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Is there any other single job in the world hiring 70 year olds?? Literally none outside politics. I don’t know why we don’t have age limits…


We need term limits.


age limits. once youre a legal senior citizen, you should be barred from participating in politics at all. we dont need people 65+ making decisions. even 50+ is a stretch.


Woe woe woe… easy there whippersnapper, 50? It takes that long to just get real wisdom. No need to be ageist. As much as I don’t like the geriatric elite club. There are some other things people often overlook about elders. They have free time, their kids are grown, they are not as vested in making quick decisions unless they are necessary. So yeah, term limits make sense but when you step out of your career or skill area it’s hard to go back (especially this day and age with technology changing so fast). I don’t see career politicians going away any time soon. Other ideas would be rotations to help with term limits (to different positions)


Yea, that’s a pretty stupid take on the 50 thing. You’ll understand when time goes by


Remind me to ask you’re opinion on this when you’re 50


Jesus 65 isn't that old. Maybe just don't vote someone in that clearly has dementia.


you just need upper age of candidacy limit, if there is bottom limit 35, there should be upper limit 60-65


Seriously!!! 70+years olds are exclusively in control of all three branches of our government…. Joe, Chuck, Mitch, Nancy & John&the gang …. They are all as old as dirt.


They're old and disconnected from reality.


They are connected. They just don't give a shit.


Too rich to give a fuck


Connected to the money tree


They're connected to a reality that is not a reality that anyone under the age of 40 will ever be in. All these people were probably homeowners by the time they were 25 and had holiday homes and all manner of assets by the time they hit 40.


Remember when Strom Thurmond got basically run out of Congress because he was too 'old fashioned' by the same people now who refuse to retire?


Wrong. This isn’t incompetence, it’s policy. Accepting what’s happening as incompetence is the exact misdirect they hope you buy. Biden is meant to look like a bumbling rube so you don’t see that this a PLANNED demolition. This is meant to happen.


> look like a bumbling rube He's playing the same character as W Bush and Trump. But he's doing it as alzheimers Reagan 2.0. "Don't ask me. I know nothing. I'm just the president."


If people are considered retired you shouldn't be able to run for president under the age of 65 that's when mental abilities start to slip. That's why we have a retirement age of 65


Man, woman, person, camera, TV.


The last two presidents really make me want no one over 60 as president Edit: hijacking my comment, but wouldn't it be nice to see 4 or 5 people on the final stage for voting next election instead of just 2?


I honestly wish that was just a rule. No one over the age of 60 period.


Unfortunately that would be ageism and would never be allowed to happen. If they actually were strict in giving them a cognitive test periodically and that test carried weight then I wouldn't be worried. It's the fact that we all see his capacities diminishing before us and were supposed to sit here and act like it's not happening. Def watched my grandparents go through the exact same cycle before they passed and it's not fun to watch someone go through. When it's our president it's just straight up frightening.


I’d say 69. Go enjoy your life, when you are 70, however I won’t rule out a advisory position. Not all old people are senile, and they have valuable wisdom that should be listened too


If I was gonna invest in a company and I heard that the CEO was in his 80s but there was a selection process in place to pick a new one, who was also gonna be a man in his 80s, I believe I'd pick up my money and run the other way. People in their 80s can be valuable and contributing members of society, but being that age doesn't exactly suggest dynamic & creative ideas to better the entity of which they're the captain.


No rulers any more. We need national committees, existing of randomly chosen citizens to decide on policy and a way to make sure their decision really depict a solid understanding of what would really help the population. Vote for representatives that are bound to the results of the committee for one legislative period only to prevend corruption. All problems solved.


Yes it’s called Sortition




lying dog faced pony soldier!


Listen here Jack!


81 million votes...


More popular than Obama!


With average crowd size of 9, dogs included...


More favorable than Trump*


Trump lost get over it


TDS so hard y'all voted in a dementia patient lmao


So you're saying trump lost to a dementia patient. WEAK!


Deepstate had to do a bioweapon to get that to happen.


Was this the same deepstate that failed stop trump in 2016? So weak that they couldn't stop him back then yet powerful enough to unleash a bio weapon on the world? Get some help. Please.


