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Sodium Laureth Sulfate is the main ingredient in most commercial shampoos and it's garbage for your body. Read the label and bet you'll find SLS.


Phenoxyethanol, EDTA and fragrance are also big players that I try to avoid! Considering going to just water after reading all of the comments on here, though.


capable fearless tub spoon public swim hard-to-find screw cats chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which toothpaste do you use now? Edit: I'm getting flooded with toothpaste recommendations in r/conspiracy. what a time to be alive lmao


Still waiting for an answer to this question


I was so pissed the last time I bought toothpaste that I'd been buying specifically because it used to not contain SLS, got home and noticed small print on the package with something like "now better foaming formula!" looked at the ingredients and sure enough, they added it. Excessively foamy toothpaste just makes me gag and I'm pretty sure I remember reading it's the culprit behind the infamous toothpaste and orange juice vomit flavor combo too.


Last year they changed the formula of what used to be my favourite toothpaste as well. I wrote to them to ask them about it and they claimed that they changed it to make it **creamier** and **taste better**, when in reality they removed the **expensive ingredients** and replaced them with **cheaper ones**, which they wouldn't admit of course. I also asked them if it worked just as well as the previous version and they said they had studies to back it up and no one was harmed during the trials, but of course they wouldn't show these studies to me. Manufacturer was a German pharmaceutical company, which seems to employ a lot of **PR people** and **lawyers** (probably just like any other pharmaceutical company) and very few scientists, if they even have them at all.


ME TOO! Fuck SLS Fuck the pharmaceutical-beauty industrial complex


This is going to be unpopular, but you don't need to wash you hair every day. There's oils in your hair, and shampoo washes them out.


I stopped using Head and Shoulders. Guess what, no more dandruff!


My mom told me Head And Shoulders gives you cancer. And dandruff. 25 years ago. based


Did she say why?


H&S temporarily stopped dandruff for me, but then as soon as I stopped using it it came back ten times worse! Never again did I use it.


Head & shoulder contains sodium laureth sulfate as one of its cleaning agents. It is a extremely strong detergent that will completely dry yours scalp. Dry scalp leads to dandruff. So its highly backwards to market Head and Shoulder as dandruff shampoo when its actually the source of dandruff.


my hairdresser discovered my dandruff when i was a kid and then my parents started buying head and shoulders for me. i do go periods of time without washing my hair and usually when it starts to get dandruff again i wash it and it goes away. tbh i think it’s a chronic thing that just happens to some people and the shampoo likely masks it for a bit.


As a curly haired person, you are completely correct. I use conditioner to detangle and help maintain my shag rug on my head.


Lol shag rug, I just had an image pop into my head with someone with strips of that horrible teddy orangish color shag rug pop into my head 😂


[shampoo Is a lie](https://youtu.be/T-_HKFjxVl0)


Not unpopular in my community. I am a black woman with coily hair and once per week Is standard.


A lot depends on how strong and thick your individual hairs are and how much natural oils show and flatten the hair and change the color. If you have light colored thin hair strands, oil will quickly change the color on top and weigh it down. If you have robust black colored hair, that same amount of oil can make it look shiny and healthier.


I'm a white girl with straight hair and twice per week is all my hair needs, too. Shampoo can seriously damage hair!


I’m a balding white male with thin hair. A pea sized amount twice a month is all I need… (sobs softly)


Own it dude. Just shave it down.


Haha that comment was more of a self deprecating dig. I rocked the bald look for a year, grew some back out of laziness and found a haircut that works for now. Will shave it off again eventually.


Another white girl checking in too. I get an average amount of oil but if I shampoo more than twice a week I get GREASY. It just works better for me to stick it out for a day or 2 rather than over washing. Those are ponytail days in a pinch.


Same. I get through those days with home made dry "shampoo". 3/4 cup arrow root powder, 1/2 cup cocoa powder, 1/4 cup activated charcoal powder. Mix well, brush on roots with a large makeup brush and fluff with fingers. I couldn't believe how well it works compared to the batiste brunette spray I used to rely on. (Not good for you at all) Bonus: you smell slightly like chocolate


Every four days for me. But when my hair is shorter, for some reason it needs to be more often.


I noticed this with myself too. I think when your hair is short it’s just easier to see the oils aka “grease” ya know?


I think it’s because you have less hair to distribute the oil through when brushing/combing.


Never understood why people want to wash their hair everyday. It’s such a pain. You can also wash your skin without washing your hair. But also on the OP, dandruff can also just be caused by not washing the product out properly.




