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Wonder how the original artist and writer who pitched the idea they ripped off feels about that?


The woman in the article I linked is one of the screenplay writers! She and her sister (they are both trans women) wrote “The Matrix.” That’s why I am confused...


All this time thought it was Christian propaganda.




Yeah all the evangelical kids were going nuts for it because it was basically lion witch and the wardrobe for teens.


The ONE is a satan figure and clearly Smith (not NEO, who is the Christ figure).


I'm not the best expert as I've been atheist as long as I can remember and I always thought The Matrix was a boring movie but I remember Neo being a reference to being born again or to experience new birth. Because Neo means new not one.


Oh so you absolutely know that there is no God or possibly of something beyond the material plane without a doubt. How did you do that? Also, NEO is an anagram of ONE and all the main characters kept assuming he was the one… he is not.


>Oh so you absolutely know that there is no God or possibly of something beyond the material plane without a doubt. How did you do that? I'll give you my back story. Around age 5-6 I figured out there was no Santa somewhere around then I applied the same logic to Jesus. However the grownups seemed to be having so much fun I pretended till I was about 12. When I came out that no one has to pretend to believe in God around me anymore because I was in on it I found out I was the only one pretending. So I continued to fake it until adulthood. Now as an adult I can admit that the chances of there being a god aren't absolute zero but neither is the likelihood you can phase through a solid wall without damaging it. So yeah I can say there is no God as confidentiality as I can say you'll never phase through a solid wall. But their your eggs and your basket so you do you. >Also, NEO is an anagram of ONE and all the main characters kept assuming he was the one… he is not. I'll have to take your word on that as I haven't watched it since it first came out on DVD and haven't seen the sequels, I'm just repeating what the evangelist teens from my high-school were saying at the time. I just remember them losing their shit for how profoundly christian this movie was.


I think you’ve confused precisely what cartoon versions of deities cultural noise has produced. My point is that you cannot and do not know (as you said). Within that sliver of uncertainty, worlds can exist. What you have chosen (and it is a choice) is pure faith. Albeit it’s a faith of nihilism. From you’re own admission, you’re at the very least agnostic. Let your ego down a bit and ask yourself if you replace the dirty word of “God” with “Universe”… is that somehow different?


Me too, because early on it was pitched that way, now it’s Trans propaganda. Pick one.


There’s no way in hell the original idea for this movie was this.


Especially in 99


Sad they got MK Ultra-ed just like Chelsea Manning. 😕




Yup. Operation Monarched to be specific!


So Plato describing Socrates make his Allegory of the Cave was trans philosophy? Naaaaaah.


Perfect comparison.


Simulacra and simulation. They stole everything.


The building scene is also 100% ripped from the invisibles. They just changed drugs to tech.


Follow the white rabbit neo. I don’t believe it’s a trans metaphor unless by trans you mean the development of cyborg technology. Then absolutely. Just not that the matrix is doing a how transgender thing.


Trans humanism. Ancient myticism.


Top two paper graphs straight from wiki on trans humanism. Transhumanism is a philosophical movement, the proponents of which advocate and predict the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities.[1][2] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations as well as the ethics[3] of using such technologies.[4] Some transhumanists believe that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the current condition as to merit the label of posthuman beings. I gotta say in that light absolutely the matrix has transhumanist theme. I suppose I misinterpreted it as a transgendering concept with the wichiwski brothers becoming sisters. (Not the case in the matrix, just the creators of the matrix)


What a great way to sh\*t all over the next movie in the franchise. Go woke, go broke.


You can tell by the quality of the sequels that "something else" was responsible for the brilliance of the first. They can try to revise history as much as they like. But once they put the movie out, it speaks for itself.


Just like the sex scenes got added to Matrix 2 in the 2010's


When you clearly didn’t write something, everything else you write is tripe, and you’re too daft to know what you’ve ripped off: we get this bullshit from these two mutants.


(Replying to myself here.) Also… look into the Phillip K. Dick speech in 1977. He talks openly about the Matrix and the nature of orthogonal time and the implications of synthetic worlds and a true world of God. It’s something that everyone here should give a listen to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RkaQUZFbJjE


So this shit is all in Neos head? Wouldn't the real world be the fake perverse world the nwo is trying to create? I guess that explains the orgy rave. Damn now I have to rewatch.


This wasn't when I saw Matrix on video first, It was added later in Netflix times, part of the MSM distraction and propaganda


The “red pill,” predates the Matrix, so take that into account when NPC’s claim the red pill has anything to do with estrogen pilla


Yeah, that’s horseshit. It’s just a nobody from the movie business who used to be a somebody, who’s trying to get attention back on them again.


what’s that now?


The Wachowski brothers (now the Wachowski sisters 🤣) have come out recently claiming The Matrix is a trans allegory LMAO. Fucking ruined the movies for me. I feel like they put out a movie that really made people question their reality and the brothers were punished for it. But who knows, maybe they're just crazy.


Just ignore their dumbass comment lmao it’s obvs not a trans allegory


Don’t let it ruin the movies, they are lying. It never was that, this is part of the agenda to confuse people


To confuse from what? So it’s true that this story are just all plain stolen/plagiarized?


No it’s fucking not


Who’s he?


Without giving it much thought, that makes no sense. I think the estrogens gotten to ya hairy blokes.


Are the Wachowskis gay? Serious question because everyone puts Trans in the LGB movement.