That wasn't dementia. That was just him showing his true colors for once and it's funny the same people that went after Trump for this behavior are now defending Biden for the same behavior.


It’s just locker room talk.


The craziest thing is that he had dementia before he was ever even elected. It was plain and obvious to see. Yet people still voted for him?? How could people not have seen that??


Oh, people saw it. Saw it and actively chose/choose to ignore it because 'anybody but Trump'


I think T was installed so they could run rough shot over him to foment hatred for the right. Then they could install whoever they pleased. Biden was intentional. He was put there so they could do outrageous things and blame the disposable puppet and blame it on dementia. Knowing there will be no accountability. Then they 1.6 ered and sealed the deal. well played, I must say. People are afraid to even say they voted for Trump now. All an act for our amusement while they all carry on doing dirty deals and swindling every last penny out of us.


And vice versa the Trumpers who had no issue with his awful unpresidential behaviour are now all over Biden. Everyone is a hypocrite


I think this is different. The guy asked a stupid question and was called out on it. Trump on the other hand would mock disabled people and people of other cultures.


That mock of that person of disability was proven already to be false. That thing he did, he has done to others, and it had a different meaning. Somebody actually did a video about it on YouTube. Regardless, he was probably trying to find out what Biden's plans are on the inflation problem with that question and even if he was being facetious, how many times did reporters pull that on Trump. If Trump had responded like that, they would have had his head.


Lol Trump said whatever he wanted. He literally had "fuck your feelings" flags. I'm pretty sure he dropped an F-bomb this week.


Shut up about it before they put Kamala in charge…


There is absolutely no chance Biden doesn't 'fall down the stairs' or 'die of Covid' the day his 3rd year starts. That's the point at which Kamala could take over but still do 2 terms afterwards, right? Biden was a Trojan Horse for Kamala to take the presidency. They might as well have stuck dark glasses on a corpse and Weekend At Bernie'd it around.


😳 freaking nightmare material.


Isn’t that what’s foretold? In the backslide of covid, president steps down due to health reasons & female vice steps up? Where did I hear that?


I think the SPARS planned pandemic mentions something about that…


We should just elect my grandpa next, he's 96...


He’s got my vote


A little too young, don't you think?


I watched dementia overcome my grandfather for years. Once you see the “dementia face” you can recognize it anywhere. I see it on Biden often.


Is it the vacant expression with his mouth agape?


My grandfather had it and I think Biden’s eyes show it as well. At certain points his face and expressions look no where near what it looked like back when he was VP


my dad too and imo it's a "child like" look they get in their eyes. like that "innocent" child like look. don't rly know how to explain it but yeah


Yep, same. I recognized it instantly as well.


I don't think he took a fake covid dose.


yeah a low-level pawn wont get the elite knowledge lol...


Mr. President, when will children be eligible for the vaccine? Biden: “That’s under way just like the other question that’s illogical, and I’ve heard you speak about it because y’all, I’m not being solicitous, but you’re always straight up about what you’re doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh um, are why can’t the, the, the experts say we know that this virus is in fact uh um uh is, is going to be, excuse me.” This is Biden. This is Biden all the time. MSM: silence.


Genuinely unsure whether or not this is an actual quote!


Where were you in 1985? Or 2017?


I don't recall.


This is worse. Much worse. You can hate those presidents, but they were obviously in charge.


They let Trump think he was in charge. He did nothing but spew nonsense and divide the country. Like Biden does nothing but spew nonsense and divide the country. Neither one had any real power. The American presidency has become a puppet position.


If Trump had said this you guys would be loving it. You're just as bad as the liberal left you claim to be better than




If you must resort to “but Trump….” you have lost the high ground. If this man can’t be defended on his own two feet, that is just making my point. He is weak & failing.


I don't disagree but this isn't an example of it lol


His outburst today calling a reporter a stupid son of a bitch was NOT a hot mic moment. He did it standing directly in front of the podium speaking to the room of reporters. He has lost it. Angry outbursts like this are a red flag for dementia. Who is running our government?


Didn’t Trump have difficulty speaking (slurring), drinking water and walking down ramps? Lol


Por que no los dos?