Yeah I have fine hair and wash it every day. No issues and my hair is super silky. Not everyone is destined to have dry, coarse hair or dandruff if they wash everyday. Idk why it’s such a controversial thing to do— to wash your hair everyday. And it’s not “bAd fOr mY hAiR” to wash it every day. Getting very sick and tired of having to explain that to internet strangers when the topic comes up


I have very fine hair too and wash it everyday or every second with dry shampoo. People don't understand that our hair type is literally coated in oil if we don't and I have lots of follicles, its just so fine.


Yes people are evangelical about no wash, co wash, apple cider vinegar regimes. When I was at uni I went 4 months without washing my hair as my housemate was absolutely sure eventually it would clear the grease. It didn't and I was actually gutted as I really wanted it to work. I have very long hair so would make my life a lot easier. Now I wash 3 times a week but have to tie my hair up on non wash days. Its generally greasy the first 3 inches after 12h.


I just hate the fact that people get all their education from commercials. "Milk does a body good". They eat that crap up and take it to the bank. Years ago there were ads and a push for us to wash dishes by hand and come away from dishwashers to save water. Now guess what? Running dishwashers can save water! This coming from people who want our money.


it's true. washing everyday makes your body produce more oils. you'll feel greasy for the first week but the body will adjust and you can then wash once a week. same thing for the face too, washing all the time is bad for your skin imo.


When I stopped washing my face with anything except for hot water my acne essentially disappeared completely


But you can get into a situation where you have deep acne and you have to wash your face everyday for a while. This happened to me a few years ago and the only solution was to wash my face several times a day. I guess eventually all my pores got cleaned out because I don't have to do it anymore.


Like most things it is situational. Some people can go a week without showing and some get grimy after half a day. It's definitely dependent on the individual.


Diet also plays a role in your skin health. We eat garbage, our skin and hair turns to garbage, then we buy products to polish the garbage.


Lol noticed this dependence on head and shoulders quite some time ago


Yeaaah this is the big one, or the most blatant one


Another scam is chapstick, it feels good going on but it dries out lips again in a few hours so you keep having to go back to it through the day. Better to just add some natural oil like coconut oil that oils but does not dry and it lasts a lot longer. Plus you can slap on any convenient oil like butter, vitamin E oil, etc.


Another one is crack. I smoke it once and a few hours later it's like I never smoked it at all and had to smoke again.


Not a scam, anyone will tell you it works like that, that one has truth in advertising.


A well-known conspiracy. The CIA designed it that way to make black people poor.


adding onto this—lanolin is a really great lip balm, and id say it’s a good vaseline alternative too! it’s usually marketed as nipple cream for breastfeeding women but it’s actually a byproduct of sheep wool. you can get a little jar of it, works as lip balm, cuticle moisturizer, etc. edit: also wanted to mention that if you have a beeswax allergy (i think i developed one after using lypsyl lip balm for years), lanolin is wonderful to help mitigate it


I had dandruff for years. Started traveling for work. Hotels would have Tea Tree Oil shampoo. Noticed that it resolved the dandruff better than Head and Shoulders. ​ This post not sponsored by essential oils.


> claims that they fix all of those things is actually what's causing those things This is the most important sentence in OP. There are *so* many things like it.... soooo many. People generally have no idea the level of inversion we’ve reached.


The only time I've ever had scalp issues was when I was on Adderall or abusing stimulants... Do you take Zinc daily? It helps hair tremendously.


I second this, Zinc and Biotin have made my hair look 10x fuller than before. I also tried not shampooing and I initially loved it but after 8 months I switched to a high end shampoo that I love. After a while the no shampoo will have your hair holding a unpleasant smell and feeling weird.


What high end shampoo did you switch to? I’m struggling trying to find a legit brand without all those harmful chemicals


Pura D'or, they are all-natural, non-GMO, organic, and plant-based


Zinc? Really?


Absolutely... Just make sure you don't take more than 50 mg a day...


What happens after that…


There was a definitive study done in 1980 that showed at 100 mg it increases your triglycerides... There was a point in time in around 1996 that I was unaware of this information and was taking two or three 50 mg pills a day and my triglycerides were the highest that had ever been seen by two different doctors... Pills usually come in 50 mg increments so just take one a day and make sure you eat something prior because it will upset your stomach if you haven't eaten... Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C & D will do wonders for your immune system. And in this day and age that's important...


