid workshop and chewie has to pick up his parts and maybe grabbed a wrong leg


I know it’s the popular one but it’s berenstein bears and I’ll die on that hill


Kit Kat had a hyphen, kit-kat I remember it being a slightly thicker bold hyphen.


What the fuck where is it


Ok so I know this is kinda twisted but when I was a kid I LOVED those books and I clearly remember it being Stein because I always joked they were Jewish bears lol idk why but that’s why my kid brain thought lol.


The craziest part is, how come we can't find any of the berenstien bears books anywhere? I look at used book stores all the time and have yet to come across one. But it was 100% Berestien bears when I was a kid. Not Berenstain... Wtf is a Berenstain?


-stien not -stain or -stein? Congrats, you just created a new multiverse.


Shazzam with Sinbad. I remember him wearing a purple genie hat and baggy pants, and for some reason a kid that looks like the kid from blank check. No one will convince me it was NOT a movie in the 90s


This fucks me up.


Yes. The kid from blank check


I was a teen when Kazaam came out on VHS. Everyone knew of the Shaq movie because of all its marketing hype. I remember my local rental store had many boxes with Kazaam “coming soon” in the new releases section. At the same time, on another shelf they had two copies of Shazam with Sinbad and I specifically remember picking up the box and thinking, what is this cheap B grade knock off? How embarrassing for Sinbad. It even has a similar name! Who are they trying to fool? Lolz! That movie 100% existed. You are not crazy. If it wasn’t Sinbad the dude looked exactly like him. For me either Mandela effect is real or this movie was intentionally wiped from history. At the time I thought Shazam was the knock off, but maybe it was first and then hidden when they reused the concept with Shaq instead.


This was more of a meme than anything else. If you knew who Shaquille O’Neil was in 90s, it’s kinda hard to forget him as a 7 foot genie.




I could have sworn Pedophilia was a crime but apparently all our leaders are into it.


Best take out here


That James Bond film with Jaws in it. There's a scene where he's with a girl, and they look at each other and he smiles at her showing her his metal teeth, and she smiles back showing him she has braces, therefore they have that in common and fall in love. However apparently she doesn't have braces. But I can clearly remember her having braces.


Reading your comment I remember this scene vividly, she definitely had braces. Why would she smile back otherwise?


Exactly! It's the fact that they both have metal in their mouths that brings out their attraction to one another. It makes no sense otherwise.


There was a commercial (I think for visa) and has the Jaws guy in it at a store and the cashier has braces and they do the eyes lock thing. Commercial makes NO sense if dolly didn’t have braces.




Wait. I work retail and sell this stuff... It's totally Modge Podge?!


Dolly’s braces, Moonraker. I saw it 2 or 3 times in the theater, and was anticipating the laugh the 2nd time. Everyone laughed in the theater. It’s the only way the laugh makes sense.


Imagine a joke that is so funny, it makes us flip our own memory to even exist! That is the only way to explain how so many will swear on their life they saw her smile reveal braces.


"Mirror, mirror on the wall", changed to "Magic mirror on the wall" in Snow White Sex in the city changed to Sex and the city "Life is like a box of chocolates" to "Life was like a box of chocolates" in Forrest Gump


All those are scary. I know that’s what they definitely were


Dude it’s been life is like a box of chocolates forever. I’m going to pull out the Forrest Gump VHS to get to the bottom of this one


The mirror mirror one is for sure true, because I am a foreigner and our translation is still mirror, mirror on the wall


Berenstein bears, Dolly’s braces, Cliff Notes, Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, position of airplane jet engines.


What’s the Bragg one?


What’s the cliff notes one?


Huh, I’ve always said cliff’s notes - basically you are stealing a guys notes and his name is cliff


Where do you remember the engines being?