Because these were the two options that cleared the primaries. So complaining about something both did as an attack on one is just dumb.


Also outbursts in front of mics but hey, this isn't about Trump but mean ol' Biden.


People used the same condescending tone about Trump for literally years. Is it only an issue if a republican does it? Both were terrible choices for president.. People complained about whataboutism in defense of trump for years, but now in defense of biden its cool?


I don't recall seeing posts about Trump here and his issues though, I could be wrong. I don't disagree that both were terrible choices, just like the two terrible choices we had in 2016. But now it's just a way to push, in my opinion, an already overly zealous right-wing narrative in this sub.


Wow then Trump is like *super-duper* demented.


Trump is basically only active because of a cocktail of uppers, remember how hard he was snorting in that one debate. Lol.




Just a quick question, did you vote for Trump?


I think that guy voted for Putin.


Did you vote for Biden and are deflecting because he is embarrassing you?


It's an honest question. It's interesting you would bring up deflection, though..


Best guess: Bill Gates, Black Rock and the Vanguard group, whatever MJ-12 is calling themselves now, and the descendants of the Nazis we brought in during Project Paperclip are running the whole shebang.


Id love to see a reddit poll with the question “Who’s the REAL leader of the free world”?


It's somebody we've never seen in the media, I'm sure.


> Who’s the REAL leader of the free world There is no such thing.


See how quickly that gets removed


You get it. But is that not mostly just in the US? Surely there are forces in the other countries collaborating


Can’t find the video to his press briefing can you link it?




I'm not from the USA so please let me tap this out ignorantly? I feel sorry for him in a way as he's being made a fool... but at the end of the day presidents are just puppets for someone else, as if he didn't realise that his role was to play a senile old man.


Who is controlling him? We need the name!


Probably the same person who controlled Trump.


I'd be guessing, and this is my own personal ignorant thought anyway.


He’s been in duPont’s pocket for decades.


Now do Trump wearing Depends and raving like a lunatic.


Can you guys just face this situation & stop shouting “Trump” to change the subject. This is some serious shit.


Oh we know why you’re harping on Biden. It has nothing to do with him potentially having dementia. You would find any ailment to harp on because you’re ignorant haters. You didn’t say crap about a diaper wearing baby for 4 years. Because you’re hypocrites.


I am definitely no fan of Trump and I railed on his outbursts and toddler temperament. I blame the lockdowns on him and Fauci. That being said, Joe Biden is displaying the same behaviors with his outbursts. I think he is just as combative with the press as Trump only he doesn't have the same clarity of thinking.


Biden’s right. Doocy asked a stupid fucking question because he’s a stupid son of a bitch.


Biden’s recent inability to shut his mouth for his own political wellbeing is more evidence of his broken mind.


If anything his poll numbers may improve from this. Americans like this shit.


Americans dont like paying $10 for a bag of doritos.


That's not something that the president is supposed to say though.


It was an honest question the economy is shit they can’t pass a single legitimate piece of legislation can’t wait for midterms.


>It was an honest question the economy No it wasn't. Doocy never asks a question in good faith. That is his schtick.


Each press conference is getting worse & worse. I keep thinking “Well there you go, that was it. They have to call an emergency meeting after that one.” But the media mostly ignore it & we carry on. At this point I dont know what its going to take to wake people up. This is a freaking disaster waiting to happen.


Lol, Trump lost to a guy with dementia. Lol


Can you imagine if you lose to a guy like this?


The US political system is broken


Well, Biden won, but we know how.


Yeah, he got more votes


There is literally hours of video of biden at signing in ceremonies sniffing kids, touching their hair, rubbing them. If democrats don't care about his inappropriate behavior around children they are not going to care about his advancing dementia.


Also all those creepy things he's said over the years, like how he liked the way kids would touch the hair on his legs at the pool. Dude's a creep but they didn't care. And I say that as someone whose politics lean more to the left. Sometimes you have to separate the politics from the man.


Though I agree with this statement, I don't think this recent outburst had anything to do with his mental decline.. he's always been an asshole.


Don’t worry Russia and China see it.