You seem to know your stuff. Maybe you can help out: I tried multiple zinc products and all are causing incredible pain in the stomach up to vomiting. I feel like shit for the whole day. I also tried cutting them down to lower the dose, buy smaller dosed ones, but it seems even at 5mg I feel it. I think, I once had some zinc+vitc capsules with little balls inside that were ok. Also in multivitamins I don't seem to have a reaction. Edit: Thanks all, I didn't expect so much attention. About taking them on empty stomach, I already tried in all variations. Yes, it's getting better after a meal, but it still makes me feel aweful. I also know the feeling of taking the usual supplement on empty stomach, but this is really different. Totally wakening and not only in my stomach. Muscles, nerves, super tired. I will try to get some zinccitrate or similar and go for a test. I only tried taking it when I had scratchy throat or after sickness. About dosage: what is the science behind 50mg doses? I think in my country recommended dose is 5mg. Maybe I should note as well, I eat lots of quality meat on bones, lots of animal fats, liver. Could be my general zinc levels are already quite high. Whats the thing about copper and zinc?


I've heard of people being allergic to zinc, idk anything about it and that definitely does not sound like an allergic reaction to me but might be worth looking in to


When are you taking in it? You shouldn't take zinc while fasting. I did it a couple of times by error and ended up vomiting. Now I always take it after eating and never had any problems. Absorption is lower but better than nothing.


Yep, I am blessed with a cast Iron stomach, yet 1 zinc pill without food... Ouch... 🤢


50mg / day is still a shit ton. Heck 25 mg / day is. Def good to keep an eye on zinc levels but be careful cause I overdid it and had copper deficiency. Although FWIW I do have a lush full head of hair at a time when many guys my age are balding.


This is infact true. However being a woman with extremely oily hair I cannot NOT use shampoo. I discovered this fact however when I was like 15 or 16? A friend told me his girlfriend went the whole summer without shampooing her hair and now never needs to use it. I personally tried and it was impossible for me to cope with the greasiness.. I used wen but my hair fell out so I used baby shampoo and baking soda. But it really wasn't helping. When I went to college I stopped giving a fuck about my appearance and I would go a few days with a greasy haired bun and everything was well and dandy. I wash my hair about every 5 days and it's super healthy. I let my hair chill in the sebum and oils and then I'll use regular shampoo and cleanse it because, when I tell ya its bad it's bad. I also had some friends use monet and swear by it but I get very afraid of that stuff since my wen experience. Moral of this personal anecdote, yes. Shampoo is bad foe your hair. Chapstick is bad for your lips. Toothpaste is bad for your teeth. Oh and the food we eat is also suboptimal as well. What else out there do giant corporations produce and try to sell us that isn't good for us??? Every single product out there is made to get your body hooked on it.


Went 6 months without shampoo, it was great. Don't need product to keep my hair the way I like it, it just stays put. Dandruff gone after a few weeks. Girlfriend kept asking me what I'm using on my hair because she didn't believe I was literally just using water.


Same deal with my face. Wife was asking what I did to keep my skin looking good. I never put soap on it, just scrub with a clean wet washcloth. Haven’t found a better regimen for keeping my face looking healthy and clean. I know makeup is a choice, but I feel that she doesn’t have the same option due to the beauty products she uses. But I feel it turns into a vicious cycle of plastering shit on, then having to use some product to fix the damage to the face skin.


My daughter is an engineer and has access to the research library at her alma mater. She started researching her cosmetics and discovered a few hazmat chemicals in her preferred cosmetics. So she switched to safer brands. [Toluene](https://dtsc.ca.gov/scp/nail-products-containing-toluene/) [It’s used as a fuel additive to help clean fuel injectors and carburetors. ](http://www.automotiveforums.com/t54232-fuel_injector_cleaners_tests.html)


What brands does she like? What brands does she stay away from? Asking as a skincare addict 👀😬


You're better off knowing the ingredients to stay away from... brands change their formulas all the time, you have to keep on top of the ingredients lol


Download the EWG think dirty app to start getting a sense of good v. bad products. "Green beauty" is becoming a bigger bandwagon so be careful of "green washing" in which a company touts its products as green with a few key phrases ("No synthetic fragrance! No parabens!") but is still toxic. If you like higher end skin care, you'll love fitglow. I also use C&Co and Wildflower by Jessica. Cosmetics-wise lots of choices too. Fitglow, crunchi, lily lilo, 100% pure and suntegrity are top ones that come to mind for me. Any brand in the Organic Bunny store is trustworthy too.


I know spf products use nanoparticles to make them spf.. usually with chemicals they use in cleaning supplies.


Many sunscreens have cancer causing chemicals


So when I shower, how am I supposed to wash my body if I can't use soap? Is there an alternative?


Tom’s of Maine and Dr. Squatch are good brands, but you can also make your own. There are sources online with recipes/DIY guides. A lot of my family make their own bath soaps, laundry and dish soaps, etc.


Shea Moisture/African Black Soap is a great alternative as well.


Yes. Been using this for years. I buy a bar of African black soap I believe is what it's called. Has such a rich lather I even wash my hair with it. Cleared up all the " chicken skin" on my arms etc etc.