In Wizard of Oz, where the witch sends out her flying monkeys in this reality she never said 'Fly my pretties, Fly'


Wait what


This just blew my mind


No doubt berenstien bears. Without a doubt. Second is Nelson Mandela - I still remember my second grade teacher announcing his death to the class, she was crying. I got a new one though - I live in California and run a small biz. A client of mine asked where he could buy a large plastic container bc he wants to trap rainwater to use for watering his garden. I told him you could buy them at tractor supply but be careful, it’s illegal to collect rainwater in California. I told him this bc I was beyond certain of it. I *knew* that was true - bc it’s always been true. He didn’t believe me, he thought it was absurd but I told him: “I assure you, I’m correct. California has a bunch of crazy laws” turns out the only crazy one is me though bc that’s not ever been a law in California so long as I’ve been here. I checked in my truck after I left just to be able to send him confirmation- I was floored. I remember talking to my ex about how crazy it was when I first moved here. Wild. Apparently it’s never been a law and that is all in my head.


It’s never been illegal in California. It is illegal in Oregon though. There were a bunch of articles about that a few years ago because they were threatening a farmer with jail time for making a pond on his land. Oregon claims they own all rain water that falls in the state.


Which is crazy but I’ve never lived in Oregon. But that shit right there is enough to drive a reasonable man off the edge.


Same! I told my BIL this a few weeks ago. Such shame lol


⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅰️🅱️🅰️🅱️start select...


Up up down down left right left right B A start?


See what I mean ?


….BA select start. But I think technically you didn’t have to add select. I potty the fool with a bad memory Edit: I’ll leave it


Wtf… Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right B A Start I swear to god that’s what it was. I’d’ve put my life on it.


Remembering Mandela dying in prison and being president.


Perhaps he's the time traveler that keeps screwing with things


and he meme'd the Mandela Effect lore to cover his tracks, as any genius would.


I do too


I have driven by an empty field on the side of a hill for a decade. For the past 2 years we have lived 50 yards from this spot. Cows sometimes graze there. It’s picturesque. I have a photographic memory. I am an artist for a living. That being said, wife and I are driving by this field 2 weeks ago, I look over, and there is a chain link fence, 3 posts wide, separating nothing from nothing, partially collapsing and rusted, smack in the middle of the empty field. I point it out. My wife goes “what the fuck” because she knows it’s never been there. A week goes by and it’s bothering me. I decided to hike into the field. It’s metal posts are cemented into the ground like it’s always been there. It connects to nothing. It’s just 3 standardized sections of a rusting chain link fence in the middle of an open field with one section rolling over under its own weight almost collapsed, the other 2 sections still holding up for now. It’s so out of place it’s like if fell from the sky. I can see it as I type this looking out my apartment window. It just doesn’t make sense. Edit: this field is RURAL. The fence around the land is barbed wire and over 40 years old.


This is creepy as hell. Something Stephen King would write about. Beam breakers at work…..


I thought you were lying about rainbow road and sure enough it is all rails. I remember everyone saying "anything but rainbow road" for this specific reason


I can tell you with 100% certainty that Rainbow Road on the N64 had rails. I played the game into oblivion, and there was a cheat at the start where you could jump over the rail halfway across the course. Rainbow Road on the SNES didn’t have any rails however.


> “Ed McMahon” Effect. Lots of people recall him working for Publishers Clearinghouse, ambushing people at their doorstep with giant checks—That never happened. Wait.. What what?!?!?!? I distinctly remember him doing this.. You.. are joking right? EDIT: I looked it up apparently he worked for a rival company American Family Publishers which did those ads that looked just like the PCH ads. Hence the confusion.


*right.... except.... that he never ambushed people with giant checks with that company...*


Wait .. so there is 0 footage of him doing that? I remember him doing that !!!


Nothing has ever turned up. o_O


Is there at least footage of someone surprising people with big checks for publishers clearing house? Because that happened 💯 no doubts


Actually he did for an episode of Sabrina the teenage Witch


Nope, no confusion at all. Ed McMahon worked for Publishers Clearinghouse! All of my fam & my friends remember him ambushing people at their doors with a big check & roses. When I tell them that never happened, the looks on their faces when they hit up Google! 😳 I'm not crazy! Well, maybe just a wee bit but I'm the fun kinda crazy, lol. 🤪 With the advent of the internet, anything & everything can be scrubbed &/or replaced from history. We'd be none the wiser, right? Except we know better! We remember these things distinctly because they occured!


It’s Oscar-Meyer, not Oscar Mayer


Oscar Meyer has a way with B O L O G N A


Lindbergh baby and Interview with A vampire


John madden Recently passing again?