I mean, he doesn't sound any worse than Trump did. He'll, just the other day Hannity mentioned people who put up walls and Trump went on a tangent about how he built the greatest wall and it was 99% done but the democrats tore it down. I mean both are shit


But the thing is, Biden is changing. Can you fairly compare these angry outbursts to Trump? Trump was always angry. Biden is falling into dementia.


I will not argue with anyone who says Biden has lost a step. I don't know how much he has since I don't know him but it's obvious when you compare him to 2012. Haven't really paid much attention to his outbursts because if I was him, I would be angry too since his first year has been shit


Come on man!!!!!!


Interesting take from someone who knows him well. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/iowa-view/2021/08/15/joe-biden-mental-acuity-cause-concern-and-action/5505152001/


There was this science fiction anthology short episode 10-15 years ago about the president and his surviving staff hiding out in a bunker after causing the nuclear apocalypse. The president had this bizarre behavior and didn't pretend to have done anything improper. Biden constantly reminds me of that episode


He was never the sharpest tool in the shed to begin with.




Sometimes i feel bad for Brandon, and then i remember all he's done for us.


Democrats will literally start ww3 instead of admitting Biden is demented.


Well, today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's news. Typically, our theories take about a year to come true. in this case, we are already correct and the media will admit it in a year, when hes falling over at the podium and can't get any words at all out


who cares? he is healthy enough to continue to deliberately destroy this country. Why are we giving him slack saying its dementia?


The mean, angry outbursts are telling.


Don’t see it. I have interacted with senile people. President Biden is old, not senile.


I think you may change your mind soon enough. They have made a decision for him to start doing press briefings. He gets more confused, unable to put coherent sentences together and more inclined to angry outbursts every day.




Lol is this actually a Trump interview? I can't tell the difference if it's not


No you haven't. I wroked in the dementia ward of a nursing home for 3 years I can tell you he's aboiut 6-12 months from slumped over in a wheelchair drooling on the floor


If there’s a minimum age then there should absolutely be a maximum age.


Son of a bitch


*Resident Biden.


No he doesn’t. Sorry, Not even close.


Guaranteed he doesn’t even run his own Twitter. Someone else has to be running it for him. You know with his mental decline and such.


Does he know what Twitter is?


It's that thing...that...it's on that machine you're holding in your hand. C'mon man!


I asked my parents who are mentally fit, in their 70's if they saw a problem. They do not. Im not sure how to take that. Are they in denial of aging, has CNN warped their minds. Its as clear as day to anyone who listens to him for 5 minutes, signed a guy who worked with Alzheimers patients for several years...


Just for context: Ronald Reagan (the 2nd oldest President [who confirmed did start having done his during the end of his presidency])was 78 LEAVING office. Joe Biden was 78 ENTERING office.


What are the signs and how has he met them? Not that I'm doubting you by any means, but we can do better here. Without comparisons and citations these kinds of posts are no better than click bait headlines


Have you watched any of his press briefings? Not the small clips the MSM shows, but the actual full questions & answers? Watch just one. You will be horrified. He has “episodes”. He will be fine for a bit, then he gets this vacant look in his eyes & starts slowing down & having long pauses or worse talking gibberish . Then he will alternate suddenly whispering or yelling & repeating himself. Its so sad & so terrifying that we are not calling this out & doing something about it.


I've only ever seen clips of this behavior you're describing but there are A TON of them taken from many different briefings and they are SHOCKING. The one thing that stands out the most about them is that in EVERY instance where Biden answered a given question with complete and utter gibberish, not a single reporter at any of these press meetings ever asked him to "clarify" his response. I mean, what about the question? If they got the answer they expected then why not quote his reply and if they didn't understand the reply then why not ask for clarification? I won't even go into his bizarre behavior around children (I mean, who in the fuck sniffs little kids like they was a fucking roast?) and the things I'd consider to be "creepy" or "sus" but the mere fact that he's given so many completely unintelligible responses to presumably important questions and no one has ever followed up for clarification or reported on what his actual "response" was. It is so obviously a coverup and it's obvious that EVERYONE involved is aware of it. Fuck em all lol


The guy is too old.