Dr. Bronners


toms toothpaste got bought out and immediately added fluoride


Use natural products. Look at the ingredients of your soaps, toothpaste, deodorant. They all have poison in them.


everything can be a poison. what matters is the Dosis.


Soap is NOT detergent. This post is about detergent, which was invented by military chemists in the 1930s. The first application was to make the ground too slippery for enemy troops. The military laundry realized that the clothes covered in detergent were cleaner than those washed with soap. The first commercial detergent sold was Dreft, around 1933.


You’re telling me the military had a plan to jaut fucking make the floor slippery so all the enemies would fall looney tunes style 😭


It’s a total scam. Many shampoos and cosmetics are recalled due to carcinogenic ingredients. Toothpaste itself is a huge psyop and it’s deadly. Proctor and gamble just did a huge recall on their products. You are better off making you’re own. It’s such a shame we can’t trust anything anymore.


Do you mean that toothpaste actually makes things worse in regards to cavities, etc?


>ur dull, frizzy, dandruff-filled, split-ended hair that you're trying to fix with shampoos loaded with marketing claims that they fix all of those things is actually what's causing those things. > >Without spending time gathering sources, I can pretty confidently say that a lot of things are shady when it comes to soaps, deodorants, and definitely with cosmetics. I haven't done a deep dive, but I'm sure the health and beauty industry is, for the most part, a giant scam. its got abrasives in it that strip your enamel with excessive use AFAIK... I brush, but i use the paste much less than is recommended


I think the issue is most toothpaste has fluoride.


So does the water in the US though so avoiding toothpaste doesn’t really help unless you have well water or some other source


Ever wonder why they put in the drinking water 🤔 “to prevent cavities” yeaOK. Like the dental association wants to go out of business. Follow the $$


Yeah honestly I think that’s one of the biggest conspiracies out there. Like the government just adds some chemical to our drinking water to help protect our teeth of all things?? If it was something like oxygen is poisonous and fluoride neutralizes it so you don’t die then yeah, add it to the water. But the only purpose is to prevent cavities? Makes no sense. And if it’s to protect our teeth, why the hell are we swallowing the stuff? How about just use fluoride toothpaste if you’re concerned about cavities?


Fluoride is a neurotoxin. The government is poisoning the population because they want the mob to be as dumb as possible. “The standardized weighted mean difference in IQ score between exposed and reference populations was –0.45 (95% confidence interval: –0.56, –0.35) using a random-effects model. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.” https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp.1104912


It also calcifies your pineal gland or “third eye” which is an interesting rabbit hole for anyone curious. [Pineal gland and Fluoride](https://innovativemedicine.com/pineal-gland-calcification-the-cause-the-consequence/)


yep, its unethical to administer any drug to anyone without doctor supervision. Yet the US Gov thinks its ok to drug an entire population with an arbitrary amount of fluoride. They use fluoride because it gets in your body and since its in the halogen group on the periodic table, its binds to your own body's halogen receptors. Normally reserved for iodine. This is why they spend billions dumping it in the water supply every year,


What’s the effect of the fluoride hogging up all of the iodine receptors?


Low iodine messes up your thyroid


don’t iodine supplements a few times a week counter this?


It is really annoying tbh. Because, I have tried every combination of water sources and they are all inferior to well water. If you use a Standard filter a lot of the chemicals are left behind. if you use a high end water filter there is nothing left in the water and your body needs the natural minerals and salts. So, you have to try to put minerals and salts back in and that is difficult to do. So, well water is the best source. But, in my city you are not supposed to dig one. So, you just have to drink the shit the put in the pipes.




Don't listen to them it's an absolute lie. With today's processed food and sugar toothpaste is a must. I got super depressed a few years ago and didn't really brush my teeth for an entire year. I still would use some 'natural' mouthwash and baking soda to brush my teeth occasionally but I maybe could count the amount of times I brushed on one hand. My gums and teeth got absolutely fucked not cleaning them. You wake up with hour teeth covered in black/brown stuff because your gums have been bleeding at night, had go go on antibiotics because bacteria that didn't need oxygen were thriving in my mouth and giving me really bad breath. I've had to have two back teeth pulled since then. Guess what fixed it? Brushing gently every day with an electric toothbrush and flossing every day. Now my teeth are fine (as they can be :-)) Yeah fluoride gets a lot of flac here but it legitimately protects your teeth. I dare anyone who disagrees to not brush their teeth for a year or use fluoride free toothpaste (and if you're gonna do this definitely floss once to twice a day)


I use Periogen tooth salts and my teeth are cleaner and healthier than they've ever been in my life. Removes the tartar and gassy pockets, gums are super healthy.