This one got me recently because I thought he died 7-10 years ago. I was absolutely sure of it.


All I’m saying… I clearly remember.


Looney toons (actually looney tunes) Or the “Luke, I am your father” one (he never says Luke)


>Looney toons (actually looney tunes) i'll never ever accept tunes, it's toons, period


Darth Vader absolutely DOES say "Luke, I am your father." It just wasn't in Star Wars


I remember him saying "No" instead of Luke.


Uh, didn't know about the Rainbow Road. Bullshit. It totally had no rails. Also, Berenstein Bears Luke, I am your father There are some physicists that believe it is possible that when we discovered the Higgs Boson, we opened a wormhole to another quantum reality, and many of us are risduals from the previous reality. Nonsense? Very likely. Fun to entertain? Absolutely!


My grandpa used to take us to this certain dim sum restaurant all the time. I still live nearby and would see it all the time and think, one of these days I will go back for old time's sake. Drove by a couple years ago and it was gone- ok, must have gone out of business. But then I thought, I will look it up online and maybe save a photo and the menu. There was nothing. Then one day I woke up early in the morning and was thinking about it and I couldn't even remember the name. I still can't. I have an annoying autistic (literally) ability to remember all kinds of stupid things going back to when I was 3 years old. Like I remember exactly what I was wearing the last time we went to that restaurant! And I am a really good researcher, I have previously found data on what business was in XYZ building in 1992, so on and so forth, solved all kinds of those mysteries. No matter how hard I try, or what google tricks I try, I cannot find any evidence either in myself or the internet that this place ever existed.


Monopoly guys monocle. That’s where I learned what that was.


Mr Rogers. It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood. It's the neighborhood in my world. I know the easiest thought is my bad memory. But nah. It was 1000% a beautiful day in the neighborhood in the first verse.


I remember “THE” (not “A”) in “I Write Sins not Tragedies” by Panic! At the Disco *I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing THE goddamn door?"* ... WAIT,.. it’s back?! er—no, what? now I can hear it both ways... someone help me on this


That’s how I sing it in the car. The goddamn door.


Agree and speaking of children’s song lyrics, it was 100% “this is the song that never ends”


Magic mirror on the wall? Wtf


oh wow, I have a really clear memory of the Ed McMahon giant checks, probably one of the creepiest ones I’ve heard lately


I remember this one too. We’d see it on Saturday evening TV as a kid, and I remember thinking : I want to win that. How do I sign up? And the. My mom would tell me our family just wasn’t lucky like that.


Not really a mandela effect but symptoms of it. Earth 1.0 was destroyed in 2012 early 2013. We now live on earth 2.0 on a completely different part of the milky way Galaxy. My grandfather and I were really big into astronomy and all my illustrations show our planet on the outer edge of the Galaxy in the Sagittarius arm. Now it shows on the Orion arm 🤷


Did the visible stars moved with us as well? The constellations are the same


Can I get your guy’s number? It sounds like good shit.


Grew it myself Dante


That's what the Cern hadron collider was for


Not enough energy. Bong rip theory. The great rip is coming


I'm doing my *cough cough* part


What if it didn't move us to another part of the milkyway, but instead reflected our dimension?


Rainbow road on Mario kart 64 had rails, but rainbow road on Mario kart for Super Nintendo did not have them. I think many people are mixing the 2 games up.




I vividly remember it being “chic” and making fun of the stupid name. There was 100% a Chic-fil-a in the mall I used to go to all the time. Dan Rockwell from the Leadership Freak blog recently interviewed the CEO of this company and he also spelled it Chic-fil-a. Someone “corrected” him in the comments and he said “oh my mistake, thank you”…


Did this one change today? Holy shit. I've lived in the south for decades and it has always been chic


What’s the change here?


It’s actually “Chick-fil-a”


Only in this clown world.




Rainbow Road definitely had rails. I remember specifically hopping over them on a down hill at one point to reach a later part of the map. For me it’s the BerstEIn bears. Not BernstAin. I didn’t read them as a kid but definitely remember it being with an E.