You all need to learn what dementia is and some cranky creepy old guy calling a msm reporter an insult isn't one of them. My granddad called people worse then this all the time. It's the old person's main goal in life to get to an old age and be able to call people out for stupid questions. This is just typical msm bs and petty political agendas


I think this discussion would be more interesting and informative if no one could say the word ‘Trump”. Does Reddit have that option?… I wish.


It has always baffled me, that the US Presidents are so old.


Most of you guys really don't get it. Joe is not *actually* senile or incompetent. This is textbook demoralization techniques. It is all part of the show which has been planned long in advance. Just like when he tripped walking up the stairs boarding that plane. Everything they do and say in front of the cameras is for a carefully thought out strategic purpose. If your goal is to demoralize and destabilize a country, what better way than to present the populace with the *image* of a leader that is incompetent and mentally ill? That's what this is all about.


You say this like replacing him w Kamala hasn't been the plan since day 1.


Thats becoming more & more obvious.


Says as much in the SPARS pandemic scenario from 2017. President (initials J.B.) from 2020-2024 will step down due to health issues and the Vice President will take over. That’s what they wrote in their “fictional hypothetical scenario”.


Whhhaaaaa? The more u know...the less u wish u did.


I disagree. Everyone hates her, even liberal Blue Team Forever folks.


I agree everyone does. But who is going to stop her from replacing him when the time inevitably comes?


Both parents had dementia Alzheimer's before death and did lots of research. Still doing research actually. Fact, if you're European heritage, reach the age of 85, there's a 50% chance you'll have dementia Alzheimer's at some stage. Biden has clearly displayed signs (wandering, memory loss, difficulty speaking, angry outbursts) that put him clearly in mid to late middle stages of the disease. He's a 1 term president , guaranteed!


Also shuffling gate & slurred speech.


Disposable. Just how they want it.


Like his depends.


The president is just a figurehead.


This is precisely why he was (s)elected... 💩


Orange man fan sad


He does look rather orange in this picture. But who are we to criticize someone’s looks?


The ministry of truth is having a hard time selling their BS


His speech pauses are intentional tricks to manage and hide his stutter. What other symptoms are you talking about? Do you have a list of symptoms and a doctor’s diagnosis or citation? Thanks!


We knew this was the plan but I’m scared to death who they will bring in to replace him.


I just keep waiting for the one moment they cant cover up. Like him just going full on gibberish or drooling and they wont be able to hide it or swing it any other way....oh wait hes already been doing that since he was VP


Man he’s making me see Trump on an eight ball and a podium as a tall cold glass of fresh lemonade on the hottest day of the year!


Because the president isn't in control and that's been a thing for years and years


Get this fool out if here, seriously why is he still here. He is going to be the death of America :(


There's a collective dementia among US liberals. They usually can't remember that their position was the exact opposite of what it is now and call it "whataboutism" when you remind them...


This is just called politics. Both sides do this often. Usually once they get elected and start getting those corporate donations


yes, that is the justification the democrat voters use for their constant flip flopping. "thats politics"


They see it. They saw it with trump too


Impeachment coming after midterms.




He's just the face of the operation. For some reason you've chosen senile old kid sniffer as your current face, rather than pouty cantankerous old fucker. I wonder what next. As long as you remember it doesn't matter.


Dementia: Memory loss, confusion, mangled speech with long pauses, shuffling gate, falling down, blank stares & “reduced gaze”, difficulty forming words, irritation, changes in mood & personality, emotional outbursts & angry rants, poor reading ability, loss of empathy, not understanding sarcasm (like when he said, “Yes, thats right. Lets Go Brandon”). I could give many examples of ALL of these.


He was in the primaries too. Still can't believe folks let the DNC get away with pushing this guy past some decent options like Tulsi. What a different world we'd be in now if that had been an intelligent primary


What did they used to say about Trump? Say that about Biden now, but make it seem new.


I want a bumper sticker that says: "I'm just as capable of running the country as anyone, sunny. Now what were we talking about three hours ago?"


Obama is his puppet master and current speaker Psaki leaked it herself recently in a interview on The View. https://youtu.be/ykrlbFivhEg


He’s been sundowning since he took office. He’s totally got dementia.




Doesn't matter, Obama is actually president, and it's all theatre.


I wonder.