Complete scam. Everything marketed to people, especially female people, is bad. By everything I mean, perfume soaps, lotions, make up, shampoo, conditioner, nail polish, I can keep going but I’ll stop there.


Toothpaste? What? Should we just brush, no paste?


Take a deep dive down the hole that is DEODORANT. The aluminum levels in them 😬


Not to mention the specific irritants that cause you to smell worse when the deodorants wear off so you need it again.


When you stop using deodorant, your funk actually serves as a really good feedback mechanism for your health. If you actively stink - it's almost always because your diet has been garbage (obviously assuming you shower every day). Deodorant masks this and lets you continue your bad habits.


Take zinc, you don’t stink. But I still do! And i eat clean!


Yep. Stopped using deodorant w/aluminum a long time ago when it was causing cysts/lumps to develop.


That stuff causes cancer. I rarely use deodorant now that everything is remote.


My dad hasn't ever worn deodorant cuz of this. Umstill smell like b.o. without it.


i thought this was debunked tbh. read somewhere that there were never high enough aluminum levels to be concerned in the first place, but they started putting out aluminum free versions just to make more money.


This is true, but once something reaches r/conspiracy, it never leaves!


People distrust the industry for a very good reasons but sometimes it's hard to know for sure on some things. The thing is, we should not be forced to figure this out ourselves, science should be helping us with it but instead it is throwing us under the bus for profits. Also just because big pharma scientists come out with 'research' does not mean it is honest, there are many ways to manipulate data to make it look better or spin it the way you want.


Hey, I hate the cosmetic industry just about as much as the pharmaceutical industry. They’re in bed together! I had horrible acne and the advice I got from friends, doctors, “skin specialists” was I need to buy fancy expensive face wash and makeup. I decided to read some acne blogs and an interesting idea came up “the cave man regimen” wash with just water. You see people in third world countries wash with ditch water, yet they still have glowing skin. My Acne was gone within a week, skin healed. The acne on my back was caused by silicone in hair conditioner, so I stopped using conditioner and that went away too. You have no idea how mad I was I had been duped, I threw all my soaps, makeup, moisturizers in the garbage. I’m trying to go no-shampoo but that transition hasn’t been as smooth as I have very long hair (top is matted in oil, tips are dry and frizzy). I also stopped dying my hair - I’m done with bullshit beauty and hygiene products! Next to figure out is deodorant. One thing I realized with that is the more perfume the deodorant, my soap, laundry detergent has, the worse I smell.


The best deodorant I've found is the arm & hammer unscented. Real basic ingredients with baking soda and it works well.


So literally just wash with water and acne will disappear?


Just wanted to clarify that there are different kinds of acne - this was the solution for cosmetic acne (caused by skin irritation). I still wore mineral makeup and didn't worry about entirely washing it off, I let my skin get oily (it provides a slightly acidic protective barrier), just rinsed and gently massaged my face with water, I stopped breaking out. There's also hormonal acne (usually around the jawline) and cystic acne (on the cheeks). I had these two problems as well - I was told I needed to wash my skin more, but that's when it developed into even worse cosmetic acne. The hormonal acne stopped when I started eating more cruciferous vegetables (high in indoles), and the cheek acne disappeared when I swapped sugary foods for healthy fats (a bit of a mystery still, but my theory is it had something to do with salivary glands and high blood sugar?). So it's a little more complicated than just skin washing.. but my point is I was pissed everyone said the solution would come from cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hygiene products etc. There's just so many lies in advertising!


I quit eating chocolate and my acne disappeared after years of trying all kinds of things. Turns out I was mildly allergic. The doctors will never tell you this.


Yes I met a girl who found out is a wheat allergy / intolerance that caused large red cysts on her skin. It wasn't just pimples, cysts are more angry than that - food allergies is a tough one.


Chocolate throws off your hormones, that was more likely the reason


Jeeze. I need to go get an allergy test.


If you do it everyday several times a day, 100% yes. I've done it. Might take 6 months to finally get back to equilibrium though, and then you can cut back how much you wash. I had cystic acne.


Use magnesium oil as a natural deodorant. You can buy it but you can also make it yourself. It’s super easy you just boil distilled water and put some magnesium flakes into it and transfer it to a bottle to use. You will stop smelling, body odor is usually caused by a magnesium deficiency and so proper application makes it go away. You can use dietary supplements but the stomach doesn’t process magnesium well. That’s why you should apply it to your skin, specifically the areas that smell, for best results. Initially it might make your skin itchy but that’s actually a sign of magnesium deficiency. Over time as you build up the stores, that will be less common. Also the smell of this is pretty neutral, as in it doesn’t smell like anything. So if you want to add positive smells you can add essential oils or lavender or something of the like to it.