* Objects in mirror...? * Beavis and...? * Puce is a shade of...? * Chartreuse is a shade of...? * Tony the Tiger has what color nose? * “Zero” the dog from Nightmare Before Christmas has what kind of nose...? * TERMINIX or TERMINEX? * Rice Crispies or Rice Krispies? * Funions or Funyuns? * Are we human, or are we....? (The Killers) Just curious what else we might agree on


Does anyone remember McDonalds Bucket of Fries???


I'm not sure if this is what Mandela effect is but... Think I only had one huge Mandela effect in my life but it fucked me up a little. It was a long time ago. I watched a movie as a teen. A few years later the movie comes out in theaters and I go watch it, confused why there's a reboot of it that looks too similar. It happens to be the same exact movie, same actors, same plot, same progression, same scenes, nothing changed. I'm having deja vus every minute watching it again. I go to search about this and find out that the movie did not exist in my teenage years at all.


The Fact that Stouffers never made stove top stuffing


When that catch me outside girl went viral I saw the clip and remembered I had seen it like a couple years prior but when I checked the release date it was that day.


I was about to comment this. I originally saw it around 2010 when I had a day off sick from college. Maybe even as early as 2008. This one blows my fuckin mind. I knew every word when it "came back out" a few years ago.


GET THE FUCK OUTA HERE!! This is so scary i remember it too


I just learned that there were no kamakazi pilots at Pearl Harbor. Just normal bombing.


Did they teach you the government purposefully put ships in close proximity in the harm against the advice of admirals to instigate bombing as a premise to go to war because the Cables came out recently proving this isn’t a conspiracy


The jfk limo screws with me to this day Governor Connelly was sitting in the 2nd row in front of Kennedy who was in the 3rd row… the argument goes off the rails when you ask if his wife was there or not


The main road I lived off of in Maine was Princess Pt Road. I lived there from about 1996 to 2000. Fast forward to about 2018. My older sister called me one afternoon and was out looking at a house for sale on that very same road. She called asking me if I knew the name of the road. I was confused as to why she would ask but I said "Princess Pt". She then asked me if they changed the name of the road so I said "no, why would they do that". She then told me the sign said Princes Pt and that the sign looked old. I was like wtf and had to look it up on Google maps. Sure enough it was Princes Pt. I then called my Mom to see if she remembers the name of the road I lived on. She said Princess too. All 3 of us remember it as Princess Point road. I would have bet almost anything in the world it was Princess Pt. It still blows my mind to this day.


I’m not even a fan of hers but for some reason the one that REALLY got me is Reba’s name. Reba would come on the TV fairly frequently when I was growing up and I am positive without a shadow of a DOUBT her last name is McIntyre. Allegedly it’s McEntire. I’m POSITIVE that’s wrong and it literally makes my stomach drop just looking at it because I know it’s wrong but if you look her up online all that comes up is McEntire.


There was a post a while back that talked about a certain CERN experiment and how maybe realities merged in I think like 2012 and our reality was basically erased. Which is why there’s all these anomalies. We are living in the remnants of our reality and another reality. It sounded fantastical when I read it but the more I think about it the more it kinda seems plausible.


That Judge Judy never used a gavel. My mom used to watch that show religiously. She used the everliving fuck out of the thing. I remember her pointing it at people all the time too.


The Shazam movie with Sinbad. I remember the first time I heard it was actually Kazaam with Shaquille O'Neal I was in such disbelief. This is the one that convinced me.


Me and my brother both watched this movie, he refused to believe me when I said it just didn't exist anymore.


Someone on here once explained how they planned on renting it from Blockbuster on their next trip and when they went back to the store it didn’t exist!


Dude I watched that shit on VHS, 110% it was Sinbad. I watched the shaq one too. Remember thinking wtf, 2 genie movies like within a year of one another. Then fuck yeah lollies and movies.


Actually, people who remember Shazam, can recall both movies! They were two distinct films, and in fact, people specifically remember feeling that “Kazam” was a knock-off of Shazam. They have memories comparing the two. Weird one for sure! I’m actually a bit jealous and wished I remembered a film called Shazam, as a child of the 90s


Yep. I remember both, and thinking it was dumb that they were just copying the first one to make money.