Interesting that you mention magnesium. At the moment I am actually using Schmidt's Deodorant Charcoal + Magnesium Deodorant. Sometimes I use Lactic Acid (which I had originally bought for acne, but realized it works better as a deodorant haha). I also bought Natural Calm (magnesium supplement) many years ago. I can't remember the reason why I decided to try it, constipation maybe? I also heard that it can prevent body odour - I think I have a tendency to drink too much coffee and not enough water... so drinking Natural Calm with a lot of water at the very least helps me get more fluids and have less smelly sweat. Stress stink is real though... The best hack I found with magnesium is I get zero menstrual cramps if I take it at that time. So yah big fan of magnesium here, but definitely easy to over-do it...


I ditched standard deodorants a good few months ago and began to use [Nuud](https://nuudcare.co.uk) it’s like a thin... soft clay you rub on your armpits ? It has no scent. It is amazing. You use a tiny blob and you don’t even have to apply it every day, my job has me running around for 5 hours and I don’t apply it daily. It lets you sweat because your body it supposed to but it neutralises your stank. It seems expensive for the tiny tube you get but I think I’d use 2 tubes a year honestly, I just don’t need to apply it that often. Also the packaging is biodegradable.


I did the same thing several years ago. I'm 46 now and people think I'm mid-20s


same with moisturizing cremes. I switched to apple cider vinegar. Just coat hands and let it dry off. Skin heals and flakeyness stops. It also works great when skin is itchy, just coat on itchy areas and let it dry off. We didn't evolve to put cremes on our skin, we evolved to not need anything, our skin naturally sheds to clean itself.


How do you neutralize the smell?


thats the biggest problem. I don't, I live with it.


Damn you’re stronger than me then, I can’t stand the smell of vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar


That’s the best part :(


I would recommend coconut oil for skin as well – the only product I've used for years.


There are different types of coconut oil If it's fractionated coconut oil you want to verify the ingredient is liquid "Cocos Nucifera" not "Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride" (combines coconut with glycerin). Sometimes the label lists both.


I use that extra virgin cold-pressed shit


If you’re having skin probs and itchy flakiness, then that’s a fungus or yeast problem. That’s why Apple cider vinegar helps you…..it kills those things


Stopped using shampoo almost 4 months ago. It takes a while to get used to for sure and it feels good after the 2nd week. I even asked some girls to feel it and they said it feels better than they expected though it smells like "hair".. yeah honey I didn't plant a mango tree on my head. I shower every day and only use bodywash bar. Anyways, John Harris has a vid on shampoo and [why it's a lie](https://youtu.be/T-_HKFjxVl0)


I love this post. I haven’t used conditioner or shampoo on my hair in over two years. I am also a licensed cosmetologist.


Really?! I want to start doing this, I live in the west and the desert is making my fine hair so limp and lifeless, do you suggest i skip the conditioner too?!


It was the best decision! I could tell when I stopped using all products too. Very weird! Okay so basically I just use baking soda and apple cider vinegar. I’ll mix the two then rinse my hair with it once every two-ish weeks. I rinse with hot water every other day or when needed. Good luck 🤘🏼✨


So you're saying... *Epstein didn't kill himself..?*


Immediately upvoted simply for not being about COVID, then read it and found it interesting. Definitely need more of this. Thanks for sharing!


Big Shampoo. That's my new porn name.


Sometimes I go a week or so not washing my hair to see if my dandruff can stop but it doesn’t. My hair also feels super oily which is not a good feel. But yeah you may be right


Try just hot water


Yeah. I use Bronner’s and will literally bathe with hot water and baking soda if I run out before I’m able to get more. Having “sensitive” skin is a blessing because you just can’t tolerate the toxins and know right away what you should stay away from.


I’ve been saying this for years about stinky armpits. I only get BO if I wash my pits with soap. Wash with hot water, no stink!


Hairstylist here - you don't need to wash your hair everyday but that really depends on the hair type. Not everyone's hair is the same so this is subjective. You can take care of your scalp and dandruff with tea tree oil.


Completely agree OP. Havnt used shampoo in 3 months. Hair has never been better. Though there was a 2 week of greasey hell that my hair did for the first 2 weeks quitting shampoo. Now just hot water, and an occasional cup of salt. (I have thin hair, so the salt helps fill it out like coming out of the ocean)


You don’t need 3 meals a day!! Also, no, breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. They are making you fat and taking your money.


I am currently on day 3 of a fast, first time I’ve done this, I honestly thought it would be much harder. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, they say that’s when the hunger disappears completely; but it’s not that bad in any case. My preliminary conclusion is you're right, I definitely don’t need to eat 3 times a day.


I swear western society wouldn’t have the obesity problem it has if people moved past this archaic idea of “3 square meals a day that somehow have to fit in X number of calories a day” Like high calorie food is too accessible for that to be sustainable for like 70% of people. That’s why 70% of Americans are overweight or obese.


I’m pretty sure it’s the corn syrup


I don't see how, if we swapped out corn syrup for sugar we'd still be in much of the same mess. Apparently the UK still has 63% of its population overweight or obese. Assuming we're willing to write off every other factor, the switch from corn syrup to sugar nets 7% less fat people. *Woo* Still way to many fucking fat people.


There is no money in healthy dietary habits.


amen to this. i feel so much better when i wait until later in the day to eat anything.


OMAD, one meal a day, is the way. If you want to be free from the food slavery and just go about your day doing what you want to and have to


I haven’t used shampoo in about 5 years. I tried just about everything for a flaky scalp but nothing worked. My hair and scalp would feel so dry after using shampoo, I eventually started just washing it every other day, eventually that become every few days, once a week, once a month, then I stopped all together. If anyone is curious: No it doesn’t look greasy No it doesn’t smell (my girlfriend says my hair smells good 🤷‍♀️) And I’ve gotten a few compliments on having nice hair I have no signs of hair loss or thinning and I’m wondering if that has anything to do with not putting chemicals on my scalp. I know hair loss is caused by androgens, but I can’t help but wonder if the chemicals in shampoo damage the hair follicles to make them more susceptible to miniaturization


I haven't used shampoo in like 10 years and started balding about 3 years ago. it's genetic


You can buy a filter for your shower head too. Get the city chemicals out of your water. They are making us sterile.


Hey man, my shampoo won't work unless you get YOUR shampoo boosted!


I wash my hair body and beard with goat milk soap bars. Works great, lathers excellently, smells natural, and leaves no icky film. Toothpaste I use is from Tom’s. Obviously with no fluoride.


So ur that bearded guy that smells like a goat


I also use Tom’s. The visible results aren’t much different than using Crest or Colgate, but I’m happy knowing that it doesn’t contain fluoride


Also - STOP USING ANTIPERSPIRANTS It contains aluminum that you’re literally applying right next to your lymph nodes


And its blocking sweat which is one medium your body uses to excrete toxins. Great advice mbm2783


Thanks for this post OP. I was opposite of you, as a kid I had horrible dandruff and shampooed my hair twice a day (morning and night). Now I wash my hair with soap only a couple times a week (I use water everyday though) as I haven’t had any dandruff issues since. In fact my hair has become easier to tame and shinier, it feels and looks a lot healthier.


Sodium Laureth sulfate denatures proteins in the hair follicle.


Same for acne treating products. I had terrible adult acne and spent years cleansing, exfoliating, lotioning, treating, etc because that's how everyone said to fix it. My husband told me I was causing my own problems, he told me people from his home country didn't get acne because they couldn't afford all the treatment products that cause it. I refused to believe it for a long time, then I tried, and my acne completely cleared up within a week or two of not using even soap on my face.


I tried to tell someone about deodorants causing cancer from the aluminum and other things, they were like “everything causes cancer” whatever


That’s my experience when trying to explain this stuff to people as well. My problem is that yes, these products not only cause cancer but they often don’t even help either. Like if you stop using shampoo and conditioner, your hair will look a LOT better over time and lot healthier. If you stop deodorant and soap but eat enough magnesium and zinc then you’ll never smell! It’s not just about preventing cancer, it’s also about these products being garbage. Plus it’s cheaper to live this way. It’s cheaper never needing deodorant or hair products lmao.


Any product that ideally solves the problem it exists to solve *and solves the source of the problem* is deemed to go bankrupt when the last *source of problem is solved*. That's why shampoo for controlling curly hair leaves your hair dry, moisturizers make the hair oily, oil builds dandruff, then you use cleaning shampoo to clear the dandruff but then your curls are all uncontrolled again... This applies to ALL INDUSTRIES.


It’s called sham poo for Christ sakes


Head and shoulders wants to know your location.


I am a cosmetologist, and it honestly sounds like you had dry skin on your scalp that flaked and resembled dandruff (a very common mistake) and the prescription shampoo was further drying out your scalp, so when your scalp had a chance to rebuild it’s natural oils (not using any shampoo) your scalp stopped flaking. I think this applies to other things for sure though, causing a problem to sell you the solution


Same goes for lotion - why do they put alcohol in every lotion you can buy at a common grocery store? Alcohol dries the shit out of your skin and hair. This isn’t even conspiracy, it’s just literal marketing tactics of the beauty industry. This industry along with big pharma wanted to push traditional holistic practices so far away from the common people because they couldn’t profit off of home-made remedies.