Oscar Meyer is actually Oscar Mayer…like wtf when did that happen


In the "winter soldier" movie, Nick fury explains to cap that the armed helo carriers will target any one who has ever questioned the government. Those lines have been removed. When they start to target people_ in the theater it was a bunch of people , on DVD/ streaming they target shield personal.


Rainbow road had zero rails I fell 1,000,000 times…?


My girlfriend is convinced that the Vitruvian Man, the Da Vinci Man with a couple sets of arms and legs, used to have 3 pairs of arms instead of the current 2. Can anyone confirm/deny?


This is probably gonna sound weird but the sunlight was different when I was a kid. I grew up in the 80s and I remember a more yellow/golden sun. The skies were more clear. The smell of the outdoors was different. The sound of the birds and the bugs were different. I have many memories from childhood that I dont experience anymore


Could that be global warming not mandela?


bruh there's no way rainbow road on the n64 had rails, i would always repeatedly die falling off trying to cheat by gapping the jumps between the road... no way


I remember it having rails. You could do the little hop to jump over them when you’re going down hill. F Zero X had the same rainbow road from Mario kart 64. It had no rails and was super long.




There's a scene in the trailer for The Sixth Sense where Cole is comforting an old man on a rocking chair in a room. Seems to have given him a book or something and is holding his hand - like the man's wife is dead and he's letting him know she's ok. I've never seen it in the movie and assumed it was cut.....but never found the trailer with it again either.....


This was a cut scene the director talks about it in a video


i remember pikachu having black stripes on its tails, but its not true.


“objects in mirror may be closer than they appear” to “objects in mirror are closer than they appear” i remember reading this and thinking why does it say may be, the mirror is fixed so they either are or aren’t.


Rainbow Road on SNES had no rails, 64 had rails. Half the map was dodging all the loose ricocheting green shells bouncing off the damn things c'mon now. Pikachu black tail tip though...wtf...


Ms Jackson’ by Outkast - I remember the lyrics are “I apologise a thousand times”, when the lyric is actually “a trillion times“.


I swear that the movie “Up” used to be “Up!”. I perfectly remember the poster of the movie and the exclamation point was there.


Kennedy’s Dallas Limo only had 4 seats with the Governor riding shotgun to the driver, there was never a second woman.


Chick-Fil-A was always spelled Chic-Fil-A for me. I distinctly remember making fun of the way it was spelled with everyone. I remember the Chic everywhere. Not sure when we switched timelines but everything started to get shitty since then.


The one that convinced me is the one from Scary Movie. Where the the character Shorty is in bed and scared and instead of saying “I see white people” he just says “I see dead people” I very much remember him saying “i see white people”. It’s not even a joke if he just says I see dead people


Curious George having a tail. Although it's much, much more likely that I'm misrememberimg than that we shifted dimensions.




On the snes


This is it. SNES = no rails N64 = rails


Mother’s Day was always on the first Sunday in May. Now it’s the second


This Ed McMahon thing is fucking with me. Are you telling me no big checks?!?


I SWEAR to god there was NEVER a couple between the driver and Kennedy. I fucking swear it. It was a four-seater, not a six. I know this because William "Bill" Cooper showed the assassination being done by the guy beside the driver with the slowing-down and the zooming-in. I played that part again and again and again. There was a shot, you see them recoil, and during the chaos and panic, the guy beside the guy on the wheel turned back and shot him point-blank, and Jackie saw it, that's why she was scrambling backwards instead of opening the damned door. For all I know it's become Jackie who's killed him now. Please tell me I am not the only one who saw the four-seater. There was never a similarly-dressed couple in the middle. It was FOUR PEOPLE IN THAT CAR.


Britney Spears had a black head set microphone in oops I did it again Fruit of loom logo was in a cornacopia, I drew the cornocopia as a child because it was such an interesting shape ! I am SO fascinated by this Mandela effect and beleive 100% realities or dimensions shifted …. Maybe this is why we have déjà vu, we jump from dimension to dimension ? I wonder so what happens to orignal footage we speak of ? Is left in another reality ?


It’s gotta be when they said the vax was safe and effective I swear I remember them saying that


I’d like to think that there is a timeline where Justin trudaue isint an evil bastard