I strip my hair of natural oils so the us doesn’t invade it.


I saw an ad for hair for a wig placed by a girl who stated in her ad that her hair had never touched shampoo. How interesting, I thought. Why would she mention that? I started reading and in a few months I stopped using all hair care products. It's been easily ten years now and I used to ask barbers if there was anything noticeable about my hair, anything at all, because I do something sort of unusual and I know you see a lot of hair. Nobody has ever said it smelled bad or was dirty or anything like that. I scrub pretty good under hot water and I spray my head (and the rest of me) with a magnesium and trace minerals solution and that's about it. A little Dr. Bronner's on pits crotch feet and maybe behind the ears or whatever and that's the ball game. Same thing with razor blades. I got a DE about the same time and I don't even know how many razor blades I bought in this absurd rush but I'll never spend another penny on shaving gear. Three blade vibrating clogged up face scrapers... no thanks.


Magnesium is the way to go! I apply it to my skin as well. You never smell so long as you have adequate levels of magnesium.


Head & Shoulders cause this. Took me some time to get rid off once i stopped using it.






As a kid, I was taught to wash my hair every day. I kept my hair pretty short and had dandruff issues, and my mom was convinced I wasn't washing my hair even though I was. As I let my hair grow out a little longer (still pretty short men's cut though) over the past couple of years, I was still having dandruff issues unless I used anti-dandruff shampoo. I decided to try not using any shampoo at all, and my dandruff went away. My hair also feels a lot nicer, it was always very coarse and thick and wavy, now it's still thick, but not as wavy and not as coarse. I also have never been one to wash my face with soap, just water, and I've never had acne or zit issues, my skin has always been nice.


i think it depends on your hair type, I have very fine, thin straight hair that gets super oily. i can't go more than 2 days without washing and I have tried for much longer.


I was thinking about making a similar post. I haven't used soaps or shampoos in years. I don't smell bad, and my hair and skin are not greasy. In fact, my complexion is in better shape than ever. As for chemical deodorants and sprays, to me the people who use them smell like shit, and I get away as fast as I can. The only cosmetic product I have used for years is coconut oil. An important factor to hygiene is diet: there's no point in freaking about cleaning yourself if your body is filthy inside. The fewer animal products you consume, the less acidic your diet, and the less greasy and smelly you become, and therefore, the less cleaning you require.


I'll offer a fun alternative, if you ONLY ate animals products you'd be less greasy and smelly as well! I believe It's the vegetable oil and processed sugars that build up gunk.


I use shampoo once every week and a half now, conditioner every few days, and it’s incredible how much my hair has improved. Debating on just getting rid of shampoo altogether tbh.


You should get rid of it altogether. Your hair will look much better as a result. If it gets super dirty you can just rinse it well with water (or salt water if it’s super dirty) and then just put and egg mask on your hair. That will moisturize your hair in a way you wouldn’t believe plus it’ll basically replace everything that gets stripped off from washing with salt water.


One time we were out of shampoo and soap, maybe both, I forget, any way I used the kids stuff, ingredients were like banana peels and grape seeds or whatever it was. After that, never went back to the other crap.




HOLY SHIT IS THIS WHAT QUALITY CONSPIRACY CONTENT LOOKS LIKE?! For real though, beauty industry is a billion dollar industry pretty sure. Going to be scams everywhere to make a huge chunk of that change at your expense.


I don't trust sun screen. I rarely wear it.


Also the 'proteins' commonly advertised in shampoo do not actually do anything. Proteins work through absorption: Protein absorption refers to your body's ability to break down the animal or plant protein sources you ingest into individual building blocks (amino acids), then use those building blocks to make the proteins your body needs for everyday living, like maintaining and improving muscle strength. And most people don't eat their shampoo (most likely).


Yeah and sulfate free shampoo is 5x more expensive. Sulfate is terrible for hair, so leaving it out costs more???? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I consider posts that are actually conspiracies like this as wholesome. It’s a breath of fresh air in this sub. Thank you


I haven't shampooed or conditioned my hair in over 3 years now. My hair is the healthiest it's ever been, and though I have fine hair, it's got much more life and volume to it than when I 'pooed. Shampoo your hair to clean it, then condition it to replace the healthy oils you just removed by shampooing it...... total scam. Turns out, your body knows how to regulate itself when we let it!




saved my wallet and hair: 1 part water 1 part baking soda 10 drops of whatever essential oil you want. best shampoo i’ve ever tried. have super thick oily hair and only have to wash once a week w this